FORCE MAJEURE Exemple de Clauze

FORCE MAJEURE. 11.1. Force majeure, as defined by Art. 1351 Civil code, must be ascertained by a competent authority. 11.2. The force majeure exonerates the Contracting Parties from the fulfilment of the obligations assumed by this contract, throughout its duration. 11.3. The fulfilment of the contract shall be suspended during the force majeure period, but without prejudice to the rights that were due to the parties until its occurrence. 11.4. The contracting party invoking the force majeure has the obligation to notify the other party, within three days of the occurrence of the force majeure case and to take any necessary measures available to limit its consequences; the same obligation for notification applies when the force majeure event ends.
FORCE MAJEURE. 10.1. Neither parry shall be liable for the delayed or inadequate fulfilment in part or in full of any of its obligations if this was caused by a Force Majeure or similar event linked to it. 10.2. Force Majeure is considered to include any unpredictable and insuperable acts and/or circumstances which arise as a result of a natural phenomenon, human deed or out of the interaction of objects, at any time after the conclusion of this contract, can not be imputed to the party invoking force majeure, are beyond the control of the same and are likely to prevent or delay in full or in part the execution of the contractual obligations of the party in case (fires, floods, government acts, legislative provisions, natural phenomena, wars, revolutions, strikes etc). 10.3. The party invoking Force Majeure shall notify the other party within five calendar days about the occurrence and cessation, respectively of any such event and shall take any and all reasonable measures in order to limit the consequences of the same. 10.4. Upon receiving the above mentioned notification, the parties shall consult with each other and shall decide on the actions and/or measures to be taken for the interest of both parties, in order to limit or remedy 10.4. La primirea notificării prevăzute mai sus, ambele părți se vor consulta de îndată şi vor hotărî asupra acţiunilor şi/sau măsurilor ce trebuie întreprinse în interesul ambelor părți, în scopul limitării ori depășirii efectelor situației de Forță Majoră. Fiecare parte va depune toate eforturile rezonabile pentru a reduce cât mai mult posibil efectele rezultând din Forța Majoră. 10.5. Pentru orice întârziere sau neîndeplinire a obligațiilor contractuale de către oricare dintre părți, ca o consecință a cazului de Forță Majoră, justificat şi notificat conform celor mai sus stabilite, niciuna dintre părți nu are dreptul de a solicita co-contractantului penalități, daune-interese sau compensări de orice natură ale posibilelor prejudicii suferite, dar fiecare dintre părți are îndatorirea de a onora toate obligațiile contractuale scadente până la data apariției cazului de Forță Majoră. 10.6. Dacă notificarea privind începutul sau încetarea cazului de forță majoră nu s- a transmis conform condițiilor stabilite, partea aflată în culpă este responsabilă de prejudiciile provocate celeilalte părți, întrucât nu a făcut dovada existenței cazului de forță majoră. 10.7. În caz de Forță Majoră, perioada de timp aferentă îndeplinirii obligațiilor sau rem...
FORCE MAJEURE. Force Majeure, as defined by the law, exempts of the liability the party that claims it under the terms of the law with the requirement of the previous written notification, within 5 days of the occurrence of the cases of force majeure and based on the certificate issued by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania.
FORCE MAJEURE. 1. None of the Parties shall be liable for the non-performance and / or improper performance, in whole or in part, of any obligation under this Convention if such a situation is due to a case of force majeure laws. The party invoking force majeure shall notify the other party, within 48 hours of its occurrence, of a notification followed by the return of the supporting document issued in accordance with the legislation in force within 20 calendar days of on the same date. 2. The provisions of point 1 shall not apply in the case of the fortuitous case.
