GENERAL PRINCIPLES. 2.1. BHS, içerisinde düzenlenen ürünlere, hizmetlere, işlemlere vesaireye (tüm bunlar birlikte kısaca “İşlem/ ler”) ilişkin çerçeve sözleşme niteliğindedir. BHS, Banka'nın müşterilerine şubeleri, internet ve telefon bankacılığı, mobil bankacılık ve diğer alternatif dağıtım kanalları aracılığıyla sunabileceği İşlemler'e uygulanır. 2.2. Müşteri'nin Banka nezdinde aynı ya da farklı türde birden fazla hesabı olması halinde BHS, açılmış ve açılacak tüm hesaplar için geçerlidir. Hesapların yenilenmesi halinde, BHS yenilenen hesaplar için de uygulanır. 2.3. İşlemler'in BHS'de düzenlenmiş olması, Banka'nın bunların tümünü sunduğu veya sunacağı anlamına gelmez. Banka'nın ileride sunabileceği İşlemler de BHS'de düzenlenmiş olabilir. Yine Banka sunduğu ya da sunacağı herhangi bir İşlemi herhangi bir zamanda durdurabilir. Bu bakımdan BHS'nin imzalanmış olması Müşteri'ye BHS'de düzenlenen tüm İşlemler'den her halükarda yararlanma hakkı vermez. 2.4. Müşteri, İşlemler'i ulusal ve uluslararası mevzuata uygun olarak gerçekleştirmelidir. Müşteri, İşlemler'i; özellikle Aklama Suçuna, Terörün Finansmanına, Yolsuzlukla Mücadeleye, Yabancı Hesaplar Vergi Uyumuna (FATCA), Ortak Raporlama Standartlarına (CRS) ilişkin mevzuat başta olmak üzere yürürlükte olan ve yürürlüğe girecek ulusal ve uluslararası tüm mevzuata, yine Mali Suçları Araştırma Kurulu (MASAK), Yabancı Varlıkları Kontrol Ofisi (OFAC) ve Türkiye Cumhuriyeti ve diğer ülkelerin benzer kurum ve kuruluşların yürürlükte olan ve yürürlüğe girecek ilke, karar, düzenleme ve uygulamalarına (tüm bu sayılanlar birlikte kısaca “Ulusal Ve Uluslararası Düzenlemeler”) uygun olarak kullanacağını ve bunlara uygun davranacağını kabul ve taahhüt etmiştir. 2.5. Müşteri, İşlemler'i katılım bankacılığı ilkelerine de uygun olarak gerçekleştirmelidir. Müşteri, İşlemler aracılığıyla; alkol, içki, yasal olsun olmasın kumar, bahis, şans ve diğer talih oyunları ve bunlarla sınırlı olmaksızın katılım bankacılığı ilkelerine aykırı diğer hiçbir işlemi yapmayacağını kabul ve taahhüt etmiştir. 2.6. Banka nezdinde veya Banka aracılığıyla yapılacak İşlemler mutlaka gerçek sahipleri adına ve hesabına yapılmalıdır. Xxxxxxx, tüm İşlemler'de kendi adına ve hesabına hareket ettiğini (başkası hesabına hareket etmediğini) beyan ve kabul etmiştir. Müşteri, herhangi bir İşlem'de, kendi adına ve fakat başkası hesabına 2.1 BSA is the framework agreement on the products, services, transactions and so on regulated under it (collectively referred to as “Transaction...
