Fire detection systems exempelklausuler

Fire detection systems. Areas of major and moderate fire hazard and other enclosed spaces not regularly occupied within public spaces and crew accommodation, such as toilets, stairway enclosures, corridors and escape routes shall be provided with an approved automatic smoke detection system and manually operated call points complying with the requirements of and to indicate at the control station the location of outbreak of a fire in all normal operating conditions of the installations. Detectors operated by heat instead of smoke may be installed in galleys. Main propulsion machinery room(s) shall in addition have detectors sensing other than smoke and be supervised by TV cameras monitored from the operating compartment. Manually operated call points shall be installed throughout the public spaces, crew accommodation, corridors and stairway enclosures, service spaces and where necessary control stations. One manually operated call point shall be located at each exit from these spaces and from areas of major fire hazard.

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