Privacy Policy Przykładowe klauzule

Privacy Policy. 1. Administratorem Państwa danych osobowych jest PATRONUS APARTMENTS. z siedzibą w WARSZAWIE, xx. XXXXXXXXXX 00X/00 XXXXXXXX 00-000 (dalej Administrator). W kwestiach związanych z ochroną danych osobowych z Administratorem można się skontaktować przy pomocy adresu lub pod numerem +00 000 000 000
Privacy Policy. 8.1 By using the FIFA Ticketing Platform, Services, and FIFA Content, You, or any person You allow to access and use Your account, may provide FIFA with certain personal data, including the Registration Data and other information about You (collectively, “Personal Data”).
Privacy Policy. 1. PIA Polska declares not to disclose the personal data of the Users to any third parties for marketing purposes. PIA Polska uses such information exclusively as described in this Privacy policy. These Privacy policy principles are related to the services of PIA Auction Website.

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