GENERAL PRINCIPLES. Conflict of interest is a conflict state between interest of a person in a position requiring trust related to its task and its personal interest in general. It is essential for our personnel to stand clear of conflicts of interest that may occur during their works and not allowing any intervention that may affect their honesty and objectivity. Our employees’ acts in a fair and honest way by supervising the interest of their customers and integrity of the market while offering investment services and activities and ancillary services. Our employees are obliged to pat necessary care and attention in any transaction related to capital markets. This policy and foreseen principles regarding conflict of interest shall not be used in such a manner that will arise the conclusion of making works and transactions against legislation. Our corporation has become an organization structure that will prevent conflicts of interest in relations with its customers that may occur between itself, its partners, employees, managers and persons directly or indirectly associated with them and its customers as well as between a customer and another customer. Environment and conditions required for occupational and personal development are provided to our employees. Piyasanın işleyişinden kaynaklanan makul nedenlerden dolayı çıkar çatışmasının önlenememesi durumunda, Kuruluşumuz ile müşterilerimiz arasında ortaya çıkabilecek çıkar çatışmalarının içeriği ve nedenleri hakkında, ilgili faaliyet veya hizmeti sunmadan önce müşteriler yazılı olarak bilgilendirilir ve bilgilendirilme yapıldığına dair müşteri imzası alınır. Kuruluşumuz, objektif iyi niyet kurallarına aykırı olarak müşterilerinden biri veya birden fazlası lehine, diğerleri aleyhine sonuç verebilecek işlemlerde bulunamaz. Müşteri emirlerinin yerine getirilmesinde herhangi bir kişi ya da kuruluşa öncelik tanınmaz. İlgili SPK mevzuatı gereğince zaman önceliği kuralı uygulanır. Sermaye piyasası işlemlerinin müşteriye sunulmasında Kuruluşumuz, sermaye ortaklığı bağı olan diğer tüm finansal kuruluşla çıkar çatışmasını önlemede birlikte hareket eder. Ayrıca Kuruluşumuz; • Müşteri aleyhine mali kazanç elde edecekleri veya mali kayıptan kurtulacağı, • Müşterinin bir çıkarı olmadığı halde müşteriye sunulan hizmet ve faaliyetten çıkar elde edeceği, • Bir müşteri ya da müşteri grubunun diğer bir müşteri veya müşteri grubuna tercih edilmesi sonucunda çıkar elde edeceği, • Müşteriye sunulan hizmet ve faaliyet nedeniyle müşteri dışında k...
GENERAL PRINCIPLES. Conflict of interest is a conflict state between interest of a person in a position requiring trust related to its task and its personal interest in general. It is essential for our personnel to stand clear of conflicts of interest that may occur during their works and not allowing any intervention that may affect their honesty and objectivity. Our employees’ acts in a fair and honest way by supervising the interest of their customers and integrity of the market while offering investment services and activities and ancillary services. Our employees are obliged to pat necessary care and attention in any transaction related to capital markets. This policy and foreseen principles regarding conflict of interest shall not be used in such a manner that will arise the conclusion of making works and transactions against legislation. Our corporation has become an organization structure that will prevent conflicts of interest in relations with its customers that may occur between itself, its partners, employees, managers and persons directly or indirectly associated with them and its customers as well as between a customer and another customer. Environment and conditions required for occupational and personal development are provided to our employees. In the event of failure to prevent conflict of interest due to reasonable reasons caused by the operation of the market, customers are informed in written about the content and reasons of conflicts of interest that may occur between our Corporation and our customers before offering the related activity or service and takes signature of customer regarding that information has been made. Our Corporation shall not make transactions in favor of one or more customers and against the others against the objective good faith rules. No priority is given to any person or corporation in fulfillment of customer orders. Time priority rule is applied pursuant to related SPK legislation. In offering capital market transactions to the customer, our Corporate acts together with all other financial corporations with capital partnership binding in preventing conflict of interest. Also our Corporation has established its systems and applications in order to prevent cases where; • It will obtain financial gain against customer or it will get rid of financial loss, • It will obtain interest from service or activity offered to customer although customer has no interest, • It will obtain interest as a result of preferring one customer or cust...
GENERAL PRINCIPLES. Conflict of interests refers to a status of conflict between function-related interests and personal interests of any person having a job position which is generally required to be trusted. Our personnel is essentially required and expected to avoid conflicts of interests which may arise during performance of his job duties, and not to pave the way for any intervention which may affect his honesty, integrity and neutrality. Our employees act fairly and honestly by taking care of interests of their customers and integrity of market in the course of performance of their investment services and activities and ancillary services. In each transaction related to capital markets, our employees are under obligation to take care and show due diligence. Principles set down by this policy document regarding conflict of interests cannot be used in such manner to pave the way for unlawful acts, affairs and transactions. Our Institution has built an organization structure adequate for preventing the probable conflicts of interests between on one hand itself and its shareholders, employees and directors and other persons having direct or indirect relations with them and on the other hand its customers or between a customer and another customer in the course of its relations with its customers. All conditions needed for professional and personal development of our employees are satisfied and met. If a conflict of interests cannot be prevented due to reasonable causes arising out of modus operandi of markets, the customers are informed in writing prior to the relevant activity or service about the contents, nature and causes of conflicts of interests that may arise between our Institution and our customers, and a statement duly signed by the Customer and verifying such information is received. Our Institution may not engage in transactions which may be in favor of one or more of our customers and in disfavor of other customers, in violation of the objective good faith rules and principles. No priority can be granted to any person or entity in execution of orders of the Customer. Time priority rule is applied in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the Capital Markets Board. In the course of performance of capital market transactions in the name of our Customers, for prevention of a conflict of interests, our Institution acts together with all other financial institutions having a capital partnership with our Institution. In addition, our Institution has bui...
