Comments by the Icelandic authorities exempelklausuler

Comments by the Icelandic authorities. The Icelandic authorities have argued that the transfer of the mortgage loans under the Mortgage Loan Scheme takes place on market terms, thereby ensuring that no State aid is involved in the transfer of the HFF bonds to the financial institutions. The Icelandic authorities have only notified the measure for legal certainty. In the event, the Authority should, however, find that the Mortgage Loan Scheme involves elements of State aid, the Icelandic authorities argue that the scheme is compatible on the basis of Article 61(3)(b) of the EEA Agreement. The Icelandic authorities have also argued that although the Mortgage Loan Scheme is not limited in time, the aim of the Mortgage Loan Scheme is to address the temporary liquidity crisis of the financial insti­ tutions, and hence the scheme is of a temporary nature.
Comments by the Icelandic authorities. (27) The Icelandic authorities argue that the financing of the companies involved in the operation of Harpa does not involve State aid since they have properly ensured that the companies keep separate accounts for the different activities within the concert hall and the conference centre.
Comments by the Icelandic authorities. The Icelandic authorities only notify the amendment for legal certainty as they consider the measure not to constitute State aid within the meaning of Article 61(1) of the EEA Agreement. According to the notification form, the Icelandic authorities do not consider that the measure confers any advantages on the aid recipient(s) or distorts competition or affects trade between the Contracting Parties.