Social Responsibility Örnek Maddeleri

Social Responsibility. 6.5.1. The Customer hereby agrees and undertakes to strictly abide by the Bank’s environmental and social crediting policies, and to enter into cooperation with the Bank, and to take the required corrective actions and measures, and to take all of the measures so as not to pollute the environment with its business operations within the frame of applicable laws and regulations, and to engage in actions and initiatives for the sake of protection of health and security of its employees and the community in general, and to perform all of its obligations and liabilities towards its employees as stipulated in the Labour Act and the Occupational Health and Security Code, and to act towards protection of biological diversity and sustainable natural resources during its projects and business activities, and to show sensitivity for protection of cultural heritage and sensitive and protected zones, and not to use the credits allocated and extended to it for any investments, operations or other activities in breach of the Environmental Code and other applicable laws and regulations.
Social Responsibility. The Customer agrees to act in accordance with the social and environmental policies of the Bank, and to make necessary cooperation. Accordingly, in the framework of legal arrangements, the Customer agrees to take necessary measures to avoid environmental pollution due to its activities, to engage in activities aimed at protecting employees’ and social health and safety, to meet its obligations arising from Labor Law toward its employees, to act with a view to preserving biological diversity and sustainable natural resources, to show sensitivity for the protection of cultural heritage while carrying out its activities, and not to use the loans allocated and disbursed to it for investments, operations and other activities that are in breach of the Environmental Law and the relevant legislation. This provision applies to customers who are offered credits or other banking services under the terms of the agreements the Bank has signed with International Financial Institutions. The Customer agrees, declares, and undertakes that no child labor is used in the worksites, facilities, equipments and factories belonging to firm which is the subject of the credit, that the required legal permissions have been obtained within the scope of the applicable Environmental Law and the related legislation (Environmental Legislation), and the necessary issues which must be considered in this context have been complied with; the employer has not been punished due to any work accident resulting in death or serious injury at the employer’s worksites because of the employer’s fault and / or the employer has not been punished for violation of the Environmental Legislation within two (2) years before the signing date of this agreement; and that any incident, accident or circumstance which is or may be contrary to the legislation, or any lawsuit, complaint, administrative warnings and penalties shall be notified to the Bank in writing within three (3) days; that the notice shall include the remedies for such cases and the measures to be taken to prevent the occurrence of similar incidents and / or the plans to be made; and that the Bank shall be informed of ongoing applications of such measures. herhangi bir görev veya davranışını yerine getirmemesine ya da gerektiği şekilde yapmamasına neden olan, rüşvet veya bir başka haksız kazancı talep veya teklif etmek, vermek veya almak gibi benzer amaçlarla hiçbir şekilde kullanmayacağını ve anılan bu halleri düzeltmek için gerekli her türlü ö...