TRANSPORTING THE BICYCLE BY CAR. Always use an approved bicycle carrier so that your bicycle will not be damaged during transport. • Before departing always check whether any parts could come loose during the trip. Examples of such parts include children's seats, windshields, bicycle pumps, water bottles or panniers. You should always remove these parts before placing your bicycle on the carrier. • If you have an electric bicycle you should also remove the battery and (if possible) the display before transporting the bicycle. • When you arrive at your destination check whether any parts have come loose or sustained any damage. • Use a bicycle carrier with a fastener on the frame. This creates more stability during transport than if your bicycle is attached by the cranks, and prevents your bicycle from being damaged. • Make sure that the bicycle does not obscure the legally compulsory car lights.
TRANSPORTING THE BICYCLE BY CAR. Always use an approved bicycle carrier; it prevents any damage to the bike during transport. • Use a bicycle carrier with a fastener on the frame. It prevents damage and creates more stability during transport than attaching your bike by the cranks. • Before departing, always check whether any parts could come loose during the journey. When you arrive at your destination check whether any parts came loose or sustained any damage. • Make sure that the bicycle does not obscure the legally compulsory car lights.


  • Verpakking en transport 20.1. De Contractant draagt zorg voor een deugdelijke verpakking, alsmede voor een zodanige beveiliging en vervoer van de Goederen, dat deze in een goede staat de plaats van Aflevering bereiken en het lossen daar veilig kan plaatsvinden. De Contractant is verantwoordelijk voor het naleven van de Nederlandse, Europese en internationale voorschriften met betrekking tot verpakkingen.