10-k Sample Contracts
ContractEmployment Agreement • March 15th, 2018 • Nii Holdings Inc • Radiotelephone communications
Contract Type FiledMarch 15th, 2018 Company IndustryPRIMEIRO ADITIVO AO CONTRATO DE TRABALHO FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT Pelo presente instrumento, de um lado: By this instrument: 1. NEXTEL TELECOMUNICAÇÕES LTDA., com sede na Cidade de São Paulo, Estado de São Paulo, na Avenida das Nações Unidas, 14.171, 27º andar, Torre “C” - Crystal Tower, Condomínio Rochaverá Corporate Towers, Vila Gertrudes, CEP 04794-000, inscrita perante o CNPJ/MF sob o nº 66.970.229/0001-67, neste ato representada por seu representante legal, a seguir denominada simplesmente EMPREGADORA; e 1. NEXTEL TELECOMUNICAÇÕES LTDA, with head offices in the City of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, at Avenida das Nações Unidas, 14.171, 27th floor, Tower “C” - Crystal Tower, Condominium Rochaverá Corporate Towers, Vila Gertrudes, Zip Code 04794-000, enrolled with Taxpayer Registration CNPJ/MF under no. 66.970.229/0001-67, hereby represented by its legal representatives, hereinafter referred to as EMPLOYER; and 2. Mr. ROBERTO RITTES, residente e domiciliado na
Standard Contracts
CONTRATO DE TRABALHO EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT Quaker Chemical Indústria e Comércio Ltda., sociedade brasileira, estabelecida na Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, Estado do Rio de Janeiro, na Av. Brasil, nº 44.178, inscrita no Cadastro Nacional das Pessoas...Employment Agreement • March 2nd, 2011 • Quaker Chemical Corp • Miscellaneous products of petroleum & coal
Contract Type FiledMarch 2nd, 2011 Company Industry
CONTRATO DE TRABALHO EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT Pelo presente Contrato de Trabalho, doravante denominado “Contrato”, By this Employment Agreement, hereinafter referred to as “Agreement”, NEXTEL TELECOMUNICAÇÕES LTDA., sociedade com sede na Avenida das...Employment Agreement • March 3rd, 2016 • Nii Holdings Inc • Radiotelephone communications
Contract Type FiledMarch 3rd, 2016 Company Industry
SEGUNDO ADITIVO AO CONTRATO DE COMPRA E VENDA DE QUOTAS SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE QUOTA PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENTQuota Purchase and Sale Agreement • April 13th, 2016 • Affinia Group Intermediate Holdings Inc. • Motor vehicle parts & accessories
Contract Type FiledApril 13th, 2016 Company IndustryEsse Segundo Aditivo ao Contrato de Compra e Venda de Quotas (o “Segundo Aditivo”) é celebrado em 24 de fevereiro de 2016, por e entre: This Second Amendment to the Quota Purchase and Sale Agreement (the “Second Amendment”) is entered into on February 24, 2016, by and among: