GENERALITATI PRIVIND CONTURILE A. REGLEMENTARE Raporturile dintre BRD-Groupe Société Générale S.A. si Clientii sai persoane fizice autorizate, intreprinderi individuale, intreprinderi familiale, profesii liberale, producatori agricoli individuali sunt guvernate de prezentele Conditii Generale Bancare, de prevederile formularelor, a termenilor si conditiilor specifice fiecarui produs sau serviciu, de actele normative in vigoare, de Reglementarile Bancii Nationale a Romaniei, precum si de uzantele si practicile bancare interne si internationale. Aceste raporturi se bazeaza pe incredere reciproca, confidentialitate si buna credinta. BRD - Groupe Société Générale S.A. se identifica cu urmatoarele elemente: adresa Turn BRD – Bld. Xxx Xxxxxxxxx Nr. 1-7, Cod Postal 011171 Bucuresti, Romania, Tel:x0000.000.00.00; Fax:x0000.000.00.00;, R.C. J40/608/19.02.1991; RB-PJR40- 007/18.02.1999; C.U.I./ C.I.F.: RO 361579, atestat CNVM nr. 255/ 06.08.2008 inregistrata in Registrul Public al CNVM cu nr. PJR01INCR/400008. Autoritatea de supraveghere a Bancii este Banca Nationala a Romaniei (BNR), cu sediul central in Romania, Bucuresti, Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xx.00, Xxxxxx 0, Xxx Postal 030031. B. XXXXXXXXXXXX 0. In prezentul document, urmatorii termeni vor fi interpretati dupa cum urmeaza: «AISP (Prestator Specializat in Servicii de Informare cu privire la conturi - FSSIP)»: prestator de servicii de plata care desfasoara servicii de informare cu privire la conturi. «PISP (Prestator de Servicii de initiere a platii - PSIP)»: prestator de servicii de plata care desfasoara servicii de initiere a platii. «TPP (Prestator de servicii tert)»: un tert prestator de servicii de plata, care poate fi AISP sau PISP. «ANAF»: Agentia Autoritatea Nationala de Administrare Fiscala, autoritatea competenta din Romania in scop CRS. «Apple Pay»: este o aplicatie de tip portofel digital oferita de Apple Distribution International, prin intermediul careia Clientul poate inregistra cardurile eligibile emise de BRD - Groupe Société Générale S.A. pentru a efectua tranzactii cu ajutorul dispozitivelor Apple compatibile cu aceasta aplicatie. «Autentificare»: procedura care permite Bancii sa verifice identitatea Clientului sau valabilitatea utilizarii unui anumit Instrument de plata, inclusiv Elementele de securitate personalizate. «Autentificarea stricta a Clientului»: Autentificare care se bazeaza pe utilizarea a cel putin doua elemente incluse in categoria cunostintelor detinute, posesiei si inerentei si care sunt independente una de cealalta si sunt concepute astfel incat sa protejeze confidentialitatea datelor de autentificare. «Autorizare»: procedura prin care este exprimat consimtamantul Clientului platitor pentru executarea Operatiunii de plata. Consimtamantul poate fi exprimat de catre Client in mod diferit in functie de Instrumentul de plata utilizat pentru dispunerea Operatiunii respective. | GENERAL ASPECTS REGARDING THE ACCOUNTS CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION A. REGULATION The relationships between BRD-Groupe Société Générale SA, on the one side, and its Clients that are Self-Employed Persons, family businesses, Authorized Professionals, individual agricultural producers, on the other side, are governed by the present Banking General Conditions, by the provisions of the forms, by the terms and conditions specific to each product or service, by the normative documents in force, the Regulations of the National Bank of Romania, as well as by the internal and international banking customs and practices. These relations are based on mutual trust, confidentiality and good faith. BRD - Groupe Société Générale shall be identified by the following elements: address: BRD Tower, 0-0 Xxx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxx., 000000 Postal Code, Bucharest, Romania, Tel.: x0000.000.00.00; Fax: x0000.000.00.00;, Trade Register J40/608/19.02.1991; RB- PJR-40-007/18.02.1999; Sole Registration no. / tax code (U.I.C/F.I.C.): RO 361579, attested by Financial Services Authority (FSA) no. 255/06.08.2008, registered with the Public Register of CNVM under no. PJR01INCR/400008. The Supervisory Authority of the Bank is the National Bank of Romania (NBR), headquartered in Romania, Bucharest, 00 Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx, 0xx Xxxxxxxx, 000000 Postal Code. B. INTERPRETATION 1. In the current document, the next terms will be interpreted as follows: «AISP (Provider specialized in account information services)»: payment service provider that performs account information services. «PISP (Payment initiation service provider)»: payment service provider that performs payment initiation services. «TPP (Third-party service provider)»: a third party payment service provider, which may be AISP or PISP. «ANAF»: National Agency for Fiscal Administration, the competent authority of Romania for CRS. «Apple Pay»: it is a digital wallet application offered by Apple Distribution International, through which the Client can register the eligible cards issued by BRD - Groupe Société Générale S.A. to perform transactions using Apple devices that are compatible with this application. «Authentication»: the procedure allowing the Bank to verify the identity of the client or the validity of the use of a specific payment instrument, including personalized security credentials. «Strong Client authentication»: means authentication that is based on the use of at least two elements included in the category of knowledge held, possession and onherent and that are independant of each other and designed so as to protect the privacy of authentication data. «Authorization»: procedure through which the paying Client expresses his consent to perform the payment operation. The consent may be expressed by the Client under different forms, depending on the Payment Instrument used for ordering such operation. |
Astfel, consimtamantul poate fi exprimat prin: a) pentru Operatiunile de plata dispuse pe suport de hartie sau pe formularele/ contractele specifice: - prin semnatura, in conformitate cu drepturile mentionate in specimenul de semnatura, depus la Banca in vigoare la data Operatiunii de plata. b) pentru serviciile de banca la distanta: - prin utilizarea Elementelor de securitate personalizate. c) pentru Operatiunile de plata initiate prin intermediul unui TPP (PISP): - prin utilizarea elementelor de securizate personalizate specifice serviciilor de banca la distanta. d) pentru carduri: - prin citirea chip-ului/ benzii magnetice a cardului prin introducerea acestuia intr-un Terminal - prin semnarea chitantei POS/ Imprinter sau/ si utilizarea elementelor de securitate personalizate (codul PIN, furnizarea parolei e-Commerce - 3D Secure, furnizarea numarului de Card si a oricaror date suplimentare solicitate, cum ar fi CVV2/ CVC2 si data expirarii cardului) - apropierea cardului de Terminal cu capabilitate contactless. - prin intermediul token-ului la efectuarea unei operatiuni de plata, consimtamantul Clientului se exprima prin deblocarea dispozitivului mobil prin Touch ID/ Face ID sau, in cazul Apple Watch, prin apasarea succesiva si rapida de doua ori a butonului lateral al dispozitivului, urmata de, dupa caz: (i) pentru platile contactless la comercianti: apropierea dispozitivului mobil pe care este instalat Token-ul de terminalul de plata al comerciantului acceptator. (ii) pentru platile pe internet pe site-urile si in aplicatiile comerciantilor ce accepta la plata Cardurile MasterCard afisand optiunea Apple Pay: acceptul dat pe site/ in aplicatia Apple Pay pentru finalizarea platii prin Apple Pay. (iii) pentru retragerile de numerar la terminalele compatibile cu insemnele de contactless, care permit utilizarea aplicatiei Apple Pay: apropierea dispozitivului mobil pe care este inregistrat Token-ul de terminal si introducerea codului PIN al cardului pe terminalul de la care se efectueaza retragerea. In absenta consimtamantului, exprimat in modalitatile prevazute mai sus, Operatiunea de plata este considerata ca fiind neautorizata. «Banca (prestator de servicii de plata)»: BRD Groupe Société Générale, iar orice referire facuta la Banca in cuprinsul Contractului va fi inteleasa ca incluzand si oricare dintre unitatile sale teritoriale (birou mobil, punct de lucru, reprezentanta, agentie, sucursala). «Beneficiar Real»: orice persoana fizica ce detine sau controleaza in cele din urma Clientul si/ sau persoana fizica in numele ori in interesul caruia/ careia se realizeaza, direct sau indirect, o tranzactie, o Operatiune de plata sau o activitate. «BNR»: Banca Nationala a Romaniei. «CIP»: Centrala Incidentelor de Plati, structura din cadrul BNR, specializata in gestionarea informatiei specifice incidentelor de plata produse de titularii de cont cu cecuri, cambii si bilete la ordin,pentru interesul public, inclusiv pentru scopurile specifice utilizatorilor. «CRC»: Centrala Riscului de Credit, structura din cadrul BNR specializata in gestionarea informaţiei de risc de credit şi a celei privind fraudele cu carduri, | Thus, the consent may be expressed through: a) for Payment operations ordered on paper or on the specific forms/ contracts - by signature, in compliance with the rights specified in the signature specimen submitted to the Bank, in force at the date of the Payment operation. b) for online banking services: - by using customized security elements. c) for Payment operations initiated through a TPP (PISP): - by using customized security elements specific to online banking services d) for cards: - by reading the chip/ magnetic tape of the card by inserting it into a Terminal - by signing the POS/ Imprinter receipt or/ and using the customized security elements (PIN code, providing the e- Commerce - 3D secure password, providing the card number and any additional data required, such as CVV2/ CVC2 and the expiry date of the card) - approaching the contactless Terminal Card - by token when a Payment operation is carried out, Client’s consent is expressed by unlocking the mobile device via touch ID/ face ID or, in the case of Apple Watch, by successively pressing the side button of the device twice quickly followed by, as appropriate: (i) for contactless payments to merchants: close the mobile device on which the Token is installed to the payment terminal of the accepting trader. (ii) for internet payments on websites and in merchant applications that accept MasterCard cards by displaying the Apple Pay option: the agreement given on the site/ in the Apple pay application to complete payment through Apple pay. (iii) for cash withdrawals at contactless terminals that allow Apple Pay to be used: approaching the mobile device on which the token is registered to the terminal and entering the PIN of the card on the terminal from which the recall is made. In absence of the consent expressed under the forms mentioned above, the payment operation is deemed unauthorized. «Bank (payment service provider)»: BRD Groupe Société Générale and any reference to the Bank in the Contract shall be understood as including any of its territorial units (mobile office, outlet, sales office, agency or branch). «Beneficiary Owner»: is any individual person who owns or eventually controls the Clients and/ or the individual person on behalf or in the interest of whom a transaction, an operation or a activity is made, either directly or indirectly. «NBR»: National Bank of Romania «PIR»: the Payment Incident Register, a body within the N.B.R. (National Bank of Romania) specialising in the management of information related to payment incidents caused by account holders with checks, bills of exchange and promissory notes, for public interest, including for user specific purposes. |
pentru scopurile specifice ale utilizatorilor, in conditiile pastrarii secretului profesional. «CRS (Common Reporting Standard)»: reprezinta reglementarea din Codul de Procedura Fiscala privind procedura de cooperare administrativa in domeniul fiscal, care instituie obligatia Bancii de a colecta si de a raporta catre ANAF Informatiile CRS prevazute de Codul de Procedura Fiscala cu privire la Clientul titular de cont. «Client»: orice Persoana Fizica Autorizata/ Profesie Liberala ce actioneaza prin Reprezentant Legal in relatia cu Banca si cu care Banca, in desfasurarea activitatilor permise de legislatia aplicabila, a negociat o tranzactie, chiar daca respectiva tranzactie nu s-a finalizat si orice Persoana Fizica Autorizata/ Profesie Liberala care beneficiază sau a beneficiat de serviciile Bancii. «Client beneficiar al platii»: Clientul destinatar preconizat al fondurilor care au facut obiectul unei Operatiuni de plata. «Client non-conform FATCA»: persoana care refuza sa prezinte documentele cerute pentru clarificarea statutului sau de Persoana SUA, refuza sa isi dea acordul pentru a fi raportat conform ceritelor FATCA, furnizeaza un formular W9 care nu este valabil sau o combinatie nume si TIN care nu este valabila, nu a raspuns cererii de informatii in termenul limita stabilit, desi au fost identificate indicii SUA, acestea nu au fost actualizate, ori confirmate. Incepand cu 1 iulie 2014, Banca nu accepta intrarea in relatie cu niciun nou Client non-conform FATCA. «Client platitor»: Clientul care instructeaza Banca in vederea realizarii unei plati din Contul curent (contul de plati) al carui titular este. «Cod BIC (Bank Identifier Code)»: un cod ce este caracteristic si unic fiecarei banci in parte si reprezinta metoda de identificare a bancilor, in sistemul S.W.I.F.T. (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication). Codul BIC al BRD este XXXXXXXX. «Cod unic de identificare»: IBAN sau alt cod necesar pentru identificarea beneficiarului platii. «Codul international pentru telefon / fax»: reprezinta codul tarii de provenienta a operatorului de telefonie / fax (ex.ROU – Romania). «Cont»: orice tip de Cont bancar, inclusiv, dar fara a se limita la, Contul curent. Contul poate fi de mai multe feluri: Conturi de disponibilitati sau Conturi curente prin care Clientul isi deruleaza operatiunile de incasari si plati, efectueaza operatiuni cu cardurile, acordare de credite, deschiderea de depozite etc.; Conturi cu functionalitati speciale deschise in baza unor contracte specifice (Conturi de garantii, Conturi de salarii etc.). «Cont curent»: Cont bancar, elementul de baza in relatia cu Clientul, acesta fiind produsul suport pentru diverse produse si servicii bancare. «Cont de plati accesibil online»: Cont curent de plati care poate fi accesat de catre utilizatorul de servicii de plata prin intermediul unei interfete online. «Cont tehnic»: un Cont alocat Clientului, deschis si utilizat exclusiv de Banca pentru necesitati tehnice de gestiune, in legatura cu (i) instituirea masurilor de indisponibilizare (de ex. popriri, masuri asiguratorii etc.), precum si cu (ii) anumite operatiuni aferente serviciilor contractate de Client de la Banca. Toate | «CRC»: the Central Credit Register, a body within the N.B.R. (National Bank of Romania) specialising in the management of information related to credit risk and card fraud, for user specific purposes, while observing the professional secret. «CRS (Common Reporting Standard)»: represents a regulation of the Fiscal Procedure Code on administrative cooperation procedures in the field of taxation , which establishes the obligation of the Bank to collect and report to ANAF, CRS Information on Client account holder. «Client»: represents any Self-Employed Person/ Authorized Professional acting through Legal Representative in relation to the Bank and with which the Bank, in carrying out the activities permitted by applicable law, the Bank negotiated a transaction, even if the transaction is not completed and any Self-Employed Person/ Authorized Professional that benefit or benefited from the Bank's services. «Beneficiary Client of the payment»: the estimated funds recipient Client, funds that have been subject of a payment Operation. «FATCA non-compliant Client»: the person who refuses to present the documents required for clarification of his status by the US Person, refuses to give his consent to be reported according to FATCA requirements, provides a W9 form that is not valid or a name and TIN combination that is not valid, did not respond the request for information within the set deadline, although US indices were identified, they were not updated or confirmed. Starting with July 1, 2014, the Bank does not accept the relationship with any new Client who does not comply with FATCA. «Paying Client»: Client who instructs the Bank to perform a payment from his current account (payment account). «BIC Code (Bank Identifier Code)»: a specific and unique code of every bank, which represents the method of identification of the banks in the S.W.I.F.T. (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Communication) system. The BIC code of BRD is XXXXXXXX. «Unique identification code»: IBAN or other code necessary for identifying the beneficiary of the payment. «International Code for the telephone / fax” is the code of the country of origin of the telephone / fax operator (e.g. ROU – Romania) «Account»: any type of Bank account including, but not limited to, the current Account. The Account may be of several kinds: availability Accounts or current Accounts through which the Client conducts its proceeds and payments operations, it carries out card transactions, credit granting, deposit opening etc.; Accounts with special functionalities opened on the basis of specific contracts (guarantee Accounts, salary Accounts etc.). «Current account»: a Bank account, the basic element in the relationship with the Client, the support product for different banking products and services. «Payment account accessible online»: current payment Account accessible by the payment service user through an online interface. «Technical Account»: an Account allocated to the Client, opened and used exclusively by the Bank for technical management needs, in connection with the (i) the establishment of freezing measures (e.g. attachment, protective measures etc.), as well as (ii) certain operations related to the services contracted by the Client |
aceste operatiuni tehnice sunt reflectate in Conturile Clientului deschise la Banca. «Contract»: prezentele Conditii Generale Bancare, care formeaza cadrul general in relatia Client-Banca, impreuna cu contractele si formularele specifice, incheiate de Client pentru fiecare produs sau serviciu, precum si cu «Lista de Tarife si Comisioane in Lei si Valuta pentru Persoane Fizice Autorizate/ Profesii Liberale» in vigoare la data inregistrarii Clientului in evidentele Bancii. «Curs de schimb»: cursul de schimb folosit ca baza de calcul pentru schimbul valutar si care este afisat de Banca sau provine dintr-o sursa publica. «Data valutei»: data de referinta folosita de Banca pentru a calcula dobanda aferenta sumei debitate din sau creditate in Cont. «Debitare directa»: serviciul de plata prin care debitarea Contului de plati al platitorului este initiata de beneficiarul platii pe baza consimtamantului dat de catre platitor beneficiarului platii, prestatorului de servicii de plata al beneficiarului platii sau prestatorului de servicii de plata al platitorului. «Declaratie pe propria raspundere»: declaratia Clientului Bancii potrivit careia acesta isi confirma statutul stabilit prin reglementarea FATCA si prin CRS. «Delegatul»: persoana desemnata prin formularele Bancii la deschiderea de Cont curent sau ulterior, de catre Reprezentantul Legal sau Imputernicitul pe Cont (daca acesta a fost mandatat in acest sens de catre Reprezentantul Legal) sa realizeze anumite formalitati, pentru si in numele Clientului, in anumite limite si conditii. «Descoperit neautorizat de cont»: valoarea comisioanelor si dobanzilor, precum si a Operatiunilor de plata efectuate care depasesc disponibilul din Contul curent. «Indiciul de rezidenta SUA»: este considerat a fi cel putin unul din urmatoarele elemente: entitatea este inregistrata in SUA; entitatea este inmatriculata in SUA; adresa din S.U.A. «Elementele de securitate personalizate»: urmatoarele elemente, ce difera in functie de tipul produsului/ serviciului: Pentru carduri business: - CVC2 (Card Verification Code) si CVV2 (Card Verification Value) este un cod format din trei cifre, inscris pe spatele Cardului, care poate fi utilizat pentru efectuarea tranzactiilor prin Internet sau prin comanda postala, telefon, fax sau pentru inrolarea unui Card in aplicatia Apple Pay. Acest cod trebuie sa ramana cunoscut numai de catre detinatorul/ utilizatorul Cardului business. - Parola E-Commerce (in cazul autentificarii 3D Secure): este o parola furnizata de Banca sau de o alta institutie imputernicita de Banca pentru furnizarea ei si este utilizata pentru validarea/autorizarea unei Operatiuni de plata securizate pe Internet - Autentificarea prin biometrie reprezinta autentificarea detinatorului/ utilizatorului de card prin intermediul datelor biometrice (amprenta, recunoastere faciala) pentru Autorizarea tranzactiilor cu cardulurile inrolate in aplicatia Apple Pay si a tranzactiilor cu cardul pe Internet, conform reglementarilor aplicabile - PIN - este un cod personal de identificare furnizat de Banca pentru a fi utilizat la realizarea Operaţiunilor cu cardul la terminale de plată electronice şi automate bancare. Codul PIN are | from the Bank. All these technical operations are reflected in Client Accounts with the Bank. «Contract»: these General Banking Conditions which set the general frame of the Client-Bank relationship, together with the specific contracts and forms signed by the Client for each product or service, as well as the «List of Rates and Fees in Lei and Foreign Currency for Legal Persons/ Self-Employed Persons/ Authorized Professionals», in force at the time the Client is registered in the Bank’s records. «Exchange rate»: the rate of exchange used as a basis for computing currency exchange and which is provided by the Bank or by a public source. «Value date»: the reference date used by the Bank to calculate the interest owed for the amount debited or credited in the account. «Direct Debit (Simplis Debit service)»: the payment service whereby debiting the payer’s payment account is initiated by the payee on the basis of the consent given by the payer to the payee, the payment service provider of the payee or the payment service provider of the payer. «Affidavit»: the Bank Client’s statement according to which the Client confirms the status established by the FATCA regulation. «Delegate»: the person designated in the Bank forms, upon the opening of a current account or afterwards, by the Legal Representative or the Representative on the Account (if so mandated by the Legal Representative) to perform certain formalities, for and on behalf of the Client, under certain limitations and conditions. «Unauthorized overdraft»: the amount of the fees and interests, as well as of the payment operations made, which exceeds the available funds in the Current Account. «US residence indicia»: include at least one of the following elements: the entity is registered in the U.S.; the entity is registered in the U.S.; the address in the U.S. «Customized security elements»: the following elements that vary depending on the type of product/service: For business cards: 1. CVC2 (Card Verification Code) and CVV2 (Card Verification Value) are three-digit codes displayed on the back of the Card, which may be used for performing transactions over the Internet or through mail order, phone, fax or to enroll a Card in the Apple pay application. This code must be known exclusively by the holder/ user of the business Card. - The e-Commerce password (in the case of the 3D Secure authentication): a password provided by the Bank or by another institution mandated by the Bank in this respect and it is used for validating/authorizing a secure payment operation over the Internet. - biometric Authentication is the authentication of the cardholder / user through biometric data (fingerprint, facial recognition) for Authorization of card transactions enrolled in the Apple Pay application and card transactions on the Internet, according to applicable regulations - PIN is a personal identification code provided by the Bank in order to be used for performing card operations at POSs and ATMs. The PIN is strictly |
caracter strict personal si confidenţial si nu trebuie dezvăluit nimanui, sub nici o formă, indiferent de context. Solicitarea PIN-ului la realizarea Operatiunilor de plata cu cardul la terminale de plata electronice si automate bancare se va face in conformitate cu reglementarile in vigoare. Pentru Serviciile de banca la distanta: - pentru MyBRD Net: a) cod Utilizator si Parola de acces b) cod utilizator si token mobil/ fizic. - pentru MyBRD Mobile: a) PIN, amprenta digitala si recunoastere faciala, accesat prin aplicatia dedicata smartphone/ tableta. b) MyBRD Mobile accesat prin sesiune USSD. - pentru MyBRD SMS: PIN - pentru BRD@ffice/ BRD@ffice Mobile: a) cod Utilizator si PIN pentru dispozitivul Token b) amprenta digitala/ recunoastere faciala/ cod PIN pentru software-ul de autentificare M-Token. - pentru MultiX: parolele si semnatura electronica. - pentru serviciile furnizate prin intermediul unui tert: TPP (AISP si / sau PISP): a) cod Utilizator si PIN pentru dispozitivul Token b) amprenta digitala/ recunoastere faciala/ cod PIN pentru software-ul de autentificare M-Token. «Parola E-Commerce»: un cod generat dinamic pentru fiecare tranzactie online efectuata pe paginile de Internet ce detin acest serviciu: „Visa Secure” sau „MasterCard Identity Check”. Codul 3D Secure este transmis catre utilizatorul de card via SMS la numarul de telefon mobil al utilizatorului declarat la Banca si necesar pentru validarea tranzactiilor pe paginile de Internet ale comerciantilor inrolati in sistemul 3D Secure. Codul 3D Secure este temporar si este valabil exclusiv pentru tranzactia pentru care se genereaza. Banca isi rezerva dreptul de a refuza aprobarea tranzactiilor neinsotite de parola E-Commerce. Pot exista comercianti care nu utilizeaza serviciile Visa Secure si/ sau Mastercard Identity Check, caz in care tranzactiile se pot realiza fara solicitarea codului 3D Secure. «FATCA»: este acronimul legii din SUA denumita „Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act” (Legea privind Conformarea Fiscala aplicabila Conturilor din Strainatate) si reprezinta un set de masuri legislative adoptate in luna martie 2010 de Senatul Statelor Unite ale Americii (SUA) cu scopul de a preveni si reduce evaziunea fiscala generata de activitatea transfrontaliera a rezidentilor americani, care impune raportarea de catre institutiile financiare straine (inregistrate intr-o alta tara decat SUA) a Clientilor SUA, inclusiv a celor care traiesc in afara granitelor SUA, catre Autoritatile fiscale americane (IRS - Internal Revenue Service). FATCA a fost implementata in cadrul national de reglementare prin Legea nr. 233/2015 privind ractificarea Acordului dintre Romania si Statele Unite ale Americii pentru imbunatatirea conformarii fiscale internationale si pentru implementarea FATCA. «Grupul BRD»: BRD – Groupe Société Générale S.A, impreuna cu filialele sale si societati asociate acestora. «Grupul Société Générale»: grup bancar ce desfasoara la nivel international activitati organizate, din care face parte si Banca. «IBAN (International Bank Account Number)»: o combinatia de litere si cifre care asigura unicitatea unui numar de cont deschis la un furnizor de servicii de plata la nivel international. IBAN-ul este furnizat | personal and confidential and it must not be revealed to anyone, under no circumstance, whatever the context. The Pin request when carrying out card-based payment transactions at electronic and automated bank payment terminals will be made in accordance with the regulations in force. For the remote banking services: - for MyBRD Net: a) User code and acces Password b) User code and mobile/ physical token - for MyBRD Mobile: a) PIN, fingerprint and facial recognition accessed through the dedicated smartphone/ tablet application. b) MyBRD Mobile accessed via USSD session. - for MyBRD SMS: PIN - for BRD@ffice/ BRD@ffice Mobile: a) User code and PIN for the token divece b) fingerprint/ facial recognition/ PIN code for the authentication software M-token - for MultiX: passwords and electronic signature. - for services provided through a third party: TPP (AISP and/or PISP): User code and PIN for the token divece fingerprint/ facial recognition/ PIN code for the authentication software M-token «E-Commerce Password»: a dynamically generated code for each online transaction performed on Internet pages that have this service: "Visa secure" or "MasterCard identity Check". The 3D secure code is sent to the card user via SMS to the user's mobile telephone number declared at Bank and required to validate transactions on Internet pages of merchants enrolled in the 3D secure system. The 3D secure code is temporary and only valid for the transaction for which it is generated. The Bank reserves the right to refuse approval of unaccompanied transactions by the E-Commerce password. There may be merchants who do not use Visa secure and/ or Mastercard identity Check services, in which case transactions can be performed without requesting the 3D secure code. «FATCA» (Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act): it is the acronym of the US law called "Foreign account tax compliance Act” (tax compliance Act applicable to foreign accounts) and it represents a set of legislative measures adopted in the month March 2010 by the US Senate with the purpose of preventing and reducing the tax evasion generated the cross-border activity of us residents, which requires reporting by foreign financial institutions (Registered in a country other than the USA) of US Clients, including those living outside the US, to the US tax authorities (IRS - Internal Revenue Service). The FATCA was implemented in the national regulatory framework by Law No 233/2015 on the cooling of the Agreement between Romania and the United States of America to improve international tax compliance and to implement FATCA. «BRD Group»: Groupe Société Générale S.A, together with its subsidiaries and associated companies. «Société Générale Group»: international banking group carrying out organized activities, of which the Bank is a member. «IBAN (International Bank Account Number)»: the combination of letters and figures which ensures the uniqueness of a number of account opened with an international payment services provider. The IBAN is |
Clientului de catre Banca la data deschiderii Contului si este de asemenea mentionat pe fiecare extras de cont. «Incasari externe»: Operatiuni de incasare in valuta (realizate din strainatate sau de pe teritoriul Romaniei) cat si Operatiunile de incasare in Lei realizate din strainatate. «Informatii CRS»: date si informatii cu privire la statutul fiscal al Clientului titular de cont, astfel cum sunt reglementate de Codul de Procedura Fiscala. «Instrument de debit»: biletele la ordin, cec-urile, cambiile. «Instrument de plata»: orice dispozitiv personalizat si/sau orice set de proceduri convenite intre Client si Banca si folosit de Client pentru a initia un Ordin de plata (de ex. cardul bancar, Servicii de banca la distanta). «Imputernicitul pe cont - persoana cu drept de semnatura»: persoana imputernicita de catre Reprezentantul legal sa realizeze Operatiuni de plata pe Conturile Clientului, in conformitate cu imputernicirea primita, precum si alte operatiuni pentru care a fost anume imputernicit, fie la deschiderea Contului, fie ulterior. «IRS» (Internal Revenue Service): Administratia Fiscala Americana. «NIF»: Numarul de Identificare Fiscala, (sau echivalentul sau functional daca nu exista un numar de identificare fiscala), atribuit de catre autoritatile fiscale din Romania/ alte tari de rezidenta. „Informare privind Serviciile de plata”. «Operatiuni ce par a avea o legatura intre ele»: operatiuni a caror valoare este fragmentata in transe mai mici si care au elemente comune cum ar fi: partile tranzactiilor, inclusiv Beneficiarii Reali, natura sau categoria in care se incadreaza tranzactiile si sumele implicate. «Optiuni comisioane pentru plati Non-UE»: in cazul platilor in valuta sau in cazul platilor in Lei efectuate in favoarea beneficiarilor avand conturi deschise la banci din strainatate, Clientul poate alege una din urmatoarele optiuni in ceea ce priveste modalitatea de plata a comisioanelor: «OUR»: toate comisioanele bancare aferente platii realizate prin transfer credit sunt platite de catre Clientul platitor (inclusiv comisioanele bancii/ bancilor intermediare). «BEN»: toate comisioanele bancare aferente platii realizate prin transfer credit sunt platite de catre Clientul beneficiar al fondurilor care au facut obiectul unei Operatiuni de plata (inclusiv comisioanele bancii/ bancilor intermediare) «SHA»: comisionul bancii ordonatoare este platit de Clientul platitor, comisionul bancii/lor intermediare si comisionul bancii beneficiarului este platit de catre Clientul beneficiar. «OUR garantat»: exclude posibilitatea decontarii ulterioare a eventualelor comisioane ale bancii / bancilor intermediare, comisioanele aferente platii fiind | communicated to the Client by the Bank at the time the account is opened and is also mentioned on each statement of account. «International receipts»: foreign currency collection Transactions (conducted from abroad or from Romania) and collection Transactions in Lei conducted from abroad. «CRS Information»: data and information on the tax status of Client account holder, as regulated by the Fiscal Procedure Code. «Debit Instrument»: promissory notes, cheques, bills of exchange. «Payment instrument» : any customized device and/or set of procedures agreed between the Client and the Bank and used by the former in order to initiate a payment order (e.g. banking card, remote banking services). «Representative on the Account - person entitled to sign»: is the person mandated by the Legal Representative to perform payment operations in the Client’s accounts, in compliance with the received mandate, as well as other operations for which such person was specifically mandated, either upon the opening of the account or afterwards. «IRS» (Internal Revenue Service): is the American Tax Administration. «NIF»: is the tax identification number (or functional equivalent if there is no tax identification number) assigned by the tax authorities of Romania / Other countries of residence. «Payment operation»: represents an action initiated by the Paying Client or by the payee in order to make a deposit, to transfer or to withdraw funds irrespective of any subsequent obligations between the Paying Client and the beneficiary of such payment. Details regarding the Payment Services can be found in the informative material displayed on the Bank’s website – “Information on Payment Services”. «Transactions that seem to have a connection between them»: operations whose value is fragmented into smaller tranches and which have common elements such as: the parties to the transactions, including the Beneficial Owners, the nature or category of the transactions and the amounts involved. «Fee options for Non-EU payments»: in the case of payments in foreign currency or in Lei made in favour of beneficiaries whose accounts are opened with banks abroad, the Client may choose one of the following options regarding the payment of the fees: «OUR»: all banking fees corresponding to the payment made by credit are paid by the Client (including the bank’s /intermediary bank’s fees) „BEN»: all the banking fees related to the payment made by credit are paid by the Client receiving the funds that have been the subject of a payment Transaction (including the fees of the intermediary bank(s) «SHA»: the fee of the instructing bank is paid by the paying Client, while the fee of the intermediary bank(s) and the fee of the beneficiary’s bank is paid by the beneficiary Client. «Guaranteed OUR»: excludes the subsequent settlement of any fees of the intermediary bank(s); the fees related to the payment are borne by the paying Client once, when making the payment made by credit. |
