Term and Termination exempelklausuler

Term and Termination. This Schedule A – Conditions for Multitude Savings Account is being signed for an indefinite period of time and is not subject to any minimum term. For termination, please refer to clause 13 of the General Terms and Conditions and the rest of this Clause 10. You may terminate your Multitude Savings Account, subject to a thirty (30) days’ notice period (clause 13 of the General Terms and Conditions). On the termination date, the Bank will transfer the balance from the Multitude Savings Account in addition to previously accrued interest to the Reference Account. The Bank may terminate the Multitude Savings Account at any time by giving providing notice as specified in Clause 13 below. In determining the notice period, the Bank will pay attention to the legitimate concerns of the customer (clause 14 of the General Terms and Conditions). The right of both parties to extraordinary termination remains unaffected. Upon effectiveness of the termination by the Bank, the Bank will transfer the balance in the Multitude Savings Account in addition to previously accrued interest to the domestic Reference account and close Multitude Savings Account.
Term and Termination. This Schedule B –Conditions for Multitude Bank Term Deposit Account is being entered into for a definite period of time until the maturity as specified at the time of creation of the Multitude Bank Term Deposit Account. Ordinary termination of the Multitude Term Deposit Account before the end of the fixed interest period is excluded. Subject to a prolongation in accordance with paragraph 9 of this Schedule B, the Multitude Term Deposit Account ends after the agreed fixed interest rate period. The Multitude Term Deposit Account can be terminated by You and the Bank for reasonable cause. Any other legal termination rights available to you under statutory law shall not be affected. In the event of closure of a Multitude Term Deposit Account under this clause the Bank will transfer the principal amount to the Savings Account , without any breakage fee being applicable and any interest being awarded. If You terminate the Multitude Term Deposit Account before the maturity date, in breach of this Schedule B, You shall lose the right to receive the interest accrued until the date that the Term Deposit is Terminated and in the case that interest has already been paid to you, you may be required to return that interest.. If your Savings Account has been closed, the Bank reserves the right to terminate the Multitude Term Deposit Account in accordance with point 13 of its General Terms and Conditions. In this case, it will transfer the balance in the Multitude Term Deposit Account together with accrued interest to another account to be specified by You at the end of the time deposit period. In the event that the Bank incurs special costs for an international transfer, it reserves the right to invoice these costs to You.
Term and Termination. 16.1. This Agreement is being entered into for an indefinite term. Hence, and for the avoidance of doubt, the Credit Agreement shall cover all Credit drawn down by you during its validity and shall continue to apply with respect to any and all outstanding amounts due hereunder.
Term and Termination o Term. This Merchant Agreement shall come into force upon your first use of the D2I delbetalning Platform and shall remain in full force and effect for an unlimited period of time, until otherwise terminated as provided below (the “Term“). o By the Merchant. You may terminate your use of the D2I delbetalning Services at any time upon 90 days written notice. o By D2I delbetalning. D2I delbetalning may terminate your use of the D2I delbetalning Services: • Upon 60 days written notice for any reason; • Upon 30 days written notice if we decide, in our discretion, that you become or are likely to become, ineligible for the D2I delbetalning Services because there is a high level of Risk Factors[1]associated with your D2I delbetalning Account; • Immediately, if you fail to comply with the terms of, or if you are unable to pay or perform, or if you refuse to perform any of your obligations under this Merchant Agreement, or under any of the D2I delbetalning agreements that apply to the D2I delbetalning Services, or upon request by Visa, MasterCard and any other card association or network organisation related to cardholders and Transaction. • Upon 30 days written notice, subject to the occurrence a Change in a Merchant Business (as this term is defined below). o Change in a Merchant Business. Upon the occurrence of any of the following events, D2I delbetalning may, in its sole discretion, modify the terms of this Merchant Agreement to address issues arising therefrom, including, but not limited to, requirements of applicable card associations or network organisation: (a) if you transfer or sell any substantial part (10% or more) of your total shares, assets and/or to liquidate; or
Term and Termination. 8.1. Detta Avtal börjar gälla vid datumet då kunden utför en beställning av Qlik-produkter hos Qlik eller hos en behörig återförsäljare och fortsätter att gälla tills det sägs upp (i) såsom anges i punkt 8.3 nedan, eller (ii) automatiskt vid utgången för all rätt att använda alla Qlik-produkter. Om inte annat angetts i en Uppdragsbeskrivning, får vardera Part säga upp en Konsulttjänst utan särskilda skäl under förutsättning att skriftlig uppsägning sker med iakttagande av trettio (30) dagars uppsägningstid till den andra Parten.
