Usage of data Vzorčne klavzule

Usage of data. In connection with the booking of the Service Package, certain data - potentially also personal data - may be collected in order to per- form the respective Service. Depending on the Service, it may, for example, be necessary for the provision of such Service to collect and process data of components (e.g. 12 V battery, wiper blades) and to analyze such data. Porsche Sales & Marketplace may use such data - potentially in an anonymized form - for (i) the purpose of managing and improving quality, safety and security of the Service Package and/or PSM Pro- ducts (including Porsche vehicles), and (ii) for other commercial pur- poses. The usage of certain data for the purpose of managing and improving quality, safety and security of the Service Package and/or PSM Products (including Porsche vehicles) can be activated and deactivated using appropriate functionalities in the Porsche ve- hicle and/or My Porsche Portal. For the above purposes, such data may also be transferred to other Porsche entities and other third parties that are engaged by Porsche Sales & Marketplace or other Porsche entities in this con- text and - to the extent such data is anonymized - to other third parties. The usage of such data will be in compliance with applicable data protection law. Where required by law, Porsche Sales & Market- place will obtain the relevant consents. Further information can be found in the data protection and privacy information at xxxxx://xxx- If the Customer is a consumer pursuant to Sec. 13 of the German Civil Code (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch, "BGB"), he/she has a right of withdrawal for a period of 14 days in case of the conclusion of the contract. Consumer pursuant to Sec. 13 BGB means every natural person who enters into a legal transaction for purposes that predo- minantly are outside his/her trade, business or profession. Hereaf- ter, the term "contract" means the purchase of the Service Package "Porsche Connect Care". In the following, the Customer is instruc- ted on his/her right of withdrawal: You have the right to withdraw from this contract within 14 days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period will expire after 14 days from the day on which the Service Package is made available to you for use (activation day). To exercise the right of withdrawal, you must inform us (Contact Porsche - c/o Porsche Sales & Market- place GmbH - P.O. Box 41 42, 73744 Ostfildern, Germany, phone number: 0000 00000, email address...
Usage of data. In connection with the booking of the Service Package, certain data - potentially also personal data - may be collected in order to perform the respective Service. Depending on the Service, it may, for example, be necessary for the provision of such Service to collect and process data of components (e.g. 12 V battery, wiper blades) and to analyze such data. Porsche Smart Mobility may use such data - potentially in an anonymized form - for (i) the purpose of managing and improving quality, safety and security of the Service Package and/or PSM Products (including Porsche vehicles), and (ii) for other commercial purposes. The usage of certain data for the purpose of managing and improving quality, safety and security of the Service Package and/or PSM Products (including Porsche vehicles) can be activated and deactivated using appropriate functionalities in the Porsche vehicle and/or My Porsche Portal. For the above purposes, such data may also be transferred to other Porsche entities and other third parties that are engaged by Porsche Smart Mobility or other Porsche entities in this context and - to the extent such data is anonymized - to other third parties. The usage of such data will be in compliance with applicable data protection law. Where required by law, Porsche Smart Mobility will obtain the relevant consents. Further information can be found in the data protection and privacy information at xxxxx://xxxxxxx- You have the right to withdraw from this contract within 14 days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period will expire after 14 days from the day on which the Service Package is made available to you for use (activation day). To exercise the right of withdrawal, you must inform us (Contact Porsche - c/o Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH - Apartado 002016, EC Praca Municipio – Lisbon, 0000-000 Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxxx, phone number: 0000 00000, email address: of your decision to withdraw from this contract by an unequivocal statement (e.g. a letter sent by post or email). You may use the attached model withdrawal form, but it is not obligatory. To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired.
Usage of data. In connection with the booking of the Service Package, certain data - potentially also personal data - may be collected in order to perform the respective Service. Depending on the Service, it may, for example, be necessary for the provision of such Service to collect and process data of components (e.g. 12 V battery, wiper blades) and to analyze such data. (Complete and return this form only if you wish to withdraw from the contract) – To Contact Porsche - c/o Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH - Apartado 002016, EC Praca Municipio – Lisbon, 0000- 000 Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxxx, email address: smartmobil- – I/We (*) hereby give notice that I/we (*) withdraw from my/our (*) contract of sale of the following goods (*)/for the provision of the following service (*) – Ordered on(*)/received on (*) – Name of the consumer(s) – Address of the consumer(s) – Signature of the consumer(s) (only if this form is notified on paper) – Date Porsche Smart Mobility may use such data - potentially in an anonymized form - for (i) the purpose of managing and improving quality, safety and security of the Service Package and/or PSM Products (including Porsche vehicles), and (ii) for other commercial purposes. The usage of certain data for the purpose of managing and improving quality, safety and security of the Service Package and/or PSM Products (including Porsche vehicles) can be activated and deactivated using appropriate functionalities in the Porsche vehicle and/or My Porsche Portal. For the above purposes, such data may also be transferred to other Porsche entities and other third parties that are engaged by Porsche Smart Mobility or other Porsche entities in this context and - to the extent such data is anonymized - to other third parties. The usage of such data will be in compliance with applicable data protection law. Where required by law, Porsche Smart Mobility will obtain the relevant consents. Further information can be found in the data protection and privacy information at xxxxx://xxxxxxx-
Usage of data. In connection with the booking of the Service Package, certain data - potentially also personal data - may be collected in order to per- form the respective Service. Depending on the Service, it may, for example, be necessary for the provision of such Service to collect and process data of components (e.g. 12 V battery, wiper blades) and to analyze such data. Porsche Sales & Marketplace may use such data - potentially in an anonymized form - for (i) the purpose of managing and improving quality, safety and security of the Service Package and/or PSM Pro- ducts (including Porsche vehicles), and (ii) for other commercial pur- poses. The usage of certain data for the purpose of managing and improving quality, safety and security of the Service Package and/or PSM Products (including Porsche vehicles) can be activated and deactivated using appropriate functionalities in the Porsche ve- hicle and/or My Porsche Portal. For the above purposes, such data may also be transferred to other Porsche entities and other third parties that are engaged by Porsche Sales & Marketplace or other Porsche entities in this con- text and - to the extent such data is anonymized - to other third parties. The usage of such data will be in compliance with applicable data protection law. Where required by law, Porsche Sales & Market- place will obtain the relevant consents. Further information can be found in the data protection and privacy information at xxxxx://xxx- You have the right to withdraw from this contract within 14 days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period will expire after 14 days from the day on which the Service Package is made available to you for use (activation day). To exercise the right of withdrawal, you must inform us (Contact Porsche - c/o Porsche Sales & Market- place GmbH - P.O. Box 41 42, 73744 Ostfildern, Germany, phone number: 0000 00000, email address: smartmobi- of your decision to withdraw from this contract by an unequivocal statement (e.g. a letter sent by post or email). You may use the attached model withdrawal form, but it is not obligatory. To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired.