suportate de Clientul platitor o singura data, la efectuarea platii prin transfer credit. In acest caz Banca va stabili canalul bancar pentru efectuarea platii prin transfer credit.. «Optiuni comisioane pentru plati in UE»: in cazul platilor externe in valuta transmise catre beneficiari care au conturi deschise la banci apartinand UE (Uniunea Europeana)/ SEE (Spatiul Economic European), comisionul este SHA. Banca isi rezerva dreptul de a modifica optiunea de comisionare indicata de Clientul plătitor in situatia in care aceasta este diferita de SHA. «Ordin de plata»: orice instructiune data de Clientul platitor Bancii sau de beneficiarul platii catre Banca sa, prin care se solicita executarea unei Operatiuni de plata. In sensul diferentierii instructiunii date de catre Client de instrumentul de plata pe suport hartie, se va folosi si notiunea de „Ordin de plata pe suport hartie”. «Persoane expuse public»: persoanele fizice care exercita sau au exercitat functii publice importante, membrii directi ai familiilor acestora, precum si persoanele cunoscute public ca asociati apropiati ai persoanelor fizice care exercita functii publice importante. Persoanele fizice care exercita, in sensul prezentei legi, functii publice importante sunt: • sefii de stat, sefii de guverne, membrii parlamentelor, comisarii europeni, membrii guvernelor, consilierii prezidentiali, consilierii de stat, secretarii de stat; • membrii curtilor constitutionale, membrii curtilor supreme sau ai altor inalte instante judecatoresti ale caror hotarari nu pot fi atacate decat prin intermediul unor cai extraordinare de atac; • membrii curtilor de conturi sau asimilate acestora, membrii consiliilor de administratie ale bancilor centrale; • ambasadorii, insarcinatii cu afaceri, ofiterii de rang inalt din cadrul fortelor armate; • conducatorii institutiilor si autoritatilor publice; membrii consiliilor de administratie si ai consiliilor de supraveghere si persoanele care detin functii de conducere ale regiilor autonome, ale societatilor comerciale cu capital majoritar de stat si ale companiilor nationale. Niciuna dintre categoriile prevazute mai sus nu include persoane care ocupa functii intermediare sau inferioare. Categoriile respective cuprind, dupa caz, functiile exercitate la nivel comunitar sau international. Membrii directi ai familiilor persoanelor expuse public sunt: sotul/sotia, copiii si sotii/sotiile acestora si parintii. Persoanele cunoscute public ca asociati apropiati persoanelor fizice care exercita functii publice importante sunt persoanele fizice despre care este de notorietate ca: • impreuna cu una dintre persoanele cu functii publice detin ori au o influenta semnificativa asupra unei Persoane Fizice Autorizate/ Profesii Liberale ori | In this case, the Bank will establish the banking channel for payment made by credit. «Commissions options for payments in UE»: in the case of external payments in foreign currency sent to benficiaries with accounts opened within EU Banks (European Union)/ EEA (European Economic Area), the applicable commission is SHA. The Bank reserves its right to modify the commission option indicated by the Paying Client if it is different from SHA. «Payment order»: any instruction given by the paying Client to the Bank or by the beneficiary of the payment to the Bank through which the performing of a Payment Operation is ordered. In order to differentiate the instruction given by the Client from the payment instrument on a paper support, the notion of “payment order on paper” will also be used. «Publicly exposed persons»: natural persons who hold or have held important public offices, their direct family members, and also persons publicly known as close associates of natural persons holding important public offices. The natural persons who exercise, in the meaning of this law, important public offices are: • Heads of State, Heads of Governments, Members of Parliaments, European Commissioners, Members of Government, Presidential Advisors, Counsellors of State, Secretaries of State; • members of the Constitutional Court, of the Supreme Courts or other high courts whose decisions may be contested only by way of extraordinary appeal; • members of the courts of accounts or assimilated, board members of central banks; • ambassadors, commercial attachés, high ranking officers of the armed forces; • heads of the public institutions and authorities; members of the boards of administration and of supervisory boards and persons holding positions of leadership in autonomous administrations, in trading companies with a majority of state-owned assets and national companies. None of the categories specified above includes the person who occupies intermediary or lower positions. The concerned categories include, as the case may be, positions at the European Community or international level. The direct members of the families of the publicly exposed persons are: spouse (husband/wife), children and their spouses and parents. The persons publicly known as close associates of persons who exercise important public offices are individuals about which it is well known that: • jointly with one of the persons holding a public office, hold or have a significant influence on a Self- Employed Persons/ Authorized Professionals or legal |
entitati sau constructii juridice ori au o relatie de afaceri stransa cu aceste persoane; • detin sau au o influenta semnificativa asupra unei Persoane Fizice Autorizate/ Profesii Liberale ori entitati sau constructii juridice infiintate in beneficiul uneia dintre persoanele cu functii publice. «Persoana SUA (sau persoana americana)»: orice persoana fizica sau juridica, parteneriat, corporatie, trust sau orice alta forma de organizare, reglementate de legile SUA, obligat/a sa plateasca taxe in SUA. Persoanele SUA sunt contribuabili americani indiferent daca domiciliaza, locuiesc sau desfasoara activitati in SUA sau in afara teritoriului SUA. «PFA/PL»: reprezinta oricare din urmatoarele forme de organizare: persoana fizica autorizata, intreprindere familiala, intreprindere individuala (conform reglementarilor legale in vigoare), producatori agricoli individuali si Profesii Liberale, inscrise in Asociatiile Profesionale specifice si care isi desfasoara activitatea in cadrul cabinetelor / birourilor individuale, grupate sau asociate, societati civile profesionale. «Plata Contactless»: plata rapida, efectuata prin apropierea cardului de Terminalul cu functionalitate Contactless. Pentru platile Contactless ce nu depasesc o valoare stabilita de organizatiile internationale de carduri, nu este necesara introducerea codului PIN; dupa fiecare 5 tranzactii contactless consecutive realizate fara introducerea codului PIN, urmatoarea (cea de-a 6-a tranzactie) se va efectua in mod obligatoriu cu introducerea codului PIN; in momentul in care suma cumulata a tranzacțiilor contactless consecutive realizate fara introducerea codului PIN depaseste valoarea de 150 EUR (sau echivalent in LEI), urmatoarea tranzactie se va efectua in mod obligatoriu cu introducerea codului PIN. «Plati externe»: Operatiuni de plata in valuta (efectuate in strainatate sau pe teritoriul Romaniei) cat si Operatiunile de plata in Lei efectuate in strainatate. «Plati interne»: Operatiuni de plata in Lei, pe teritoriul Romaniei. «Ordin de plata programata»: o instructiune data de un platitor prestatorului de servicii de plata care detine Contul de plati al platitorului de a executa transferul de credit la intervale regulate sau la date prestabilite. «Reprezentant Legal»: reprezinta persoana desemnata prin documentele constitutive ale Clientului, sau prin alt document al Clientului, sa actioneze in numele si pe seama Clientului, sa reprezinte Clientul in relatia cu tertii (inclusiv cu Banca). «Servicii de banca la distanta»: servicii puse la dispozitia Clientului prin intermediul Instrumentelor de plata cu acces la distanta. BRD ofera urmatoarele Servicii de banca la distanta: BRD@ffice (Internet Banking), BRD@ffice Mobile (Mobile banking), MultiX (Home Banking), MyBRD Mobile (Mobile banking), MyBRD Net (Internet banking) si MyBRD Sms (Sms banking). «SUA»: Statele Unite ale Americii «Suport durabil»: orice instrument care permite Clientului sa stocheze informatii care ii sunt adresate personal, intr-un mod accesibil pentru consultari ulterioare pentru o perioada de timp adecvata scopurilor informatiilor respective si care permite reproducerea identica a informatiilor stocate. | entity or arrangement, or have a close business relationship with these persons; • hold or have a significant influence on a Self- Employed Persons/ Authorized Professionals or a legal entity or structure created for the benefit of one of those public officials. «U.S. Person»: means any individual or legal person, partnership, corporation, trust or any other form of organization, governed by U.S. laws and required to pay taxes in the U.S. The U.S. Persons are U.S. taxpayers whether residing, living or operating in the U.S. or outside U.S. territory. “Self-Employed Persons/ Authorized Professionals»: means any of the following forms of organisation: Certified freelancer, family business, sole proprietorship (according to the legal regulations in force), individual agricultural producers and authorized professions, registered with the specific Professional Associations and carrying out their business in individual, grouped or associated practices / offices or professional civil companies. «Contactless payment»: quick payment, made near the card to the terminal with contactless functionality. For contactless payments not exceeding a value set by international card organizations, PIN entry is not required; after every 5 consecutive contactless transactions carried out without entering the PIN code, the next (6th transaction) will be mandatory with PIN entry; when the cumulative amount of consecutive contactless transactions made without entering the PIN code exceeds the value of 150 EUR (or equivalent in LEI), the next transaction will be performed with the introduction of the PIN code. «External payments»: the payment Operations in foreign currency (performed abroad or in Romania), as well as the payment operations in lei performed abroad. «Internal payments»: payment Operations in lei, on the Romanian territory. «Scheduled payments order»: an instruction given by a payer to the service provider Payment holding the payer’s payment account to execute the credit transfer at regular intervals or at dates default «Legal Representative»: the person designated in the Client’s set-up documents or other documents to act in the name and on behalf of the Client, to represent the latter in the relationship with third parties (the Bank included). «Remote banking services»: services provided to the Client through the remote access payment instruments. BRD provides the following remote banking services: BRD@ffice (Internet Banking), BRD@ffice Mobile (Mobile banking), MultiX (Home Banking), MyBRD Mobile (Mobile banking), MyBRD Net (Internet banking) and MyBRD Sms (Sms banking). «USA»: the United States of America. «Sustainable/ durable support»: any tool that allows the Client to store information that is addressed to him personally, in an accessible way for subsequent consultations for a period of time adequate to the purposes of the respective information and that allows the identical reproduction of the stored information. |
«Tara de rezidenta juridica»: tara in care Clientul are sediul. Acest fapt este dovedit prin prezentarea de catre Client a documentelor privind constituirea / infiintarea Clientului. «Tara de rezidenta fiscala»: a unei persoane reprezinta tara in care aceasta este inregistrata, are sediul conducerii efective, sau in care indeplineste criterii de natura similara, in conformitate cu legislatia din tara respectiva. Veniturile obtinute din Romania de o Persoana Fizica Autorizata/ Profesie Liberala nerezidenta fiscal in Romania, impozabile in Romania, se impun, dupa caz, folosind cota de impozit cu retinere la sursa prevazuta de Legea 227/2015 privind Codul Fiscal. Aceasta cota poate fi redusa in conformitate cu prevederile Conventiei de evitare a dublei impuneri incheiate intre Romania si tara de rezidenta a Clientului, daca Persoana Fizica Autorizata/ Profesia Liberala prezinta un certificat de rezidenta fiscala valabil la data obtinerii venitului, in original sau copie legalizata, insotit de o traducere autorizata in limba romana. «Termenul maxim de executie»: intervalul maxim de timp in care Banca poate executa Operatiunea de plata cu conditia respectarii Orelor limita interne de depunere /transmitere a acesteia. «Terminal»: dispozitiv electronice sau mecanic (de ex: POS, ATM (Bancomat), imprinter, internet) ce permite detinatorului/ utilizatorului de card efectuarea de Operatiuni de plata, retrageri si depuneri de numerar, precum si alte tipuri de operatiuni. «Terminal cu functionalitate Contactless»: terminal care afiseaza simbolul Contactless, dotat cu tehnologie ce permite efectuarea de tranzactii rapide prin simpla apropiere a cardului si introducerea codului PIN si/ sau semnarea chitantei aferente tranzactiei, daca este cazul; tranzactiile care se pot efectua fara introducerea codului PIN si/ sau semnarea chitantei aferente sunt cele cu o valoare mai mica decat limita stabilita de organizatiile de carduri si de autoritatile bancare europene. Aceste limite sunt afisate pe pagina de internet a Bancii si pot fi modificate oricand de organizatiile de carduri sau de autoritatile bancare europene. «Token»: este o serie unica de cifre in format digital ce asigura substituirea securizata a datelor unui Card inregistrat de Client in aplicatia Apple Pay pe un dispozitiv Apple. Numarul Token-ului este diferit de numarul de pe fata Cardului inrolat in aplicatia Apple Pay, in scopul cresterii securitatii tranzactiilor. «Transfer credit»: serviciu de plata prin care se crediteaza Contul de plati al beneficiarului platii ca urmare a unei operatiuni de plata sau a unei serii de operatiuni de plata efectuate din Contul de plati al platitorului de catre prestatorul de servicii de plata care detine Contul de plati al platitorului, in baza unei instructiuni date de platitor. «Zi lucratoare»: reprezinta o zi bancara (cu exceptia zilelor de sambata si duminica si a celorlalte sarbatori legale recunoscute in Romania) in care Banca desfasoara activitati specifice si este deschisa publicului. «3D Secure»: protocol de securitate pentru tranzactiile efectuate online cu cardul pe paginile de Internet care detin acest serviciu si afiseaza siglele: „Visa Secure” sau „MasterCard Identity Check”. 2. In prezentele Conditii Generale Bancare, cuvintele folosite la singular includ si pluralul si vice versa, iar | «Country of legal residence»: country of the Client’s registered office. This fact is proven by the Client’s filing its set-up documents. «Country of fiscal residence»: of a person is the country in which he is registered, it has its place of effective management, or in which it fulfills criteria of a similar nature, in accordance with the legislation of the respective country. Income from Romania by an Self- Employed Persons/ Authorized Professionals, non- resident for tax purposes in Romania, taxable in Romania, are required, as the case may be, using the withholding tax rate provided by Law 227/2015 on the Fiscal Code. This rate may be reduced in accordance with the provisions of the double taxation Convention concluded between Romania and the Client's country of residence, if the Self-Employed Persons / Authorized Professionals present a valid tax residence certificate at the time of the income, in original or certified copy, accompanied by an authorized translation into romanian. «Execution deadline»: The maximum time span, during which the Bank may perform the payment operation, provided the internal deadlines for submitting/transmitting such operation are respected. «Terminal»: electronic or mechanical device (of ex: POS, ATM (ATM), imprinter, internet) that allows the cardholder / user to perform payment operations, cash withdrawals and deposits, as well as other types of operations «Terminal with contactless functionality»: terminal that displays the contactless symbol, equipped with technology that allows quick transactions to be carried out simply by proximity to the card and enter the PIN and/ or sign the receipt for the transaction, if applicable; transactions that can be performed without entering PIN and/ or signing the related receipt is the ones with a value higher lower than the limit set by card organizations and the European banking authorities. These limits shall be displayed on the Bank’s website and may be modified at any time by card organizations or European banking authorities. «Token»: it is a unique series of digital digits that provide secure substitution of the data of a Card registered by the Client in the Apple pay application on an Apple device. The token number is different from the number on the front of the card enroll in the Apple pay application, in order to increase the security of the transactions. «Credit transfer»: payment service crediting the payment account of the payee as a result of a payment transaction or a series of payment transactions carried out from the payer’s payment account by the payment service provider holding the payer’s payment account, on the basis of an instruction given by the payer. «Business Day»: a day (except Saturdays and Sundays and the other legal holidays) when the Bank carries out specific activities and it is open to the public. «3D Secure»: security protocol for online card transactions on the Internet pages that hold this service and display the followings logos: "Visa Secure" or "MasterCard Identity Check". 2. In the present General Banking Conditions, the use of the above defined terms in the singular also implies the reference to the plural, and the references to the |
cuvintele de gen masculin includ si genul feminin si vice versa. 0. Prevederile prezentului Contract se completeaza cu prevederile contractelor si formularelor specifice aferente fiecarui produs/ serviciu. 2. Prezentul Contract intra in vigoare de la data semnarii de primire de catre Client si ramane in vigoare pana la data inchiderii tuturor Conturilor Clientului si incetarea efectelor tuturor contractelor specifice incheiate cu acesta. Prezentele Conditii Generale de Bancare formeaza cadrul general in relatia Banca- Client si se vor aplica oricarui tip de serviciu / produs, urmand a fi completate, dupa caz, cu dispozitiile specifice fiecarui tip de produs sau serviciu prin formularele incheiate intre Banca si Client, daca e cazul. Aceste conditii sunt generale, nu exhaustive, ele putand fi completate cu practicile internationale uniforme si cu cele referitoare la diverse tipuri de operatiuni, acolo unde acestea exista si Banca decide sau trebuie sa le urmeze. 3. Prezentele Conditii Generale Bancare inlocuiesc formele anterioare ale Conditiilor Generale Bancare, si orice dispozitie contrara existenta in contractele, documentele si/ sau formularele specifice produselor si serviciilor, incheiate anterior intrarii in vigoare a Conditiilor Generale Bancare in aceasta varianta si, daca este cazul, le completeaza. 4. In caz de conflict intre prevederile existente in prezentele Conditii Generale Bancare si conditiile speciale din contracte, documente si/sau formulare distincte incheiate intre Client si Banca la aceeasi data sau ulterior intrarii in vigoare a prezentelor Conditii Generale Bancare, vor prevala conditiile speciale din contractele, formularele sau documentele specifice. 5. Modificarea sau incetarea unuia din produsele sau serviciile utilizate de Client se realizeaza in conditiile prevazute de respectivul contract si nu afecteaza valabilitatea celorlalte produse sau servicii sau a prezentelor Conditii Generale Bancare. 6. Orice derogare de la aplicarea Contractului fata de Client trebuie convenita in mod expres, in scris, intre Banca si Client. In situatia in care Banca si Clientul convin sa modifice prezentul Contract, modificarile vor fi convenite intr-un act aditional scris la Contract, care vor intra in vigoare la data semnarii actului aditional, fiind valabile / aplicabile doar pentru Clientul respectiv. Banca are dreptul sa inceteze orice raporturi existente cu Clientul, in cazul in care in urma negocierilor, modificarile propuse de acesta nu sunt agreate de catre Banca. CAPITOLUL II. DESCHIDEREA, FUNCTIONAREA SI INCHIDEREA CONTURILOR A. GENERALITATI 1. Conform legislatiei in vigoare, Banca are obligatia de a verifica identitatea Clientului si a Beneficiarului real inainte de stabilirea relatiei de afaceri sau de efectuarea unor Operatiuni de plata. In plus, Clientul este obligat sa prezinte Bancii toate Informatiile CRS, conform legislatiei in vigoare. | masculine gender also include the feminine and vice versa. 1. The provisions of this Contract are completed with the provisions of the contracts and of the forms specific to each product/ service. 2. This contract shall take effect from the date of signature of receive by Client and shall remain in effect until the date of the closure of all accounts of the client and the termination of all specific contracts with the Client. These General Banking Conditions represent the general framework in the Bank-Client relationship and will apply to any type of service/product, and they will be completed, as applicable, with the provisions specific to each type of product or service by means of the forms signed between the Bank and the Client, if such is the case. These conditions are general, not exhaustive, and may be completed with the uniform international practices and with those related to various types of operations, where they exist and the Bank decides or is forced to follow them. 3. The present Banking General Conditions replace the previous forms of the General Banking Conditions and any provision to the contrary existing in the contracts, documents and/or specific forms regarding the products and services, signed before the entering into force of these General Banking Conditions, and, if this is the case, supplement them. 4. Should any conflict occur between the provisions of these General Banking Conditions and the specific conditions in any distinct contract, document and/or form signed between the Client and the Bank at the same date or after these General Banking Conditions came into force, the specific provisions in the specific contracts, forms or documents will prevail 5. The amendment or termination of one of the products or services used by the Client is made under the conditions stipulated in the respective contract and does not affect the validity of the other products or services, or of these General Banking Conditions. 6. Any derogation from the application of this contract to the Client must be specifically agreed, in writing, between the Bank and the Client. Where the Bank and the Client agree to amend this Contract, such amendments shall be agreed in a written addendum to the Contract, which will come into force at the date of signing thereof, being valid/applicable only to the respective Client. The Bank is entitled to terminate any existing relationship with the Client if, after negotiations, the amendments proposed by the latter are not accepted by the Bank. CHAPTER II. OPENING, OPERATING AND CLOSING THE ACCOUNTS A. GENERAL ASPECTS 1. According to the legislation in force, before establishing any business relationship or performing any payment operation, the Bank has the obligation to check the identity of the Client and of the Beneficial Owner. In addition, the Client has the obligation to present to the Bank all CRS Information according to the law in force. |
Clientul este obligat sa prezinte Bancii toate Informatiile CRS si toate documentele solicitate, care atesta statutul sau juridic, fiscal, conform legislatiei in vigoare, inclusiv reglementarile privind cunoasterea clientelei, prevenirea si combaterii spalarii banilor si a finantarii actelor de terorism, regulamentul valutar, etc, precum si orice alte documente solicitate de catre Banca. In cazul in care Clientul nu accepta sa ofere toate elementele si informatiile de mai sus, Banca va refuza intrarea in relatia cu acesta si implicit deschiderea Conturilor. 2. La cererea expresa a Clientului, Banca poate deschide Conturi curente cu sau fara carduri business atasate si alte tipuri de cont (conturi de depozite, , conturi de economii pentru PFA/PL etc), in Lei sau/ si in valuta. Conturile se deschid de catre unitatile Bancii, pe baza completarii si semnarii de catre Client a formularelor standard ale Bancii, insotite de documentele solicitate de aceasta. Banca poate pune la dispozitia Clientilor conturi cu functionalitati speciale si alte tipuri de produse de economisire si plasamente. Aceste produse sunt reglementate, fiecare in parte, de propriile lor conditii specifice bancare, disponibile in formularistica (contractele sau documentatia) lor de achizitie. Banca are dreptul de a deschide Conturi tehnice in cazurile in care asupra Conturilor Clientului au fost dispuse masuri de indisponibilizare (de ex. popriri, masuri asiguratorii etc.), precum si in cazul necesitatilor de gestiune a anumitor operatiuni aferente serviciilor contractate de Client de la Banca, printre care, dar fara a se limita la, creditarea Conturilor, prelungirea scadentei unei obligatii de plata, incasarea primelor de asigurare sau a sumelor de bani la care Banca este indreptatita in mod legal in urma unor procese de valorificare. Prin deschiderea acestor Conturi tehnice nu se nasc drepturi si obligatii reciproce in sarcina Partilor, suplimentar fata de cele aferente celorlalte tipuri de Conturi ale Clientului. 3. Oricarui Cont i se pot atasa diverse produse sau servicii, la solicitarea Clientului si cu respectarea conditiilor Bancii. 4. In orice moment in timpul relatiei contractuale, Clientul are dreptul sa primeasca, la cerere, pe suport hartie sau pe orice alt suport durabil informatiile conform celor specificate in prezentul Contract. 5. Clientul declara ca a avut acces la toate informatiile solicitate si ca intelege conditiile, drepturile si obligatiile partilor mentionate in prezentul Contract. B. INTRAREA IN RELATIE CU BANCA. DESCHIDEREA CONTURILOR. 1. Din momentul intrarii in relatie cu Banca, si ulterior pe toata durata relatiei contractuale cu Banca, Clientul prin Reprezentantul sau legal poate (a) deschide Conturi curente in Lei si/ sau alte valute la Banca si poate inceta relatia si/ sau de a inchide Conturile curente in Lei si/ sau alte valute; (b) numi Imputernicitul pe cont si limitele mandatului acestuia in relatia cu Banca precum si de a revoca, modifica sau limita mandatul acordat acestuia; (c) solicita emiterea de carduri business pe Contul Clientului si numirea/ desemnarea utilizatorilor pentru cardurile solicitate, inclusiv a le stabili limite de utilizare pe Conturile | The Client is bound to submit to the Bank all CRS information and all the requested documents, attesting his legal status, as per the legislation in force, including the regulations regarding KYC, the fight against money laundering and terrorism financing, the foreign exchange regulation, etc., as well as any other documents required by the Bank. When the Client does not agree to provide all the elements and information mentioned above, the Bank shall refuse to enter into a relationship with the Client, and, implicitly, to open the Accounts. 2. At the Client’s specific request, the Bank may open current accounts with or without business cards attached, and other types of accounts (deposit, savings accounts for Self-Employed Persons/ Authorized Professionals etc.), in lei and/ or in foreign currency. The Bank units open the accounts based on the Bank forms filled in and signed by the Client, and on the documents requested by the Bank. The Bank may make available to the Clients accounts with special functionalities and other types of saving and investment products (e.g. accounts for deposit certificates, etc.). Each of these products is regulated by its own specific banking conditions, available in their purchase forms (contracts or related documents). The Bank has the right to open technical accounts in cases where freezing measures have been ordered on the Client's accounts (e.g. attachment, precautionary measures etc.), as well as to manage certain operations related to the services contracted by Client from the Bank, including, but not limited to, crediting the Accounts, extending the maturity of a payment obligation, incoming insurance premiums or amounts of money to which the Bank is legally entitled from recovery procedures. The opening of such Technical Accounts does not rise mutual rights and obligations for the Parties, in addition to those related to the other types of Client's Accounts. 3. At the Client’s request, various products and services may be attached to any account, in compliance with the Bank’s conditions. 4. At any time during the contractual relationship, the Client is entitled to receive, upon request, on hard copy or any other lasting support, the information as specified herein. 5. The Client declares having had access to all the requested information and that he understands the conditions, rights and obligations of the parties mentioned herein. B. BANK AFFILIATION. OPENING THE ACCOUNTS 1. As of the time of his affiliation with the Bank and, afterwards, throughout his entire contractual relationship with the Bank, the Client, through his Legal Representative, may: (a) open current accounts in lei and/or other currencies with the Bank and terminate the relationship and/or close the current accounts in lei and/or other currencies; (b) appoint a Representative on the Account and the limits of his mandate in the relationship with the Bank, as well as revoke, amend or limit his mandate; (c) request the issuance of business cards on the Client’s account and the appointment/designation of users for the requested cards, as well as set utilisation limits on the Client’s accounts; (d) request the activation of remote banking |
Clientului; (d) solicita activarea Serviciilor de banca la distanta pe Conturile Clientului precum si de a numi utilizatorii pentru acestea, inclusiv de a le stabili limite de utilizare si vizualizare pe Conturile Clientului; (e) solicita inchiderea/ blocarea cardurilor business, respectiv a Serviciilor de banca la distanta, (f) incheia diverse contracte/ conventii cu Banca in vederea furnizarii unor servicii (de ex: plata drepturilor salariale cuvenite angajatilor pe carduri, contracte de credit, etc); (g) efectua Operatiuni de plata pe Conturile Clientului conform specificatiilor mentionate in formularele Bancii. Clientul va prezenta Bancii documentele (inclusiv dovada efectuarii formalitatilor de inregistrare la Registru Comertului) prin care se dovedeste, in modalitatea solicitata de Banca, ca Reprezentantul legal a fost numit in mod corespunzator si ca modalitatea de numire a acestuia respecta documentele constitutive ale Clientului, precum si legislatia in vigoare. 2. Formularul de Intrare in Relatie cu Banca, Cererile de deschidere de Cont curent si alte documente contractuale vor fi semnate de catre Client, prin Reprezentant legal. 3. La deschiderea Conturilor, Banca solicita Clientului sa desemneze Imputernicitul pe cont si Delegatul, precum si orice informatie si documente necesare identificarii acestora. Documentele referitoare la Operatiunile de plata vor fi semnate de catre Imputernicitul pe cont, conform drepturilor atribuite de catre Reprezentatul Legal. In conformitate cu prevederile Codului de procedura fiscala, incepand cu 1 ianuarie 2018, odata cu deschiderea unui Cont bancar sau cu inchirierea unei casete de valori unui Client nerezident, ce inca nu detine un numar de identificare fiscala/ cod de identificare fiscala emis de autoritatile romane, Banca are obligatia de a solicita autoritatilor fiscale romane inregistrarea fiscala a respectivului Client si atribuirea unui NIF, sau dupa caz, a unui cod de inregistrare fiscala. 4. Reprezentantul legal va stabili competentele Imputernicitului pe cont in relatia cu Banca printr-un formular special (Fisa cu specimene semnaturi) pentru operatiuni la nivelul unitatii Bancii, si in baza caruia Banca va permite Imputernicitului: (a) efectuarea de Operatiuni de plata (debitare si/ sau creditare a Contului curent) la ghiseu, (b) desemnarea Delegatulului, (c) alte operatiuni, cu respectarea prezentului Contract si a mandatului primit. In cazul operatiunilor realizate prin intermediul Serviciilor de banca la distanta Reprezentantul legal va stabili competentele pentru Imputernicitul pe cont/ persoana cu drept de semnatura prin contractul specific aferent serviciilor utilizate. Competentele vor fi valabile si in cazul operatiunilor realizate prin intermediul unui tert: TPP (AISP si/ sau PISP). 5. Reprezentantul legal sau Imputernicitul pe cont, daca a fost mandatat in acest scop, poate acorda Delegatului, prin formularul specific pus la dispozitie de catre Banca (formular Delegatie), urmatoarele drepturi: (a) depunere documente; (b) ridicare documente; (c) ridicare extrase de cont; (d) depunere numerar pe baza documentelor semnate in nume propriu sau de Imputernicitul pe Cont; (e) ridicare numerar pe baza documentelor semnate de /Imputernicitul pe cont. | services on the Client’s accounts, as well as appoint users thereof, and set utilisation limits and visualization on the Client’s accounts; (e) request the closing/ blocking if the business cards and of the remote banking services, (f) enter into various service contracts / agreements with the Bank (for e.g.: payroll agreements, credit contracts etc.); (g) perform payment operations on the Client’s accounts, according to the specifications in the Bank forms. The Client will submit to the Bank the documents (including the proof of having performed the registration formalities with the Trade Register), whereby it is proven, in the way required by the Bank, that the Legal Representative was duly appointed, in compliance with the Client's set-up documents, and with the legislation in force. 2. The Bank affiliation form, the applications for the opening of a current account and other contract documents will be signed by the Client, through his Legal Representative. 3. When opening the accounts, the Bank requires the Client to appoint the Representative on the Account and the Delegate, as well as any information and documents necessary to identify them. The documents related to payment operations will be signed by the Representative on the Account, according to the rights attributed by the Legal Representative. According to the provisions of the Fiscal Procedure Code, starting with January 1, 2018, when opening a bank account or renting a securities box for/ to a Client that is not tax resident in Romania, and that does not yet have a fiscal identification number/ fiscal identification code issued by the Romanian authorities, the Bank has the obligation to request to the Romanian tax authorities the fiscal registration of the respective Client and the assignment of a NIF, or, as the case may be, of a fiscal registration code. 4. The Legal Representative will set the competencies of the Representative on the Account in the relationship with the Bank, through the special form made available by the Bank (signature right form) for operations at the Bank’s units, based on which the Bank will allow him: to perform payment operations (debiting and/or crediting the current account) at the counter, (b) to designate the Delegate, (c) to perform other operations, in compliance with this Contract and with the received mandate. In the case of operations performed through remote banking services, the Legal Representative shall establish the competencies for the Account Holder/ the person entitled to sign through the specifi contract for the used services. The competences will also apply to operations carried out through a third party: TPP (AISP and/or PSI). 5. The Legal Representative or the Representative on the Account, if mandated for such purpose, may grant the Delegate, through the specific form made available by the Bank (Delegation form), the following rights: (a) to submit documents; (b) to collect documents; (c) to collect statements of account; (d) to make cash deposits based on the documents signed in his own name or by the Representative on the Account; (e) to withdraw cash based on the documents signed by the Representative on the Account. 6. The Legal Representative, the Representative on the Account and the Delegate shall submit their |
