Budget and duration exempelklausuler

Budget and duration. The Icelandic authorities have so far not been able to provide the Authority with either the foreseen annual or total expenditure of this measure. The Mortgage Loan Scheme has not been limited in time. The Icelandic authorities refer to the temporary nature of the Mortgage Loan Scheme, since its aim is to address the temporary liquidity crisis of the financial institutions. The total estimated number of beneficiaries has not been specified in the notification.
Budget and duration. It appears from legislative preparatory works on the fiscal budget that out of a total amount of NOK 70 million, financed by the Ministry of Trade and Industry for 2005, NOK 60 million is the budget for the Unpaid R&D Labour Scheme (of which NOK 5 million is for administration costs) while NOK 10 million is the budget for the Compensation Scheme (41). The Unpaid R&D Labour Scheme is not limited in time. In this respect the Norwegian authorities have stated that as the objective of the Unpaid R&D Labour Scheme is to stimulate unpaid research and develop- ment activities to the same extent as paid research and development activities are stimulated under the Skattefunn Scheme, the time frame for the Unpaid R&D Labour Scheme must be the same as that for the Skattefunn Scheme. In this respect it appears from the Authority's approval of amendments to the Skatte- funn Scheme that the Skattefunn Scheme is not limited in time (42). However, just as under the Skattefunn Scheme, the continuation of the Unpaid R&D Labour Scheme is dependent on the approval of an annual budget each year (43).
Budget and duration. The Icelandic authorities stated that Parliament decided to increase the funding of the Harbour Improvement Fund for the year 2008 by ISK 200 million.
Budget and duration. The scheme for the regional grant for the transportation of round wood is based on annual budgets. The planned annual expenditure amounts to NOK 3 million (EUR 375 000) expressed in 2007 prices. The duration of the scheme is set to be 6 years, until 31 December 2012. The estimated overall amount of expenditure for the scheme corresponds thus to approximately NOK 18 million (EUR 2 250 000) expressed in 2007 prices. The scheme will be administered by the County Governors of Nordland, Troms and Finnmark.