FREE NOW services Przykładowe klauzule

FREE NOW services. (1) Before availing of FREE NOW’s services, the User must register in the App by providing true and accurate information during the registration (i.e. first and last name(s), telephone number, and valid e-mail address), choose a secure password and accept the GTC-P. Only then the User is entitled to make use of the App and FREE NOW’s services on the basis of the GTC-P and applicable laws.
FREE NOW services. (1) The main service that FREE NOW renders on the basis of the GTC-P is the service of making the App available. Before availing of the service of making the App available and other FREE NOW Services, the User must register in the App by providing true and accurate information during the registration (i.e. first and last name(s), telephone number, and valid e-mail address), choose a secure password and accept the GTC-P. Only then the User is entitled to make use of the service of making the App available. After obtaining access to the App, the User may use it to make decisions regarding use of other FREE NOW Services (such as ordering the passenger carriage intermediary service). The services that can be intermediated through the App include in particular transportation service by taxi ("Transportation Service(s)"). In each case FREE NOW Services are rendered on the basis of the GTC- P and applicable laws.

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