6. Reprezentantul legal, Imputernicitul pe Cont si Delegatul, vor depune specimenul de semnatura pe formularele specifice puse la dispozitie de catre Banca 7. Banca poate refuza sa execute un Ordin de plata din partea Clientului in cazul in care semnatura de pe respectivul Ordin de plata nu se potriveste cu specimenul de semnatura furnizat Bancii si/ sau nu sunt respectate limitele mandatului Imputernicitului pe cont furnizat prin intermediul formularelor specifice puse la dispozitie de catre banca. Clientul este de acord, prin prezentul Contract, ca Banca nu va fi tinuta responsabila pentru daunele directe sau indirecte create de orice Operatiune de plata falsificata sau contrafacuta. 8. Clientul declara ca orice mandat acordat prin intermediul formularelor Bancii se considera dat pe o perioada de 15 (cincisprezece) ani, cu posibilitatea revocarii in orice moment. Clientul se obliga sa informeze persoana mandatata cu privire la durata mandatului si drepturile conferite acestuia prin mandat. Mandatul/ imputernicirea unei persoane sa reprezinte Clientul in relatia cu Banca ramane valabila pana la expirarea termenului mentionat mai sus sau pana la data primirii de catre Banca in scris a unei notificari in acest sens si a documentelor doveditoare cu privire la revocarea sau modificarea acesteia. Banca este indreptatita sa solicite orice document considera a fi necesar cu privire la aceste modificari, inclusiv dovada indeplinirii formalitatilor de inregistrare la Registrul Comertului pentru Reprezentantul Legal. Modificarea va deveni opozabila Bancii in Ziua lucratoare urmatoare primirii si a confirmarii de catre Banca a faptului ca documentele prezentate sunt satisfacatoare pentru Banca. Banca este autorizata sa efectueze Ordinele de plata initiate de catre Reprezentantul legal/ Imputernicitul pe cont anterior Zilei lucratoare in care intra in vigoare modificarea intervenita conform paragrafului precedent iar Banca nu va fi tinuta responsabila pentru niciuna dintre daunele directe sau indirecte ce decurg din acestea. Clientul este direct raspunzator fata de Banca pentru orice pierdere suferita de aceasta, ca urmare a neaducerii la cunostinta Xxxxxx despre vreo restrictie sau limitare in ceea ce priveste mandatul Imputernicitului acestuia pe Cont. 9. In cazul in care apare o disputa sau o situatie conflictuala de orice natura care, in opinia Bancii, impiedica stabilirea fara echivoc a Reprezentantului legal si / sau a Imputernicitului pe cont, ori a limitelor sau a valabilitatii mandatului acestuia, ori impiedica desfasurarea normala a operatiunilor pe Conturile Clientului, sau in cazul primirii de catre Banca a unor Ordine de plata contradictorii, Banca are dreptul de a suspenda orice Operatiune initiata, de a bloca Conturile Clientului sau de a intreprinde orice masura pe care o considera necesara, pana la solutionarea disputei, dovedita prin prezentarea unor documente satisfacatoare pentru Banca (de ex. hotarari judecatoresti definitive si irevocabile, extras sau certificat constatator de la Registrul Comertului sau alte documente emise de o autoritate competenta etc.). Banca nu va putea fi tinuta raspunzatoare pentru niciuna dintre daunele directe sau indirecte care decurg din exercitarea de catre Banca a dreptului mentionat anterior. | signature specimens on the specific forms made available by the Bank. 7. The Bank may refuse to execute a Payment Order from the Client if the signature on such payment order does not match the signature specimen submitted to the Bank and/or the limits of the mandate given to the Representative on the Account are not complied with, mandate provided through the specific forms provided by the Bank. The Client hereby agrees that the Bank will not be held liable for the direct or indirect damage caused by any forged or counterfeit payment operation. 8. The Client warrants that any mandate provided through Bank forms is deemed to be provided for 15 (fifteen) years, with the possibility to cancel it at any time. The Client undertakes to notify to the mandated person the duration of the mandate and the rights provided to the latter through the mandate. The mandate given to a person to represent the Client in the relationship with the Bank remains valid until the expiry of the aforementioned deadline or until the date of receipt by the Bank of a written notice in this respect, and of the documents attesting the revocation or modification of the same. The Bank is entitled to require any document deemed necessary with regard to such modifications, including the proof of accomplishment of the registration formalities with the Trade Register for the Legal Representative. The modification will become binding on the Bank on the Business Day following the receipt by the Bank of the documents, and its confirmation that such documents are satisfactory to it. The Bank is authorised to perform the Payment Orders requested by the Legal Representative / Representative on the Account prior to the Business Day on which the modification mentioned in the above paragraph comes into force, and the bank shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect damage arising therefrom. The Client is directly liable towards the Bank for any loss incurred by the latter following the failure to inform the Bank on any restriction or limitation of the mandate of his Representative on the Account. 9. Where a dispute or a conflicting situation of any kind occurs, which, in the opinion of the Bank, prevents the unequivocal designation of the Legal Representative and/or of the Representative on the Account, or of the limits or validity of his mandate, or where it makes it impossible to carry out the ordinary transactions on the Client’s Accounts, or where the Bank receives contradictory orders, the Bank is entitled to suspend any initiated Operation, to block the Client’s accounts or to take any measure it deems necessary, until such dispute is solved, satisfactory evidence of which is presented to the Bank (for e.g. final and irrevocable court rulings, abstract or finding certificate issued by the Trade Register, or any other doc issued by a relevant authority etc.). The Bank shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect damage arising from the Bank’s exercising the previously mentioned right. 10. In order to comply with legislation FATCA and CRS, if the personal data or operations performed meet |
10. In vederea respectarii legislatiei FATCA si CRS, in cazul in care datele cu caracter personal sau operatiunile efectuate, se incadreaza in criteriile FATCA si CRS, clientul autorizeaza Banca sa transmita aceste informatii catre autoritatile fiscale americane (IRS), respectiv catre ANAF. 11. Clientul autorizeaza in mod expres Banca sa permita accesul/ sa transmita (in tara si/sau in strainatate) informatii de natura secretului bancar, in sensul Ordonantei de Urgenta nr. 99/ 2006, catre membrii Grupului Société Générale, autoritati publice centrale, ANAF, autoritati publice locale, agenti de colectare a debitelor/ recuperare a creantelor, autoritati judecatoresti, societati de asigurare si reasigurare, precum si catre orice alte categorii de Destinatari ai datelor, conform Anexei Informare privind prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal Persoane Fizice Autorizate/ Profesii Liberale. 12. Banca acorda accesul unui TPP (PISP sau AISP) la Conturile detinute de Client, pe baze obiective, nediscriminatorii si proportionale. 13. Clientul are dreptul de a utiliza servicii de initiere a platii furnizate de un PISP si/ sau servicii de informare cu privire la Conturi furnizate de un AISP. In vederea realizarii acestor operatiuni, Clientul trebuie sa detina un Cont de plati accesibil online. C. FUNCTIONAREA CONTURILOR/ EFECTUAREA OPERATIUNILOR DE PLATA 1. FUNCTIONAREA CONTURILOR – GENERALITATI 1. Orice Operatiune in Lei sau in valuta (de ex. plati, incasari, depuneri si retrageri de numerar, viramente intra si interbancare, etc) dispusa de Client se efectueaza prin intermediul Contului curent. In cadrul Operatiunilor de plata, Clientul va utiliza formulare si Instrumente de plata puse la dispozitie de catre Banca. 2. In cazul platilor, valuta debitarii Contului Clientului platitor va fi valuta stipulata in formularul de plata. 3. In cazul platilor in valuta sau in cazul platilor in Lei in favoarea beneficiarilor cu conturi deschise la banci din strainatate, Banca stabileste traseul bancar prin care executa Operatiunea de plata, inclusiv utilizarea relatiilor de corespondent. 4. Clientul are responsabilitatea de a furniza Bancii toate documentele solicitate de catre aceasta precum si toate autorizatiile valutare necesare, in conformitate cu reglementarile BNR sau ale oricarui alt organism de supraveghere/ autoritate speciala, care sunt necesare executarii Ordinelor de plata ale Clientului, inclusiv a formularelor Ordin de plata in valuta/ Ordin de plata SEPA. In cazul in care Clientul nu procedeaza in acest mod, Banca are dreptul sa nu execute Operatiunea respectiva, caz in care nu este angajata raspunderea Bancii. 5. In cazul incasarilor in valuta, valuta creditarii Contului Clientului beneficiar va fi cea mentionata in Operatiunea de plata. In situatia in care valuta nu corespunde cu valuta Contului, Banca va proceda la convertirea sumei in valuta Contului ce urmeaza a fi creditat. Contul creditat va fi intotdeauna cel indicat in Operatiunea de plata. | FATCA criteria, the Client authorizes the Bank to send this information to the IRS, respectively to ANAF. 11. The Client expressly authorizes the Bank to allow access/ transmit (in the country/abroad) any information subject to banking secrecy, within the meaning of the Emergency Ordinance no. 99/2006, to the members of the Société Générale Group, central government, ANAF, local government, debt collection/claims recovery agencies, judicial authorities, insurance and reinsurance companies, as well as to any other categories of data recipients, according to Annex Information Note on the Processing of Personal data for Self-Employed Persons/ Authorized Professionals Clients. 12. The Bank shall grant access to Client owned accounts to a TPP (PISP or AISP) on an objective, non- discriminatory and proportionate basis. 13. The Client has the right to use initiation services payment provided by a PISP and/or information services with regard to accounts provided by an AISP. In order to perform these operations, Client must have a payment account accessible online. C. OPERATING THE ACCOUNTS / MAKING PAYMENT OPERATIONS 1. OPERATING THE ACCOUNTS – GENERAL ASPECTS 1. Any operation in lei or in foreign currency (for e.g. payments, receipts, deposits and withdrawals of cash, intra and inter-banking transfers, etc.) ordered by the Client is made through the current account. When performing his payment operations, the Client shall use forms and payment instruments provided by the Bank. 2. In the case of payments, the paying Client’s account shall be debited in the currency stipulated in the payment form. 3. In the case of payments in foreign currency or in lei to the benefit of the beneficiaries with accounts opened with banks abroad, the Bank may set the banking route for the execution of the payment operation, including the use of the correspondent relationships unless other specific instructions are received from the Client. 4. The Client has the responsibility to provide the Bank with all the documents requested by the latter, as well as with all the necessary foreign exchange authorisations, in compliance with the regulations of BNR or another supervision/ special authority, which are necessary for the execution of the Client’s payment orders, including the “Foreign currency payment order/ SEPA Payment order” forms. Should the Client fail to do so, the Bank is entitled not to perform the respective operation, in which case the Bank is not liable. 5. In the case of receipts in foreign currency, the beneficiary Client’s account shall be credited in the foreign currency mentioned in the payment operation. Where the currency does not match the currency of the account, the Bank shall convert the amount in the currency of the account to be credited. The credited account shall always be the one indicated in the payment operation. |
In toate cazurile, convertirea se va efectua la Cursul de schimb valutar al Bancii valabil la Data procesarii operatiunii. La incasarile externe receptionate de catre Client cu optiuni SHA/ BEN comisionul va fi suportat de catre Client, iar in cazul celor cu optiunea OUR se va aplica comisionul valabil in relatia cu bancile corespondente. 6. Operatiunile de plata efectuate prin Instrumente de debit se realizeaza in conformitate cu legislatia aplicabila acestora, precum si cea privind CIP. Clientul este obligat sa depuna la Banca Instrumentele de debit in vederea decontarii lor, in termenele legale stabilite de reglementarile in vigoare care le guverneaza, astfel incat sa se asigure ca nu se expune pierderii dreptului de dresare a protestului si a regresului si sa permita Bancii prezentarea lor la plata in intervalul de timp necesar pentru incasarea lor. Banca nu este raspunzatoare pentru nerespectarea de catre Client a termenelor mai sus amintite. Intocmirea de catre Client a borderourilor pentru instrumentele de plata este obligatorie in cazul Instrumentelor de debit. Borderourile vor fi semnate de catre persoanele desemnate de Reprezentatul legal al Clientului, conform drepturilor atribuite de catre Reprezentatul legal al Clientului, prin formularul de specimene de semnatura pentru operatiuni la nivelul unitatii completat la Banca. In cazul emiterii de Instrumente de debit, Clientul trebuie sa asigure in Cont disponibilul necesar pentru plata acestora la data emiterii (in cazul cecului), respectiv la data scadentei (in cazul cambiilor si biletelor la ordin), inca de la inceputul Zilei lucratoare. Conform legislatiei aplicabile cecului, cambiei si biletului la ordin si cea privind CIP, Clientul raspunde pentru nedecontarea Instrumentelor de debit ca urmare a lipsei totale sau partiale de disponibil ori a completarii unor mentiuni eronate, Banca avand obligatia raportarii la CIP a incidentelor de plata si informarii organelor de Politie, conform cerintelor reglementarilor aplicabile. Formularele cec, cambie si bilet la ordin puse la dispozitie de catre Banca in conformitate cu legislatia in vigoare, se vor utiliza pentru plati realizate numai in lei catre beneficiari (rezidenti sau nerezidenti) care au conturi deschise in lei la institutii de credit din Romania. In cazul in care prin instrumentul de debit (cec, cambie si bilet la ordin) se realizeaza plata unei creante a carei contravaloare a fost stabilita intr-o moneda straina completarea si introducerea la plata a instrumentelor de debit se va face numai in echivalent lei al sumei reprezentand creanta ce urmeaza a fi platita, conform legislatiei in vigoare. Orele limita pentru operatiunile cu instrumente de debit sunt afisate in cadrul unitatilor Bancii. 7. Clientul se obliga sa asigure in contul curent disponibilul necesar astfel incat sa nu se inregistreze un descoperit neautorizat de cont. In cazul existentei unui descoperit neautorizat de cont, acesta este scadent in ziua in care se inregistreaza, iar Banca are dreptul de a percepe dobanzi penalizatoare incepand cu data inregistrarii descoperitului neautorizat de cont pana la data achitarii acestuia in intregralitate impreuna cu toate accesoriile sale. Banca va percepe dobanda pentru Descoperirile neautorizate de cont, in conformitate cu «Lista de dobanzi standard pentru Persoane Fizice Autorizate/ Profesii Liberale» aplicabile, disponibila in toate | In any case, the conversion shall be made at the rate of exchange of the Bank, valid at the value date of the payment order processing. For international receipts received by the Client with SHA/ BEN options, the fee will be borne by the Client, while for those with OUR option, the fee valid in relation to correspondent banks will apply. 6. Payment operations performed through debit instruments are made in compliance with the applicable legislation and with the legislation regarding the Payment Incidents Centre (PIC). The Client shall submit to the Bank the debit instruments in view of their settlement, within the legal terms set by the regulations in force governing them, so as to make sure that he does not risk losing the right of protest and recourse, and to enable the Bank to present them for payment in due time to be cashed in. The Bank is not liable for the Client’s failure to comply with the deadlines mentioned above. It is compulsory for the Client to prepare the slip of payment instruments in the case of debit instruments. The slips will be signed by persons designated by the Legal Representative of the Client, in accordance with the rights conferred by the Legal Representative of the Client, based on the signature specimen form filled in at the Bank for operations at the Bank’s unit. In the case of issuance of debit instruments, the Client must make sure the account holds enough available funds for their payment on the issuance date (for cheques), and on the due date (for bills of exchange and promissory notes), at the very beginning of the Business Day. According to the legislation applicable to cheques, bills of exchange and promissory notes, and to the legislation regarding CIP, the Client is liable for the failure to settle the debit instruments because of the total or partial lack of available funds, or of erroneous data filled in, and the Bank is bound to report the payment instruments to CIP and to inform the Police, as per the applicable regulations. The forms for checks, bills of exchange and promissory notes provided by the Bank in accordance with the law will be used only for payments in lei made to beneficiaries (residents or non-residents) who have accounts in lei opened with credit institutions in Romania. If the debit instrument (check, bill of exchange and promissory note) is used to make the payment of a debt whose equivalent value was established in a foreign currency, the filling in and the introduction to payment of debit instruments will be made only in lei equivalent representing the debt to be paid, as required by law. The deadlines for debit instrument operations are displayed in the Bank units. 7. The Client undertakes to ensure available funds in the current account in order to avoid an unauthorised overdraft. In case of an unauthorised overdraft, the latter is due the day it is recorded and the Bank is entitled to levy penalty interest as of the date of recording of such unauthorised overdraft until the date of full payment thereof with all its accessories. The Bank will charge interest for unauthorised overdraft in accordance with the applicable «List of Interest Rates for Standard Resources for Self-employed Persons/ |
unitatile Bancii, si pe pagina de internet a Bancii, la adresa: 8. Orice solicitare a Clientului pentru un schimb valutar, materializata prin semnarea unui Ordin de schimb valutar sau a unui contract specific acestui tip de tranzactie, fie cu decontare imediata, fie cu o alta data a valutei, este irevocabila. Toate costurile provenind din diferentele de curs valutar vor fi suportate de Client. De asemenea, atat in cazul nerespectarii Ordinului dat, precum si in cazul modificarii de catre Client a Ordinului transmis Bancii, toate consecintele, inclusiv, dar fara a se limita la daune, costuri suplimentare suportate de Banca, sunt in sarcina Clientului. 9. In cazul in care Clientul solicita retragerea in numerar a unor sume din Contul Curent in valuta, sumele de pana la valoarea de 5 EUR/ USD vor fi schimbate in Lei la Cursul de schimb al Bancii din ziua respectiva si eliberate Clientului in echivalent Lei. 10. In cazul unei erori, din partea Bancii, inregistrate pe Contul Clientului, Clientul autorizeaza in mod expres Banca sa corecteze, din proprie initiativa, fara acordul prealabil al Clientului, sumele inregistrate eronat. In acest sens, autorizarea Clientului este neconditionata si irevocabila si presupune inclusiv recuperarea de catre Banca a oricarei sume virate de aceasta din fonduri proprii in Contul Clientului, in mod eronat. 11. In cazul contestarii Operatiunilor realizate in temeiul unui contract specific, termenul de reclamatie este cel prevazut in contractul specific incheiat cu Banca. Termenul de raspuns pentru reclamatiile Clientului este de 15 zile lucratoare de la data primirii plangerii, cu exceptia situatilor in care din motive obiective se transmite un raspuns provizoriu, iar raspunsul final in maxim 35 de zile lucratoare. 12. Inainte de executarea platii, Banca are dreptul de a face orice verificare pe care o considera necesara, inclusiv, dar fara a se limita la: (a) verificarea identitatii persoanei care transmite Ordinul de plata in conformitate cu reglementarile legale aplicabile; (b) sa solicite prezentarea unor documente care sa permita verificarea scopului platii in conformitate cu reglementarile legale in vigoare. 13. Pentru orice suma primita in Cont, Banca isi rezerva dreptul de a deduce comisionul sau, inainte de creditarea acesteia in Contul Clientului. In acest caz Clientul va fi informat cu privire la valoarea totala a Operatiunii de plata si comisionul aplicat, prin intermediul extrasului de cont. 1. Pretul este format, dupa caz, din urmatoarele componente: comisioane, dobanzi, cursuri de schimb valutar, tarife. 2. Valorile comisioanelor, dobanzilor si tarifelor practicate de catre Banca se regasesc in «Lista de Tarife si Comisioane in Lei si Valuta pentru Persoane Fizice Autorizate/ Profesii Liberale», respectiv in «Lista de dobanzi standard pentru Persoane Fizice Autorizate/ Profesii Liberale». Lista standard de comisioane poate fi modificata unilateral de Banca. Lista standard de comisioane in vigoare si va fi afisata | Authorized Professionals», available in all the Bank’s branches and on the Bank’s website, namely 8. Any request of the Client for a foreign exchange operation, translated into the signing of a foreign exchange order or of a specific contract for this type of transaction, either with immediate settlement or with another value date, is irrevocable. All costs arising from the rate of exchange differences shall be borne by the Client. Likewise, where the given order is not respected or it is modified by the Client, all consequences including, but without being limited to, damages, extra costs borne by the Bank, are in the Client’s responsibility. 9. If the Client requests cash withdrawals from the Current Account in foreign currency, amounts up to EUR 5/ USD shall be exchanged in lei at the rate of exchange of the Bank of the respective day, and delivered to the Client in lei equivalent. 10. If an error of the Bank is registered in the Client’s account, the Client expressly authorizes the Bank to correct, on its own initiative, without the prior consent of the Client, the amounts wrongfully entered. In this regard, the Client’s authorisation is unconditional and irrevocable and implies the recovery by the Bank of any amount wrongly transferred by the later from own funds to the Client’s Account. 11. If the operations made on the basis of a specific contract are contested, the complaint term is the one stipulated in the specific contract signed with the Bank. The period for responding to the Client’s complaints is of 15 business days from the date of receipt of the complaint, with the exception of the situations where, for objective reasons, a temporary respone in sent and the final response is sent within a maximum of 35 business days. 12. Before making the payment, the Bank is entitled to make any check it deems necessary, including, without limitation: (a) to check the identity of the person who sends the payment order in compliance with the applicable legal regulations; (b) to request documents that would permit checking the destination of the payment, in compliance with the applicable regulations in force. 13. Or any amount received in the Account, the Bank reserves the right to retain its fee, before paying it in the Client’s account. In such case, the Client shall be informed on the total amount of the payment operation and on the charged fee by means of the statement of account. 1. The price is made up, as applicable, of the following elements: fees, interests, rates of foreign exchange, tariffs. 2. The levels of the fees, interest rates and tariffs applied by the Bank are indicated in the «List of Rates and Fees in Lei and Foreign Currency for Self-employed Persons/ Authorized Professionals», and in the «List of Interest Rates for Standard Resources for Self-employed Persons/ Authorized Professionals». The Bank List can unilaterally modify the List of rates and commissions. The List of rates and commissions in force will be displayed in |
in cadrul unitatilor Bancii si pe pagina de internet a Bancii, la adresa: 0. Cursul de schimb este diferit in functie de produs si Operatiune si este mentionat in documentele Bancii pentru fiecare produs sau/si Operatiune in parte. Acesta poate fi modificat de mai multe ori pe parcursul zilei imediat si fara sa fie necesara o notificare prealabila a Clientului din partea Bancii. 3. INFORMATII NECESARE EFECTUARII ORDINULUI DE PLATA 1. Pentru executarea corecta de catre Banca a unui Ordin de plata, in cazul in care Clientul este Client platitor, acesta are obligatia de a completa Ordinele de plata cu informatiile urmatoare: i) in cazul Platilor interne: (a) numele/denumirea, codul de identificare (CUI) si numarul de cont al Clientului platitor (in format IBAN al acestuia deschis la Banca); (b) numele/denumirea, codul de identificare (CUI) si Codul unic de identificare al beneficiarului platii (in format IBAN al acestuia deschis la institutia de credit destinatara); (c) informatii privind unitatea Bancii la care este deschis Contul Clientului platitor: denumirea centralei sau, dupa caz, a unitatii teritoriale si/ sau, daca e cazul, Codul BIC; (d) informatii privind institutia de credit destinatara: denumirea centralei si / sau Codul BIC; (e) suma de plata si denominarea acesteia; (f) data emiterii Ordinului de plata (ziua, luna, anul), care trebuie sa fie unica, posibila si certa; (g) elementul sau elementele care sa permita verificarea autenticitatii Ordinului de plata (semnatura Clientului platitor). In cazul platilor efectuate catre Trezoreria Statului, Clientul va completa, in plus fata de informatiile de mai sus si urmatoarele elemente obligatorii: (a) codul de identificare fiscala al Clientului platitor; (b) numarul de evidenta a platii, alocat de Agentia Nationala de Administrare Fiscala; (c) numarul Ordinului de plata dat de Clientul platitor; (d) referinte privind continutul economic al Operatiunii. ii) in cazul Platilor externe, elementele obligatorii pentru Ordinul de plata in valuta/ Ordin de plata SEPA (inclusiv pentru platile in Lei in strainatate), elementele obligatorii de completat sunt: (a) nume/ denumire Client platitor; (b) cod IBAN Client platitor; (c) suma de plata; (d) valuta ordonata; (e) nume/ denumire beneficiar si adresa completa a acestuia; (f) Cod unic de identificare al beneficiarului (g) denumirea bancii beneficiarului, BIC-ul acesteia; (h) data emiterii care trebuie sa fie unica, posibila si certa; (i) mentiunea urgent – bifarea acestei rubrici reprezinta ordinul expres al Clientului platitor ca Banca sa execute transferul intr-un termen mai scurt fata de Termenul de executare mentionat in Contract; (j) semnatura Clientului platitor; (k) rubrica comisioane (se completeaza cu OUR/ BEN/ SHA in functie de tipul platii si cu respectarea legislatiei in vigoare); 2. Operatiunile de plata externe in lei sau in valuta transmise catre beneficiari care au conturi deschise la banci apartinand UE (Uniunea Europeana)/ SEE (Spatiul Economic European) se | the Bank units and on the Bank’s website, namely: 3. The rates of exchange applied by the Bank are displayed in the Bank units and on the Bank’s website, namely: 4. The rate of exchange differs depending on the product and operation, and it is specified in the Bank documents specific to each product and/or operation. It can be modified several times a day, at once and without the Bank sending a prior notice to the Client. 3. INFORMATION NECESSARY TO EXECUTE THE PAYMENT ORDER 1. For the Bank to correctly execute a Payment Order, if the Client is a Paying Client, the latter has the obligation to fill in the Payment Orders with the following information: i) for internal payments: (a) the name/ corporate name and account number of the Paying Client (the Client’s IBAN account opened with the Bank); (b) the name/corporate name and the tax identification number of the beneficiary of such payment (account in IBAN format, opened with the recipient credit institution); (c) information regarding the Bank agency where the Paying Client has opened his account: the name of the head office or, as the case may be, of the territorial unit and/or, if appropriate, the BIC code; (d) information regarding the recipient credit institution: name of the head office and/or the BIC code; (e) the amount of payment and its denomination; (f) the date of issue of the Payment Order (day, month, year) that must be unique, possible, and certain; (g) the element or elements that enable the Bank to check the authenticity of the payment order (the signature of the Paying Client). In addition to the information mentioned above, for payments made to the State Treasury, the Client shall also provide the following compulsory elements: (a) the tax identification number of the Paying Client; (b) the payment record number, as assigned by the National Agency for Fiscal Administration; (c) the number of the Payment Order assigned by the Paying Client; (d) references regarding the economic content of the Operation. ii) in the case of external payments, the compulsory elements for the Payment Order in Foreign Currency/ SEPA Payment Order (including for payments in Lei and abroad) are: (a) the name/corporate name of the Paying Client; (b) the IBAN code of the Paying Client; (c) the amount of payment; (d) the foreign currency ordered; (e) the name/ corporate name of the Beneficiary; (f) the unique identification number of the Beneficiary and the complete address; (g) the name of the Beneficiary’s bank, its address and BIC number; (h) the issue date which must be unique, possible, and certain; (i) the mention “urgent” – if the Paying Client checks this box, it means that he gives an express order to the Bank so that it may perform the transfer in a period which is shorter than the execution period mentioned in the Contract; (i) the signature of the Paying Client; (k) the fee section (to be filled in with OUR/BEN/SHA depending on the type of payment and in compliance with the legislation in force); 2. International payment transactions in lei or in foreign currencies sent towards beneficiaries with accounts opened at Banks within the EU (European Union)/ EEA (European Economic Area), are instructed with the SHA option charging. The external payment |
instructeaza cu optiunea de comisionare SHA. Operatiunile de plata externe in lei sau in valuta transmise catre beneficiari care au conturi deschise la banci din afara spatiului UE / SEE se pot instructa cu unul din optiunile de comisioane OUR/ BEN/ SHA. 3. In situatia in care Clientul este beneficiar al unei plati, are obligatia de a comunica platitorului, inainte de initierea platii, urmatoarele mentiuni obligatorii necesare pentru executarea corecta a Ordinului de plata respectiv: (a) numele/denumirea Clientului titular de cont si Codul unic de identificare, respectiv numarul de cont in format IBAN; (b) informatii privind unitatea Bancii la care este deschis contul Clientului beneficiar: denumirea centralei Bancii sau, dupa caz, a unitatii teritoriale si/sau, daca e cazul, Codul BIC (XXXXXXXX). 4. Banca va executa Ordinul de plata in baza Codului unic de identificare al beneficiarului platii furnizat de Client. Atat in cazul Platilor interne, cat si in cazul Platilor externe, Banca nu va proceda la verificarea concordantei dintre numele beneficiarului platii si Codul unic de identificare al beneficiarului platii indicat. Banca nu raspunde de eventualele intarzieri sau pagube in cazul furnizarii de informatii eronate de catre Client in calitate de Client platitor sau beneficiar al platii, ce au dus la neexecutarea sau executarea defectuoasa sau cu intarziere a Operatiunii de plata. In acest caz, Banca va depune toate eforturile rezonabile pentru a recupera fondurile implicate in Operatiunea de plata si are dreptul de a solicita Clientului un comision pentru operatiunea de investigare si / sau recuperare, care va fi in conformitate cu «Lista de Tarife si Comisioane in Lei si Valuta pentru Persoane Fizice Autorizate/ Profesii Liberale». 4. AUTORIZAREA ORDINULUI DE PLATA 1. Operatiunile de plata dispuse de catre Client trebuie sa fie, in mod obligatoriu, Autorizate prin exprimarea consimtamantului conform prezentului Contract. 2. Documentele pentru efectuarea de Operatiuni de plata din Contul curent prezentate Bancii trebuie sa poarte, in mod obligatoriu, semnatura Imputernicitului pe cont, in deplina concordanta cu specimenul de semnatura aflat la Banca (dreptul si limitarile sunt stabilite in functie de mandatul acordat, semnatura poate fi unica sau multipla). Banca se bazeaza pe caracterul real, corect si original al semnaturilor care apar pe Ordinele de plata, transmise Bancii in orice mod. 3. Banca nu este in niciun fel raspunzatoare de consecintele care pot sa apara ca urmare a: (a) folosirii frauduloase sau abuzive a semnaturilor sau a Elementelor de securitate personalizate; (b) nerespectarii modalitatilor de Autorizare a Operatiunilor de plata astfel cum au fost agreate prin prezentului Contract. 5. PRIMIREA/ ACCEPTAREA ORDINULUI DE PLATA 1. Momentul primirii Ordinului de plata este momentul in care Banca receptioneaza acest Ordin, daca acesta este anterior Orei limita interne (daca | operations in lei or in foreign currency sent towards beneficiaries with accounts opened at Banks outside the EU/ EEA area can be instructed with one of the OUR/ BEN/ SHA commission options. 3. If the Client is the beneficiary of a payment, he must communicate to the payer, before the initiation of the payment transaction, the following compulsory information, needed for the correct execution of the Payment Order: (a) the name/corporate name of the Client holding the account and the unique identification number, as well as the account number in an IBAN format; (b) information regarding the Bank agency where the beneficiary Client has opened his account: the name of the head office of the Bank and/or, if applicable, the BIC number XXXXXXXX); 4. The Bank shall execute the Payment Order based on the unique identification code of the beneficiary of the payment, provided by the Client. In the case of Internal payments, as well as in the case of External payments, the Bank shall not check the correspondence between the name of the payment beneficiary and the unique identification code of the indicated beneficiary of such payment. The Bank is not liable for any delays or damage if the Client, as Paying Client or Beneficiary, provides erroneous information resulting in the failure to execute, or the faulty or delayed execution of the payment operation. In such case, the Bank shall make all reasonable efforts to recover the funds involved in the payment operation, and is entitled to charge the Client a fee for the investigation and/or recovery operation, which will be in line with the «List of Rates and Fees in Lei and Foreign Currency for Self-employed Persons/ Authorized Professionals». 4. AUTHORISING THE PAYMENT ORDER 1. The Client shall authorise the ordered Payment Operations by expressing his consent according to this Contract. 2. The documents for making payment operations in the current account, submitted to the Bank, shall bear the signature of the representative on the Account, in full compliance with the signature specimen filed with the Bank (the right and limitations are established according to the power-of-attorney granted, the signature can be unique or multiple). The Bank relies on the real, correct and original character of the signatures that appear on the Payment Orders, transmitted to the Bank in any way. 3. The Bank is in no way liable for the consequences that may appear as a result of: (a) the fraudulent or abusive use of the signatures or customized security elements; (b) the breach of the manners of authorizing the payment operations, as agreed hereby. 5. RECEIVING / ACCEPTING THE PAYMENT ORDER 1. The time of receipt of the payment order is the time at which the Bank receives such order, if prior to the internal deadline (if any, depending on the operation) on |
exista, in functie de Operatiune) dintr-o Zi lucratoare. Orele limita aferente operatiunilor cu Ordine de plata sunt afisate in cadrul unitatilor Bancii. 2. Momentul primirii va fi considerat ziua convenita intre Banca si Client, in cazul in care Clientul platitor si Banca convin ca executarea Ordinului de plata sa inceapa intr-o anumita zi sau la sfarsitul unei anumite perioade sau in ziua in care fondurile au fost puse la dispozitia Bancii (ex: debitare directa, plati programate). 3. Ordinele de plata receptionate dupa Ora-limita sau intr-o zi nelucratoare vor fi considerate ca fiind primite in Ziua Lucratoare urmatoare. 4. Receptionarea Ordinelor de plata este considerata a fi: - in cazul Ordinului de plata pe suport de hartie (cu sau fara cod de bare), data prezentarii la unitatea Bancii, mentionata pe formularul semnat si stampilat de catre Banca. - in cazul Ordinelor de plata transmise prin Serviciile de banca la distanta si/ sau transmise prin intermediul unui tert (TPP sau PISP), momentul in care Clientul si-a exprimat consimtamantul conform prezentului Contract. - in cazul Ordinelor de plata cu cod de bare, informatia transpusa din codul de bare al Ordinului de plata corespunde cu cea inscrisa pe formularul de plata; in cazul existentei unor neconcordante, vor prevala informatiiile inscrise pe formularul de plata. 5. Un Ordin de plata este considerat acceptat de catre Banca daca acesta este receptionat si daca este recunoscut ca valid si daca este pus in executare. 6. Un Ordin de plata este considerat valid daca: - sunt completate toate informatiile necesare executarii Ordinului de plata - Ordinul de plata a fost autorizat conform cerintelor prevazute in prezentul Contract - in Contul curent indicat de Client pentru efectuarea platilor, exista fondurile necesare pentru efectuarea platii la momentul executarii. 7. Bifarea mentiunilor primit/acceptat de pe Ordinul de plata nu poate fi interpretata ca reprezentand o obligatie a Bancii de executare a acestuia. 8. Banca debiteaza Contul curent cu sumele aferente, in vederea executarii Ordinului de plata, cu exceptia cazului in care Clientul convine cu Banca ca executarea Ordinului sa inceapa intr-o anumita zi sau la sfarsitul unei anumite perioade, sau in ziua in care fondurile au fost puse la dispozitia Bancii, caz in care debitarea Contului se va realiza la momentul executarii convenit cu Banca (ex: debitare directa, Ordine de plata programata). 6. REFUZUL OPERATIUNILOR DE PLATA 1. Banca poate refuza executarea unei Operatiuni de plata si poate adopta orice masura pe care o considera necesara, inclusiv anularea sau blocarea drepturilor Clientului de acces la Instrumentele de plata, in cazul in care Banca considera ca: (a) Clientul nu si-a respectat obligatia de a asigura disponibilul necesar in Cont inaintea dispunerii Operatiunii de plata pentru sumele de plata si comisioanele bancare, daca e cazul; (b) Ordinul de plata – formular pretiparit pus la dispozitie de catre | a Business Day. The deadlines for payment operations are displayed in the Bank units. 2. The time of receipt shall be considered the day agreed upon between the Bank and the Client, if the Paying Client and the Bank agree that the execution of the Payment Order begins on a specific day, or at the end of a certain period, or on the day when the funds were made available for the Bank (e.g. direct debit, scheduled payments). 3. Payment Orders received after the deadline or on a Non-Business Day shall be deemed to have been received on the following Business Day. 4. The reception of Payment Orders is deemed to be: - in the case of a Payment Order on paper (with or without bar code), the date it is submitted to the Bank agency, as mentioned on the form signed and stamped by the Bank; - in the case of Payment Orders sent through the remote banking services and/ or transmitted through a third party (TPP or PISP), the time when the Client expressed his consent, in accordance with this Contract. - in the case of payment orders with barcode, the information from the barcode of the payment Order corresponds with the information on the payment form; in case of any inconsistency, the information on the payment form will prevail. 5. A Payment Order is deemed accepted by the Bank if received and acknowledged as valid, and if executed. 6. A Payment Order is considered valid if: - all the information necessary to the execution of the Payment Order is filled in; - the Payment Order was authorised according to the requirements herein; - the current account indicated by the Client for making the payments holds the necessary funds for this operation at the time of execution of the order. 7. The checked “received/accepted” mentions on the payment Order cannot be interpreted as an obligation of the bank to execute such Order. 8. The Bank debits the current account with the related amounts in view of executing the Payment Order, except where the Client agrees with the Bank that the execution of the order may start on a certain day or at the end of a certain period or on the day the funds were disbursed to the Bank, in which case the account shall be debited at the time of execution agreed upon with the Bank (e.g. direct debit, scheduled payments Orders). 6. REFUSAL OF PAYMENT OPERATIONS 1. The Bank may refuse to execute a Payment Operation and may take any measure it deems necessary, including cancelling or blocking the Client’s access to the Payment Instruments, if the Bank considers that: (a) The Client has breached his obligation to credit his Account with the necessary funds before ordering the payment operation for the amounts to be paid and the banking fees, if applicable; (b) The payment order – a pre-printed form provided by the Bank, was not filled in completely or was filled in incorrectly; the payment order with barcode contains inconsistencies between the |
