Inkomst, som person med hem- vist i en avtalsslutande stat förvärvar av fast egendom (däri inbegripen in- exempelklausuler

Inkomst, som person med hem- vist i en avtalsslutande stat förvärvar av fast egendom (däri inbegripen in-. 55 SFS 1997 pendent status to whom paragraph 5 applies - is acting in a Contracting State on behalf of an enterprise of the other Contracting State, that enter- prise shall be deemed to have a per- manent establishment in the first- mentioned Contracting State in re- spect of any activities which that per- son undertakes for the enterprise, if such a person has and habitually ex- ercises in that State an authority to conclude contracts in the name of the enterprise, unless the activities of such person are limited to those men- tioned in paragraph 3 which, if exer- cised through a fixed place of busi- ness, would not make this fixed place of business a permanent establish- ment under the provisions of that paragraph.