Related to Usage of data

  • XXXXX XXXX 10. člen Izvajalec ni odgovoren za delno ali celotno neizpolnjevanje obveznosti, če je to posledica višje sile. Kot višja sila se razumejo vse okoliščine izjemnega značaja, ki so se pojavile po sklenitvi pogodbe in jih sodna praksa priznava za višjo silo. Če je izvedba storitev delno ali v celoti motena oziroma preprečena, je izvajalec o tem dolžan nemudoma obvestiti naročnika. Prav tako ga je dolžan sproti obveščati o prenehanju takih okoliščin. Pogodbeni roki se podaljšajo za čas trajanja višje sile. Na zahtevo naročnika je izvajalec dolžan dokazati obstoj višje sile.


  • Opredelitev pojmov 2.1. Izrazi, uporabljeni v Posebnih pogojih, imajo naslednji pomen:

  • Predmet naročila Predmet javnega naročila so stalne nabave blaga, ki jih naročnik po obsegu in času ne more vnaprej določiti iz dobaviteljevega predračuna, ki je sestavni del njegove. Naročnik in stranke tega okvirnega sporazuma se izrecno dogovorijo da bo naročnik v obdobju trajanja tega sporazuma kupoval le tiste vrste in količine blaga iz predračuna, ki jih bo dejansko tudi potreboval glede na potrebe jedilnikov in zagotavljanja pestrosti prehrane za svoje porabnike. Naročnik bo naročal blago pri dobavitelju sukcesivno v skladu s svojimi dejanskimi potrebami in sestavljenimi tedenskimi jedilniki. Količine iz javnega razpisa so okvirne tako, da naročnik ne odgovarja dobavitelju za nedoseganje količin iz javnega razpisa v primeru, da se količine ne dosegajo zaradi zmanjšanja potreb pri naročniku. Naročnik se zavezuje, da bo dobavitelja pravočasno seznanjal z vsemi okoliščinami, pomembnimi za izvajanje tega okvirnega sporazuma.