Banca, nu a fost completat in intregime, sau a fost completat eronat; Ordinul de plata cu cod de bare are neconcordante intre informatia din codul de bare si cea tiparita pe formular; Ordinul de plata in format electronic, nu are corect sau complet completate toate campurile obligatorii pentru efectuarea tranzactiei, si Ordinul nu este Autorizat in mod corespunzator; (c) Banca nu primeste instructiunea inainte de Ora limita stabilita pentru acel tip de Operatiune, caz in care Banca va considera primita instructiunea in Ziua lucratoare urmatoare; (d) efectuarea Operatiunii de plata este impiedicata de existenta unei popriri sau a unui sechestru, sau alte masuri similare dispuse asupra Contului Clientului; (e) Operatiunea de plata prezinta suspiciune de frauda, spalare de bani sau finantare a terorismului, in conformitatea cu legislatia in vigoare; (f) nu au fost respectate prevederile prezentului Contract.(g) Clientul dispune efectuarea unei plati catre o entitate supusa sanctiunilor internationale; (h) Clientul refuza sa prezinte documente justificative solicitate expres de catre Banca. 2. Un Ordin de plata a carui executare a fost refuzata se considera ca nu a fost primit de catre Banca. 3. In cazul refuzului executarii unui Ordin de plata sau a unei Operatiuni de plata, Banca va informa Clientul prin unul dintre urmatoarele canale: telefon, e- mail, fax, mesaje in aplicatiile bancare de banca la distanta, SMS sau scrisoare. Daca este posibil, va mentiona motivul refuzului si procedura de remediere a erorilor care au condus la refuz, cu exceptia cazului in care furnizarea acestor informatii este contrara dispozitiilor legale. 4. In cazul in care refuzul este obiectiv, Banca are dreptul sa perceapa un comision specific conform «Listei de Tarife si Comisioane in Lei si Valuta pentru Persoane Fizice Autorizate/ Profesii Liberale». 7. REVOCAREA ORDINULUI DE PLATA 1. Clientul platitor nu poate retrage consimtamantul privind o Operatiune de plata, dupa ce Ordinul de plata a fost primit si acceptat de catre Banca. Prin exceptie, Clientul poate revoca o Operatiune de plata in cazul in care partile au convenit ca executarea Ordinului de plata sa inceapa intr-o anumita zi sau la sfarsitul unei anumite perioade ori in ziua in care Clientul a pus fonduri la dispozitia Bancii, cu conditia comunicarii revocarii pana cel tarziu la sfarsitul Zilei lucratoare care preceda ziua convenita pentru debitarea Contului (ex: debitare directa, Ordine de plata programata etc.). Consimtamantul exprimat pentru executarea succesiva a mai multor Operatiuni de plata (ex. debitare directa, Ordine de plata programata etc.) poate fi retras urmand ca orice Operatiune de plata viitoare, dupa retragerea consimtamantului, sa fie considerata neautorizata. 2. Orice retragere a consimtamantului trebuie realizata in forma scrisa, iar in cazul in care consimtamantul a fost retras prin alta forma de comunicare, Clientul este obligat sa transmita Bancii solicitarea si in forma scrisa, pana la sfarsitul Zilei lucratoare care precede ziua convenita pentru debitarea Contului, in caz contrar Clientul va putea fi raspunzator de eventualul prejudiciu suferit de catre Banca. Retragerea consimtamantului se poate realiza | information in the barcode and the information printed on the form; (c) The Bank has not received the instruction before the deadline for the respective type of operation, in which case it will deem the instruction received on the next Business Day; (d) the payment operation cannot be performed because of a seizure or garnishment or other similar measures ordered on the Client’s account; (e) the payment operation is a suspicion of fraud, money laundering or financing of terrorism, according to the legislation in force; (f) the provisions of this Contract have not been complied with, (g) The Client instructs a payment to an entity subject to international sanctions; (h) the Client refuses to provide the supporting documents expressly required by the Bank. 2. A payment order the execution of which was refused is deemed not received by the Bank. 3. In case of refusal to execute a payment Order or a payment transaction, the Bank shall inform the Client through one of the following channels: telephone, e-mail, fax, messages in the online banking applications, SMS or letter. If possible, state the reason for the refusal and the procedure for remedying the errors which led to the refusal, except where providing such information contravenes the legal provisions. 4. If the refusal is objective, the Bank is entitled to charge a specific fee, according to the «List of Rates and Fees in Lei and Foreign Currency for Self-employed Persons/ Authorized Professionals». 1. The Paying Client cannot withdraw his consent regarding a payment operation, after the payment order has been received and accepted by the Bank. Exceptionally, the Client may revoke a payment operation where the parties agreed that the execution of the payment order may start on a certain day or at the end of a certain period or on the day the Client made the funds available to the Bank, provided such revocation is communicated no later than at the end of the Business Day preceding the day agreed for debiting the account (e.g. direct debit, scheduled payments Orders etc.). The consent expressed for the successive execution of several payment operations (e.g. direct debit, scheduled payments Orders etc.) may be withdrawn, and any future payment operation, after the withdrawal of such consent, shall be considered unauthorised. 2. Any withdrawal of consent shall be made in writing, and if the consent was withdrawn by another means of communication, the Client shall transmit to the Bank the written request, as well, by the end of the Business Day preceding the day set for debiting the account, failing which the Client may be held liable for any damage incurred by the Bank. The consent may be withdrawn by the Representative on the Account or the Legal Representative, according to the mandate submitted to the Bank. |
de catre Imputernicitul pe cont sau Reprezentantul legal, conform mandatului depus la Banca. 3. In cazul in care Clientul revoca plata dupa acordarea consimtamantului, Banca va face demersurile necesare revocarii. In cazul in care plata a fost deja transmisa Bancii beneficiarului sau suma a fost deja creditata in Contul beneficiarului, revocarea se va face doar cu acordul acestuia. Banca nu poate fi tinuta responsabila pentru situatia in care beneficiarul nu este de acord sa returneze suma primita. Pentru operatiunile aferente revocarii platii ulterior acordarii consimtamantului, Banca poate aplica un comision specific conform «Lista de Tarife si Comisioane in Lei si Valuta pentru Persoane Fizice Autorizate/ Profesii Liberale». 8. EXECUTAREA ORDINULUI DE PLATA 1. In functie de tipul Operatiunii ordonate de catre Client si de ora limita interna de primire de catre Banca prevazuta in Contract, termenul maxim in care Banca va executa Operatiunea (prin creditarea Contului curent de plati al prestatorului beneficiarului platii) este: - Plati interne: maxim T+1, - Plati externe: maxim T+2 In calculul acestor termene nu se vor lua in considerare zilele nelucratoare sau nebancare nationale precum si ale altor state. 2. T reprezinta data primirii Ordinului de plata de catre Banca. La solicitarea Clientului, Banca poate efectua Operatiuni de plata in regim de urgenta, contra unui comision conform «Lista de Tarife si Comisioane in Lei si Valuta pentru Persoane Fizice Autorizate/ Profesii Liberale». 9. RASPUNDERE 1. Ordinul de plata este executat de catre Banca, in ceea ce priveste beneficiarul platii, in baza Codului unic de identificare furnizat de catre Clientul platitor. Banca nu raspunde pentru neexecutarea sau executarea defectuoasa a unei Operatiuni de plata, in ceea ce priveste beneficiarul platii, ca urmare a utilizarii unui Cod unic de identificare incorect furnizat de catre Clientul platitor. In acest caz, Banca va depune toate eforturile rezonabile pentru a recupera fondurile implicate in Operatiunea de plata. 2. In cazul unei Operatiuni de plata care se dovedeste ca nu a fost autorizata de catre Client, precum si in cazul unei Operatiuni de plata autorizata in mod corect care nu a fost executata sau a fost executata eronat de catre Banca, cu privire la care Clientul a notificat Banca in termen de cel mult 60 de zile de la data debitarii, Banca va rambursa fie imediat, fie, in orice caz cel mai tarziu la sfarsitul urmatoarei zile lucratoare Clientului platitor suma aferenta Operatiunii de plata neautorizate sau efectuate defectuos si, daca este cazul, va readuce Contul Clientului care a fost debitat in situatia in care s-ar fi aflat daca Operatiunea de plata neautorizata sau executata necorespunzator nu s-ar fi efectuat, cu exceptia cazului in care are motive rezonabile sa suspecteze ca a fost comisa o frauda si comunica aceste motive, in scris, autoritatii nationale competente. 3. Prin exceptie, Banca nu este raspunzatoare in conditiile in care poate aduce dovezi ca banca | 3. If the Client revokes the payment after having given his consent, the Bank will take the necessary steps to revoke it. If the payment has already been made to the Bank the payee or the amount has already been credited to the payee’s account, revocation will be made only with his consent. The Bank cannot be held responsible for the situation in which the payee does not agree to return the amount received. For payment cancellation operations after consent has been given, the Bank may charge a specific fee, according to the «List of Rates and Fees in Lei and Foreign Currency for Self-employed Persons/ Authorized Professionals». 8. EXECUTING THE PAYMENT ORDER 1. Depending on the type of operation ordered by the Client, and on the internal deadline for receipt by the Bank, as stipulated in the contract, the maximum term for the Bank to execute the operation (by crediting the payment curent account of the service provider, beneficiary of the payment) is: - Internal payments: maximum T+1 - External payments: maximum T+2. When calculating these time limits, national and non- bank days as well as those of other States shall not be taken into account. 2. T represents the date of receipt of the payment order by the Bank. At the Client’s request, the Bank may make payment operations in emergency conditions against a fee according to the «List of Rates and Fees in Lei and Foreign Currency for Self-employed Persons/ Authorized Professionals». 1. The payment order is executed by the Bank, for the benefit of the payment beneficiary, based on the unique identification code provided by the Paying Client. The Bank is not liable for the failure to execute or the faulty execution of a Payment Operation, with regard to the payment beneficiary, following the use of a unique identification code incorrectly provided by the Paying Client. In this case, the Bank shall make all reasonable efforts to recover the funds involved in the payment operation. 2. In the case of a payment operation that turns out not to have been authorised by the Client, as well as in the case of a correctly authorised payment operation which was not executed, or was erroneously executed by the Bank, regarding which the Client notified the Bank within no later than 60 days of the debit date, the Bank shall reimburse no later than the end of the next business day, to the Paying Client the amount of the payment operation that was unauthorised or deficiently executed and, if such is the case, it shall restore the Client’s account that was debited to the condition in which it would have been if the unauthorised or deficiently executed payment operation had not been made, unless it has reasonable grounds to suspect that a fraud has been committed and it shall communicate those grounds in writing to the competent national authority. 3. Exceptionally, the Bank is not liable if it can prove that the beneficiary’s bank received, in the execution term |
beneficiarului platii a primit, in termenul de executare agreat cu Clientul, suma care face obiectul Operatiunii de plata respective. 4. In cazul unei Operatiuni de plata neexecutate sau executate defectuos, Banca, la solicitarea Clientului, va actiona neintarziat in vederea identificarii Operatiunii de plata si il va informa pe acesta cu privire la rezultate, indiferent daca raspunderea ii revine sau nu. 5. Clientul se obliga sa despagubeasca Banca pentru orice daune, pierderi sau cheltuieli suportate de aceasta, care au rezultat din incalcarea prevederilor prezentului Contract de catre Client, inclusiv pentru orice daune, pierderi sau cheltuieli suportate de Banca, in urma stabilirii responsabilitatii financiare a acestuia pentru refuzurile de plata, in limita prevazuta de legislatia in vigoare. 10. CONDITII DE SECURITATE SI MASURI CORECTIVE 1. Clientul are obligatia sa utilizeze Instrumentul de plata in conformitate cu prevederile legii si ale Contractului ce reglementeaza utilizarea acestora. 2. Clientul are obligatia de a pastra in siguranta toate Elementele de securitate personalizate ale Instrumentelor de plata prin intermediul carora se face Autorizarea Operatiunilor. 3. Clientul are obligatia sa notifice/ informeze Banca, de indata ce ia la cunostinta de pierderea, furtul, folosirea fara drept a Instrumentului de plata sau orice alta utilizare neautorizata a acestuia, prin modalitatile specifice fiecarui produs, in termenele si conditiile agreate, conform contractelor specifice acestora. 4. Banca poate bloca Instrumentul de plată din motive legate de securitatea Instrumentului de plată, de o suspiciune privind utilizarea neautorizata sau frauduloasa a acestuia sau alte situatii ce prezinta un anumit risc. 5. Banca va informa Clientul despre blocarea utilizarii Instrumentului de plata, precum si cu privire la motivele blocarii, daca este posibil, inainte de blocare sau imediat dupa blocarea acestuia, cu exceptia cazului in care furnizarea acestei informatii ar aduce atingere motivelor de siguranta justificate in mod obiectiv sau este interzisa de alte dispozitii legislative. 6. Banca va debloca utilizarea Instrumentul de plata sau il va inlocui, odata ce motivele de blocare inceteaza. 11. PRESTAREA DE CATRE TPP A SERVICIILOR AFERENTE AISP SAU PISP 1. Prestarea acestor servicii de catre un TPP nu este conditionata de existenta unei relatii contractuale intre acestia si Banca. Astfel, Banca le poate acorda acestor TPP acces la Contul de plati accesibil online al Clientului, nefiind responsabila pentru indeplinirea obligatiilor aflate in sarcina acestor terti. 2. Banca poate refuza unui PISP sau AISP accesul la un Cont de plati accesibil online, in cazul in care exista motive justificate in mod obiectiv si dovezi legate de accesarea neautorizata de catre PISP sau AISP a Contului de plati accesibil online. | agreed upon with the Client, the amount that makes the object of the respective payment operation. 4. In the case of a payment operation that was not executed or was deficiently executed, the Bank, at the Client’s request, shall proceed at once to identifying the respective payment operation and informing him on the results, whether it is liable or not. 5. The Client undertakes to indemnify the Bank for any damage, losses or expenses incurred by the latter, arising from the violation by the Client of the provisions hereof, including for any damage, losses or expenses incurred by the Bank following the establishment of the Client's financial liability for the refusals to pay, within the limit set by the legislation in force. 10. SECURITY MEASURES AND CORRECTIVE MEASURES 1. The Client has the obligation to use the payment instrument in compliance with the legal provisions and with the Contract regulating their use. 2. The Client shall keep safe all the customised security elements of the payment instruments by means of which the operations are authorised. 3. The Client shall notify/ inform the Bank as soon as he becomes aware of the loss, theft, unrightful utilisation of the payment instrument or any other unauthorised use thereof, through the modalities specific to each product, in the terms and conditions agreed upon, in compliance with their specific contracts. 4. The Bank may block the Payment Instrument for reasons related to the security of the payment instrument, for a suspicion regarding the unauthorized or fraudulent use of it or in other situations involving a certain risk. 5. The Bank shall inform the Client about blocking the use of the payment instrument, as well as about the reasons thereof, if possible, before or immediately after blocking it, except where providing such information would be detrimental to the safety reasons objectively justified, or is forbidden by other legal provisions. 6. The Bank shall unblock the use of the payment instrument or replace the latter once the reasons for blocking it no longer exist. 11. THE PROVISION BY TPP OF THE SERVICES RELATED TO THE AISP OR PISP 1. The provision of these services by a TPP is not conditional on the existence of a contractual relationship between them and the Bank. Thus, the Bank may grant these TPP access to the Client’s online accessible payment account and will not be responsible for fulfilling the obligations imposed on these third parties. 2. The Bank may deny access to a PISP or AISP Payment account accessible online where there are objectively justified reasons and evidence of unauthorized access by the PISP or AISP to the payment account accessible online. In such cases, the Bank shall inform the Client, by means agreed in this agreement, of the refusal of access to the |
In aceste cazuri, Banca va comunica Clientului, prin mijloacele agreate in prezentul Contract, refuzul accesului la Contul de plati accesibil online si motivele acestui refuz. 3. In cazul PISP: procedura de exprimare a consimtamantului privind executarea unei Operatiuni de plata este cea convenita intre Client si PISP. Banca are obligatia de a comunica in conditii de securitate cu PISP si, imediat dupa primirea ordinului de plata din partea acestuia, ii va furniza toate informatiile necesare pentru executarea Operatiunii de plata. Banca nu percepe comisioane diferite in legatura cu Operatiunile de plata astfel initiate. 4. In cazul AISP procedura de exprimare a consimtamantului privind furnizarea de informatii privind Conturile Clientului deschise la Banca este cea convenita intre Client si AISP. Banca are obligatia de a comunica in conditii de securitate cu AISP, furnizand acestuia informatiile privind Conturile de plati accesibile online ale Clientului. Banca nu va percepe Clientului comisioane in legatura cu acest serviciu. D. DOVADA OPERATIUNILOR SI EXTRASUL DE CONT 1. Banca va emite extrase de cont pentru Operatiunile efectuate prin conturile curente ale Clientului de catre Reprezentantul legal, Imputernicitul pe cont, Delegatul, respectiv alti reprezentanti desemnati de Reprezentatul legal pentru diverse produse si servicii (carduri, servicii de banca la distanta etc.). Emiterea acestora se va tarifa conform «Lista de Tarife si Comisioane in Lei si Valuta pentru Persoane Fizice Autorizate/ Profesii Liberale». 2. Extrasele vor fi emise automat de Banca fie lunar, bi-lunar, saptamanal sau zilnic, conform instructiunii Clientului exprimate pe Cererea de deschidere de Cont curent/ Formularul de Intrare in Relatii cu Banca/ Formular de actualizare date clienti/ Formular de modificare date extras de cont, fiind valabile fara semnatura reprezentantilor sau stampila Bancii. In plus, Banca poate emite extrase de cont de ori cate ori Clientul solicita. Acestea vor fi comisionate in conformitate «Lista de Tarife si Comisioane in Lei si Valuta pentru Persoane Fizice Autorizate/ Profesii Liberale». 3. Extrasul de cont cuprinde informatii in ceea ce priveste data de inregistrare a Operatiunilor, natura si valoarea Operatiunilor, dobanzile si comisioanele aferente Operatiunilor efectuate pe Cont, beneficiarul si platitorul Operatiunilor efectuate, soldurile Conturilor, comerciantul acceptant sau bancomatul la care sa desfasurat tranzactia cu cardul (dacă este cazul), etc. 4. Banca va pune la dispozitia Clientului extrasul de cont prin prezentarea acestuia la unitatile Bancii sau prin serviciile de banca la distanta. 5. Extrasele zilnice vor fi emise doar pentru zilele in care au fost efectuate Operatiuni, fiind puse la dispozitia Clientului la unitatea Bancii la care acesta are deschis Contul sau prin serviciile de banca la distanta. | payment account accessible online and of the reasons for such refusal. 3. In the case of PSI: the procedure for expressing consent to the execution of a payment transaction shall be that agreed between the Client and the PISP. The Bank has the obligation to communicate in secure conditions with PISP and, immediately after receiving the payment order from it, will provide it with all the necessary information for the execution of the Payment Operation. The bank does not charge different fees in relation to the operations of payment thus initiated. 4. In the case of the AISP the procedure for expressing consent to the provision Information on Client accounts opened at the Bank is CEA Agreed between Client and AISP. The bank is required to communicate securely with the AISP, providing the Client with information on the Client’s online accessible payment accounts. Bank will not charge the Client any fees in connection with this service. D. PROOF OF OPERATIONS AND STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT 1. The Bank will issue statements of account regarding the transactions through the Client’s current accounts performed by the Legal Representative, the Account Xxxxxx’x Proxy, the Delegate, as well as by other representatives appointed by the Legal Representative for various products and services (cards, remote banking services, etc.). Such issuance will be charged according to the «List of Rates and Fees in Lei and Foreign Currency for Self-employed Persons/ Authorized Professionals». 2. The statements shall be issued by default on a monthly, bi-monthly, weekly or daily basis, according to the Client’s instruction expressed in the Application for the Opening of a Current Account / Bank Affiliation Form / Client Data Modification Form / Form for Modifying the Data of the Statements of Account, valid without the representatives’ signature or the Bank’s seal. In addition, the Bank may issue statements of account each time the Client requests it. These will be charged according to the «List of Rates and Fees in Lei and Foreign Currency for Self-employed Persons/ Authorized Professionals». 3. The statement of account includes information about the date of registration of the operations, the nature and amount of the operations, the interest rates and fees of the operations made in the account, the beneficiary and payer of the operations performed, the balances of the accounts,the accepting retailer or the automatic cash machine where the card transaction was performed (if applicable), etc. 4. The statements of account shall be made available to the Client in the Bank units or by remote banking services. 5. The daily statements of account shall be issued only for the days on which operations were performed, and made available to the Client at the Bank unit with which he opened his account or by remote banking services. |
E. INCHIDEREA CONTURILOR. INCETAREA RELATIILOR CU BANCA 1. Clientul poate solicita inchiderea Contului curent, printr-o cerere semnata de Reprezentantul legal sau de Imputernicitul pe cont, daca acesta a primit mandat in acest sens. 2. Inchiderea Contului curent la solicitarea Clientului va fi efectuata numai dupa achitarea de catre acesta a tuturor sumelor pe care le datoreaza Bancii, si cu conditia ca respectivul Cont curent sa nu aiba produse utilizate atasate (conturi de depozite, carduri business, credite etc). In cazul existentei produselor utilizate pe Contul curent pe care Clientul solicita a fi inchis, acesta va solicita si inchiderea produselor respective conform reglementarilor specifice acestora. In cazul in care contul curent are atasat/e card/uri, inchiderea se va face dupa 30 de zile calendaristice de la renuntarea/blocarea tuturor cardurilor atasate. Acest termen, in cazul in care exista refuzuri la plata in curs de rezolvare, se prelungeste pana la 45 zile calendaristice. 3. La inchiderea Contului curent, Clientul preda carnetele/ formularele de cecuri/cambii/bilete la ordin neutilizate, puse la dispozitia sa de catre Banca. De la momentul inchiderii Contului curent, aceste documente nu mai sunt valabile si nu mai produc efecte. Banca nu poate fi obligata sa onoreze cecuri, cambii, bilete la ordin, alte titluri si/ sau efecte de comert dupa data inchiderii Contului curent. 4. Clientul nu poate solicita inchiderea Contului curent in cazul in care asupra acestuia s-a dispus masura indisponibilizarii in conditiile legii (insolventa, faliment). In cazul in care asupra contului/ sumelor de bani din cont au fost instituite masuri asiguratorii de catre organele de urmarire penala sau instantele penale competente, inchiderea contului poate fi efectuata numai dupa receptionarea de catre Banca a acordului scris emis de aceste autoritati, la solicitarea Clientului. 5. Inainte de inchiderea Contului curent, Clientul are obligatia de a reglementa situatia produselor si serviciilor atasate Contului curent respectiv. 6. Banca isi rezerva dreptul sa inchida orice Cont curent al Clientului in oricare din urmatoarele cazuri: a.inexistenta oricaror Operatiuni in Contul curent pe o perioada de 6 luni; b.intarzieri sau refuzul de prezentare a documentelor solicitate de Banca sau a modificarilor acestora c.neprezentarea documentelor solicitate aferente Operatiunilor de plata ordonate sau prezentarea acestora intr-o forma necorespunzatoare ori incompleta; d.nerespectarea prezentului Contract sau a altor documente semnate cu Banca ori a prevederilor legale in vigoare e. in cazul in care relatia de afaceri cu Clientul prezinta riscuri considerate de Banca ca fiind inacceptabile pentru Banca, pentru Grupul BRD sau Grupul Société Générale. 7. Inchiderea Contului curent in situatiile prezentate la art. 6 va fi anuntata Clientului printr-o notificare expediata cu 15 Zile calendaristice inainte de data inchiderii efective a Contului. 8. Pana la data inchiderii efective a Contului curent conform art 6., Clientul va reglementa situatia | E. CLOSING THE ACCOUNTS. TERMINATING THE RELATIONSHIPS WITH THE BANK 1. The Client may request the closing of his current account through a request signed by his Legal representative or representative on the Account, if the latter was mandated in this respect. 2. The current account shall be closed at the Client’s request only after he has paid all the amounts due to the Bank and provided the said current account does not have any attached products (deposit accounts, business cards, loans etc.). If such products are attached to the current account which the Client wishes to close, then the Client shall also request the closing of the respective products, according to their specific regulations. If the current account has any cards attached, the closing will be made 30 calendar days after the withdrawal/locking of all attached cards. In case there are payment refusals pending settlement, this deadline is extended up to 45 calendar days. 3. Upon the closing of the current account, the Client shall hand in the unused cheque books/ cheques provided to him by the Bank. As of the time of closing of the current account, these documents are no longer valid and no longer produce effects. The Bank cannot be forced to honour cheques, promissory notes, or other securities and/or commercial papers after the date of closing of the current account. 4. The Client cannot request the closing of his current account if the freezing measure was enforced upon it (insolvency, bankruptcy, seizure or other similar measures). In case the account/the monies in the account are subject to provisional measures taken by criminal investigation bodies or relevant courts, the closing of the account may be performed only after the receipt by the Bank of a written consent issued by such authorities, at the request of the Client. 5. Before the current account is closed, the Client has the obligation to set in order the products and services attached to the respective current account. 6. The Bank reserves the right to close any current account of the Client in any of the following cases: a. the inexistence of any operations in the current account for 6 months; b. delays in or refusal to present the documents, or their modifications, at the request of the Bank. c.the failure to present the requested documents regarding the payment operations ordered or their presentation in an inadequate or incomplete form; d.the breach of this contract or of other documents signed with the Bank or of the legal provisions in force. e. if the business relationship with the Client presents risks which the Bank considers unacceptable to the Bank, the BRD Group or the Société Générale Group. 7. The closing of the current account in the situations presented under art. 6 shall be announced to the Client by means of a notice dispatched 10 Business Days before the date of actual closing of the account. 8. By the date of actual closing of the current account, as per art. 6, the Client shall set in order the amounts in the respective current account, by ordering |
sumelor aflate in respectivul Cont curent, si anume va dispune transferarea sumelor intr-un alt cont la o alta banca sau retragerea lor in numerar. In cazul in care Clientul nu opteaza pentru una din aceste doua variante, pana la data inchiderii efective a Contului curent, Clientul declara ca a luat cunostinta si este de acord ca Banca sa-l inchida automat,sumele existente in cont la data inchiderii vor fi pastrate la dispozitia Clientului intr-un cont al bancii, iar daca valoarea acestor sume la data inchiderii contului este mai mica de 1000 EUR (sau echivalentul in Lei sau alta valuta) acestea se vor inregistrea ca venituri ale Bancii.Orice sume rezultate la inchiderea contului clientului, conform celor mentionate anterior, nu se va bonifica cu dobanda din momentul inchiderii contului. 9. Prin exceptie de la prevederile art. 7. Banca poate inchide Contul curent al Clientului, automat si fara nici o notificare prealabila in situatia in care sunt indeplinite cumulativ urmatoarele conditii: a.Cont curent cu sold mai mic sau egal cu 1000 EUR (sau echivalent in moneda contului); b.inexistenta oricaror Operatiuni in Contul curent pe o perioada de minim 6 luni; c.inexistenta produselor atasate respectivului Cont curent. 10. Dreptul Clientului de a solicita Bancii restituirea sumelor existente in conturile curente la momentul inchiderii acestora din initiativa Bancii in conditiile mentionate la punctele 8 si 9 ale prezentei sectiuni se va prescrie in conditiile prevazute de Codul Civil in termen de 5 ani, calculat de la momentul notificarii de catre banca a inchiderii contului. 11. In cazul in care Clientului i-au fost inchise anterior conturi asupra carora fusesera instituite masuri de executare silita prin poprire, Banca isi rezerva dreptul de a nu deschide noi conturi intr-un termen mai mic de 3 luni de la data inchiderii conturilor afectate de poprire. CAPITOLUL III. DREPTURILE SI OBLIGATIILE PARTILOR A. Drepturile Clientului 1. Sa primeasca pentru disponibilul pastrat in Conturile sale deschis la Banca dobanda stabilita conform «Lista de dobanzi standard pentru Persoane Fizice Autorizate/ Profesii Liberale», daca este cazul. 2. Sa alimenteze Conturile sale prin depuneri in numerar la unitatile Bancii sau prin viramente din alte conturi, deschise la Banca sau la alte banci. Alimentarile in valuta se efectueaza cu conditia respectarii reglementarilor cu privire la operatiunile valutare, aflate in vigoare la momentul efectuarii lor. 3. Sa dispuna Operatiuni cu sumele aflate in Conturile sale cu respectarea prezentui Contract. 4. Sa solicite inchiderea Contului curent numai dupa achitarea catre Banca a tuturor sumelor pe care le datoreaza acesteia. 5. Sa i se puna la dispozitie de catre Banca extrasul de cont in care sa fie evidentiate Operatiunile efectuate, in conditiile II lit. D. 6. Sa solicite produse si/sau servicii care vor fi atasate Contului curent, in conditiile stabilite de Banca. 7. Sa i se puna la dispozitie de catre Banca, la cerere, in orice moment in timpul relației contractuale Condițiile Generale Bancare, precum si cele specifice | their transfer into another account with another bank, or by withdrawing them in cash. If the Client does not opt for any of these two variants until the actual closing date of the current account, the Client declares that he/she understands and agrees that the Bank may close the account automatically. The monies existing in the account on the closing date will be preserved available for the Client in one of the Bank’s accounts and if the amount of such monies on the account closing date is less than 1000 EUR (or the equivalent in Lei or another currency), they will be recorded as Bank revenues. No amounts resulting from the closing of the Client’s account, as mentioned above, will accumulate interest from the closing of the account. 9. The Bank may close the Client’s current account automatically and without prior notice if the following conditions are cumulatively met: a. the balance of the current account is inferior or equal to EUR 1000 (or the equivalent in the currency of the account); b.the inexistence of any operations in the current account for minimum 6 months; c.the inexistence of any products attached to the said current account. 10. The Client's right to require the repayment of the amounts existing in the current accounts upon their closure at the Bank’s initiative under the terms mentioned in items 8 and 9 of this section, will be prescribed as stipulated in the Civil Code within 5 years starting from the notification by the Bank regarding the closing of the account. 11. In case the Client had previously closed accounts that were subject to foreclosure by garnishment, the Bank reserves the right not to open new accounts within a period of less than three months from the closing date of the accounts affected by garnishment. CHAPTER III. RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTIES A. Rights of the Client 1. To receive, for the available funds kept in his current accounts opened with the Bank, the interest set according to the standard «List of Rates and Fees in Lei and Foreign Currency for Self-employed Persons/ Authorized Professionals», if the case. 2. To credit his accounts by cash deposits at the Bank units or by transfers from other accounts opened with the Bank or with other banks. The accounts can be credited with foreign currency only in compliance with the regulations regarding foreign exchange operations, in force at the time the accounts are credited. 3. To order operations with the amounts in his current accounts, in compliance herewith. 4. To request the closing of the current account only after paying all the due amounts to the Bank. 5. To be provided by the Bank with the statement of account reflecting the performed operations, as per art. II.E. 6. To request products and / or services that will be attached to the current account, in the conditions set by the Bank. 7. To receive from the Bank, upon request, at any time during the contractual relationship, the General Banking Conditions, as well as those specific to the contracts, forms related to each product/ service. |
