Credit Limit Örnek Maddeleri

Credit Limit. 4.1.1. No matter in which currency the credit limit is, the Bank may provide this limit in a different currency. Reporting the currency of the opened limit to the customer does not mean that the loan must be provided in the reported currency or that the Customer’s debt is in the currency of the reported limit. 4.1.2. Rises due to changes in exchange rates and delay penalties accrued to overdue credits, profit share and other factors are not included in the limit specified in fund allocation (lending) decisions and written in the Agreement..
Credit Limit. A Credit Limit at the amount stated in the Preamble of Agreement is allocated to Customer, as of the date the Agreement is signed.
Credit Limit. 4.1.1. Regardless of the type of currency of the credit limit, Emlak Katılım may provide this limit in any other type of currency. The notification of the currency type of the limit to the Customer shall not mean the provision of the loan/credit in that currency type or that the obligation/debt of the Customer is in the currency type of notified limit. 4.1.2. The limit specified in fund allocation (credit issuance) decision and written in the Agreement excludes the increases due to exchange rate fluctuations and default penalty, dividends and other factors accrued on overdue loans.
Credit Limit. 4.1.1.Regardless of the credit limit in any currency, the Bank may disburse this limit in a different currency. The fact that the currency of the opened limit has been notified to the Customer does not in any way mean that the credit will necessarily be used in the notified currency, and it does not mean that the Customer's debt is in the notified currency. 4.1.2.The limit specified in the fund allocation (opening of credits) decision does not include the increases caused by the exchange rate changes and the delay penalty, profit share and other factors accrued to overdue loans.
Credit Limit. 4.1.1. No matter which currency the credit limit is, Bank may have used this limit from a different currency. If the currency of the 4.1.2. Fon tahsis (kredi açma) kararında belirtilen ve Sözleşmede yazılı limite kur değişikliklerinin doğurduğu artışlar ile vadesi geçmiş kredilere tahakkuk ettirilen gecikme cezası, kâr payı ve diğer unsurlar dâhil değildir.

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