FORCE MAJEURE Exemple de Clauze

FORCE MAJEURE. 10.1. Neither parry shall be liable for the delayed or inadequate fulfilment in part or in full of any of its obligations if this was caused by a Force Majeure or similar event linked to it. 10.2. Force Majeure is considered to include any unpredictable and insuperable acts and/or circumstances which arise as a result of a natural phenomenon, human deed or out of the interaction of objects, at any time after the conclusion of this contract, can not be imputed to the party invoking force majeure, are beyond the control of the same and are likely to prevent or delay in full or in part the execution of the contractual obligations of the party in case (fires, floods, government acts, legislative provisions, natural phenomena, wars, revolutions, strikes etc). 10.3. The party invoking Force Majeure shall notify the other party within five calendar days about the occurrence and cessation, respectively of any such event and shall take any and all reasonable measures in order to limit the consequences of the same. 10.4. Upon receiving the above mentioned notification, the parties shall consult with each other and shall decide on the actions and/or measures to be taken for the interest of both parties, in order to limit or remedy
FORCE MAJEURE. 11.1. Force majeure, as defined by Art. 1351 Civil code, must be ascertained by a competent authority. 11.2. The force majeure exonerates the Contracting Parties from the fulfilment of the obligations assumed by this contract, throughout its duration. 11.3. The fulfilment of the contract shall be suspended during the force majeure period, but without prejudice to the rights that were due to the parties until its occurrence. 11.4. The contracting party invoking the force majeure has the obligation to notify the other party, within three days of the occurrence of the force majeure case and to take any necessary measures available to limit its consequences; the same obligation for notification applies when the force majeure event ends. XII.
FORCE MAJEURE. Force Majeure, as defined by the law, exempts of the liability the party that claims it under the terms of the law with the requirement of the previous written notification, within 5 days of the occurrence of the cases of force majeure and based on the certificate issued by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania.
FORCE MAJEURE. 1. None of the Parties shall be liable for the non-performance and / or improper performance, in whole or in part, of any obligation under this Convention if such a situation is due to a case of force majeure laws. The party invoking force majeure shall notify the other party, within 48 hours of its occurrence, of a notification followed by the return of the supporting document issued in accordance with the legislation in force within 20 calendar days of on the same date. 2. The provisions of point 1 shall not apply in the case of the fortuitous case.
FORCE MAJEURE. 1. The Bank and the Client are not liable for any loss caused by the deterioration of the operations on account of a force majeure. 2. The case of force majeure is any unpredictable and inevitable event, independent from the will of either party, absolutely preventing it from fully or partially meeting its contractual obligations (e.g. natural calamities, war, strikes). 3. In case of force majeure, the Client, as affected party, shall communicate the occurrence of the force majeure event by telephone or fax or registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, within no more than 5 calendar days, and in the next 15 calendar days he shall produce, by registered letter or by going at the Bank, the force majeure certificate issued by the relevant authorities. In case of force majeure, the Bank shall communicate such event to all its Clients, in the manner it deems fit (display in the Bank units and/or on the official website of the Bank, without limitation). F.
FORCE MAJEURE a) Vânzătorul va fi exonerat pentru neexecutarea, executarea necorespunzătoare sau executarea cu întârziere în măsura în care executarea este imposibilă, împiedicată sau îngreunată ori este întârziată de un eveniment de forță majoră, acțiune guvernamentală sau schimbare a circumstanțelor care nu se află sub controlul Vânzătorului (de exemplu, război sau activități similare războiului, revoluție, acțiuni teroriste, grevă, catastrofă ecologică, implicații geologice, epidemie, pandemie, implementarea unor noi restricții/sancțiuni economice, colaps economic, colaps al unei monede, neexecutare, executare inadecvată sau executare întârziată din partea propriilor furnizori de produse, furnizori de servicii și (sub)contractanți ai Vânzătorului, explozii, incendii, colapsul infrastructurii, incidente sau atacuri cibernetice, defectarea sistemelor IT, insuficiențe sau deficiențe de orice tip, etc.). Vânzătorul (i) îl va informa pe Cumpărător în mod corespunzător și (ii) va relua îndeplinirea obligațiilor asumate în baza prezentului Contract într-o perioadă rezonabilă după îndepărtarea respectivelor cauze. a) Non-, bad-, or late-performance of Seller shall be excused to the extent that performance is rendered impossible or pre- vented or hindered or is delayed by an event of force majeure, governmental act, or change of circumstances beyond the control of Seller (e.g. war and war like activities, revolution, terrorist act, strike, environmental catastrophe, geological implications, epidemics, pandemics, implementation of new economic restrictions/sanctions, economic collapse, collapse of currency, non-, bad-, or late-performance of Seller’s own suppliers, service providers and (sub-)contractors, explo- sions, fire, collapse of infrastructure, cyber incidents or at- tacks, IT systems failure, shortfalls/shortages of any kind, etc.). Seller shall (i) inform Buyer accordingly, and (ii) re- sume performance of its obligations under the Agreement within reasonable time after such causes are removed.
FORCE MAJEURE. 5.1. The participant in the Balancing market exonerates the RCE from any obligation related to delays or non-executions due to circumstances beyond its control.
FORCE MAJEURE. 21.1 Thonauer shall not be liable or responsible to Customer, nor be deemed to have defaulted under or breached its obligations for any failure or delay, if such failure or delay is caused by or results from acts beyond Thonauer’s control, including, but not limited to (i) acts of nature, (ii) flood, fire, earthquake, or other natural disaster, (ii) total or partial closing of supplying factories,
FORCE MAJEURE. Art. 8. - (1) Force majeure represents any external event, unpredictable, absolutely invincible and inevitable.
FORCE MAJEURE. 7.1. Force Majeure denotes all events where all possibilities to oppose them may only insignificantly reduce the damage caused by said events. As this takes place, the fact of maximally possible counteraction to said event, which does not jeopardise man’s life, must be established. Such Force Majeure events may include, but are not restricted to, floods, fires, earthquakes or other acts of God as well as wars, military operations, blockades, export or import embargoes, acts and activities of respective governmental authorities in the countries of NARNRA, SSM and their subcontractors, and other events which occur beyond the Parties’ reasonable control. Neither SSM nor NARNRA shall be liable for violation of their obligations in the cases when said violation is caused by events listed herein above.