contractelor, formularelor aferente fiecarui produs / serviciu. B. Obligatiile Clientului 1. Sa cunoasca si sa respecte prezentul Contract cu privire la efectuarea Operatiunilor in Conturile sale deschise la Banca, precum si cu privire la orice serviciu si/ sau produs al carui beneficiar este. 2. Sa utilizeze Conturile sale pentru efectuarea de Operatiuni de plata folosind doar formularele standard ale Bancii. Acestea trebuie sa fie corect completate si sa reflecte operatiuni reale, Clientul fiind pe deplin raspunzator pentru aceasta. 3. Sa furnizeze corect Bancii informatiile si documentele pe care aceasta i le solicita, in scopuri precum urmatoarele, dar fara a se limita la acestea: (i) deschiderea unui Cont, contractarea unui produs sau serviciu al Bancii, (ii) efectuarea operatiunilor dispuse de Client, (iii) clarificarea operatiunilor efectuate in Contul sau in numele Clientului. Documentele justificative solicitate de Banca pot avea in vedere elementele de identificare a Clientului, statutul juridic al acestuia, al Imputernicitilor pe Cont sau al Beneficiarului Real, sursa fondurilor utilizate prin Conturi sau alte informatii relevante pentru Banca. Neprezentarea documentelor justificative poate conduce la incetarea relatiilor de afaceri din initiativa Bancii. Clientii nerezidenti fiscal in Romania care pot prezenta, in original sau copie legalizata, si insotit de o traducere autorizata in limba romana, un Certificat de Rezidenta Fiscala (emis de organele fiscale din tara de rezidenta pentru anul calendaristic in care se face plata dobanzilor), valabil la data platii dobanzii, respectiv data inregistrarii in Cont, beneficiaza de aplicarea cotei de impozit mai favorabile (dintre cea prevazuta in legislatia nationala si cea prevazuta in conventiile de evitare a dublei impuneri in vigoare incheiate de Romania cu tara lor de rezidenta). De asemenea, Clientii nerezidenti trebuie sa comunice Bancii tara de rezidenta fiscala si NIF atribuit de aceasta (sau, dupa caz, motivul pentru care acest numar nu poate fi furnizat), precum si orice modificare a rezidentei fiscale. 4. Sa anunte Banca in cazul intervenirii oricarui fapt care produce modificari in statutul juridic avut in vedere initial, sau a oricarei modificari referitoare la Reprezentantul legal, Imputernicit pe cont si/ sau Delegat, modificari cu privire la limitele mandatului primit sau la datele lor de identificare (ex. date identificare Client, Reprezentant legal, Imputernicitul pe cont, Delegatul, statut juridic, revocare imputernicire etc.) si sa inlocuiasca in mod corespunzator actele prezentate initial, in cel mai scurt timp de la data modificarii respective. Pana la data primirii de catre Banca a acestor modificari din partea Clientului, inclusiv dovada indeplinirii formalitatilor de inregistrare la Registrul Comertului, Banca este indreptatita sa considere informatiile si datele de identificare aflate in posesia sa ca fiind valide. Banca nu este in nici un fel raspunzatoare pentru eventualele prejudicii cauzate ca urmare a necomunicarii in timp util si in conditii de siguranta a modificarilor / completarilor aparute, sau in cazul in care acestea au fost comunicate Bancii de catre Client fara a fi urmate de inscrisuri doveditoare conform solicitarii Bancii. | 1. To know and comply with this Contract regarding the performance of operations in his accounts opened with the Bank, as well as any service and/or product of which he is the beneficiary. 2. To use his accounts in order to make payment operations by using only the standard forms of the Bank. These must be correctly filled in and reflect real operations, the Client being fully liable in this respect. 3. To provide the Bank with the information and documents it requires for the purposes of, but not limited to, the following: (i) opening an account, contracting a product or service of the Bank, (ii) performing the operations ordered by the Client (iii) clarifying the operations performed in the account or on behalf of the Client. The supporting documents requested by the Bank may take into account the identification elements of the Client, his legal status, of the Representative on the Account or of the Real Beneficiary, the source of the funds used through accounts or other relevant information for the Bank. Failure to present supporting documents may lead to termination of business relations at the initiative of the Bank. Clients that are not tax residents in Romania and that can present, in original or certified copy, and accompanied by an authorized translation in Romanian, a certificate of fiscal residence (issued by the tax authorities of the country of residence for the calendar year in which the interest is paid), valid at the date of the interest payment, respectively at the date of registration in the bank account, benefits from the application of the more favorable tax rate (between the one provided in the national legislation and the one provided in the conventions for avoidance of the double taxation in force concluded by Romania with their country of residence). In addition, non-resident Clients must notify the Bank regarding the country of tax residence and TIN assigned by this (or, as appropriate, the reason this number can not be provided) and any change of the tax residence. 4. To announce the Bank in case of occurrence of any event that causes changes in the initially considered juridical status, or of any change with regard to the Legal Representative, the Representative on the Account and/or the Delegate, changes in the limits of the received mandate or their identification data (e.g. identification data of the Client, Legal Representative, Representative on the Account, Delegate, legal status, revocation of mandate, etc.) and to duly replace the initially submitted documents in the shortest delays as of the date of the respective modification. Until the Bank receives such modifications from the Client, including the proof that the registration formalities with the Trade Register have been duly performed, the Bank is entitled to consider the information and identification data in its possession as valid. The Bank is in no way liable for any prejudice caused by the Client’s failure to communicate in due time and in safety conditions the modifications / additions occurred, or if the Client communicated them to the Bank without the related vouchers, as requested by the Bank. 5. To respect the opening hours of the Bank, as displayed in its units. |
5. Sa respecte programul de lucru cu publicul al Bancii, asa cum este afisat la unitatile acesteia. 6. Sa se informeze periodic cu privire la modificarile intervenite in nivelul comisioanelor, spezelor si dobanzilor, din afisarile existente la unitatile Bancii. 7. Sa achite la termen comisioanele, spezele si dobanzile bancare aferente operatiunilor efectuate si produselor detinute, conform «Lista de Tarife si Comisioane in Lei si Valuta pentru Persoane Fizice Autorizate/ Profesii Liberale», in vigoare la momentul efectuarii Operatiunilor, existente la sediile Bancii. 8. Sa efectueze Operatiuni de plata doar in limita disponibilului din Cont, tinand cont inclusiv de valoarea comisioanelor si spezelor aferente gestiunii Conturilor si Operatiunilor efectuate. In vederea executarii unui Ordin de plata de catre Banca, Clientul platitor are obligatia de a asigura in Contul indicat in respectivul Ordin de plata, fondurile necesare pentru efectuarea platii sumei inscrise in Ordinul de plata precum si pentru plata comisioanelor aferente, inainte de data procesarii. 9. Sa efectueze retrageri in numerar din Contul curent fara a depasi limita impusa de reglementarile in vigoare. 10. Sa furnizeze toate datele/ sa completeze toate rubricile obligatorii din formularele Bancii pentru Operatiunile solicitate (ordine de plata simple/ conditionate/ ordine de plata cu cod de bare, etc). 11. Sa se informeze cu privire la situatia Conturilor sale prin orice mijloace puse la dispozitie de catre Banca, inclusiv prin analizarea extraselor de cont. 12. Sa utilizeze Instrumentele de debit cu respectarea legislatiei in vigoare privind cecul, cambia si biletul la ordin si a reglementarilor in vigoare privind organizarea si functionarea la BNR a CIP, cu modificarile ulterioare, sa asigure disponibilul necesar decontarii acestora la data emiterii (in cazul cecului), respectiv la data scadentei (in cazul cambiilor si biletelor la ordin), inca de la inceputul Zilei lucratoare, sa restituie Bancii formularele instrumentelor de debit (cec, cambie, bilet la ordin) neutilizate (inclusiv cele gresit completate) puse la dispozitia sa de catre Banca. In cazul pierderii, sustragerii sau distrugerii instrumente de debit (cecurilor, cambiilor sau biletelor la ordin), Clientul trebuie sa se adreseze instantelor de judecata abilitate, conform legislatiei in vigoare, sa informeze Banca in legatura cu instrumentele de debit aflate in aceasta situatie si sa prezinte o copie legalizata a hotararii judecatoresti executorii de anulare a respectivelor instrumente la ghiseul unitatii Bancii care le-a eliberat. Daca un detinator introduce pe circuitul bancar un instrument de debit pentru care s-a solicitat instantei anularea, atunci plata instrumentului, inainte ca Banca sa fie notificata despre hotararea judecatoreasca executorie de anulare, elibereaza Banca de obligatia de plata, chiar daca aceasta a fost instiintata cu privire la introducerea in instanta a cererii de anulare. 13. Sa despagubeasca Banca pentru orice daune, pierderi sau cheltuieli suportate de aceasta, care au rezultat din incalcarea prevederilor Contractului de catre Client, inclusiv pentru orice daune, pierderi sau cheltuieli suportate de Banca, in urma stabilirii responsabilitatii financiare a acestuia pentru refuzurile de plata. | 6. To enquire periodically on the changes occurred in the rates of the fees, charges and interests, based on the displays in the Bank units. 7. To pay on time the fees, charges and interests related to the operations made and the products held, according to the standard «List of Rates and Fees in Lei and Foreign Currency for Self-employed Persons/ Authorized Professionals», in force at the time of the operations and provided in the Bank units. 8. To make payment operations only within the limit of the funds available in the account, considering inclusively the amount of the fees and charges for the management of the accounts and the operations performed. For the Bank to execute a payment order, the Paying Client shall make sure, before the processing date, that the account indicated in such payment order holds the necessary funds to make the payment of the amount indicated in the payment order, as well as of the related fees. 9. To make withdrawals from the current account without exceeding the limit imposed by the regulations in force. 10. To provide all the data / fill in all the compulsory columns in the Bank forms for the requested operations (simple / conditioned / multiple payment orders/ bar code payment orders, etc.). 11. To enquire about the situation of his accounts through any means made available by the Bank, including by analysing the statements of account. 12. To use the debit instruments in compliance with the legislation in force with regard to cheques, bills of exchange and promissory notes and with the regulations in force regarding the organisation and functioning of the Payment Incidents Centre attached the National Bank of Romania, as further amended, to ensure the necessary funds for settling them at the issuance date (for cheques) or at the due date (for bills of exchange and promissory notes), as soon as the beginning of the Business Day, to return to the Bank the debit instrument forms (check, bill of exchange, promissory note) unused (including those filled in incorrectly) made available by the Bank. In case of loss, theft or destruction of debit instruments (checks, bills of exchange or promissory notes), the Client will refer to the competent court, as required by law, will inform the Bank in connection with such debit instruments and will submit a certified copy of the enforceable court decision cancelling such instruments to the Bank branch which has issued them. In case a holder introduces on the banking circuit a debit instrument in relation to which cancellation was filed with the court, then the payment of the instrument before the Bank is notified about the enforceable court decision will discharge the Bank from the payment obligation, even if the latter was notified about the filing of the cancellation request with the court. 13. To indemnify the Bank for any damage, losses or expenses incurred by the latter, arising from the violation by the Client of the provisions of the Contract, including for any damage, losses or expenses incurred by the Bank following the establishment of the Client's financial liability for the refusals to pay. 14. The Client irrevocably and unconditionally authorises the Bank to recover, during the entire validity period of the Agreement, from any of his accounts opened with the Bank, be it a current account or a deposit account, even if not matured yet, the amounts |
14. Clientul autorizeaza Banca, in mod irevocabil si neconditionat, pe toata durata de valabilitate a Contractului sa recupereze din orice Cont al sau deschis la Banca, Cont curent sau cont de depozit, chiar si neajuns la termen, sumele reprezentând obligatii de plata ale Clientului fata de Banca, scadente si neachitate in termen de 30 zile calendaristice de la data solicitarii in scris primite din partea Bancii. In cazul conturilor de depozit neajunse la termen, sumele ramase in urma achitarii obligatiilor de plata ale Clientului fata de Banca vor fi automat transferate in Contul curent prin intermediul caruia s-a constituit depozitul si vor fi bonificate cu dobanda corespunzatoare unui Cont curent. Daca este cazul, Banca va putea efectua Operatiuni de schimb valutar la Cursul de schimb propriu pentru a cumpara valuta/ Lei si a alimenta Contul curent al Clientului in valuta/ Lei. Clientul nu va fi exonerat de plata eventualelor penalitati pentru sumele datorate si nici nu va fi scutit de inregistrarea sa la entitatile ce colecteaza date privind bonitatea clientilor. 15. Sa prezinte Bancii documentele solicitate de aceasta in original, copie certificata „conform cu originalul” sau legalizata, conform solicitarii Bancii. 16. Sa aduca imediat la cunostinta Bancii orice restrictii/ limitari/ interdictii care il privesc pe Client sau Conturile acestuia. 17. Sa verifice si sa semnaleze Bancii orice Operatiune in Conturile sale pe care o considera nejustificata, inclusiv erori/ omisiuni din extrasul de cont in cel mai scurt timp de la constatare dar nu mai tarziu de 10 (zece) Zile lucratoare de la data emiterii extrasului de cont. Orice sesizare venita dupa expirarea celor 10 (zece) Zile lucratoare, nu se va mai lua in considerare. 18. Clientul intelege si accepta posibilitatea ca, in cazul survenirii unor schimbari exceptionale a imprejurarilor care au stat la baza intrarii in relatie cu Banca, independente de vointa Bancii, executarea obligatiilor sale asumate fata de Banca sa devina mai oneroasa din cauza cresterii costurilor executarii acestora. 19. Clientul este de acord sa isi asume riscul cu privire la aparitia unor astfel de imprejurari, fiind tinut sa isi indeplineasca obligatiile asumate fata de Banca independent de aceste schimbari exceptionale ale imprejurarilor care au stat la baza intrarii in relatie cu Banca. 20. Sa completeze si sa prezinte, atat la intrarea in relatie cu banca cat si la actualizarea datelor si informatiilor personale, formularele FATCA solicitate de catre Banca. Clientul este obligat sa completeze si sa prezinte, atat la intrarea in relatie cu Banca cat si la actualizarea datelor, informatiile CRS, conform legislatiei in vigoare. 21. Clientul declară că a luat cunoştinţă şi este de acord ca Banca poate inregistra si stoca convorbiri telefonice si comunicari electronice dintre Client/Imputernicit şi Bancă. Clientul declara faptul ca a informat si a obtinut consimtamantul persoanelor relevante (Imputernicit) pentru inregistrarea convorbirilor telefonice si a mesajelor de comunicare electronica. De asemenea, Clientul isi exprima acordul in mod irevocabil si neconditionat ca inregistrarile respective constituie o probă admisibilă şi concludentă (inclusiv in instanta) privind continutul conversaţiilor/ mesajelor inregistrate şi vor putea fi folosite în orice | representing due and unpaid payment obligations of the Client towards the Bank, within 30 calendar days as of the date of the written request from the Bank. In the case of deposit accounts not matured, the amounts remaining after the payment of the Client’s obligations towards the Bank shall be transferred by default into the current account through which the deposit was made, and the interest corresponding to a c a shall be paid thereon. If necessary, the Bank may perform foreign exchange operations at its own rate of exchange to buy foreign currency / lei and to credit the Client's current account in foreign currency / lei. The Client shall not be exonerated from paying any penalties for the amounts due, nor shall he be exempt from registration with the entities that collect data about the Clients’ solvency. 15. To submit to the Bank the requested documents in original, certified true copy or notarised copy, as requested by the Bank. 16. To inform immedially the Bank at once about any restrictions / limitations / interdictions regarding the Client or his accounts. 17 . To check and signal to the Bank any operation in his accounts he deems unjustified, including any errors / omissions in his statement of account as soon as possible after finding them, but no later than 10 (ten) Business Days as of the date of issuance of the statement of account. Any complaint that reaches the Bank after the expiry of the 10 (ten) Business Days shall no longer be considered. 18. The Client understands and accepts the possibility that, in case of exceptional change of the circumstances in which it had entered in relation to the Bank, irrespective of the will of the Bank, his obligations undertaken towards the Bank may become more expensive, because operation costs for them have increased. 19. The Client agrees to take the risk in case such circumstances occur, being held liable to accomplish his obligations undertaken towards the Bank irrespective of these exceptional changes of the circumstances in which he had entered in relation with the Bank. 20. Filling in and submitting the FATCA forms required by the Bank both on initiating a relation with the Bank and on updating personal data and information. Client has the obligation to complete and submit both to the entrance into relation with the bank and to update of data, CRS information, as required by law. 21. The Client declares that he/ she acknowledges and agrees that the Bank may record and store telephone conversations and electronic communications between client/ attorney and the Bank. Client declares that informed and obtained the consent of the relevant persons (representative) for telephone and electronic communication messages. Client also agrees irrevocably and unconditionally that these records constitute admissible evidence and conclusive (including in court) regarding the content of the conversations/ recorded messages and can be used in any judicial, extra-judicial, administrative or arbitration. The Client has the right to |
proceduri judiciare, extrajudiciare, administrative sau de arbitraj. Clientul are dreptul sa refuze inregistrarea respectivei convorbiri, la momentul initierii sale, caz in care, comunicarea va putea fi reluata prin alt mijloc de comunicare aflat la dispozitia partilor. 1. Sa stabileasca/ modifice cuantumul minim necesar deschiderii si mentinerii Conturilor curente. 2. Sa refuze deschiderea de Conturi sau efectuarea de Operatiuni dispuse de Clienti, in cazul in care nu sunt indeplinite toate criteriile prevazute de legislatia in vigoare cu privire la cunoasterea clientelei. 3. Sa solicite Clientului documente privind scopul serviciilor bancare ce urmeaza a se derula prin intermediul Bancii. 4. Sa solicite in scris si sa obtina orice fel de informatii pe care le considera necesare referitor la Client, inclusiv informatii despre Reprezentant legal, Imputernicit pe cont, Delegatul, sau operatiuni pe care acesta le desfasoara, in situatiile in care Banca apreciaza ca informatiile detinute nu sunt complete sau corecte sau sunt contradictorii. 5. Sa suspende efectuarea oricarei Operatiuni in Conturile Clientului, incepand cu data solicitarii mentionate la punctul 4, pana la primirea informatiilor cerute. In situatia in care Clientul nu furnizeaza informatiile sau in cazul in care se constata ulterior ca informatiile furnizate nu corespund realitatii sau sunt incomplete, Banca isi rezerva dreptul sa reconsidere relatia cu Clientul, inclusiv prin incetarea relatiilor comerciale. 6. Sa ia in considerare orice incasare efectuata in favoarea Clientului, de la data inregistrarii sumei in respectivul Cont. 7. Sa modifice unilateral « Lista de Tarife si Comisioane in Lei si Valuta pentru Persoane Fizice Autorizate/ Profesii Liberale» si sa il informeze pe acesta de schimbarile survenite prin afisarea la unitatile Bancii si pe pagina de internet a Bancii, la adresa: 8. Sa retina, fara ca acesta sa constituie o obligatie pentru Banca, din orice Cont al Clientului, cont curent sau cont de depozit, comisioanele, dobanzile, spezele bancare precum si ratele de credit restante si scadente sau orice alta datorie a Clientului fata de Banca, fara avizarea prealabila a acestuia, in cazul in care in Contul indicat de Client pentru debitarea acestora nu se gasesc sumele necesare pentru acoperirea acestor cheltuieli. Daca este cazul, sa efectueze Operatiuni de schimb valutar la Cursul de schimb propriu pentru a cumpara valuta/ Lei si a alimenta Contul curent al Clientului in valuta/ Lei. Clientul nu va fi exonerat de plata eventualelor penalitati pentru sumele datorate si nici nu va fi scutit de inregistrarea sa la entitatile ce colecteaza date privind bonitatea clientilor. 9. Sa efectueze plati din Conturile Clientului, deschise la Banca, fara acordul acestuia, pe baza de hotarari judecatoresti definitive si executorii, si a altor titluri executorii prevazute de lege, la solicitarea entitatilor indreptatite si conform legislatiei in vigoare. 10. Sa blocheze Contul Clientului in cazul in care: (a) Clientul nu alimenteaza timp de 3 luni consecutive Contul pe care beneficiaza de un descoperit autorizat; (b) se inregistreaza Descoperit neautorizat de cont. | refuse registration of the call at the time of its initiation, in which case, the communication will be resumed by other means of communication available to the parties. 1. To set / modify the minimum amount required to open and maintain the current accounts. 2. To refuse opening accounts or making operations ordered by the Clients if all the criteria stipulated by the KYC legislation in force are not complied with. 3. To request the Client documents regarding the purpose of the banking services that are to be carried out through the Bank. 4. To request in writing and obtain any kind of information it deems necessary regarding the Client, including information about the Legal representative, the Representative on the Account, the Delegate, or their operations, in such cases where the Bank considers that the information it holds is not complete or accurate or that it is contradictory. 5. To suspend performing any operation in the Client’s accounts, starting with the date of the request indicated at point 4 and until receiving the said information. If the Client does not provide the information or it is subsequently found that the information provided is not real or complete, the bank reserves the right to reconsider the relationship with the Client, including by terminating their commercial relationships. 6. To consider any receipt in favour of the Client as of the date of registration of the amount in the respective account. To modify unilaterally the «List of Rates and Fees in Lei and Foreign Currency for Self-employed Persons/ Authorized Professionals» and to inform him of the occurred changes by displaying them in the Bank units and on the Bank's website, namely: 8. To retain, without this being an obligation for the Bank, from any account of the Client, be it current account or deposit account, the fees, interests, banking charges and overdue credit instalments or any debt of the Client to the Bank, without his prior notice, if the account indicated by the latter for debiting such amounts does not hold sufficient funds to cover the said expenses. If necessary, to perform foreign exchange operations at its own rate of exchange in order to buy foreign currency / lei and to credit the Client's current account in foreign currency / lei. The Client shall not be exonerated from paying any penalties for the amounts due, nor shall he be exempt from registration with the entities that collect data about the Clients’ solvency. 9. To make payments from the Client’s accounts opened with the Bank, without his consent, based on final and irrevocable court decisions and of writs of execution provided by law, at the request of the entitled entities and in compliance with the legislation in force. 10. To block the Client’s account in case: (a) the Client does not feed for 3 consecutive months the account on which he benefits from an authorised overdraft; (b) of an unauthorised overdraft. |
11. Sa nu se angajeze cu fondurile sale proprii in efectuarea Operatiunilor dispuse de Client, Banca nefiind raspunzatoare pentru consecintele rezultate ca urmare a neefectuarii Operatiunilor din lipsa de disponibilitati in Contul Clientului. 12. Sa refuze efectuarea oricarei Operatiuni de plata in cazul in care are suspiciuni cu privire la persoanele care opereaza pe Contul respectiv, cu privire la natura Operatiunii si de asemenea, in cazul in care documentele care stau la baza acesteia prezinta elemente suspecte. 13. Sa transmita catre CIP, CRC si Biroul de Credit sau alte entitati similare, informatiile specifice incidentelor de plata, informatiile de risc, precum si informatii referitoare la produsele de creditare, activitatea frauduloasa si informatiile legate de inadvertentele din documentele / declaratiile inregistrate pe numele Clientului si/sau ale reprezentantilor sai in vederea prelucrarii si consultarii ori de câte ori este necesar. 14. Banca poate executa orice imputernicire, autorizare, instructiune de natura mandatului, data de Client, fie prin personalul Bancii, fie printr-o filiala a sa, fie printr-o institutie de credit corespondente sau o alta institutie de credit. 15. Fiecare imputernicire, autorizare, instructiune de natura mandatului data de Client Bancii se considera irevocabila, cu exceptia cazurilor in care partile agreaza in mod expres, in scris, posibilitatea revocarii. 16. Banca poate compensa orice obligatie scadenta a Clientului datorate Bancii cu orice obligatie de plata a Bancii fata de Client, indiferent de locul platii, sucursala la care s-a facut plata sau moneda oricarei obligatii. Daca obligatiile sunt in monede diferite, Banca poate converti oricare dintre obligatii intr-o alta moneda, astfel incat sa poata opera compensatia, folosind rata de schimb pe care Banca o foloseste la data compensarii, in cursul normal al activitatilor sale pentru tranzactii similare. 17. In cazul in care intre Banca si Client exista mai multe raporturi juridice sau mai multe conturi, Clientul nu va putea realiza o compensare intre soldurile active si pasive fara acordul prealabil al Bancii. Banca si clientul convin in mod expres ca in raporturile juridice dintre Banca si Client nu vor opera compensari intre soldurile active si pasive, decat in masura in care Banca isi exprima acordul prealabil scris cu privire la o anume operatiune de compensare. 18. Sa transmita informatii de natura secretului bancar, in sensul Ordonantei de Urgenta nr. 99/2006, catre terti in termenii si conditiile stipulate de prevederile Cap. II lit. C punctul. 12 din prezentul contract si/sau a oricaror alte prevederi legale in vigoare care obliga Banca sa transmita astfel de informatii. 19. Sa suspende efectuarea oricarei Operatiuni in conturile Clientului, in cazurile in care acesta isi inceteaza existenta (prin fuziune, divizare totala; faliment, dizolvare cu lichidare, radiere, etc) incepand cu data la care se aduce bancii la cunostinta sau incepand cu data la care banca ia cunostinta, prin orice alta modalitate, de interventia unui astfel de eveniment. Banca nu va raspunde pentru nici un prejudiciu datorat operatiunilor in conturile Clientului fiind exonerata de orice fel de obligatie fata de acesta pana la momentul in care Clientul, prin reprezentantii sai sau orice alte persoane indreptatite, aduce la | 11. Not to use its own funds to make the operations ordered by the Client, the Bank not being liable for the consequences of not making the operations for lack of available funds in the Client’s account. 12. To refuse to perform any payment operation should it have suspicions as to the persons who operate on the account, the nature of the operation and elements of the transaction documents. 13. To transmit to CIP, CRC and the Credit Bureau or other similar entities information specific to the payment incidents, risk-related information, as well as information regarding the credit products, the fraudulent activity and the information related to the discrepancies in the documents / statements registered in the name of the Client and/or his representatives in view of processing and consulting, any time it is necessary. 14. The Bank can execute any mandate, permit, mandate-like instruction provided by the Client either through the Bank staff or through a subsidiary, or through a corresponding credit institution or other credit institution. 15. Each mandate, permit, mandate-like instruction provided by the Client is considered irrevocable, except for the cases when the parties agree expressly, in writing, the possibility to revoke the mandate. 16. The Bank can compensate any due obligation of the Client, owed to the Bank, with any payment obligation of the Bank towards the Client, irrespective of the payment place, branch where the payment was made or the currency or any obligation. If the obligations are in different currencies, the Bank can convert any obligation in another currency, so that it may perform the compensation, using the exchange rate the Bank uses at the compensation date, during its ordinary activities for similar transactions. 17. In case there are several juridical relations between the Bank and the Client or several accounts, the Client cannot make a compensation between the assets and liabilities balances without the prior consent of the Bank. The Bank and the Client expressly agree that within the juridical relations between the Bank and the Client compensations between the assets and liabilities balances will not be performed, except to the extent to which the Bank gives its previous written consent for a certain compensation transaction. 18. Submitting information subject to banking secrecy, within the meaning of the Emergency Ordinance no. 99/2006, to third parties subject to the terms and conditions stipulated by Chapter II section C sub-section 12 of this Agreement and/or any other laws in force that compel the Bank to transmit such information. 19. To suspend any transactions in the Client’s accounts, if the latter ceases to exist (through merger, total division, bankruptcy, dissolution with liquidation, deletion, etc.) as of the date when the bank is informed or becomes aware of such event by any means. The Bank will not be liable for any damages caused to transactions in the Client’s accounts and will be exonerated from any obligation towards the latter until the Client, by means of its representatives or any other authorised persons, notifies the occurrence of a case of cessation of existence, as described above. The amounts existing in the Client’s accounts at the time of suspension |
cunostinta de interventia unui caz de incetare a existentei conform celor mentionate anterior. Sumele existente in conturile Clientului la momentul suspendarii dreptului de a face operatiuni pe cont se vor elibera numai la cererea persoanelor indreptatite si numai in baza unor documente justificative prezentate de acestia care atesta dreptul de a retrage sumele din conturile Clientului. 1. Sa efectueze in Contul Clientului Operatiunile bancare dispuse de Imputernicitii pe cont in scris sau prin alte mijloace convenite intre Banca si Client, dar numai in limita disponibilului din Cont si cu respectarea legislatiei in vigoare si a regulilor si uzantelor bancare interne si internationale. 2. Sa debiteze Contul cu valoarea tranzactiilor efectuate in alta valuta decat cea a respectivului Cont, pe baza Cursului de schimb utilizat de Banca in ziua tranzactiei si comunicat Clientului prin extrasul de cont. 3. Sa ia toate masurile necesare astfel incat Elementele de securitate personalizate ale Instrumentului de plata sa nu fie accesibile altor parti in afara Clientului care are dreptul de utilizare a respectivului Instrument de plata. 4. Sa se asigure ca in orice moment sunt disponibile mijloace corespunzatoare care sa permita Clientului sa faca o notificare privind pierderea, furtul, folosirea fara drept a Instrumentului sau de plata sau de orice alta utilizare neautorizata sau sa ceara deblocarea Instrumentului de plata odata ce motivele de blocare inceteaza sa mai existe. Sa impiedice orice utilizare a Instrumentului de plata, odata ce a fost facuta notificarea privind pierderea, furtul, folosirea fara drept a Instrumentului sau de plata sau de orice alta utilizare neautorizata. 5. Sa pastreze confidentialitatea datelor conform prevederilor Capitolului V. a prezentului Contract. 6. Sa afiseze «Lista de Tarife si Comisioane in Lei si Valuta pentru Persoane Fizice Autorizate/ Profesii Liberale» la sediul unitatilor Bancii si pe pagina de internet a Bancii, la adresa: 7. Sa plateasca, pentru disponibilul pastrat in Conturile Clientului deschise la Banca, dobanda stabilita conform «Lista de dobanzi standard pentru Persoane Fizice Autorizate/ Profesii Liberale», afisata disponibila la sediile Bancii si pe pagina de internet a Bancii, la adresa: Dobanda pentru disponibilitatile pe contul curent se calculeaza in baza unui an calendaristic de 365 zile. CAPITOLUL IV. CUNOASTEREA CLIENTELEI, PREVENIREA SPALARII BANILOR, COMBATEREA FINANTARII TERORISMULUI SI PUNEREA IN APLICARE A SANCTIUNILOR INTERNATIONALE 1. La intrarea in relatie cu Banca si oferirea unor servicii/ produse bancare, Banca solicita Clientului documente pentru verificarea identitatii acestuia, a Administratorului, a Reprezentantului legal, a Imputernicitilor pe Cont, a Delegatilor, a structurii actionariatului, precum si pentru determinarea Beneficiarilor reali. In cazul in care Clientul nu prezinta documentele solicitate, Banca poate refuza intrarea in relatii de afaceri cu Clientul. | of the right to perform transactions in the account will be unfrozen only at the request of authorised persons and only against supporting documents submitted by them attesting the right to withdraw the amounts from the Client’s accounts. 1. To perform in the Client’s account the banking operations ordered by the representatives on the Account, in writing or by other means agreed upon between the Bank and the Client, but only within the limit of the funds in the Account and in compliance with the legislation in force and of the internal and international banking practices. 2. To debit the Account with the amount of the transactions made in a currency other than the currency of the account, based on the rate of exchange used by the bank on the transaction day and communicated to the Client by the statement of account. 3. To take all the necessary measures so that the customised security elements of the payment order cannot be accessed by other parties than the Client, who has the right to use the respective payment instrument. 4. To make sure that adequate means are available at any time, to enable the Client to notify the loss, theft, unrightful utilisation of his payment instrument or any other unauthorised use, and to ask the Bank to unblock the payment instrument once the reasons for blocking cease to exist. To prevent any use of the payment instrument once the loss, theft, unrightful utilisation of his payment instrument or any other unauthorised use were notified. 6. To keep the confidentiality of the data, according to the provisions of Chapter V hereof. 7. To display in the Bank units the «List of Rates and Fees in Lei and Foreign Currency for Self-employed Persons/ Authorized Professionals» and on the Bank's website, namely: 7. To pay, for the available funds kept in the Client’s accounts opened with the Bank, the interest set according to the «List of Rates and Fees in Lei and Foreign Currency for Self-employed Persons/ Authorized Professionals», or displayed on the Bank's website, namely: The interest for liquid funds in the current account shall be calculated based on a calendar year of 365 days. CHAPTER IV. KNOW YOUR CLIENT, PREVENTING MONEY LAUNDERING, COMBATING THE FINANCING OF TERRORISM AND ENFORCING INTERNATIONAL SANCTIONS 1. Upon entering the relationship with the Bank and before the supply of any banking services/products, the Bank will request the Client to submit documents in order to verify the identity of the Client, of the Administrator, of the Legal Representative, of the Account Holder’s Proxies, of the Delegates, of the shareholding structure, as well as in order to determine the actual Beneficiaries. In case the Client fails to submit the required documents, the Bank may refuse to enter into any business relationship with the Client. |
