Ratification of the Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds (Aewa) Sample Contracts
ContractRatification of the Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds (Aewa) • February 28th, 2014
Contract Type FiledFebruary 28th, 2014ITEKA RYA PEREZIDA Nº29/01 RYO KUWA 24/05/2013 RYEMEZA BURUNDU AMASEZERANO YEREKEYE KUBUNGABUNGA INYONI ZO MU MAZI ZO MU KARERE KA AFURIKA, UBURAYI NA AZIYA ZIHORA ZIMUKA ISHAKIRO Ingingo ya mbere: Kwemeza burundu Ingingo ya 2: Abashinzwe kubahiriza iri teka Ingingo ya 3: Ivanwaho ry’ingingo zinyuranyije n’iri teka Ingingo ya 4: Igihe iteka ritangira gukurikizwa PRESIDENTIAL ORDER Nº29/01 OF 24/5/2013 RATIFYING THE AGREEMENT ON THE CONSERVATION OF AFRICAN- EURASIAN MIGRATORY WATERBIRDS (AEWA) TABLE OF CONTENTS Article One: Ratification Article 2: Authorities responsible for the implementation of this Order Article 3: Repealing provision Article 4: Commencement ARRETE PRESIDENTIEL Nº29/01 DU 24/05/2013 PORTANT RATIFICATIONDE L’ACCORD SUR LA CONSERVATION DES OISEAUX D’EAU MIGRATEURS D’AFRIQUE-EURASIE TABLE DES MATIERES Article premier: Ratification Article 2: Autorités chargées de l’exécution du présent arrêté Article 3: Disposition abrogatoire Article 4: Entrée en vigueur