GENERAL PRINCIPLES. Conflict of interest is a conflict state between interest of a person in a position requiring trust related to its task and its personal interest in general. It is essential for our personnel to stand clear of conflicts of interest that may occur during their works and not allowing any intervention that may affect their honesty and objectivity. Our employees’ acts in a fair and honest way by supervising the interest of their customers and integrity of the market while offering investment services and activities and ancillary services. Our employees are obliged to pat necessary care and attention in any transaction related to capital markets. This policy and foreseen principles regarding conflict of interest shall not be used in such a manner that will arise the conclusion of making works and transactions against legislation. Our corporation has become an organization structure that will prevent conflicts of interest in relations with its customers that may occur between itself, its partners, employees, managers and persons directly or indirectly associated with them and its customers as well as between a customer and another customer. Environment and conditions required for occupational and personal development are provided to our employees. In the event of failure to prevent conflict of interest due to reasonable reasons caused by the operation of the market, customers are informed in written about the content and reasons of conflicts of interest that may occur between our Corporation and our customers before offering the related activity or service and takes signature of customer regarding that information has been made. Our Corporation shall not make transactions in favor of one or more customers and against the others against the objective good faith rules. No priority is given to any person or corporation in fulfillment of customer orders. Time priority rule is applied pursuant to related SPK legislation. In offering capital market transactions to the customer, our Corporate acts together with all other financial corporations with capital partnership binding birlikte hareket eder. Ayrıca Kuruluşumuz; • Müşteri aleyhine mali kazanç elde edecekleri veya mali kayıptan kurtulacağı, • Müşterinin bir çıkarı olmadığı halde müşteriye sunulan hizmet ve faaliyetten çıkar elde edeceği, • Bir müşteri ya da müşteri grubunun diğer bir müşteri veya müşteri grubuna tercih edilmesi sonucunda çıkar elde edeceği, • Müşteriye sunulan hizmet ve faaliyet nedeniyle müşteri ...
GENERAL PRINCIPLES. 2.1 BSA is the framework agreement on the products, services, transactions and so on regulated under it (collectively referred to as “Transaction(s)”. BSA applies to Transactions that the Bank may provide to its customers through its branches, the Internet and telephone banking, mobile banking and other alternative distribution channels. 2.2 If the Customer has more than one account of the same or different types at the Bank, the BSA is valid for all accounts opened and to be opened, unless a separate framework agreement is signed. If the accounts are renewed, the BSA shall also be deemed to have been renewed as long as no objection has been raised by the Customer, and BSA is also applied to renewed accounts. 2.3 The fact that the Transactions are regulated in the BSA does not mean that the Bank provides or will provide all of them. Transactions that the Bank may provide in the future may also be regulated in BSA. Again, the Bank may stop any transaction that it provides or will provide at any time. In this respect, the signed BSA does not grant the Customer the right to benefit from all Transactions regulated in BSA. 2.4 The customer must carry out the Transactions in accordance with national and international regulations. Customer acknowledges and agrees that he/she will use the Transactions in accordance with all applicable national and international legislation, principles, decisions, regulations and practices of Financial Crimes Investigation Board (MASAK), Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) and the Republic of Turkey and other similar institutions and organizations (collectively, “National and International Regulations”), that are in force and will come into force, in particular legislation relating to Laundering Crime, Financing of Terrorism, Fight against Corruption, Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), Common Reporting Standards (CRS) accepted and promised to act accordingly and that he/she will act in accordance with them. 2.5 The customer must also carry out the Transactions in accordance with participation banking principles. Customer acknowledges and agrees that, through the Transactions, he will not engage in any action that is contrary to the principles of participation banking, including but not limited to alcohol, liquor, whether legal or not, gambling, betting, luck and other games of fortune. 2.6 Transactions to be made by the Bank or via the Bank must be made on behalf of and account of the real holders. Customer acknowledge...