2. La deschiderea unor conturi noi si/sau oferirea unor servicii/produse bancare, Banca poate solicita Clientului documente suplimentare justificative atunci cand exista informatii asupra modificarii datelor de identitate ale Clientului, a Administratorului, a Reprezentantului legal, a Imputernicitilor pe Cont, a Delegatilor, a structurii actionariatului, precum si pentru determinarea Beneficiarilor reali. In cazul in care Clientul nu prezinta documentele solicitate, Banca poate refuza solicitarea Clientului. 3. Pe parcursul derularii relatiei de afaceri, Banca poate solicita Clientului date, informatii si documente justificative, pentru stabilirea legitimitatii operatiunilor efectuate, identificarea beneficiarului sumelor ce urmeaza a fi platite/ incasate, respectiv conditii contractuale, scopul si natura tranzactiei, originea marfurilor, destinatia finala a marfurilor/produselor ce fac obiectul tranzactiei, cum ar fi (contract, factura, factura proforma,documente de transport, denumire transportator, denumire vapor, proprietar vapor, pavilion, IMO etc.), etc. In situatia in care Clientul refuza prezentarea documentelor in cauza, Banca isi rezerva dreptul de a nu efectua tranzactia si de la caz, de a proceda la restituirea sumele incasate catre ordonator. 4. In situatia in care exista suspiciuni asupra faptului ca un Client nu este si Beneficiarul real al sumelor aflate in Conturile Clientului si/sau al operatiunii derulate prin acestea, Banca poate solicita Clientului sa completeze o declaratie pe propria raspundere prin care sa declare identitatea Beneficiarului real. Banca isi rezerva dreptul de a refuza efectuarea Operatiunilor in si/sau din conturile Clientuluii sau de a inceta relatiile cu Clientul in cazul unor declaratii false sau daca are suspiciuni cu privire la realitatea/ corectitudinea celor declarate de Client, inclusiv in cazul in care acestia prezinta Bancii Instrumente de plata care pot fi suspectate ca avand potential fraudulos, producand riscuri de plata, inclusiv acele Instrumente de plata care pot afecta decontarea acestora, acestea intrand sub incidenta sanctiunilor prevazute de legislatia in vigoare. 6. In toate cazurile in care Clientul efectueaza operatiuni cu numerar a caror valoare este de cel putin 15.000 EURO ori echivalent, indiferent daca tranzactia se realizeaza prin una sau mai multe operatiuni ce par a avea o legatura intre ele, sau in cazul in care se intra in relatii cu Clientii prin corespondenta sau prin alta modalitate ce nu implica prezenta Clientului la Banca, Clientul are obligatia sa prezinte Bancii documente privind sursa fondurilor, sau dupa caz declaratia privind identitatea Beneficiarului real al fondurilor/ activelor detinute in Cont. 7. Clientul nu trebuie sa efectueze nici o tranzactie, sa nu pună, nici un fel de fonduri sau resurse economice, sub nicio formă, direct sau indirect, la dispoziţia persoanelor, grupurilor sau entităţilor supuse sancţiunilor internationale si să nu dispuna utilizarea acestor fonduri sau resurse economice în beneficiul acestora. 8. Clientul are obligatia ca la solicitarea Bancii, ori de cate ori este cazul sa prezinte documente referitoare la actualizarea datelor si informatiilor cu privire la schimbarile intervenite in identitatea Clientului, structura actionariatului/ asociati, | 2. When opening new accounts and/or providing banking services/products, the Bank may request the Client to submit additional supporting documents when there is information regarding the modification of the identity data of the Client, of the Administrator, of the Legal Representative, of the Account Holder’s Proxies, of the Delegates, of the shareholding structure, as well as in order to determine the actual Beneficiaries. In case the Client fails to submit the required documents, the Bank may reject the Client’s application. 3. Throughout the business relationship, the Bank may request the Client data, information and supporting documents to establish the legitimacy of the transactions performed, to identify the beneficiary of the amounts to be paid/collected, as well as the contractual terms, the purpose and nature of the transaction, the origin of goods, the final destination of goods/products representing the subject of the transaction, such as (contract, invoice, proforma invoice, shipping documents, carrier name, boat name, boat owner, flag, IMO etc.), etc. In case the Client refuses to submit the required documents, the Bank reserves the right not to perform the transaction and, as applicable, to refund the collected amounts to the instructing entity. 4. In case there is doubt about the fact that the Client is the actual beneficiary of the monies in the Client’s accounts and/or of the transaction performed by means of such accounts, the Bank may request the Client to complete an affidavit declaring the identity of the actual Beneficiary. The Bank reserves the right to refuse to perform the operations inand/ or or out from client account, or to terminate the relationship with the Client in case of false statements or if its has suspicions regarding the reality/accuracy of the Client’s statements, including if the latter submits to the Bank payment instruments that may be suspected as potentially fraudulent, generating payment risks, including those payment instruments that may affect their settlement, and which fall under the sanctions stipulated by the legislation in force. 6. In all cases where the Client makes cash transactions whose value is at least EUR 15,000 or equivalent, whether the transaction is made through one or several transactions that appear to be connected between them or where the relationship between the Bank and the Client starts by correspondence or by another means that does not involve the Client’s presence at the Bank, the Client is required to provide to the Bank documents regarding the source of funds or, if the case, the declaration on the identity of the beneficial owner of the funds / assets held in the account. 7. The Client will not perform any transaction, will not make available any funds or economic resources, under any circumstances, directly or indirectly, to persons, groups and entities subject to international sanctions and will not have these funds or economic resources used for the benefit of such persons, groups and entities. 8. At the Bank’s request and wherever necessary, the Client will submit documents relating to the updating of data and information on changes in the identity of the Client, of the shareholding structure/partners, administrator, legal representative, account holder’s proxies, determining the actual recipients, including the acquisition of capacities that entail the application of |
administrator, reprezentant legal, imputerniciti pe cont, determinarea beneficiarilor reali, inclusiv cu privire la dobandirea unor calitati care determina aplicarea cerintelor de raportare FATCA sau CRS, etc. In situatia in care Clientul refuza sa prezinte datele necesare actualizarii, Banca va proceda in prima faza la Notificarea Clientului. In situatia in care clientul refuza actualizarea datelor, Banca isi rezerva dreptul de a proceda la neefectuarea tranzactiei solicitate de client si de a analiza oportunitatea continuarii relatiei de afaceri. CAPITOLUL V. CONFIDENTIALITATE Banca si Clientul se obliga sa respecte confidentialitatea asupra tuturor faptelor, datelor, actelor, si informatiilor privind Conturile si Operatiunile efectuate prin aceste Conturi ce decurg din relatia Client – Banca, cu exceptia cazurilor prevazute de lege si a celor in care Clientul si-a dat acordul expres pentru dezvaluirea informatiilor. Prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal ale reprezentantilor Clientului (legali sau conventionali)/ Clientului, persoane cu functie de conducere, alte persoane cu functii cheie/importante in cadrul Clientului, asociati directi si indirecti ai Clientului, beneficiari reali ai acestuia, garanti si codebitori - persoane fizice, membrii familiei persoanelor anterior mentionate, imputernicitii pe cont si delegatii, utilizatorii de carduri, persoane de contact desemnate de catre Client, alte persoane fizice indicate in documentele puse la dispozitia Bancii de catre Client (cum ar fi proprietarii initiali ai bunului ce va fi adus in garantie) sau aflate intr-o relatie relevanta cu Clientul (in continuare « Persoane vizate ») se realizeaza in conformitate cu prevederile documentului « Informare Privind Prelucrarea Datelor cu Caracter Personal pentru Clienti Persoane Fizice Autorizate/ Profesii Liberale», anexat prezentelor Conditii Generale Bancare. CAPITOLUL VI. DISPOZITII FINALE A. MODIFICAREA CONTRACTULUI 1. Banca are dreptul sa modifice prezentul Contract. Orice modificare a Contractului se aduce la cunostinta Clientului prin oricare dintre mijloacele de comunicare agreate conform Contractului, inclusiv prin afisare la unitatile sau pe pagina de Internet a Bancii sau prin extras de Cont, cu cel putin de 30 (treizeci) de zile calendaristice inainte de data propusa pentru implementarea acestora, Clientul avand obligatia de a se informa asupra acestor modificari. 2. Clientul are posibilitatea ca, pana la data intrarii in vigoare a modificarilor mentionate sa notifice Bancii, prin scrisoare cu confirmare de primire sau la unitatea bancara unde are deschis Contul, refuzul noilor conditii, aceasta echivaland cu denuntarea | FATCA reporting requirements, etc. In case the Client refuses to submit the data required for updating, the Bank will first notify the Client. In case the Client refuses the updating of data, the Bank reserves the right not to perform the transaction requested by the Client and to analyse the appropriateness of continuing the business relationship. CHAPTER V. CONFIDENTIALITY The Bank and the Client undertake to respect the confidentiality of all the facts, data, documents and information regarding the accounts and operations made in such accounts, arising from the Client-Bank relationship, except for the cases stipulated by law and those in which the Client gave his specific consent for disclosing the information. The processing of the personal data of the Client's representatives (legal or conventional), persons responsible for the management, other persons in key/ major positions within the Client’s enterprise, direct and indirect associates of the Client, beneficial owners of the Client, guarantors and co-debtors-natural persons, members of the above-mentioned persons’ families, persons authorised to manage the account and delegates, card users, contact persons appointed by the Client, other natural persons mentioned in the documents that the Client made available to the Bank (such as initial owners of the asset to be established as guarantee) or in a relevant relationship with the Client (hereinafter "Data Subjects") is performed in accordance with the provisions of the "Information Note on Personal Data Processing - Self-employed Persons/ Authorized Professionals Clients” document, attached to hereof General Banking Conditions. CHAPTER VI. FINAL PROVISIONS A. AMENDING THE CONTRACT 1. The Bank is entitled to modify this Contract. Any amendment of the Contract is communicated to the Client by any of the means of communication approved under the contract, including by display at the units or on the Bank's website or by statement of account, at least 30 (thirty) calendar days before the proposed implementation date. The Client must get informed about these changes. 2. The Client has the possibility to notify the Bank on his refusal of the new conditions, which equals the denunciation of the Contract, through letter with acknowledgement of receipt or at the bank unit with which he opened his account, before the date of coming into force of the mentioned modifications. The Client’s |
Contractului. Netrimiterea de catre Client a unei astfel de notificari, pana la data intrarii in vigoare, valoreaza acceptare tacita din partea Clientului a noului Contract. B. INCETAREA CONTRACTULUI 1. Prezentul Contract este incheiat pe o perioada nedeterminata. 2. Contractul inceteaza prin: a. acordul partilor; b. denuntare unilaterala a oricareia dintre parti, cu un preaviz de 30 de zile calendaristice; c. in cazurile specificate expres in prezentul Contract sau in formularele, contractele specifice incheiate intre Client si Banca. d. denuntare unilaterala de catre Banca in conditiile in care Clientul refuza sa puna la dispozitie/nu furrnizeaza Bancii informatiile solicitate conform reglementarilor FATCA, initial sau in vederea actualizarii/clarificarii statutului FATCA al acestuia. Denuntarea isi va produce efectele de indata de la data notificarii Clientului de catre Banca. 3. Incetarea Contractului are ca efect inchiderea Contului curent precum si a tuturor celorlalte Conturi si incetarea tuturor produselor si serviciilor atasate acestora (dupa indeplinirea conditiilor de inchidere aferente contractelor produselor si serviciilor respective). C. COMUNICAREA CLIENT - BANCA 1. 1Corespondenta adresata Bancii de catre Client se va realiza prin scrisoare recomandata cu confirmare de primire sau prin alte mijloace acceptate de Banca, in functie de modalitatea convenita cu Banca prin contractele si formularele aferente produselor si serviciilor. Orice fel de comunicari realizate intre Banca si Client conform dispozitiilor mentionate anterior sau prin alte mijloace de comunicare (ex. telefon, e-mail, etc) nu vor produce efecte juridice decat in masura in care acestea sunt materializate sub forma documentelor contractuale agreate in scris de parti cu exceptia contractelor si formularelor aferente produselor si serviciilor care prevad contrariul. 2. Corespondenta va fi transmisa de catre Client la unitatea unde are deschis Contul curent, in caz contrar putand fi considerata ca nefiind primita. 3. Documentele redactate in limbi straine vor fi prezentate Bancii impreuna cu traducerea acestora in limba romana si cu legalizarea de catre un notar a semnaturii traducatorului autorizat. 4. Cu exceptia situatiilor in care se prevede altfel prin alte contracte sau documente specifice incheiate cu Banca si/ sau prin dispozitii legale imperative, transmiterea corespondentei catre Client de catre Banca va fi considerata efectuata in oricare dintre urmatoarele cazuri: - Banca detine o copie a corespondentei semnata de Client - corespondenta este evidentiata intr-un document de expediere semnat de catre o societate cu activitate de curierat sau mandat postal | failure to send such a notice by the date of coming into force represents the Client’s tacit acceptance of the new Contract. coming into force represents the Client’s tacit acceptance of the new Contract. B. TERMINATION OF THE CONTRACT 1. This Contract is signed for an indefinite period. 2. The Contract is terminated: a. by the consent of the parties; b. by unilateral denunciation by either party, with a prior notice of 30 calendar days c. in the cases specified in this Contract or in the forms, and the specific contracts signed between the Client and the Bank. d. Termination by the Bank if the Client refuses/ fails to provide the Bank with the information required under FATCA regulations either initially or for the update/clarification of the Client’s FATCA status. The termination shall take effect as soon as the Client has been notified by the Bank. 3. The termination of the Contract results in the closing of the current account, as well as of all the other accounts and related products and services (after complying with the closing conditions stipulated by the contracts of the respective products and services). 1. The Client’s correspondence to the Bank shall be sent by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt or any other means accepted by the Bank, depending on the manner agreed upon with the Bank in the contracts and forms related to the products and services. Any communications made between the Bank and the Client as mentioned above or by other means of communication (e.g. telephone, e-mail, etc.) will not produce legal effects unless they are materialised as contractual documents agreed in writing by the Parties, except for contracts and forms related to products and services that provide otherwise. 2. The correspondence shall be sent by the Client to the bank unit with which he opened his current account, failing which it can be deemed not received. 3. The documents drafted in foreign languages will be submitted to the Bank accompanied by their translation into Romanian and the legalisation of the sworn translator’s signature by a notary. 4. Except where otherwise provided for in other specific contracts or documents concluded with the Bank and/or mandatory legal provisions, the transmission of correspondence to the Client by the Bank will be considered to be made in any of the following cases: - the Bank has a copy of the correspondence signed by the Client - the correspondence is highlighted in a shipping document signed by a company with the activity of courier or post office - it was received by the Client on the date the Bank sent via alternative channels (Bank website, e-mail, fax, SMS etc.). |
- a fost receptionata de catre Client la data trimiterii de catre Banca prin canale alternative (pagina de Internet a Bancii, e-mail, fax, SMS etc.). 5. Banca nu isi asuma nici o responsabilitate in ceea ce priveste consecintele intarzierilor si/sau pierderilor de documente sau corespondenta, inclusiv extrase de cont, si nici in ceea ce priveste deteriorarea sau alte erori ce se pot produce in timpul transportului/ transmisiei. 6. Clientul se va asigura intotdeauna ca notificarile sale transmise Bancii vor ajunge la destinatie in termenul prevazut pentru a fi luate in considerare. 7. Corespondenta transmisa Clientului de catre Banca este considerata ca fiind corect adresata, daca aceasta a fost expediata la ultima adresa sau la ultimul numar de telefon sau la ultima adresa de e-mail comunicata Bancii de catre Client, conform Contractului. 8. Corespondenta primita de Banca dupa ora 14.00 se considera primita in Ziua lucratoare imediat urmatoare D. GARANTAREA FONDURILOR DETINUTE 1. Definitie depozit: In conformitate cu art.3, alin.1, lit.h din Legea nr. 311/2015 privind schemele de garantare a depozitelor si Fondul de garantare a depozitelor bancare, depozit reprezinta orice sold creditor, inclusiv dobanda datorata, rezultat din fonduri aflate intr-un cont sau din situatii tranzitorii derivand din operatiuni bancare curente si pe care institutia de credit trebuie sa le ramburseze, potrivit conditiilor legale si contractuale aplicabile, care nu se regaseste in nici una dintre situatiile soldurilor creditoare reglementate de art. 5 din Legea nr. 311/2015. Informarea clientilor privind garantarea depozitelor astfel cum sunt definite de Legea nr. 311/2015 se va realiza prin publicare pe pagina de internet a Bancii, afisarea la sediile unitatilor Bancii, precum si prin orice alte modalitati prevazute de lege. In cazul in care un deponent efectueaza operatiuni bancare prin internet sau orice alte produse de banca la distanta, institutia de credit poate transmite informatiile privind garantarea depozitelor pe cale electronica. La solicitarea expresa a deponentului, informatiile ii sunt comunicate pe suport hartie. Datoriile deponentilor fata de BRD - Groupe Société Générale SA sunt luate in considerare la calcularea compensatiei cuvenite in conditiile prevederilor Titlului I - Scheme de garantare a depozitelor din Legea nr. 311/2015 privind schemele de garantare a depozitelor si Fondul de garantare a depozitelor bancare. 2. Fondul de Garantare a Depozitelor Bancare (FGDB): In Romania, depozitele la bancile romanesti, in masura in care nu se incadreaza in randul celor exceptate de la garantare, astfel cum sunt mentionate in Lista depozitelor excluse de la garantare, sunt garantate de schemele de garantare aprobate de BNR. In prezent, singura schema de garantare oficial recunoscuta pe teritoriul Romaniei este Fondul de Garantare a Depozitelor Bancare (FGDB). Garantarea depozitelor bancare este reglementata de Legea nr. 311/2015 privind schemele de garantare a depozitelor si Fondul de garantare a depozitelor bancare. Banca este participanta la Fondul de Garantare a Depozitelor | 5. The Bank does not undertake any liability for the consequences of the delays and/or losses of documents or correspondence, statements of account included, nor for the deterioration or other errors that may occur during transportation/transmission. 6. The Client shall always make sure that his notices to the Bank reach their destination in due time to be considered. 7. The correspondence sent to the Client by the Bank is deemed correctly addressed if dispatched at the latest address or to the last phone number or address e-mail communicated to the Bank by the Client, according to the contract. 8. The correspondence received by the Bank after 2.00 P.M. is deemed received on the very next Business Day. D. GUARANTEE OF THE HELD FUNDS 1. Deposit definition: In accordance with art. 3, paragraph 1, letter h of the Law no. 311/2015 on deposit guarantee schemes and Bank Deposits Guarantee Fund, a deposit is considered to be any credit balance, including the due interest, resulting from funds held in an account or from transitory situations deriving from current banking operations and that the credit institution has to reimburse, according to the legal and contractual applicable conditions, which is not found in any of the credit balance situations covered by art. 5 of the Law no. 311/2015. The Client’s information concerning the deposits guarantee as defined by the Law no. 311/2015 will be implemented through publication on the Bank’s website, exposing at the Bank’s agencies, as well as through any other means provided by the Law. If a depositor performs banking operations via the internet banking application or through any other on-line products/services, the credit institution can provide the information concerning the deposits guarantee electronically. At the express request of the depositors, the information will also be provided on paper. The depositors debts within BRD - Groupe Société Générale SA are taken into account when calculating the due compensation as presented by Title I- Deposit Guarantee Schemes of the Law no. 311/2015 on deposit guarantee schemes and Bank Deposit Guarantee Fund. 2. Bank Deposit Guarantee Fund (BDGF): In Romania, the deposits opened at Romanian banks, to the extent they are not considered as exempted from guarantee, as presented in the ‘’List of deposits exempted from guarantee’’, are guaranteed by the deposits guarantee schemes approved by the National Bank of Romania. At the moment, the only guarantee scheme officially recognized in Romania is the Bank Deposit Guarantee Fund (FGDB). The deposits guarantee respects the Law no. 311/2015 on deposits guarantee schemes and Bank Deposit Guarantee Fund. BRD - Groupe Société Générale SA is a participant at |
in Sistemul Bancar din Romania astfel cum este reglementat de prevederile Titlului II din Legea 311/2015. 3. Lista depozitelor excluse de la garantare – conform Anexei 1 a Legii nr. 311/2015: 1. Depozite ale unei instituţii de credit făcute în nume şi cont propriu, cu respectarea prevederilor art. 64 alin. (2). 2. Instrumente care se încadrează în definiţia fondurilor proprii, astfel cum acestea sunt definite la art. 4 alin. (1) punctul 118 din Regulamentul (UE) nr. 575/2013. 3. Depozitele rezultate din tranzacţii în legătură cu care au fost pronunţate hotărâri judecătoreşti definitive de condamnare pentru infracţiunea de spălare a banilor, potrivit legislaţiei în domeniul prevenirii şi combaterii spălării banilor. Încadrarea depozitelor în această categorie se realizează de schema de garantare a depozitelor, pe baza informaţiilor primite de la autorităţile competente, de la instituţia de credit ale cărei depozite au devenit indisponibile ori de la lichidatorul desemnat de instanţă, după caz. 4. Depozite ale instituţiilor financiare, astfel cum sunt acestea definite la art. 4 alin. (1) pct. 26 din Regulamentul (UE) nr. 575/2013. 5. Depozite ale firmelor de investiții, astfel cum acestea sunt definite la art. 4 alin. (1) pct.2 din Regulamentul (UE) nr.575/2013. 6. Depozitele pentru care identitatea titularului nu a fost verificată până la momentul când acestea devin indisponibile, potrivit legislaţiei în domeniul prevenirii şi combaterii spălării banilor. 7. Depozite ale asiguratorilor si reasiguratorilor, astfel cum sunt acestia definiti la art. 1 alin. 2 pct. 3 si 45 din Legea nr. 237/2015 privind autorizarea si supravegherea activitatii de asigurare si reasigurare, cu modificarile si completarile ulterioare. 8. Depozite ale organismelor de plasament colectiv, astfel cum sunt acestea definite de legislaţia pieţei de capital. 9. Depozite ale fondurilor de pensii. 10. Depozite ale autorităţilor publice centrale, locale şi regionale. 11. Valori mobiliare de natura datoriei emise de instituţia de credit, precum şi obligaţii care izvorăsc din acceptări proprii şi bilete la ordin. E. FORTA MAJORA 1. Banca si Clientul nu sunt raspunzatori pentru nici o pierdere datorata perturbarii operatiunilor din cauza de forta majora. 2. Cazul de forta majora este orice eveniment imprevizibil, inevitabil si independent de vointa uneia dintre parti, care o impiedica in mod absolut sa isi indeplineasca total sau partial obligatiile contractuale (ex.: calamitati naturale, razboi, greve). 3. In caz de forta majora, Clientul ca si partea afectata va comunica aparitia cazului de forta majora prin telefon sau fax sau scrisoare recomandata cu confirmare de primire, in termen maxim de 5 zile calendaristice, urmând ca in urmatoarele 15 zile calendaristice sa transmita Certificatul eliberat de catre autoritatile competente privind cazul de forta majora, | the Bank Deposit Guarantee Fund in Romania as governed by Title II of the Law no. 311/2015. 3. List of deposits exempted from guarantee – in accordance with Annex 1 / Law no. 311/2015: 1. Deposits of a credit institution opened on their own behalf and in their own names, in compliance with the provisions of art. 64 para. (2). 2. Instruments which fall within the category of own funds, as defined in the art. 4, para. (1) point.118 from the (EU) Regulation No. 575/2013. 3. Deposits resulting from transactions in respect of which final legal Court decisions on money laundering have been pronounced according to the legislation in preventing and combating money laundering. The deposits classification in this category is carried out by the deposit guarantee scheme, based on information received from competent authorities, from the credit institution whose deposits have become unavailable or from the liquidator appointed by the Court, if the case. 4. Deposits of financial institutions, as defined under art. 4, para. (1), point 26 from the (EU) Regulation No. 575/2013. 5. Deposits of investment companies, as defined by the art. 4, para. (1), point 2 from the (EU) Regulation No.575/2013. 6. Deposits for which the holder's identity has not yet been verified by the time when they become unavailable, in accordance with the legislation in preventing and combating money laundering. 7. Deposits of insurers and reinsurers, as defined by the art. 1, paragraph 2 points 3 and 45 of the Law 237/2015 regarding the authorization and supervision of the insurance and reinsurance activitation, as amended and in accordance with further aditions. 8. Deposits of collective investment bodies, as defined by the legislation governing capital markets. 9. Deposits of the pensions funds. 10. Deposits of the central public authorities, as well as of local and regional authorities. 11. Transferable securities such as debt issued by the credit institution, as well as obligations derived from own acceptances and promissory notes. 1. The Bank and the Client are not liable for any loss caused by the deterioration of the operations on account of a force majeure. 2. The case of force majeure is any unpredictable and inevitable event, independent from the will of either party, absolutely preventing it from fully or partially meeting its contractual obligations (e.g. natural calamities, war, strikes). 3. In case of force majeure, the Client, as affected party, shall communicate the occurrence of the force majeure event by telephone or fax or registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, within no more than 5 calendar days, and in the next 15 calendar days he shall produce, by registered letter or by going at the Bank, the force majeure certificate issued by the relevant authorities. In case of force majeure, the Bank shall communicate such event to all its Clients, in the manner it deems fit |
prin scrisoare recomandata sau prin prezentarea la Banca. In caz de forta majora, Xxxxx va comunica un astfel de eveniment tuturor Clientilor, in maniera in care o considera de cuviinta (afisare la sediile Bancii,si/ sau pe pagina de internet a Bancii, fara a se limita la acestea). F. LEGEA APLICABILA. LITIGII 1. Relatiile dintre Banca si Client sunt guvernate de legislatia romana. De asemenea, fiind parte a Grupului Société Générale, Banca are obligatia de a aplica in relatia cu Clientul reglementri specifice ale Grupului, inclusiv in domeniul cunoasterii Clientelei, prevenirii spalarii banilor si combaterii terorismului sau aplicarii embargourilor si sanctiunilor internationale. 2. Prezentul Contract este redactat in limba romana / bilingva (varianta in limba romana va preleva in fata altor variante in alte limbi straine). 3. Orice disputa se va rezolva pe cale amiabila de partile semnatare. In caz contrar, aceasta se va solutiona de instanta de judecata competenta in raza careia se afla situata unitatea Bancii unde Clientul are deschis Contul curent. G. ALTE DISPOZITII 1. Clientul prin Reprezentant legal, Imputernicit pe cont, Delegat declara pe proprie raspundere, cunoscand prevederile Codului Penal privind falsul in declaratii, ca documentele si datele furnizate Bancii sunt reale si corecte. 2. Clientul prin Reprezentant Legal, Imputernicit pe cont, Delegat confirma ca a primit un exemplar din «Conditii Generale Bancare pentru Persoane Fizice Autorizate/ Profesii Liberale» si «Lista de Tarife si Comisioane in Lei si Valuta pentru Persoane Fizice Autorizate/ Profesii Liberale» si ca a luat cunostinta, a inteles si este de acord cu continutul fiecarei clauze in parte a acestora. 3. 4. Clientul prin Reprezentant Legal, Imputernicit pe cont, Delegat isi exprima in mod liber acordul de a contracta, cu intentia de a fi obligat conform prevederilor prezentelor Conditii Generale Bancare in integralitatea lor si semneaza prezentele Conditii Generale Bancare cu intentia pe deplin libera de a dobandi toate drepturile si obligatiile prevazute in prezentele Conditii Generale Bancare pe care le considera echitabile. Clientul declara ca Banca i-a pus la dispozitie toate documentele necesare pentru intelegerea corecta de catre Client a clauzelor prezentelor Conditii Generale Bancare si a tuturor aspectelor legate de acestea. | (display in the Bank units and/or on the official website of the Bank, without limitation). 1. The relationships between the Bank and the Client are governed by the Romanian law. As part of the Société Générale Group, the Bank is also required to apply specific rules of the Group to its Client, including in the area of Client knowledge, prevention of money laundering and the fight against terrorism, or enforcement of international embargoes and sanctions. 2. This Contract is drafted in Romanian/ bilingve version (the Romanian version shall prevail over other versions in foreign languages). 3. Any dispute shall be solved amicably by the signing parties. In the opposite case, it shall be solved by the relevant court in whose jurisdiction is located the Bank unit with which the Client opened his account. 1. The Client, through his Legal Representative, Representative on the Account or Delegate, declares that, to the best of his knowledge and belief, being aware of the provisions of the Criminal Code regarding false statements, the data provided to the Bank are real and correct. 2. The Client, through his Legal Representative, Representative on the Account or Delegate, confirms having received a copy of «General Banking Conditions for Self-Employed Persons/ Authorized Professionals», and the «List of Rates and Fees in Lei and Foreign Currency for Self-Employed Persons/ Authorized Professionals», and that he was informed of, understood and gives his consent for the content of each clause thereof. 3. The Client, through his Legal Representative or Delegate freely expresses his agreement to contract, willing to be held liable in compliance with these General Banking Conditions in full, and he signs these General Banking Conditions with the free purpose of acquiring all the rights and obligations indicated in these General Banking Conditions, which he deems to fair. The 10. Client warrants that the Bank has provided him with all the documents necessary for the Client to duly understand the clauses of these General Banking Conditions and all the matters related thereof. |
ANEXA. Informare privind prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal 1 Persoane Fizice Autorizate/ Profesii Liberale B.R.D. - Groupe Société Générale S.A., cu sediul in Bucuresti, Bldv. Xxx Xxxxxxxxx Nr. 1-7, Sector 1, inregistrata la Registrul Comertului cu numarul J/40/608/19.02.1991, CUI/CIF RO 361579, numar de inregistrare in Registrul Bancar RB-PJR-40-007/1999 („Banca” sau „Noi”), in calitate de operator de date cu caracter personal, dorim sa va informam cu privire la modul in care prelucram2 datele cu caracter personal in contextul activitatii desfasurate de BRD, precum si cu privire la drepturile pe care le aveti in calitate de persoana vizata. I. CE CATEGORII DE DATE PRELUCRĂM? Dupa caz, Banca prelucrează următoarele categorii de date cu caracter personal: • date de identificare, cum ar fi numele, prenumele, CNP, seria si numarul CI/ altui document cu functie de identificare (e.g. pasaport, permis de sedere, certificat de inregistrare, cartea de rezidenta etc.), precum si alte informatii continute de acestea (e.g. data si locul nasterii, cetatenia etc.), semnatura. • date de contact, cum ar fi: adresa de domiciliu/ sediu, adresa de corespondenta, e-mailul, numarul/ numerele de telefon. • date necesare evaluarii eligibilitatii Dvs., cum ar fi: - informatii privind calificarea profesionala, precum informatii referitoare la ocupatia, numele angajatorului, pozitia detinuta etc. - informatii ce servesc cunoasterii Clientelei, precum functia publica detinuta, expunerea publica, relatii speciale cu Grupul BRD etc. - informatii privind starea Dvs. economico-financiara, precum venituri, solvabilitate, istoricul de credit. - informatii tranzactionale (cum ar fi istoricul tranzactional, depozite, Conturi de economii etc.) - informatii referitoare la activitati frauduloase sau, dupa caz, potential frauduloase, cum ar fi acuzatii si condamnari pentru (tentative de) frauda, savarsirea de contraventii sau infractiuni (pentru fapte de spalarea | ANNEX. Information note on the processing of personal data3 Self-Employed Persons/ Authorized Professionals B.R.D. - Groupe Société Générale S.A., headquartered in Bucharest, 0-0 Xxx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxx, 0xx District, registered with the Trade Register under number J/40/608/19.02.1991, Sole Registration no. RO361579, registered with the Banks Register under number RB- PJR-40-007/1999 (hereinafter called „The Bank” or „Us/ We”), acting as data controller, we would like to inform you about the way We process4 the personal data in the context of the activity carried out by BRD, as well as about the rights that you have as a data subject. I. WHAT DATA CATEGORIES DO WE PROCESS? The Bank processes the following categories of personal data: • identification data, such as name, surname, CNP, ID card serial and number/ other document which can serve as identification (e.g. passport, residence permit, certificate of registration, residence card, etc) ,as well as other information these documents may contain (e.g. date and place of birth, citizenship), signature. • contact data, such as: home address/ headquarters, e-mailing address, phone number/s. • data necessary for the evaluation of your eligibility, such as: - information regarding your professional qualifications, such as information regarding your occupation, position etc. - „know your Client” information, such as your public position, publicly exposure, special relations with the BRD Groupe etc. - information regarding your financial-economical status, such as income, solvability, credit history. - transactional information (such as transactional history, deposits, savings accounts etc.). - information regarding fraudulent activities or, where applicable, potentially fraudulent, such as accusations and convictions for (attempted) fraud, misdemeanors or criminal offences (for money laundering and/or financing terrorist acts). |
2 Prelucrarea datelor desemnează orice tip de operațiune (colectare, stocare, copiere, ștergere, dezvăluire, etc.) care vizează date cu caracter personal (date ce Ne pot conduce la dvs. sau o altă persoană individualizată).
