Types of Credit Örnek Maddeleri

Types of Credit. The Bank may make the Credit Limit allocated to the Customer hereunder available to the Customer in the form of a cash or non-cash, demand or short-, mid- or long-term current account, installment, spot, advance or discount, purchase, etc. credits or any other types of credit, secured or unsecured by any guarantees whatsoever, in TL or any other currency, at any time after the date of signature of this Agreement, and may also make this Credit Limit in full or in part available to the Customer by ex officio and in its own initiative transferring to the Customer’s current accounts receivable or other current accounts payable and/or by converting the Customer’s current accounts receivable into a current account payable. Furthermore, the Bank is also authorized to reinstate and reactivate the current accounts and other types of credit with zero balance, and to make this Credit Limit available to the Customer by opening new current accounts or bringing forward new types of credit as agreed upon with the Customer and subject to limits revised by the Bank in its sole discretion by closing or without closing the existing current accounts payable or other types of credit already made available hereunder. The Bank may further make credit limits available to the Customer for refinancing of the credit types referred to hereinabove. One or more credits may be made available to the Customer up to the credit limit allocated to the Customer hereunder. As soon as the credit funds are credited to its account, the Customer will be deemed to have automatically accepted these conditions. The Parties hereby declare and acknowledge that the Bank does not ever commit itself to make any credit facilities available to the Customer by or under this Agreement.
Types of Credit. 5.1. In General 5.1.1. Application of Current Account Procedures 5.1.2. Disbursement of Credits Through Remittance Orders to the Bank 5.1.3. Disbursement of Credits Through Loan Contracts 5.1.4. Provisions on Incentives, Exceptions and Exemptions a) to strictly comply with all present or future laws, decrees, communiqués, circulars and other statutory instruments in relation therewith; and b) to pay in cash and at once, without any objection or plea and before commencement of any legal prosecution all of the taxes, duties, imposts, funds and Resource Utilization Support Fund deductions and other liabilities, together with the Bank’s shares therein, and penal interests or delay interests accrued thereon, that may be claimed by the Turkish Central Bank, tax departments or foreign exchange authorities, with respect to the investment incentives, exceptions and exemptions utilized by the Client and/or by the Bank according to the then-current laws and regulations; and c) if and to the extent any of the liabilities or penal interests referred to in the preceding paragraph (b) are recovered or collected by the governmental authorities in their own initiative from the Bank, to reimburse the relevant moneys to the Bank in cash and at once, immediately upon first demand of the Bank, without any objection or plea and before commencement of any legal prosecution, and in the case of delay in reimbursement, to pay also and separately a delay interest to be calculated over the default interest rate of d) Bu işlemle ilgili ihracat ve/veya yatırımı realize ederek taahhüdünü kapattığına ve yukarıda belirtilen müeyyidelerden dolayı sorumluluğunun kalmadığına dair belgeleri, taahhüdünün kapatılmasını müteakip cari mevzuatta öngörülen süre içinde mutlaka Banka’ya ibraz edeceğini, söz konusu belgelerin belirtilen sürede ibraz edilememesi halinde, Banka’ca re’sen uygulanan müeyyideleri de (b) ve (c)’deki bölümlerde belirtilen esaslar dahilinde ödemeyi, 5.1.5. Kredilerin, Banka’nın Kendi Kaynakları Dışındaki Yabancı Kaynaklardan Kullandırılması

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