Term and Termination. The term of this Agreement shall commence on the date You first accept this Agreement in the Service web portal and extend for an initial period of one (1) year following the initial activation date of Your Service account by Apple (“Term”). Thereafter, subject to Your compliance with the terms of this Agreement, the Term will automatically renew for successive one (1) year terms, unless sooner terminated in accordance with this Agreement. Either party may terminate this Agreement for its convenience, for any reason or no reason, effective 30 days after providing the other party with written notice of its intent to terminate. If You fail, or Apple suspects that You have failed, to comply with any of the provisions of this Agreement, Apple, at its sole discretion, without notice to You may: (a) terminate this Agreement and/or Your account; and/or (b) suspend or preclude access to the Service (or any part thereof). Apple reserves the right to modify, suspend, or discontinue the Service (or any part or content thereof) at any time without notice to You, and Apple will not be liable to You or to any third-party should it exercise such rights. Apple may also terminate this Agreement, or suspend Your rights to use the Services, if You fail to accept any new Agreement terms as described in Section 4. You acknowledge and agree that You may not be able to access the Service upon expiration or termination of this Agreement and that Apple reserves the right to suspend access to or delete data or information that You, Your Administrators, Authorized Users, or Permitted Entities have stored through Your use of the Service. You should review the Documentation prior to using any part of the Service and make appropriate back-ups of Your data and information. Apple will not be liable or responsible to You or to any third-party should it exercise such rights or for any damages that may result or arise out of any such termination or suspension. The following provisions shall survive the termination of this Agreement: Section 1, Section 2.9, the second sentence of Section 2.10, Section 3, Section 5, the second paragraph of Section 6, and Sections 7, 8, 9, and 10.
Term and Termination. 7.1. Detta Avtal börjar gälla antingen vid datum för det första Beställningsformuläret som hänvisar till detta Avtal eller det datum då kunden först kommer åt eller använder Qlik-produkter, beroende på vilket som infaller först, och ska gälla tills det sägs upp (i) enligt detta Avsnitt, eller (ii) automatiskt efter utgång av alla rättigheter att använda Qlik-produkter enligt ett eller flera Beställningsformulär. Om inte annat anges på ett Beställningsformulär ska Qlik-produktabonnemang börja vid Leveransdatumet och förnyas automatiskt för på varandra följande årsperioder, såvida inte någon av parterna meddelar skriftligt på förhand om icke-förnyelse till den andra parten minst fyrtiofem (45) dagar före slutet på den dåvarande abonnemangsperioden. Ett abonnemang får inte sägas upp helt eller delvis under en pågående abonnemangsperiod. Abonnemangsavgiften kan höjas, grundat på de aktuella avgifterna vid tidpunkten för förnyelsen.
Term and Termination. 3.1. Qlik kan avsluta tillgången till alla eller delar av SaaS-tjänsterna när som helst om det krävs enligt tillämplig lag, med omedelbar verkan, vilket kan leda till förstörelse av all information inom Kundens underdomän. Kunden kan begära att ta bort sitt underdomän från Webbplatsen när som helst under sin abonnemangsperiod (vilket kommer att leda till att Kundens åtkomst till SaaS-tjänsterna upphör) genom att skicka en begäran till xxxxxxx@xxxx.xxx. Vid uppsägning eller upphörande av SaaS-tjänsten ska Kundens rätt att komma åt och använda SaaS-tjänsterna upphöra automatiskt. Qlik kommer att ta bort allt Innehåll som är kopplat till Kundens konto inom sex (6) månader efter sådan uppsägning eller upphörande. Inga återbetalningar eller krediter av förbetalda avgifter ska beviljas i händelse av uppsägning eller upphörande.
Term and Termination a) An order or a Service agreement may be terminated immediately upon notice in writing (a) by either party, for cause, unless the other party cures the breach within thirty (30) days of written notice of such breach or (b) by Keysight if Customer fails to pay any sums due as specified in Section 4(b) above.