3 Implemented in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (UE) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and of the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/CE („GDPR” - General Data Protection Regulation - regulation for protecting personal data)
4 The data processing designates any type of operation (collection, storage, copying, deletion, disclosure, etc.) that targets personal data (data that can lead Us to you or to another individual person).
banilor si/ sau finantarea actelor de terorism etc.) - date privind garantia, precum informatii privind proprietarii initiali ai imobilului adus ca garantie. - orice alte date ncesare sau utile desfasurarii activitatii Bancii, in conditiile legii. II. DE UNDE AVEM DATELE CU CARACTER PERSONAL? Prelucram datele cu caracter personal pe care ni le furnizati Dvs., in mod direct, declarativ pe canale alternative (de ex.: sau indirect (de exemplu: prin imputernicit sau alte persoane care va reprezinta in raporturile cu Banca), sau pe care Noi le generam ori deducem ca urmare a interactiunii cu Dvs. prin oricare din canalele de comunicare cu Banca. Putem de asemenea obtine si prelucra datele Dvs. cu caracter personal inclusiv din surse externe, cum ar fi: - institutii si autoritati publice (de exemplu ANAF, MFP, ONRC, FNGCIMM, BNR - Centrala Riscurilor de Credit sau Centrala Incidentelor de Plati (CIP)). De exemplu, putem interoga bazele de date ale autoritatilor/ institutiilor publice pentru a obtine anumite informatii, cum ar fi: situatia Dvs. fiscala; starea dosarului Dvs. de executare silita; calitatea Dvs. de angajat; informatii privind situatia dosarului de despagubire de catre FNGCIMM; datele Dvs. de identificare din Centrala Riscurilor de Credit, inclusiv informatii privind tipul de credit contractat, gradul de indatorare si apartenenta la un grup de debitori. - registre si baze de date electronice (de exemplu portalul instantelor de judecata, Biroul de Credit, RNPM, entitati abilitate sa administreze baze de date cu persoanele desemnate, supuse sanctiunilor internationale de blocare a fondurilor si cele expuse public etc.). De exemplu, dar fara a ne limita la acestea, la intrarea in relatie cu Banca, interogam (i) portalul instantelor de judecata pentru a verifica daca sunteti implicati in litigii de ordin penal, susceptibile sa releve o anumita conduita frauduloasa, (ii) Biroul de Credit, pentru a verifica expunerea Bancii prin raportare la comportamentul Dvs. de plata sau alte incidente in relatia cu alte banci, (iii) daca sunteti inclus in bazele de date cu persoanele desemnate, supuse sanctiunilor internationale de blocare a fondurilor - entitati implicate in operatiuni de plata (de exemplu organizatiile internationale de carduri, cum ar fi Visa si Mastercard, operatori economici care accepta plata cu carduri, banci si alte institutii de plata implicate in schemele de plati, Depozitarul Central). De exemplu, atunci cand faceti tranzactii cu cardul, putem primi anumite date necesare pentru a efectua platile (de exemplu datele de card, sumele aferente tranzactiilor) de la comerciantii care au acceptat plata cu cardul. De asemenea, in cadrul altor tipuri de operatiuni (de exemplu plata prin transfer credit, debitare directa, instrumente de debit de tip cec, cambie, bilet la ordin), putem primi datele Dvs. de la o Banca/ institutie de plata terta unde a fost initiata operatiunea, prin intermediul schemelor/ sistemelor de plati si comunicatii interbancare (cum ar fi SEPA, Regis, SENT sau SWIFT) - parteneri comerciali, in special furnizori de servicii pentru Banca. De exemplu, putem afla noile date de contact ale Dvs. (precum adresa, numarul de telefon) de la agentiile care presteaza servicii de recuperare | - data regarding the guarantees (information regading the initial owners of the property brought as collateral). - any other data, necessary or useful for Bank’s activity, as per the law. II. WHERE DO WE HAVE THE PERSONAL DATA FROM? We process the personal data that you provide Us, directly, via statement on alternative channels (e.g.: or indirectly (e.g. through empowered or other persons representing you in your relationship with the Bank), or that data that We generate or deduct as a result of the interaction with you through any of the channels of communication with the Bank. We can also obtain and process your personal data including from external sources, such as: - public institutions and authorities (e.g. ANAF, Ministry of PF, ONRC, FNGCIMM, NBR – Central Credit Register or Payment Incidents Register (CIP)). For example, We can interrogate the authorities/ public institutions databases to obtain certain information, such as: your tax situation; the status of enforcement proceedings you are subject to; your employee status; information on the status of the claim file by the FNGCIMM; your identification data in the Central Credit Register, including information on the type of loan contracted, the degree of indebtedness and the affiliation to a group of debtors. - registries and electronic databases (e.g. portals of Courts, the Credit Bureau, National Registry of Movable Assets, entities empowered to manage databases with designated persons, subject to international money-laundering sanctions and publicly exposed persons etc.). For example, but not limited to, when entering into relationship with the Bank, We interrogate (i) the Court’s portals to verify if you are involved in criminal litigations likely to reveal a certain fraudulent conduct, (ii) the Credit Bureau, to check the Bank’s exposure by reference to your payment behavior or other incidents in relation with other banks, (iii) if you are included in databases with designated individuals, subject to international sanctions of funds freezing. - entities involved in payment operations (for e.g. international cards organizations, such as Visa and Mastercard, economic operators accepting cards payments, banks and other payment institutions involved in payment schemes, the Central Depository). For example, when you make card transactions, We can receive some data necessary to make the payments (for e.g. the card’s data, transaction amounts) from merchants who accepted the payment with the card. Also, in other types of operations (for e.g. credit card payment, direct debit, debit instruments such as cheque, promissory note), We can receive your data from a bank/ third-party institution where the transaction was initiated, through schemes/ payment systems and interbank communications (such as SEPA, Regis, SENT or SWIFT). - commercial partners, particularly service providers for the Bank. For example, We may find out your new contact information (e.g. address, phone number) from agencies providing debt recovery |
creante pentru Noi, date pe care acestea din urma le obtin din surse proprii - platforme online (social media si internet) accesibile publicului - entitatile din Grupul BRD (cum ar fi date privind Clientii care au avut contracte cu BRD Finance IFN S.A) - alte societati pentru care Banca presteaza servicii de plati (emitenti de valori mobiliare, societati de asigurare etc) - Depozitarul Central, in calitate de societate de registru pentru actiunile Bancii. De exemplu, in anumite situatii, putem obtine datele Dvs. cu caracter personal de la Clientii Bancii/ Reprezentantii Clientilor Bancii (de exemplu: daca titularul este membru al familiei Xxxxxxxxxx), membrii organelor de conducere ale Bancii (daca titularul este persoana afiliata acestora), daca aceste date sunt necesare in contextul raporturilor juridice cu Clientul Bancii. Refuzul de a furniza Bancii datele cu caracter personal poate determina, in anumite situatii, imposibilitatea intrarii in relatie cu Banca sau a contractarii produsului, serviciului dorit. III. DE CE PRELUCRĂM DATE CU CARACTER PERSONAL? A. INTRAREA ÎN RELAȚIE CU BANCA Prelucram date cu caracter personal pentru: b) A pregati documentatia necesara contractarii produsului/ serviciului bancar. Verificam situatia Dvs. pentru a ne asigura ca indepliniti cerintele de ordin prudential, conform legislatiei aplicabile si a politicilor interne ale Bancii (inclusiv cele de risc). Cu titlu de exemplu: aplicam proceduri privind cunoasterea Clientelei; verificam daca indepliniti cerintele din materia prevenirii fraudelor si combaterii spalarii banilor si a finantarii actelor de terorism; evaluam situatia Dvs., precum si, daca e cazul, a altor persoane (precum co-debitori, garanti) pentru a analiza expunerea Bancii la riscul implicat de contractarea produsului/ serviciului bancar pe care il doriti. Pentru anumite produse (cum ar fi produsele de creditare), utilizam si prelucrari automatizate (inclusiv scoring) pentru a evalua eligibilitatea Dvs. pentru contractarea produsului respectiv (a se vedea, pentru detalii Sectiunea IV de mai jos). Temei: Incheierea si executarea contractului, inclusiv pentru prelucrarile efectuate la solicitarea Dvs. in vederea incheierii si executarii contractului. Interesul legitim al BRD de a verifica eligibilitatea Clientilor sai din perspectiva politicilor interne si a standardelor impuse la nivelul Grupului BRD. Conformarea cu obligatiile legale. B. FURNIZAREA DE PRODUSE ȘI SERVICII FINANCIAR-BANCARE. MANAGEMENTUL PRODUSELOR ȘI SERVICIILOR Prelucram date cu caracter personal pentru incheierea si executarea contractului cu Dvs. Pentru prevenirea si combaterea fraudelor si/ sau garantarea secretului bancar: verificam autenticitatea documentelor de identitate, precum si, daca e cazul, a altor documente | services for Us, data that they obtain from their own sources. - online platforms (social media and internet) publicly available. - BRD Group entities (such as data on Clients who had contracts with BRD Finance IFN S.A). - other companies for which the Bank provides payment services (securities issuers, insurance companies etc.). - Central Depository, as a registry company for the Bank’s shares. For example, in certain situations, We may obtain your personal data from Bank’s Clients/ Bank’s Clients representatives (e.g. if the holder is a member of the Client’s family), board members of the Bank (if the holder is an affliliated person), if such data are necessary in the context of legal relations with the Bank’s Client. The refusal to provide the Bank with your personal data may, in some cases, result in the impossibility of entering into relationship with the Bank or of contracting the desired product, service III. WHY DO WE PROCESS PERSONAL DATA? A. ENTERING INTO RELATIONSHIP WITH THE BANK We process personal data for: a) Checking your eligibility for entering into relationship with Us and contracting the banking product/ service, as well as for b) Preparing the required documentation for contracting the product/ service. We check your situation to ensure that you meet the prudential requirements, under the applicable law and internal policies of the Bank (including the risk policies). For example: We apply know your Client procedures; We verify if you meet the requirements concerning the fraud prevention and combating money laundering and terrorist financing; We evaluate your situation as well as, if applicable, of other persons (e.g. co-debtors, guarantors) to analyze the Bank’s exposure to the risk involved by contracting the required banking product/ service. For certain products (such as loan products), We also use automated processing (including scoring) to assess your eligibility for contracting the product (for details, please see Section IV below). Legal basis of the processing: Entering into and performance of the contract . BRD’s legitimate interest to check its Clients eligibility in terms of internal policies and standards imposed at BRD Group level. Compliance with legal obligations. B. PROVIDING BANKING PRODUCTS AND SERVICES. PRODUCTS AND SERVICES MANAGEMENT We process personal data to enter into and to perform the contract with you. For fraud prevention and fighting purposes and/ or for preserving banking secrecy: We verify the authenticity of identity documents as well as, where applicable, of other documents that you submit to us; We monitor the way the contract is performed |
pe care ni le prezentati; monitorizam modul de derulare a contractului si riscurile asociate; aplicam proceduri de gestionare a conflictelor de interes. Va putem contacta sau, dupa caz, putem contacta alte persoane (precum co-debitori, garanti), prin diverse canale (de exemplu telefon, e-mail, SMS, la domiciliu), pentru a va/ le comunica diverse aspecte legate de situatia contractului sau produsul/ serviciul bancar contractat. De exemplu, in cazul in care apar dificultati in executarea contractului, va putem contacta pentru a identifica impreuna solutiile optime pentru a continua relatia contractuala cu Dvs. in cele mai bune conditii. De asemenea, va putem transmite notificari privind scadentele unor termene de plata sau aparitia unor modificari in caracteristicile produsului/ serviciului bancar contractat. Temei: Incheierea si executarea contractului. Conformarea cu obligatiile legale. Interesul legitim al BRD de a asigura derularea contractelor de o maniera optima si eficienta. C. GESTIUNE ECONOMICO-FINANCIARĂ ȘI ADMINISTRATIVĂ. ANALIZE ȘI INVESTIGAȚII PENTRU UZ INTERN Utilizam datele cu caracter personal pentru a organiza in mod optim si pentru a eficientiza activitatea Bancii. In acest sens, putem utiliza datele cu caracter personal, printre altele: - pentru organizarea unor baze de date interne, ca suport pentru activitatea desfasurata de structurile si departamentele din cadrul Bancii - pentru a imbunatati si optimiza activitatea retelei BRD, precum si procesele, produsele si serviciile Noastre - pentru a organiza, efectua si/ sau gestiona in mod eficient activitatea de colectare debite si recuperare creante - pentru prevenirea si investigarea eventualelor fraude/ suspiciuni de frauda in operatiunile bancare - pentru a efectua diverse analize financiare, in format agregat, cu privire la randamentul retelei BRD si al personalului acesteia (inclusiv al fortei de vanzari a Bancii) - pentru a intocmi diverse rapoarte, in format agregat, privind (a) activitatea si performanta BRD pe pietele financiar-bancare, precum si (b) expunerea sa fata de alte institutii financiare - pentru a Ne sustine pozitia in diverse investigatii, proceduri administrative si judiciare, litigii etc. in care este implicata Banca - in contextul diverselor analize, proceduri de audit intern si/ sau investigatii derulate de Banca, din proprie initiativa sau ca urmare a primirii unei sesizari de la o terta entitate (inclusiv autoritati publice) - gestionarea controalelor/ investigatiilor declassate de autoritatile publice. Temei: Interesul legitim al BRD de a-si eficientiza si optimiza activitatea. D. SERVICII-SUPORT SoI GESTIONAREA PLÂNGERILOR Prelucram datele cu caracter personal in vederea solutionarii cererilor Dvs. sau ale altor persoane, | and the associated risks; We apply procedures for conflict of interest management. We may contact you or, where applicable, other persons (e.g. co-debtors, guarantors) through various channels (e.g. phone, e-mail, SMS, at home), to communicate you/ them various aspects concerning the contract or the contracted banking product/ service. For example, if difficulties arise in contract performance, We may contact you to identify together the optimal solutions to continue the contractual relationship with you in the best possible conditions. We may also send you notifications regarding payment maturities or concerning changes in the features of the contracted banking product/ service. Processing basis: Entering into and performance of the contract. Compliance with legal obligations. BRD’s legitimate interest to ensure the contracts performance in an optimal and efficient manner. C. ECONOMIC, FINANCIAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT. ANALYSES AND INVESTIGATIONS FOR INTERNAL USE We use personal data to optimally organize and streamline the Bank’s activity. To this end, We may use personal data, among others: - to organize some internal databases, to support the activity carried out by structures and departments within the Bank. - to improve and optimize BRD’s network activity, as well as our processes, products and sevices. – - to efficiently organize, perform and/ or manage debt collection and debt recovery. - to prevent and investigate possible fraud/ fraud suspicions in banking operations. - to perform various financial analyses, in an aggregated format, regarding the performance of BRD’s network and its staff (including the Bank’s sales force). - to prepare various reports, in an aggregated format, on (a) BRD’s activity and performance in financial and banking markets, and (b) its exposure to other financial institutions. - to support Our position in various investigations, administrative and judicial procedures, litigations, etc. in which the Banks is involved. - in the context of various analyses, internal audit procedures and/ or investigations carried out by the Bank, on its own initiative or following the receipt of a complaint from a third party (including public authorities). - managing controls/ investigations triggered by public authorities. Processing basis: BRD’s legitimate interest to streamline and optimize its activity D. SUPPORT-SERVICES AND COMPLAINTS MANAGEMENT |
precum si pentru a va/ le furniza informatii suplimentare cu privire la produsele si serviciile Noastre. Cu titlu de exemplu, va putem contacta telefonic pentru a raspunde solicitarilor Dvs. sau putem prelucra anumite date din documentele pe care ni le furnizati pentru a solutiona cererile sau plagerile Dvs. (cum ar fi o cerere de actualizare a datelor sau de blocare a cardului). Inregistram audio convorbirile cu Dvs. pentru imbunatatirea calitatii serviciilor Noastre, precum si pentru a proba (a) solicitarile/ reclamattile Dvs. cu privire la un anumit produs/ serviciu bancar, precum si, eventual, raspunsul Nostru, respectiv (b) acordul/ optiunea/ preferintele Dvs. pentru un anumit produs sau serviciu al Nostru. Daca nu doriti inregistrarea convorbirii conform celor de mai sus, ne puteti contacta pe alte canale disponibile, cum ar fi prin e-mail sau scriindu-ne la adresa Noastra de contact. In acest ultim caz, solutionarea efectiva a cererii/ reclamatiei Dvs. nu va fi afectata in vreun fel, insa este posibil ca termenul de solutionare sa fie mai lung. Temei: Incheierea si executarea contractului, inclusiv pentru prelucrarile efectuate la solicitarea Dvs. in vederea incheierii contractului. Conformarea cu obligatiile legale specifice in materie. Interesele legitime ale BRD (i) de a se conforma unei obligatii legale si de evita suportarea oricaror consecinte negative, si (ii) de a isi desfasura activitatea conform standardelor interne si celor stabilite la nivel de grup. Consimtamantul persoanei vizate - puteti sa va retrageti oricand consimtamantul - a se vedea, pentru detalii, Sectiunea VIII d) de mai jos. E. MARKETING DIRECT SI COMUNICĂRI COMERCIALE Ne dorim sa va tinem la curent cu noutatile privind produsele si serviciile Bancii sau ale altor societati din grupul Société Générale (cum ar fi societati de asigurare, fonduri de pensii, societati de leasing, fonduri de investitii etc.) si/ sau ale partenerilor nostri (cum ar fi societati de asigurare din afara grupului Société Générale), sa va invitam sa participati la concursuri sau loterii publicitare pe care le organizam Noi singuri sau impreuna cu partenerii nostri (co-organizatori). Inainte de a va contacta, este posibil sa luam in considerare si analizele si studiile noastre interne (a se vedea, pentru detalii, Sectiunea G de mai jos). In sensul celor de mai sus, va putem transmite si comunicari comerciale, inclusiv mesaje de marketing direct (vanzare de produse si servicii) cu privire la produsele/ serviciile anterior mentionate. De asemenea, in cazul in care nu va exercitati dreptul de opozitie, putem folosi adresa Dvs. de corespondenta fizica pentru a va transmite prin posta sau curier comunicari comerciale (pliante, cataloage etc.) cu noutatile privind produsele si serviciile noastre, invitatii de a participa la concursuri sau loterii publicitare pe care le organizam singuri sau impreuna cu partenerii nostri. Va vom transmite aceste comunicari comerciale doar daca am obtinut acordul Dvs. | We process you personal data to solve your requests or of other persons, as well as for providing you/ them with additional information about our products and services. For example, We may contact you by phone to respond to your requests or We may process certain data from the documents you provide Us in order to solve your requests or complaints (such as a request to update your data or to block the card). We audio record the conversations with you in order to improve the quality of our services as well as to prove (a) your requests/ claims concerning a particular banking product/ service as well as, eventually, our response, respectively (b) your agreement/ option/ preferences for a particular product or service of ours. If you do not want to record the conversations above mentioned, you can contact Us on other available channels, such as by e- mail or by writing Us to our dedicate contact address. In this latter case, the effective settlement of your request/ complaint will not be affected in any way, but the settlement may be longer. Processing basis: Entering into and performance of the contract, including for processing made upon your request for entering into the contract. Compliance with specific legal obligations. BRD’s legitimate interests (i) to comply with a legal obligation and to avoid any negative consequences, and (ii) to carry out its activity in accordance with internal standards and with the standards established at the Group level. The data subject’s consent - you can withdraw your consent at any time - for details, please see Section VIII d) below. E. DIRECT MARKETING AND COMMERCIAL COMMUNICATIONS We want to keep you updated with the latest news about the products and services of the Bank and/ or of other companies within Société Générale Group (insurance companies, pension funds, leasing entities, investment funds etc.) and/ or of our partners (such as insurance companies outside Société Générale Group), to invite you to participate in contests or advertising lotteries that We organize on our own or with our partners (co- organizers). Before contacting you, We may rely on our internal analyses and studies (for details, please see Section G below). In line with the aforesaid, We can also send you commercial communications, including direct marketing messages (selling of products and services) regarding the aforesaid partners products and services. Moreover, if you do not exercise your right to object, We may use your physical address to transmit you by courier or by post commercial communications (leaflets, catalogs etc) with news about our products and services, invitations to participate in contests or advertising lotteries that We organize on our own or with our partners. We will send you direct marketing and other business communications only if we have obtained your consent. |
F. SONDAJE SI CERCETARI DE PIATA Ne intereseaza parerea Dvs. despre produsele si serviciile noastre, despre Noi, in general sau despre un anumit subiect relevant pentru activitatea noastra. Va putem contacta periodic pentru a afla parerea si sugestiile Dvs. despre cum ne-am putea imbunatati produsele si serviciile Noastre sau cum am putea raspunde mai bine nevoilor si asteptarilor Dvs. Nu sunteti obligat sa raspundeti, iar daca nu raspundeti, aceasta nu va va afecta in niciun fel relatia cu Noi. Efectuam si studii de piata; in acest scop, putem colabora cu agentii de cercetare de piata, care fie vor derula studii de piata pentru Noi, fie ne vor furniza rezultate ale studiilor de piara si alte informatii legate de obiectul respectivelor studii. De regula, preluam informatiile legate de studiile de piata de la partenerii nostri in format anonimizat (date agregate). In cazul in care informatiile preluate vor contine (si) date cu caracter personal, va vom informa in mod corespunzator. Temei: Interesul legitim al BRD. Consimtamantul Dvs. - puteti sa va retrageti oricand consimtamantul - a se vedea, pentru detalii, Sectiunea VIII d) de mai jos. G. PERSONALIZAREA OFERTELOR/ PRODUSELOR Dorim sa va oferim produse si servicii cat mai relevante, in acord cu profilul si aria Dvs de interes. De aceea, in cazul in care ati optat in acest sens, putem analiza datele si informatiile despre Dvs. din: • Baza noastra de date interna, cum ar fi informatii din dosare de credit/ alte documente similare pe care le detinem ca urmare a solicitarilor Dvs. anterioare de credite/ alte produse si/ sau servicii bancare. Spre exemplu, ne intereseaza sa stim informatii relevante pentru evaluarea situatei Dvs. particulare, precum vechimea in relatia cu Banca, varsta titularului, venitul/ cifra de afaceri (inclusiv ca urmare ca urmare a unei cereri de credit depusa anterior de Dvs), calitatea de Persoana Expusa Public a titularului, calitatea in structura actionariatului a unei persoane juridice (daca este cazul), produsele si serviciile detinute si gradul de utilizare al acestora pe diferite canale (ex: internet si/ sau mobile banking), analiza tipologiei si valorii tranzactiilor realizate de dvs. intr- un anumit interval de timp per produs (de ex. carduri) si/ sau per tip de comerciant si/ sau • Surse externe, cum ar fi societati din Grupul BRD sau partenerii nostri, companii internationale pentru carduri de plata, Registrul Comertului, Biroul de Credit, ANAF. Personalizarea ofertelor nu va exclude accesul Dvs. la produsele si serviciile Noastre. Analizam si combinam datele si informatiile mentionate mai sus pentru a va putea oferi produse si servicii cat mai adaptate nevoilor si particularitatilor Dvs. De asemenea, putem utiliza aceste informatii pentru a evita sa va transmitem oferte pentru produse sau servicii care, din diverse motive (inclusiv in baza politicii noastre de risc), nu sunt de interes pentru Dvs. sau pe care nu le-ati putea accesa prin raportare la situatia Dvs. particulara. | F. MARKET RESEARCH AND SURVEYS We are interested in your opinion about our products and services, about Us or other companies within the Group in general or about a particular subject relevant to our activity. We can periodically contact you to receive your feedback and suggestions on how to improve our products and services or how we can better meet your needs and expectations. You are not obliged to respond and if you do not respond, it will not affect in any way your relationship with Us. We also carry out market studies; to this end, We can work with market research agencies, which will either conduct market studies for Us, or provide us with market research results and other information related to the subject of such studies. Usually, we receive information regarding the market studies from our partners in an anonymised format (aggregated data). If the processed informaion will (also) contain personal data, We will inform you accordingly. Processing basis: BRD’s legitimate interest Your consent - you can withdraw your consent at any time - for details, please see Section VIII d) below. G. PERSONALISED OFFERS/ PRODUCTS We want to offer you the most relevant products and services according to your profile and area of interest. Therefore, based on your agreement, We may analyze your data and information from the following sources: • Our internal database, such as information from loan records/ other similar documents that We hold as a result of your previous loan requests/ other products and/ or banking services. For example, We are interested in knowing relevant information in order to evaluate your particular situation, such as holder’s age, duration of the relationship with the Bank, income/ turnover (including your previous loan application score), the holder’s status of publicly exposed person, the legal person’s ownership structure (if is the case), the products and services held and their use on different channels (e.g. internet and/ or mobile banking), analysis of the typology and value of your transactions over a certain time frame per product (e.g. cards) and/ or per type of retailer and/ or • External sources, such as BRD Group entities or our partners, international card companies, Trade Registry, Credit Bureau, ANAF. Customizing offers will not exclude Your access to Our products and services. We analyse and combine dates and informations mentioned above to provide you with the products and services that best fit your needs and particularities. We may also use the information to avoid sending you offers for products and services that, for various reasons (including our risk policy), are not of interest to you or you would not be able to access by reference to your particular situation. |
Temei: Consimtamantul Dvs. – puteti sa va retrageti oricand consimtamantul - a se vedea, pentru detalii, Sectiunea VIII d) de mai jos. Algoritmii pe care ii aplicam pentru personalizarea ofertelor au la baza informatii precum: vechimea in relatia cu Banca, varsta titularului, venitul/ cifra de afaceri (inclusiv ca urmare a unei cereri de credit depusa anterior de Dvs), calitatea de Persoana Expusa Public a titularului, calitatea in structura actionariatului unei persoane juridice (daca este cazul), produsele si serviciile detinute si gradul de utilizare al acestora pe diferite canale (ex: internet si/ sau mobile banking), analiza tipologiei si valorii tranzactiilor realizate de Dvs. intr-un anumit interval de timp per tip de produs si/ sau per tip de comerciant. Toate aceste informatii sunt analizate pentru determinarea unui model statistic care are ca rezultat generarea unei oferte de produse si servicii destinata Dvs. Aceasta oferta tine cont de profilul si comportamentul Dvs. tranzactional (cum reiese el din informatiile mentionate anterior) si va cuprinde produse si servicii personalizate pe nevoia Dvs. Algoritmii utilizati pot varia de-a lungul timpului, astfel ca, pentru mai multe informatti legate de logica utilizata in crearea ofertelor/ produselor, ne puteti contacta la datele mentionate in sectiunea „CONTACT”. Uneori, in procesul de personalizare a ofertelor/ produselor utilizam decizii individuale automatizate. Beneficiati de garantii adecvate pentru deciziile automatizate pe care le luam. Astfel, aveti dreptul: (i) sa va exprimati punctul de vedere cu privire la respectiva decizie automatizata; (ii) de a ne solicita o reevaluare a deciziei, in baza unei interventii umane; respectiv (iii) sa contestati decizia automatizata. Vom putea utiliza decizii individuale personalizate pentru a va transmite oferte personalizate daca am obtinut de la Dvs. consimtamantul explicit in acest sens. H. ANALIZE SI STUDII INTERNE PENTRU COMUNICARI COMERCIALE Suntem preocupati de imbunatatirea constanta a calitatii produselor si serviciilor noastre. Utilizam datele pe care le colectam de la Dvs. sau alte date pe care le generam/ deducem din datele primite de la Dvs. (cum ar fi varsta titularului, pe baza CNP-ului Dvs.) pentru diverse statistici, analize si studii interne. Majoritatea analizelor si studiilor interne sunt în format anonimizat (date agregate), oferindu-ne informatii utile pentru îmbunatatirea produselor si serviciilor Noastre. Cateodata, analizam datele despre Dvs. pentru a va incadra intr-un anumit profil de Client, pentru a gestiona riscul de creditare sau a raspunde cat mai bine nevoilor si asteptarilor Dvs. De exemplu, va putem include într- o campanie de oferire a unui produs nou pe care Noi o adresam exclusiv Clientilor care au efectuat tranzactii cu cardurile cu o anumita frecventa. De asemenea, avem un interes legitim in a analiza datele Dvs. pentru a nu va deranja inutil cu informatii care nu se potrivesc profilului Dvs. De exemplu, va putem exclude dintr-o anumita campanie daca depasiti | Processing basis: Your consent - you can withdraw your consent at any time - for details, please see Section VIII d) below. The algorithms that we apply to customize offers are based on information such as: the duration of service relationship with the Bank, holder’s age, income/ turnover (including your previous loan application), the holder’s status as publicly exposed person, the legal person’s ownership structure (if is the case), the products and services held and their use on different channels (e.g. internet and/ or mobile banking), analysis of the typology and value of your transactions over a certain time frame per product (e.g. cards) and/ or per type of retailer. All this information is analyzed to determine a statistical model, which results in the generation of an offer of products and services for you. This offer takes account of your transactional profile and behavior (as it emerges from the information mentioned above) and will include products and services customized to your need. The algorithms used may vary over time, so for more information about the logic used in creating the offers/ products, You may contact us on the information mentioned in the "CONTACT" section. Sometimes, we use automated individual decisions when customizing offers/ products. Appropriate guarantees are set in your favor for the automated decisions we make. So, you have the right to: (I) express your views on that automated decision; (ii) to ask us to re-evaluate the decision through a human intervention; respectively (iii) to challenge the automated decision. We will be able to use individual personalized decisions to send you personalized offers if we have obtained your explicit consent in this regard. H. ANALYSES AND INTERNAL STUDIES FOR COMMERCIAL COMMUNICATIONS We are preoccupied with the constant improvement of our products and services. Based on our legitimate interest, We use the data that we collect from you or other data that we generate/ deduct from the data received from you (such as: holder’s age, based on your personal identification number) for various statistics, analyses and internal studies. Most internal analyses and internal studies are in anonymous format (aggregated data), providing Us with useful information for improving our products and services. Sometimes, We analyze your data to determine your specific Client profile, to better meet your needs and expectations. For example, We can include you in a campaign that offers a new product that We are addressing only to Clients who have made card transactions with a certain frequency. In the same time, We have a legitimate interest in analyzing your data so as not to disturb you with information that does not fit your profile. For example, We can exclude you from a particular campaign if you exceed |
