Use Voorbeeldclausules

Use. Payments and cash withdrawals with a PIN
Use. The Bank may revise, expand or temporarily or permanently terminate the possibilities for using a Bank Card. Additional information can be found on xxx.xx. 22.1 If the Account Holder does not comply with the Product Conditions or the Business Account Conditions, the Account Holder is liable vis-à-vis the Bank. 22.2 The Account Holder is jointly and severally liable vis-à-vis the Bank for the authorised Cardholder in the event that the authorised Cardholder does not comply with these Product Conditions and the Business Account Conditions. 22.3 If the authorised Cardholder does not comply with these Product Conditions or the Business Account Conditions, the authorised Cardholder is liable vis-à-vis the Bank.
Use. Throughout the term of the tenancy agreement, the tenant will actually, fully, continuously, properly and privately use the rented object in accordance with the designated use indicated in the tenancy agreement, which means, inter alia, that the tenant cannot use the rented object for business activities (also including activities as referred to in articles 2.1 and 14.3, paragraph c). The tenant will be required to disgorge any (estimated) profit generated by him as a result of acts in violation of this prohibition, without prejudice to the landlord's right to claim (additional) damages.
Use. 3.1 To use the Services, User must register with Cargoroo via the Website or App. User shall provide Cargoroo with all requested personal and payment data to create a user account. User is always responsible for the accuracy of this data. The User shall provide Cargoroo immediately with any changes to this data. The registered User is responsible for all reservations and use of a Cargo bike via his/her user account. 3.2 To use the Services, User must reserve a Cargo bike through the Website or through the App. Cargoroo has the right to refuse a reservation if no Cargo bikes are available or if Cargoroo believes that a reservation cannot reasonably be accepted. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, a reservation is only effected after it has been confirmed by Cargoroo in the App or otherwise. A fee may be charged for making a reservation, in accordance with the List of Rates. 3.3 The User is required to open the lock of the reserved Cargo bike within the timeframe indicated in the App or on the Website and to actually use it. A reservation will automatically be converted into a booking after the reservation time indicated in the App or on the Website has elapsed. 3.4 In case of a reservation for a certain period of time, User is obligated to return the Cargo bike before the end of the period of time of the reservation at an Allowed Drop Off Location. 3.5 The User may extend a reservation for a specific period of time only with Cargoroo's express consent, which can be obtained by contacting Cargoroo using the contact details set out in Clause 14. 3.6 To end the Use, the User needs to return and lock the Cargo bike at an Allowed Drop Off Location. The Use will only end when the User has indicated in the App that he wants to return the Cargo bike and when the App displays a message that the Cargo bike has been returned. 3.7 Use is limited to a maximum period of 24 hours, unless Cargoroo has given prior consent for a different maximum period. User is obligated to return the Cargo bike within the maximum time period to an Allowed Drop Off Location.
Use. You are welcome to use Casa Xxxxxx for the duration of your stay. The provision and use of Casa Xxxxxx is based on mutual trust and respect for our property. In this context, you must leave the inventory of the house in the same condition as you found it at the time of your arrival. It is appreciated to report any damage immediately to the caretaker of Casa Xxxxxx.
Use. 5.1 For as long as a retention of property or a Buy-back option of BCM applies to the products, the rules below for maintenance and use of the products are effective. 5.2 Client is considered to have received the products in a proper state and maintenance condition. Client will diligently use the products in correspondence with their end-use and keep the products, at his own expense, in a proper state and state of maintenance, barring normal wear and aging. All costs for maintenance on the products are borne by Client. 5.3 Without the prior written consent of BCM, Client will not apply or allow any modifications to the products, nor apply material to the products. 5.4 The application of modifications and/or the conducting of repairs may only be carried out by BCM, unless written consent has been granted to Client to (let) conduct those activities himself. 5.5 Client is bound to deploy BCM at the expense of Client for the implementation of the activities on the products intended in article 5.1 of these specific conditions, and all matters based on a maintenance contract to be concluded between BCM and Client. This maintenance contract will never regard applied alterations and/or additions which at the end of the Agreement can be made undone without damage to the products and without significant costs. Client will at all times bear the expense and risk for this himself. 5.6 Client is obligated to forthwith inform BCM of maintenance which has become necessary for the products. If Client fails to timely report to BCM that maintenance is necessary, Client is obligated to compensate the damage resulting from this negligence to BCM. 5.7 In case of maintenance to be conducted by BCM, barring the activities which do not allow for delays, BCM will consult with Client beforehand about the manner in which the latter’s interests can be taken into account as much as possible. If these activities take place, at the request of Client, outside normal working hours, then the extra charges of it will be borne by Client. 5.8 Client will forthwith inform BCM in writing of defects to the products. In that notification, Client gives BCM a reasonable term which, barring in the event of calamities, amounts to a minimum of six weeks to make a start with the resolving of a defect which is borne by BCM. 5.9 BCM has the right to control the products from time to time. In case BCM holds that the products are used in an improper way or are treated with neglect, BCM has the right to re-t...
Use. Make sure your amplifier is off.

Related to Use

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  • Beloning Bij dit hoofdstuk horen overgangsregels (zie bijlage 3).

  • Software 19.1 Indien wij onze afnemer software leveren danwel ter beschikking stellen, blijft het auteursrecht hierop van toepassing. Zonder onze uitdrukkelijke toestemming, c.q. de toestemming van onze leverancier is het kopiëren van de programma's niet toegestaan. Afnemer vrijwaart ons uitdrukkelijk voor alle schade die mocht ontstaan c.q. alle aanspraken die tegen ons geldend gemaakt mochten worden uit hoofde van illegaal gebruik van software. 19.2 Indien door ons geleverde software, zonder onze uitdrukkelijke toestemming, wordt bewerkt en/of uitgebreid vervalt automatisch iedere garantie. 19.3 Het zonder onze toestemming openen van schakel- en besturingskasten kan tot gevolg hebben dat de door ons geïnstalleerde software onbruikbaar wordt. Indien zulks het geval zal zijn vervalt automatisch iedere garantie.

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  • Transport Vervoer van het beschadigde voertuig en/of de aanhangwagen naar één door de bestuurder te bepalen adres in Nederland, indien sprake is van de hierna genoemde omstandigheden. a. Het beschadigde voertuig kan niet binnen vier werkdagen, eventueel door middel van een noodreparatie, zodanig worden gerepareerd dat de (terug)reis op technisch verantwoorde wijze kan plaatsvinden. b. De kosten van dit vervoer zijn lager dan de dagwaarde van het beschadigde voertuig / de aanhangwagen. Indien de kosten van het vervoer hoger zijn, zijn gedekt de kosten van invoer / vernietiging ter plaatse van het gestrande object. In dat geval is tevens gedekt vervoer naar het door de bestuurder opgegeven adres in Nederland van de reisbagage die zich in het voertuig / de aanhangwagen bevond.

  • Informatie door de reiziger 3.1 De persoon die de pakketreisovereenkomst afsluit, moet aan de organisator en de doorverkoper alle nuttige inlichtingen verstrekken omtrent hemzelf en zijn medereizigers die van belang kunnen zijn voor het sluiten of de uitvoering van de overeenkomst. 3.2 Wanneer de reiziger verkeerde inlichtingen verstrekt en dit tot extra kosten leidt voor de organisator en/of doorverkoper, mogen die kosten in rekening worden gebracht.

  • Informatie De Ondernemer verplicht zich de Verkrijger regelmatig te informeren omtrent de voortgang van de bouw.