  • Variantna ponudba Naročnik ne dopušča predložitve variantne ponudbe. Naročnik bo ponudbo, ki bo vsebovala variantno ponudbo, zavrnil kot nedopustno.


  • Zaupnost podatkov Naročnik zagotavlja javnost in zaupnost podatkov skladno s 35. členom ZJN-3 ob upoštevanju določb zakona, ki ureja varstvo osebnih podatkov, tajne podatke ali gospodarske družbe. Podatki, ki jih bo ponudnik v skladu z zakonom, ki ureja gospodarske družbe, varstvo osebnih podatkov ali tajne podatke, upravičeno označil kot zaupne ali poslovno skrivnost, bodo uporabljeni samo za namene javnega razpisa in ne bodo dostopni nikomur izven kroga oseb, ki bodo vključene v razpisni postopek. Ti podatki ne bodo objavljeni v nadaljevanju postopka ali kasneje. Naročnik bo v celoti odgovoren za varovanje zaupnosti tako dobljenih podatkov.

  • INFORMACIJE V ZVEZI Z ODPIRANJEM PONUDB Odpiranje ponudb bo potekalo avtomatično v informacijskem sistemu e-JN dne 24. 6. 2021 in se bo začelo ob 9:01 uri na spletnem naslovu xxxxx:// Odpiranje poteka tako, da informacijski sistem e-JN samodejno ob uri, ki je določena za javno odpiranje ponudb, prikaže podatke o ponudniku, o variantah, če so bile zahtevane oziroma dovoljene, ter omogoči dostop do .pdf dokumenta, ki ga je ponudnik naložil v sistem e-JN pod razdelek »Predračun«. Ponudniki, ki so oddali ponudbe, imajo te podatke v informacijskem sistemu e-JN na razpolago v razdelku »Zapisnik o odpiranju ponudb«.

  • OBVEZNOSTI POGODBENIH STRANK 21. člen V okviru izpolnjevanja svojih obveznosti po tej pogodbi je dolžan izvajalec: − z naročnikom skleniti Pisni sporazum za določitev skupnih ukrepov za zagotavljanje varnosti in zdravja pri delu (v nadaljevanju: Pisni sporazum), v katerem se določi skupne ukrepe za zagotavljanje varnosti in zdravja pri delu delavcev na delovišču ter določi odgovorne osebe naročnika in izvajalca; − z naročnikom pred začetkom izvajanja pogodbenih del določiti konkretne skupne varnostne ukrepe iz Pisnega sporazuma; − obvezno spoštovati določila »Varnostnega načrta«; − pridobiti vsa druga soglasja, ki so potrebna za izvajanje pogodbenih del in niso bila predmet upravnega postopka za pridobitev pravnomočnega upravnega dovoljenja; − pisno obvestiti naročnika o datumu pričetka izvajanja pogodbenih del; − obseg in vrsto pogodbenih del terminsko uskladiti z naročnikom; − zavarovati svojo opremo in opremo dobaviteljev, ki bo vgrajena proti vsem rizikom do predaje objekta naročniku; − zavarovati delovno osebje in svoje naprave; − strokovno pravilno, kvalitetno in v skladu z veljavnimi tehničnimi predpisi, standardi, gradbenimi normativi ter z običaji stroke izvesti pogodbena dela po potrjeni tehnični dokumentaciji in po popisu pogodbenih del; − ves čas gradnje voditi gradbeno knjigo in gradbeni dnevnik v skladu z zakonom, ki ureja gradnjo, predstavnika pogodbenih strank jo podpisujeta sproti; − na gradbišču izvajati varnostne ukrepe po veljavni zakonodaji tako za delavce, naprave in material ter za vse mimoidoče; − poravnati vso morebitno nastalo škodo, ki bi jo med izvajanjem del povzročil na objektu naročnika ali tretjim osebam, − po zaključku del očistiti gradbišče in obvestiti naročnika o končanju pogodbenih del; − obvestiti naročnika o nastopu okoliščin, ki utegnejo vplivati na vsebinsko in terminsko izvršitev predmeta pogodbe; − odpravljati vse pomanjkljivosti, na katere bo opozoril naročnik; − pripraviti in naročniki izročiti vso potrebno dokumentacijo; − izročiti naročniku uporabno dovoljenje; − na vsaki natančno specificirani izstavljeni situaciji navesti tudi številko pisnega nabavnega naročila naročnika. Izvajalec odgovarja za neposredno škodo, ki nastane naročniku in tretjim osebam in izvira iz njegovega dela in njegovih obveznosti po tej pogodbi.