varsta pe care Noi o tintim pentru respectivul produs (cum ar fi cardurile pentru studenti). Temei: Interesul legitim al BRD. Consimtamantul Dvs. - puteti sa va retrageti oricand consimtamantul - a se vedea, pentru detalii, Sectiunea VIII d) de mai jos. I. CONFORMAREA CU CERINTELE LEGALE SI NORMELE INTERNE Prelucram date cu caracter personal si pentru a Ne conforma obligattiilor legale aplicabile institutiilor de credit. De exemplu, in baza obligatiilor legale de care suntem tinuti, efectuam diverse raportari catre institutiile si autoritatile publice relevante, cum ar fi: (i) raportarile privind persoanele FATCA catre ANAF, (ii) raportarea tranzactiilor suspecte catre Oficiul National de Prevenire si Combatere a Spalarii Banilor (ONPCSB), (iii) raportarea incidentelor de plati catre Centrala Incidentelor de Plati (CIP) din cadrul BNR, (iv) instiintarea Agentiei Nationale de Administrare Fiscala din cadrul Ministerului Economiei si Finantelor, ori dupa caz, a altor autoritati competente, in cazul identificarii de persoane sau entitati desemnate. De asemenea, monitorizam tranzactiile Clientilor Nostri pentru a identifica tranzactiile neobisnuite/ suspecte de spalare a banilor sau finantarea terorismului, si pentru a preveni fraudele. Pentru informatii suplimentare cu privire la raportrile efectuate in baza obligatiilor noastre legale, ne puteti solicita aceste informatii. Tot pentru a Ne conforma prevederilor legale in vigoare prelucram date cu caracter personal prin intermediul sistemelor de securitate (televiziune cu circuit inchis si management vizitatori/ control acces) sau a registrelor de evidenta acces, datele fiind pastrate pentru intervalele de timp reglementate legal. Datele colectate in baza legislatiei privind protectia persoanelor, bunurilor si valorilor pot fi puse exclusiv la dispozitia autoritatilor, la solicitarea acestora, cu respectarea conditiilor prevazute de lege. Pe langa obligatiile legale, suntem tinuti sa respectam si o serie de cerinte interne/ stabilite la nivelul Grupului Société Générale privind efectuarea de raportari si audit intern/ extern care, in anumite situatii, pot implica/ avea ca sursa prelucaari de date cu caracter personal. Temei: Conformarea cu obligatiile legale specifice in materie. Interesul legitim al BRD si al Grupului Société Générale ca Banca sa isi desfasoare activitatea conform standardelor interne si celor stabilite la nivel de grup. J. PLATA DIVIDENDELOR CATRE ACTIONARII BRD Temei: Conformarea cu obligatiile legale specifice in materie IV. DECIZII INDIVIDUALE AUTOMATIZATE Uneori, in procesele Noastre utilizam decizii individuale automatizate, inclusiv ca urmare a crearii unor profiluri, care in anumite circumstante pot produce efecte juridice sau, dupa caz, va pot afecta semnificativ. In acest caz, deciziile automatizate se vor baza intotdeauna pe unul | the age that We target for a specific product (such as cards dedicated to students). Processing basis: BRD’s legitimate interest. Your consent - you can withdraw your consent at any time - for details, please see Section VIII d) below. I. COMPLIANCE WITH LEGAL REQUIREMENTS AND INTERNAL NORMS We process personal data also for complying with the legal obligations applicable to credit institutions. For example, based on our legal obligations, We submit various reports to relevant institutions and public authorities, such as: (i) FATCA reporting to ANAF, (ii) reporting suspicious transactions to the National Office for the Prevention and Control of Money Laundering (ONPCSB), (iii) reporting payment incidents to the Payment Incidents Register (CIP) within the National Bank of Romania, (iv) notifying ANAF within the Ministry of Economy and Finance, or as the case may be, notifying other competent authorities when identifying persons or designated entities. We also monitor our Clients’ transactions to identify unusual/ suspicious money laundering or terrorist financing transactions, and to prevent fraud. For additional information concerning the reporting made under our legal obligations, you can request this information. In order to comply with the legal provisions in force, We process personal data through security systems (closed circuit television and visitor’s management/ access control) or access record registers, the data being kept for intervals regulated by the law. The data collected under the legislation on the protection of persons, goods and values may be made available exclusively to the authorities, at their request, respecting the conditions provided by the law. In addition to the legal obligations, We are also committed to complying with a number of internal requirements/ established at the Société Générale Group’s level on reporting and internal/ external audit that may, in some cases, involve/ have as a source the processing of personal data. Processing basis: Compliance with specific legal obligations. BRD’s legitimate interest and of Société Générale Group to carry out its activity according to internal standards and those established at the Group level. J. DIVIDENDS PAYMENT TO BRD SHAREHOLDERS Processing basis: Compliance with specific legal obligations. IV. AUTOMATED INDIVIDUAL DECISIONS Sometimes, in our processes, We use automated individual decision-making, including profiling, which under certain circumstances, may have legal effects on you or, as the case may be, may significantly affect you. In this case, the automated decisions will always be |
din temeiurile legale prevazute la Articolul 22 GDPR, anume (i) necesitatea incheierii contractului; (ii) autorizarea legala; sau (iii) consimtamantul explicit al persoanei vizate. Astfel, adoptam decizii individuale automatizate in virtutea unei autorizari legale. De exemplu, legea ne impune sa implementam masuri adecvate de cunoastere a Clientelei pentru scopul prevenirii si combaterii spalarii banilor si al finantarii actelor de terorism. In acest scop, verificam daca sunteti inclus in bazele de date cu persoanele acuzate de finantare a actelor de terorism sau, dupa caz, cu persoane cu risc ridicat de frauda si, daca va regasiti in aceste baze de date, vom refuza intrarea in relatie de afaceri cu Dvs. Pentru anumite produse bancare, utilizam decizii automatizate bazate pe scoring pentru a putea incheia contractul privind produsul solicitat de Dvs. De exemplu, utilizam scoringul de credit pentru a evalua eligibilitatea Dvs. pentru contractarea creditului solicitat. Algoritmii pe care ii utilizam pentru scoringul de credit iau in considerare diverse criterii, in acord cu politica noastra de risc, precum starea Dvs. financiara, bonitatea, gradul de expunere, comportamentul de plata, situatia la angajator, istoricul datoriilor, etc. Criteriile si algoritmii pe care Noi ii consideram relevanti pot varia de-a lungul timpului. Utilizam decizii automatizate si pentru a asigura securitatea produselor si serviciilor Bancii, precum si pentru a va proteja pe cat posibil impotriva riscului de frauda, asigurand astfel executarea corespunzatoare a contractului cu Dvs. De exemplu, monitorizam platile pe care Dvs. le efectuati online sau cu cardul si, daca identificam operatiuni suspecte (cum ar fi plati repetitive neobisnuite ca frecventa, valoare etc. sau alte tranzactii cu secvente ilogice - de tipul plati din locatii (orase) diferite la intervale scurte de timp, care nu permiteau deplasarea titularului la acele locatii in acord cu stadiul tehnicii actuale), adoptam masuri in consecinta pe baze automatizate (cum ar fi blocarea tranzactiei suspecte, blocarea cardului, blocarea Contului etc.). De asemenea, daca am obtinut de la Dvs. consimtamantul explicit in acest sens, putem utiliza decizii individuale automatizate pentru a va transmite (Noi sau societatile din Grupul BRD, in functie de optiunea Dvs.) comunicari comerciale personalizate (a se vedea, pentru detalii, Sectiunea III F de mai sus). Veti beneficia de garantii adecvate pentru deciziile automatizate pe care le luam. In special, veti avea dreptul: (i) sa va exprimati punctul de vedere cu privire la respectiva decizie automatizata; (ii) de a ne solicita o reevaluare a deciziei, in baza unei interventii umane; respectiv (iii) sa contestati decizia automatizata. V. CUI DEZVALUIM DATELE CU CARACTER PERSONAL? Putem dezvalui datele cu caracter personal catre: a) Furnizorii Nostri de servicii principale, cum ar fi: - servicii de procesare plati interbancare si transmitere a informatiilor privind operatiunile de plata prin intermediul schemelor/ sistemelor de plati si comunicatii interbancare (e.g. SWIFT - Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication, STFD Transfond S.A. si BNR pentru sistemele de plata nationale ReGIS si SENT) | based on one of the legal basis provided by Article 22 GDPR, namely (i) entering into or performance of a contract; (ii) authorization provided by law; or (iii) the data subject’s explicit consent. Thus, We make automated individual decisions by virtue of a legal authorization. For example, the law requires Us to implement appropriate know your Client measures for the purpose of preventing and combating money laundering and terrorist financing. To this end, We check whether you are included in the databases of persons accused of terrorist financing or, as the case may be, in the databases of people with high risk of fraud and, if We will find you in these databases, We will refuse to enter into a business relationship with you. For certain banking products, We use automated individual decision- making based on scoring to conclude the contract for the product you requested. For example, We use the loan scoring to assess your eligibility for contracting the requested loan. The algorithms that We use for the loan scoring consider different criteria, in line with our risk policy, such as your financial condition, your creditworthiness, exposure, payment behavior, employer status, debt history, etc. The criteria and the algorithms that We consider relevant may vary over time. We use automated individual decisions making also for ensuring the security of the Bank’s products and services, as well as to protect you as much as possible against the risk of fraud, thereby ensuring the proper execution of the contract concluded with you. For example, We monitor your online or / and card payments, and if We identify suspicious transactions (such as unusual repetitive payments like frequency, value, etc., or other transactions with illogical sequences - such as payments in different locations (cities) at short intervals, which did not allow the holder to move to those locations in accordance with the current technique), We adopt measures on automated basis (such as blocking the suspicious transaction, blocking the card, blocking the account, etc.). Also, if We have obtained your express consent in this regard, We may use automated individual decisions to transmit you (We or companied within BRD Group, depending on your option) personalized commercial communications (for details, please see Section III F, above). You will have appropriate guarantees for the automated decisions We take. In particular, you will have the right: (i) to express your point of view on that particular automated decision; (ii) to request a reassessment of the decision, based on human intervention; respectively (iii) to contest the automated decision. V. TO WHOM DO WE DISCLOSE PERSONAL DATA? We may disclose personal data to: a) Our main service providers, such as: - interbank payment processing and payment information transmission services through schemes/ payment systems and interbank communications (e.g. SWIFT - Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication, STFD Transfond S.A. and NBR for ReGIS and SENT national payment systems) |
- serviciile oferite de organizatiile internationale de carduri (e.g. MasterCard, Visa etc) - serviciile oferite de furnizori de servicii de procesare a platilor - servicii oferite de furnizori de raportare a tranzactiilor catre autoritatile competente sau alte entitati reglementate (e.g. Deutsche Boerse, DTCC) - servicii de emitere si personalizare a cardurilor bancare - servicii de recuperare a creantelor si/ sau de colectare a debitelor - servicii de evaluare a bunurilor si a altor active - serviciile agentilor/ brokerilor de investitii pe pietele de capital. b) Furnizorii de servicii de marketing, cum ar fi: - Agentii de marketing - Agentii de cercetare si studii de piata - Agentii de transmitere a comunicarilor de marketing (e.g. e-mailing oferte comerciale) - Parteneri specializati in organizarea loteriilor si concursurilor. c) Furnizorii Nostri de servicii-suport si/ sau auxiliare, cum ar fi: - servicii de comunicatii electronice (e.g. e-mailing, SMS etc.) - agentii imobiliare - executori judecatoresti - servicii IT (e.g. mentenata, suport, dezvoltare) - servicii de audit - servicii de arhivare in format fizic si/ sau electronic - servicii de curierat - servicii juridice, notariale sau alte servicii de consultanta - servicii de training pentru personal. d) Institutii si autoritati publice din Romania sau din strainatate, cum ar fi: - Banca Nationala a Romaniei (BNR) - Autoritatea de Supraveghere Financiara (ASF) - Autoritatea Nationala de Supraveghere a Prelucrarii Datelor cu Caracter Personal (ANSDPCP) - Oficiul National de Prevenire si Combatere a Spalarii Banilor (ONPCSB) - Agentia Nationala de Administrare Fiscala (ANAF) - Consiliul Concurentei - Arhivele Nationale - Instatele judecatoresti si alte organe judiciare (cum ar fi organele de politie, Parchetele de pe langa instantele judecatoresti, Directia Nationala Anticoruptie - DNA etc.) - Fondului de Garantare a Depozitelor Bancare, Fondul National de Garantare a Creditelor pentru Intreprinderile Mici si Mijlocii (FNGCIMM) - Deutsche Boerse Approved Reporting Mechanism (ARM). e) Anumiti Clienti de-ai Bancii cu care Dvs. aveti raporturi contractuale sau alte raporturi juridice conexe serviciilor bancare furnizate de noi, cum ar fi: - Furnizorii de servicii de utilitati (apa, electricitate, telefonie, internet etc.), in cazul conventiilor de debitare directa - Societati cu care Dvs. aveti relatii de munca si care au incheiat cu Noi conventii de plata salarii. f) Alti parteneri ai Bancii, cum ar fi Biroul de Credit (inclusiv transmiterea datelor privind intarzierile la plata), alte institutii financiar-bancare (spre | - services provided by international cards organizations (e.g. MasterCard, Visa etc) - services provided by payment service providers - services provided by transaction reporting providers to competent authorities or other regulated entities (e.g. Deutsche Boerse, DTCC) - cards issuance and personalization services - debt recovery and/ or debt collection services - goods and other assets valuation services - services of capital investment agents/ brokers. b) Marketing services providers, such as: - Marketing agencies - Market research and surveys agencies - Marketing communication agencies (e.g. e- mailing commercial offers) - Partners specialized in organizing lotteries and contests. c) Our support-services and/ or auxiliaries providers, such as: - electronic communication services (e.g. e- mailing, SMS etc.) - real estate agencies - bailiffs - IT services (e.g. maintenance, support, development) - audit services - physical and/ or electronic archiving services - courier services - legal, notarial or other consulting services - staff training services. d) Public institutions and authorities in Romania and abroad, such as: - National Bank of Romania (NBR) - Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF) - The National Supervisory Authority for Personal Data Processing (ANSDPCP) - National Office for Preventing and Combating Money Laundering (ONPCSB - National Agency for Fiscal Administration (ANAF) - Competition Council - National Archives - Courts and other judicial bodies (such as police offices, prosecutor’s offices, The National Anticorruption Directorate - DNA etc.) - The Bank Deposit Guarantee Fund, The National Credit Guarantee Fund for Small and Medium Enterprises (FNGCIMM) - Deutsche Boerse Approved Reporting Mechanism (ARM). e) Certain Clients of the Bank with whom you have contractual or legal relationships related to the banking products We provide, such as: - Utility services providers (water, electricity, telephony, internet etc.), for direct debit conventions - Companies with whom you have working relationships and have concluded a payroll convention with Us. f) Other partners of the Bank, such as Credit Bureau (including the transmission of payment delays data), other financial-banking institutions (for |
exemplu, bancile corespondente si celelalte entitati financiar-bancare participante la schemele/ sistemele de plata si comunicatii interbancare cum ar fi SEPA, ReGIS, SENT, SWIFT), Casa Nationala de Pensii (in cazul platilor drepturilor de pensie printr-un Cont bancar deschis la Noi), Depozitarul Central, societati de pensii si/ sau de asigurare, brokeri de asigurare/ evaluatori de dauna, societati de administrare a Fondurilor de Investitii care presteaza pentru Noi sau, dupa caz, pentru care Noi prestam diverse servicii, alte entitati (cum ar fi banci sau institutii financiar-bancare) in contextul operatiunilor de cesiune sau de restructurare a portofoliilor de creante si/ sau alte drepturi ale Bancii nascute in baza raporturilor juridice cu dvs. g) Entitati din Grupul Société Générale si Grupul BRD, in conditiile legii. Pentru a vedea structura completa a Grupului, accesati: xxxxx:// presa/ultimele-noutati VI. TRANSFERUL DATELOR IN STRAINATATE In vederea realizarii scopurilor mentionate mai sus este posibil sa transferam datele cu caracter personal doar in state apartinand Spatiului Economic European (SEE) sau statelor carora li s-a recunoscut un nivel adecvat printr-o decizie a Comisiei Uniunii Europene. In general nu transferam datele dvs catre state din afara SEE. Putem transfera totusi datele cu caracter personal si in alte state decat cele de mai sus, daca: a) Transferul se realizeaza in baza unor garantii adecvate (cum ar fi, prin utilizarea de Clauze Contractuale Standard adoptate de autoritatea competenta, prin utilizarea altor clauze - sub conditia aprobarii acestora de catre autoritatea competenta, sau a Regulilor Corporatiste Obligatorii aplicabile la nivelul BRD) b) Transferul este necesar pentru executarea contractului cu Dvs., de exemplu in cazul in care Dvs. doriti sa transferati o suma de bani din Contul Dvs. intr- un Cont al unei banci situate intr-un stat ters si astfel trebuie sa dezvaluim datele Dvs. cu caracter personal pentru a executa operatiunea bancara solicitata Nota: Pentru a putea efectua un transfer de fonduri în strainatate, bancile (inclusiv Banca) utilizeaza serviciile de decontare oferite de SWIFT. SWIFT stocheaza temporar datele privind tranzactiile operate prin platforma SWIFT pe servere situate in U.E., dar si in SUA. Conform legislatiei aplicabile SWIFT, aceasta poate fi obligata sa dezvaluie autoritatilor americane datele stocate pe serverele din SUA pentru activitati de prevenire a spalarii banilor si luptei impotriva finantarii terorismului. c) Alte cazuri permise de lege. VII. CAT PASTRAM DATELE DVS? Pastram datele Dvs. cu caracter personal cat este necesar pentru indeplinirea scopurilor pentru care au fost colectate, cu respectarea prevederilor legale aplicabile in materie, precum si a procedurilor interne privind retentia datelor (inclusiv a regulilor de arhivare aplicabile la nivelul BRD). Spre exemplu, daca Ne sunteti Client, vom pastra datele Dvs. cu caracter personal, ca regula, pe intreaga durata a raporturilor contractuale cu Noi, plus o perioada suplimentara de minimum 10 ani. | example, correspondent banks and other financial- banking entities participating in payment schemes/ payment systems and interbank communications such as SEPA, ReGIS, SENT, SWIFT), National Pension House (in the case of pension rights payments through a bank account opened with Us), Central Depository, pensions and/ or insurance companies, insurance brokers/ damage assessors, investment fund management companies providing for Us or, as the case may be, for which We provide various services, other entities (such as credit institutions) within the context of assignments or portfolio restructuring g) Entities from the Société Générale Group and BRD Group, under the terms of the law. To check out the complete Group structure, please access: xxxxx:// presa/ultimele-noutati In order to achieve the above mentioned goals, we may transfer your personal data only in states belonging to the European Economic Area (EEA) or states that been recognized by a decision of the European Commission as providing an adequate level of protection. We do not transfer your data to countries outside the EEA. We may, however, transfer personal data to other countries than those listed above if: a) The transfer if made on the basis of appropriate guarantees (such as, through the use of Standard Contractual Clauses adopted by the competent authority, by using other clauses - subject to their approval by the competent authority or the applicable Corporate Rules at BRD level); b) The transfer is necessary for the performance of the contract with you, for example if you want to transfer an amount of money from your account to a bank account located in a third country, We have to disclose your personal data in order to execute the requested bank transaction. Note: In order to be able to make a funds transfer abroad, the banks (including the Bank) uses the settlement services offered by SWIFT. SWIFT temporarily stores SWIFT transaction data on servers located in the E.U., but also in the USA. Under applicable SWIFT legislation, it may be required to disclose to the US authorities data stored on US servers for money laundering prevention and fight against terrorist financing activities. c) Other cases allowed by the law. VII. FOR HOW LONG DO WE KEEP YOUR DATA? We keep your personal data as long as necessary to meet the purposes for which it was collected, in compliance with the applicable legal provisions, as well as of the internal procedures on data retention (including the applicable archiving rules at BRD level). For example, if you are our Client, We will keep your personal data, as a rule, throughout your contractual relationship with Us, with an additional period of at least 10 years. |
La cerere, puteti obtine informatii suplimentare privind termenele de pastrare aplicabile datelor Dvs. cu caracter tpersonal. VIII. CARE SUNT DREPTURILE DE CARE BENEFICIATI? a) Dreptul de acces: puteti obtine de la Noi confirmarea ca prelucram datele Dvs. cu caracter personal, precum si informatii privind specificul prelucrarii cum ar fi: scopul, categoriile de date cu caracter personal prelucrate, destinatarii datelor, perioada pentru care datele sunt pastrate, existenta dreptului de rectificare, stergere sau restrictionare a prelucrarii. Acest drept va permite sa obtineti gratuit o copie a datelor cu caracter personal prelucrate, precum si contra-cost orice copii suplimentare b) Dreptul la rectificarea datelor: puteti sa ne solicitati sa modificam datele Dvs. cu caracter personal incorecte ori, dupa caz, sa completam datele care sunt incomplete c) Dreptul la stergere: puteti solicita stergerea datelor Dvs. cu caracter personal atunci cand: (i) acestea nu mai sunt necesare pentru scopurile pentru care le-am colectat si le prelucram; (ii) v-ati retras consimtamantul pentru prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal si noi nu le mai putem prelucra pe alte temeiuri legale; (iii) datele cu caracter personal sunt prelucrate contrar legii; respectiv (iv) datele cu caracter personal trebuie sterse conform legislatiei relevante. d) Retragerea consimtamantului: puteti sa va retrageti oricand consimtamantul cu privire la prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal prelucrate pe baza de consimtamant, fara insa ca aceasta sa afecteze in vreun fel prelucrarile realizate anterior retragerii e) Dreptul de opozitie: va puteti opune oricand prelucrarilor pentru scop de marketing, inclusiv profilarilor efectuate in acest scop, precum si prelucrarilor bazate pe interesul legitim al BRD, din motive care tin de situattia Dvs. specifica f) Restrictionare: puteti solicita restrictionarea prelucrarii datelor Dvs. cu caracter personal daca: (i) contestati corectitudinea datelor cu caracter personal, pentru o perioada care ne permite sa verificam exactitatea datelor in cauza; (ii) prelucrarea este ilegala, iar Dvs. va opuneti stergerii datelor cu caracter personal, solicitand in schimb restrictionarea utilizarii lor; (iii) datele nu ne mai sunt necesare prelucrarii, dar Dvs. ni le solicitati pentru o actiune in instanta; respectiv (iv) in cazul in care v-ati opus prelucrarii, pentru intervalul de timp în care se verifica daca drepturile legitime ale BRD ca operator prevaleaza asupra drepturilor Dvs. in calitate de persoana vizata g) Dreptul la portabilitate: in masura in care prelucram datele cu caracter personal prin mijloace automate, iar prelucrarea are ca temei legal executarea unui contract sau consimtamantul Dvs. puteti sa ne solicitati, in conditiile legii, sa va furnizam datele Dvs. cu caracter personal pe care Dvs ni le-ati furnizat intr- o forma structurata, utilizata frecvent si care poate | Upon request, you can obtain additional information regarding the retention periods applicable to your personal data. According to the Law, you have the following rights concerning the personal data processing that We perform: a) Right to access your personal data: you may obtain from Us the confirmation that We process your personal data, as well as information regarding the specific nature of the processing, such as: tthe purpose of the processing, the categories of personal data processed, the data recipients, the period for which the data are kept, the existence of the right to rectification, erasure or restriction of processing. This right allows you to obtain a free copy of the processed personal data, as well as any other extra copies, for a fee. b) Right to rectification: you may ask Us to have inaccurate Personal data rectified and incomplete Personal data completed. c) Right to erasure: you may ask Us to erase your personal data when: (i) the data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which We have collected and processed them; (ii) you have withdrawn your consent and We can not process them on other legal ground; (iii) the personal data are unlawfully processed, respectively (iv) the personal data have to be erased for compliance with the relevant legislation. d) Consent withdrawal: you may, at any time, withdraw your consent regarding the processing of your personal data, data processed on a consent basis, however, this does not affect in any way the processes carried out prior to withdrawal. e) Right to object: you may object, at any time, to the processing of personal data for marketing purposes, including profiling for the same purpose and you may also object to processing based on Bank’s legitimate interest, for reasons related to your specific situation. f) Right to restriction of processing: you may request to restrict the processing of your personal data if: (i) you contest the accuracy of the personal data, for a period enabling Us to verify the accuracy of the personal data; (ii) the processing is unlawful and you refuse the erasure of the personal data and request the restriction of their use instead; (iii) the data is no longer necessary for the purposes of processing, but you require them for exercise or defence of legal claims; respectively (iv) if you have objected to the processing, pending the verification whether the legitimate grounds of the Bank as data controller override those of the data subject. g) Right to data portability: to the extent that we process personal data by automated means and processing has as legal basis the performance of a contract or your consent, you may ask us to furnish you the personal data that you have provided us in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format (e.g. CSV format). |
fi citita in mod automatizat (spre exemplu in format CSV). De asemenea, daca ne solicitati expres, putem sa transmitem datele Dvs. cu caracter personal unei alte entitati, daca este posibil din punct de vedere tehnic. Va veti putea exercita dreptul la portabilitate numai daca (cumulativ): (i) prelucrarea se realizeaza prin mijloace automate; si (ii) prelucrarea se realizeaza in baza consimtamantului Dvs. sau pentru a executa un contract cu Dvs h) Drepturile aferente deciziilor automatizate pe care le adoptam in cursul activitatii noastre: aveti dreptul de a nu fi supus unei decizii automate, daca aceasta produce efecte juridice asupra Dvs. sau va afecteaza similar, intr-o masura semnificativa (a se vedea, pentru detalii Sectiunea G. „Personalizarea ofertelor/ produselor”). In aceasta situatie puteti contesta decizia, puteti cere si obtine interventia unui operator uman, sau va puteti exprima punctul de vedere cu privire la respectiva prelucrare i) Dreptul de a depune o plangere la Autoritatea Nationala de Supraveghere a Prelucrarii Datelor cu Caracter Personal: aveti dreptul de a depune o plangere la Autoritatea Nationala de Supraveghere a Prelucrarii Datelor cu Caracter Personal in cazul in care considerati ca v-au fost incalcate drepturile: Autoritatea Nationala pentru Supravegherea Prelucrarii Datelor cu Caracter Personal B-dul G-ral. Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx 00-00 Xxxxxx 0, Xxx Postal 010336, Bucuresti, Romania xxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx PENTRU EXERCITAREA DREPTURILOR MENTIONATE LA PUNCTELE a) - h) DE MAI SUS, NE PUTETI CONTACTA UTILIZaND DATELE DE CONTACT MENTIONATE LA SECTIUNEA IX (CONTACT). IX. CONTACT Xxxx aveti orice fel de intrebari despre aceasta nota de informare, sau doriti sa va exercitati drepturile Dvs. in calitate de persoana vizata, ne puteti contacta folosind urmatoarele date de contact: In atentia: Reponsabilului cu Protectia Datelor BRD (DPO) Adresa de Corespondenta: Bldv. Xxx Xxxxxxxxx, Xx 0-0, Xxxxxx 0, Xxxx XXX, Xxx postal 011171, Bucuresti, Romania E-mail: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxx.xx Telefon: x0 0000000000 | Should you expressly request, We can send your personal data to another entity, if possible from a technical point of view. You will only be able to exercise your right to portability if (cumulative): (i) processing is carried out by automatic means; and (ii) processing is based on your consent or to perform a contract with you h) The rights attached to automated decisions that We adopt in our activity: you have the right not to be subject to an automated decision, if it has legal effects on you or affects you in the same way, to a significant extent (see Section G. "Personalized offers/ products" for details). In this case you can challenge the decision, you can request and obtain the intervention of a human operator or you may express your views on the processing in question. i) Right to file a complaint with the Supervisory Authority: you have the right to file a complaint with the Supervisory Authority if you consider that your rights have been infringed The National Supervisory Authority for Personal Data Processing Bld. G-ral. Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx 28-30 Sector 1, Postal Code 010336, Bucharest, Romania xxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx FOR THE EXERCISE OF THE ABOVE-MENTIONED RIGHTS, ITEMS a) - h), YOU MAY CONTACT US USING THE CONTACT DATA REFERRED TO IN SECTION IX (CONTACT). IX. CONTACT If you have any questions about this data protection notice or if you want to exercise your rights as a data subject, you may contact Us using the following contact details: In the attention of: BRD Data Protection Officer (DPO) Correspondence address: Blvd. Xxx Xxxxxxxxx, No. 1-7, Sector 1, BRD Tower, postal code 011171, Bucharest, Romania E-mail: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxx.xx Telephone: x0 0000000000 |