FORCE MAJEURE. 1. The Bank and the Client are not liable for any loss caused by the deterioration of the operations on account of a force majeure. 2. The case of force majeure is any unpredictable and inevitable event, independent from the will of either party, absolutely preventing it from fully or partially meeting its contractual obligations (e.g. natural calamities, war, strikes). 3. In case of force majeure, the Client, as affected party, shall communicate the occurrence of the force majeure event by telephone or fax or registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, within no more than 5 calendar days, and in the next 15 calendar days he shall produce, by registered letter or by going at the Bank, the force majeure certificate issued by the relevant authorities. In case of force majeure, the Bank shall communicate such event to all its Clients, in the manner it deems fit
FORCE MAJEURE. Forța majoră, întreruperile operaționale fără vina părților, revoltele, măsurile oficiale și alte evenimente inevitabile exonerează BSH și Contractantul de obligațiile de executare și acceptare datorate prin contract pe durata evenimentului. BSH și Contractantul sunt obligați să își furnizeze reciproc și fără întârziere informațiile necesare și rezonabile și să își adapteze temporar și cu bună credință obligațiile la circumstanțele modificate, în special la eventualele modificări ale cerințelor pieței. Pe durata unor astfel de evenimente și în termen de două săptămâni de la încheierea acestora, BSH are dreptul - fără a aduce atingere celorlalte drepturi ale sale - de a denunța contractul, în totalitate sau parțial, în cazul în care o adaptare nu este adecvată, în măsura în care aceste evenimente nu sunt de durată nesemnificativă. Force majeure, operational disruptions through no fault of the parties, riots, official measures and other unavoidable events shall release BSH and the Contractor from their contractually owed performance and acceptance obligations for the duration of the event. BSH and the Contractor shall be obliged to provide each other with the necessary and reasonable information without delay and to adjust their obligations temporarily to the changed circumstances, in particular to the possibly changed market requirements, in good faith. During such events and within two weeks after their end, BSH shall be entitled - without prejudice to its other rights - to withdraw from the contract in whole or in part in the event that an adjustment is not suitable, insofar as these events are not of insignificant duration.
FORCE MAJEURE. (1) Force majeure represents any external event, unpredictable, absolutely invincible and inevitable. (2) The liability of the parties is removed when the damage is caused by force majeure, under the conditions of art. 1.351 of the Civil Code. (3) The party invoking a case of force majeure has the obligation to notify the other party, within maximum 48 hours from the date of its occurrence, notification followed by the submission of the supporting document, issued in accordance with the legislation in force, within 20 calendar days from the same date. (4) If the force majeure does not end within 30 calendar days, the parties shall have the right to request the full termination of the contract, without any of them having the right to claim damages.
FORCE MAJEURE. 21.1 Thonauer shall not be liable or responsible to Customer, nor be deemed to have defaulted under or breached its obligations for any failure or delay, if such failure or delay is caused by or results from acts beyond Thonauer’s control, including, but not limited to (i) acts of nature, (ii) flood, fire, earthquake, or other natural disaster, (ii) total or partial closing of supplying factories,
FORCE MAJEURE. 4.1 Events caused by force majeure shall exempt the parties to the contract from their contractual obligations for the duration of the disturbance and for the scope of its impact. In such a case the contract parties shall be obliged to notify each other in writing without delay and to adjust their obligations in good faith taking the prevailing circumstances into account. If the hindrance should last for more than 2 months, each contract party shall be entitled to withdraw from that part of the contract not yet fulfilled. Upon request of either party, the other party will declare after expiration of the period whether it will exercise its right of withdrawal.
FORCE MAJEURE. 5.1. The participant in the Balancing market exonerates the RCE from any obligation related to delays or non-executions due to circumstances beyond its control. 5.2. Neither Party shall be liable for the non-execution on time and / or the improper execution - in whole or in part - of any obligation under this Agreement, if the non-execution or the improper or delayed execution of that obligation was caused by force majeure, as defined in art. 1.351 of the Civil Code. 5.3. The Party invoking the force majeure is obliged to notify the other Party, within 5 calendar days, of the occurrence of the force majeure event and to take all possible measures in order to limit its consequences. Otherwise, the Party shall be liable for the damage caused thereby to the other Party. The notification regarding the case of force majeure shall be accompanied by a written document issued by a competent authority (e.g. the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania in case of force majeure), certifying the accuracy of the notified facts and circumstances. 5.4. If within 15 calendar days after the occurrence, the event does not cease, the Parties have the right to notify the full termination and without fulfilling any formality of this Agreement, without any of them claiming damages.