GENERAL PRINCIPLES. 2.1 All types of Derivative Transaction concluded between the Customer and the Bank shall be carried out in accordance with this Agreement. 2.2 This Agreement shall serve as a framework agreement and the Bank shall have no obligation to execute a separate Agreement for each Transaction in case it enters into more than one Derivative Transaction with the Customer. The content of each new Transaction shall be stipulated by a Trading Order. In case of any discrepancy between the Trading Order and the provisions of the Agreement, the Trading Order shall be binding. 2.3 For the issues that may not have been covered 2.4 Müşteri, Bankanın her şubesinden Sözleşme metninin güncel bir örneğini edinebilir. Ayrıca Sözleşme metninin bir elektronik kopyası www. sitesinde bulunmaktadır. Müşteri Sözleşme ve Bankadan aldığı herhangi bir hizmete ilişkin olarak varsa özel bir Sözleşme hükmü hakkında bilgi almak isterse; Banka bu hususta her türlü açıklamayı yapmak ve Müşteriyi aydınlatmak yükümlülüğündedir. ÖRNEKTİR 2.5 Temel Bankacılık Hizmet Sözleşmesi (TBHS)’nin Banka’nın Bilgilendirme Yükümlülüğü başlığı altında Madde 1.1,
GENERAL PRINCIPLES. 4.1. All instructions (customer instructions) and all notifications to be made by the Customer to the Bank must be explicit and in writing. The Bank shall be entitled to decide whether or not to fulfill the instructions and notifications that are unclear or in which it is in doubt.
GENERAL PRINCIPLES. 4.1. Client Identity: The Client shall be obliged to provide the Bank with the documentation as requested for such purpose, and also to confirm that such documentation is accurate. Any and all kinds of changes to such documentation must be communicated to the Bank, immediately. Otherwise, the Bank shall transact by relying upon the available information and documentation. The Client shall be obliged to notify the Bank of any documentation with respect to verification of identity and address, together with her/his Republic of Turkey ID Number or her/his Republic of Turkey ID Number For Foreign Nationals in accordance with the regulations promulgated by the Financial Crimes Investigation Board (MASAK), and also to submit such documentation if and when so requested/required. Otherwise, the Bank may immediately cease any transaction, or may not open an account, or may not executed the respective transaction, and/or it may terminate the Agreement with immediate effect. If and when it determines any accurate and up-to-date information, then the Bank may update its systems as based on any such new information. 4.2. Transactions Performed (by Procuration) on Behalf of the Client: In the event that any transaction with the Bank is wished to be performed by an agent on behalf of the Client, then it is essential that the power of attorney to be issued, is issued as deemed appropriate by the Bank and so as to demonstrate the transactions, which are requested to be performed by such agent, clearly and in detail. The Bank shall be entitled and empowered to determine that any transaction, requested to be performed by the respective agent, is not appropriate to the power of procuration, and also to deny any power of attorney that has any ambiguous wording therein.
GENERAL PRINCIPLES. Related Investment Institutions can request Guarantee from Customer due to the Investment Services and Activities provided within the scope of Contract and it’s annexes. Circumstances which is mandatory to be demanded Guarantee under Legislation and/or Market Rules are reserved. Cash and Capital Markets Instruments of Customer held in Related Investment Institution is unconditionally monitored on Customer bases and separately from assets of Related Investment Institution. Customer who wants to carry out transaction within the scope of Contract will deposit Guarantee amount determined by the Related Investment Institution for subject transaction in its/his/her account in the Related Investment Institution. Customer shall be responsible from the lower Account balance from the Guarantee amount which will be determined by the Related Investment Institution and which can be changed time to time by Related Investment Institution in accordance with the Legislation and/or Market Rules. Related Investment Institution reserves its right not to carry out any Order of Customer if there is no sufficient balance in the account of Customer on the date which Order was given to conduct this Order. If there is any guarantee gap existed or possible to be existed in any transaction carried out by the Customer within the scope of the Contract, Related Investment Institution can accept guarantees which has been given for the other transactions and/or all type of Customer’s asset held in the Bank and/or Intermediary as a guarantee for the related transaction or can request a collateral çerçevesinde ek Teminat sağlama yükümlülüğünü zamanında yerine getirmediği takdirde başka bir bildirime gerek olmaksızın Sözleşme kapsamında temerrüde düşmüş olur. Bu halde İlgili Yatırım Kuruluşu tarafından Müşteri’ye Borsa tarafından üyelerine uygulanan temerrüt faizinden az olmamak üzere Sözleşmede belirtilen oranda temerrüt faizi uygulanır. Borsa tarafından üyelerine uygulanan temerrüt faizi oranın Sözleşme’de belirtilen temerrüt faizi oranından yüksek olması halinde Borsa’nın temerrüt faiz oranı uygulanır. Sözleşme kapsamında düzenlenen temerrüt halleri ve temerrüt faizi yürütülmesine ilişkin düzenlemeler saklı kalmak üzere; ek Teminat sağlama yükümlülüğünün yerine getirilmemesi durumunda İlgili Yatırım Kuruluşu, Borsalar veya Takas Merkezi tarafından re’sen Mevzuat ve/ veya Piyasa Kuralları uyarınca Müşteri’nin nakit dışı Teminatları nakde çevrilebilir ve/veya Açık Pozisyonları Ters İşlemle ...