Inspections Примери клазула

Inspections. The Borrower hereby authorizes the Lender and its representatives to carry out inspections the purpose of which will be to assess the implementation and operations of the Project as well as the impact and the achievement of the objectives of the Project. The Borrower shall co-operate and provide all reasonable assistance and information to the Lender and its representatives when carrying out such inspections, the timing and format of which shall be determined by the Lender following consultation with the Borrower. The Borrower shall retain and make available for inspection by the Lender, all documents relating to the Eligible Expenses for a period of ten (10) years from the date of the last Drawdown under the Facility.
Inspections. The Borrower hereby authorizes the Lender and its representatives to carry out inspections on a yearly basis, the purpose of which will be to assess the implementation of the Operation and the Result Framework described in Schedule 3C (Result Framework) on technical, financial and institutional aspects. The Borrower shall co-operate and provide all reasonable assistance and information to the Lender and its representatives when carrying out such inspections, the timing and format of which shall be determined by the Lender following consultation with the Borrower. The Borrower shall retain and make for inspection by the Lender, all documents relating to the expenses of the Operation for a period of ten (10) years from the date of the last Drawdown under the Facility.
Inspections. The Borrower hereby authorizes the Lender and its representatives to carry out inspections on a yearly basis, the purpose of which will be to assess the implementation of the Program and the Monitoring Chart on technical, financial and institutional aspects. The Borrower shall co-operate and provide all reasonable assistance and information to the Lender and its representatives when carrying out such inspections, the timing and format of which shall be determined by the Lender following consultation with the Borrower. The Borrower shall retain and make for inspection by the Lender, all documents relating to the implementation of the Program for a period of five (5) years from the date of the Drawdown under the Facility.
Inspections. The Borrower hereby authorizes the Lender and its representatives to carry out inspections the purpose of which will be to assess the implementation of the Program on technical, financial and institutional aspects. The Borrower shall co-operate and provide all reasonable assistance and information to the Lender and its representatives when carrying out such inspections, the timing and format of which shall be determined by the Lender following consultation with the Borrower.

Related to Inspections

  • Остале одредбе 8.1 Зајмопримац се овим уговором неопозиво одриче сваког имунитета по основу суверености или било ком другом основу за себе или своју имовину у вези са било којим арбитражним поступком сходно члану 8.5 овог уговора, или у вези са извршењем било које одлуке арбитраже сходно томе. 8.2 Без претходне писане сагласности Зајмодавца, Зајмопримац не сме да врши уступање или пренос, у целини или делимично, својих права или обавеза по овом уговору трећим лицима, у било којој форми. Зајмодавац има право на уступање или пренос, у целини или делимично, својих права, интереса и обавеза по овом уговору трећем лицу, уз достављање обавештења Зајмопримцу. Зајмопримац је дужан да потпише све такве документе и да предузме неопходне радње и мере, које Зајмодавац може разумно да захтева, у циљу што боље реализације и завршетка сваког наведеног уступања и преноса, под условом да сви трошкови које по том основу поднесе Зајмопримац иду на терет Зајмодавца. 8.3 Овај уговор је у правном смислу независан од релевантног Комерцијалног уговора и Уговора о преносу зајма. Сви захтеви и спорови који проистекну из Комерцијалног уговора и Уговора о преносу зајма неће утицати на обавезе Зајмопримца по овом уговору. 8.4 Овај уговор, као и права и обавезе страна по овом уговору, регулисани су и тумаче се у складу са законима Кине.

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