Final provisions Vzorčne klavzule

Final provisions. 2.10.1. Customer may assign the rights arising from the parties' contractual relationship to third parties only with Porsche Smart Mobility's written consent. Section 354a German Commercial Code (Handelsgesetzbuch; "HGB") shall remain unaffected hereby. 2.10.2. If a provision of these T&C is invalid, in whole or in part, the validity of the remaining provisions shall remain unaffected hereby.
Final provisions. 3.16.1. PSM Customer may assign the rights arising from the parties' contractual relationship to third parties only with Porsche Smart Mobility's written consent. Section 354a German Commercial Code (Handelsgesetzbuch; "HGB") shall remain unaffected hereby. 3.16.2. If a provision of the sales contract and/or these T&C is invalid, in whole or in part, the validity of the remaining provisions shall remain unaffected hereby. 3.16.3. The T&C are drafted in English and in Slovenian language. In case of any discrepancies between the Slovenian and English version, the Slovenian version shall prevail.
Final provisions. 11.1 Any invalid provision or impossibility to enforce a provision, as well as any lack of regulation of a specific issue in the offer or contract, shall not affect the validity of other provisions or the General Terms, or offer or contract as a whole. In the event of an invalid or unenforceable provision, such a provision shall be replaced by an interpretation that most closely aligns with the intent of the Contractor and the Client at the time of confirming the offer or signing the contract. 11.2 The interpretation of the provisions of the General Terms, the offer, or the contract, as well as the regulation of the business relationship between the Contractor and the Client, shall be governed exclusively by the laws of the Republic of Slovenia. 11.3 The Client and the Contractor shall resolve any disputes amicably. If this is not possible, the dispute shall be submitted to the court with jurisdiction at the place of the Contractor's registered office. 11.4. Naročnik je dolžan izvajalca pisno po navadni ali elektronski pošti obvestiti o kakršnikoli spremembi poslovnega naslova oz. drugih podatkov, ki so pomembni za obveščanje naročnika. V kolikor naročnik izvajalca ne obvesti o spremembi, bodo vsi dokumenti s strani izvajalca poslani naročniku na znane naslove šteti za prevzete s strani naročnika. 11.5. Splošni pogoji začnejo veljati z dnem 1. 9. 2024.
Final provisions. 20.1 Confirmation of the General Terms and Conditions
Final provisions. 14.1. Should the Lessor be liable to the Lessee, then the Lessor’s liability towards the Lessee shall be limited to losses inflicted only as a result of gross negligence or intentional fault. The Lessor’s liability for damages towards the Lessee shall be in any case limited to the liability for actual and direct losses, excluding any indirect (and consequential), potential, future and hypothetical losses, including the lost and expected profits of the Lessee. Any grounds for claims for damages from the Lessor, other than those specified in the regulations governing the non-performance or improper performance of obligations, shall be excluded. 14.2. In the event of there being more than one liable party under the Lease Agreement their liability shall be joint and several. 14.3. The ineffectiveness or invalidity of any provision of the Lease Agreement and General Terms shall not affect other provisions thereof. The Parties shall replace such invalid or ineffective provision with one as close in legal terms and business objectives to the Lease Agreement as possible. This principle shall be applied, respectively, if an obvious legal gap is found in the Lease Agreement. In the case of any discrepancies between the Lease Agreement and the General terms, the provisions of the Lease Agreement shall prevail. 14.4. Should legal or financial regulations pertaining to leasing be introduced, different from ones binding as at the Lease Agreement conclusion date, the Lessor may amend the Lease Agreement respectively, taking into consideration the interests of the Parties and the aim and purpose of the Lease Agreement. 14.5. The Lessee explicitly renounces of its right to objection on the grounds of a fundamental change of circumstances (rebus sic stantibus) which would be a result of a decline in the volume of the Lessee's business, changes in the market, corporate changes on the side of the Lessee, etc. 14.6. Pogodba o leasingu se ureja in razlaga v skladu s slovensko zakonodajo. 14.7. Vse spore bo reševalo pristojno sodišče splošne pristojnosti na območju sedeža Leasingodajalca. 14.8. Vse spremembe in dopolnitve Pogodbe o leasingu se sklenejo pisno, sicer so nične. 14.9. Leasingojemalec se na tem mestu strinja, da je Leasingodajalec upravičen do vnosa katerih koli podatkov, vključno z osebnimi podatki predstavnikov Leasingojemalca, v podatkovno zbirko Leasingodajalca, in da omenjene podatke Leasingodajalec in subjekti skupine Volvo Group lahko uporabljajo v tržne namen...
Final provisions. 27.1 Confirmation of the General Terms and Conditions (i) the General Terms and Conditions or (ii) a statement on the use of the General Terms and Conditions and the website where they can be found, or • by concluding a written agreement with the Transporter on the transport of freight, whereby said agreement includes (i) the General Terms and Conditions or (ii) a statement on the use of the General Terms and Conditions and the website where they can be found, that they have been made aware of the entirety of the General Terms and Conditions and agree with them in their entirety. 27.2 Notification and Change of Data
Final provisions. 3.1 The provisions of this Agreement, which have not been deleted, replaced or otherwise amended by this Amendment, shall remain unchanged and the Agreement is valid including amendments agreed hereof.
Final provisions. 12.1 Ta pogodba je predmet slovenskega prava. Pristojno sodišče za morebitne spore, ki izhajajo iz te pogodbe ali so z njo povezane, je, v kolikor je to zakonsko dopustno, sedež družbe. 12.1 This Contract is subject to Slovenian law. To the extent permitted by law, the place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be the office of the Company. 12.2 Spremembe ali dopolnitve te pogodbe zahtevajo pisno obliko, da pričnejo veljati. To velja tudi za morebitni preklic prej omenjene zahteve. Stranski dogovori izven pogodbe niso bili sklenjeni.
Final provisions. Pogodba začne veljati, ko jo podpišeta obe pogodbeni stranki. Ta pogodba je napisana in podpisana v dveh (2) enakih izvodih, od katerih prejme vsaka pogodbena stranka po en (1) izvod. V primeru neskladja, slovenska verzija te pogodbe prevlada nad angleško. Priloga: Article 20 This Contract enters into force on the day it is signed by both Contracting Parties. This Contract has been written and signed in two
Final provisions. DKV reserves the right to make changes to the eServices, terms and conditions at any time. They are subject to these general terms and conditions, the special contract terms and conditions and terms and conditions of use that are in force at the time you use the eServices. If any of these conditions are deemed to be ineffective, invalid or unenforceable for any reason, this will have no impact on the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions.