GENERAL PROVISIONS. 5.1.1. The Customer may give instructions to the Bank via electronic distribution channels as mobile device special applications, SIM Card menus and/or applications or telephone with regard to his banking transactions to be executed through Digital Banking channels defined in this Agreement.
5.1.2. Banking transactions to be carried out through digital channels are made with the password/key or other authentication tools provided by the Bank. The commercial client may authorize the User(s) designated with the Internet Banking and Corporate Telephone Branch Application Form to make transactions on their accounts. The Client shall also notify the authorized transactions and amount limits of the users with the relevant form. User codes, passwords and/or keys shall be separately designated for these persons determined by the Client by the Bank in order to make transactions in the system. For all users who will use Digital Banking channels, the user code, password and/or key required for transaction in the system shall be defined and sent to the contact addresses specified by the Client. If multiple authorized users are specified, the Client must specify a separate mobile phone number / e-mail address for each user.
5.1.3. Details such as passwords and/or keys with various authorization levels and limits shall be delivered by the Bank to the respective Client and/or User, and it is the Client's responsibility to ensure the security of such password/keys and other details against third parties. In cases where transactions are carried out by using password/key and other authentication methods, the Bank is not obliged to investigate the identities of the persons making the transaction. Transactions carried out using such password/key or other authentication tools are deemed to be made by the Client/User, and all transactions are binding for the Client. If the password/key or other private information is found out by third parties, the Client must immediately inform the Bank in order to prevent unlawful use. Otherwise, any damages that may occur due to the transactions to be made within the period until the notification to the Bank shall be borne by the Client.
5.1.4. The Bank, as the service providing party, may freely determine the types and components of banking services to be included in the scope of Digital Banking Services, and may suspend or completely stop the services.
5.1.5. The Customer may access to all kinds of products and services commissioned or to ...
GENERAL PROVISIONS. 1. The Regulation on the mode of declaring the customs value of goods (hereinafter - the Regulation) establishes the way of determining and declaring the customs value of the imported goods, as well as the procedure for checking the correctness of the customs value determination.
GENERAL PROVISIONS. 3.1. In terms of participation banking principles and standards, the above-mentioned issues for financing shall be completed before the final sales agreement is concluded between the Seller and the Buyer in accordance with this Agreement and the agreements between the Bank and the Buyer. Unless the aforementioned stages have been completed or if it is revealed later that a final agreement has been made between the Buyer, the Bank shall not provide financing, and may request the Seller and Buyer to immediately terminate this Agreement and consecutively indemnify the losses incurred.
3.2. If the TFAS signed between the Bank and the Buyer within the scope of the Financing Program expires for any reason, this Agreement shall also be deemed to have expired on the same date. The Bank shall immediately notify the Seller in writing of the termination of the Agreement and may terminate the Agreement without compensation, effective from the termination date of the TFAS, without the need for any other action. By accepting this matter, the Seller has waived all objections, demands and other rights related to the subject in advance and irrevocably. Likewise, if the Buyer notifies the Bank that it wishes to exclude the Seller from the Financing Program, this Agreement will be deemed to have terminated automatically as of the date of the Buyer's notification to the Bank. The Bank shall notify the Seller immediately that the Agreement has been terminated and they shall be able to terminate the agreement without compensation without the need for any other action. By accepting this matter, the Seller has waived objections, demands and other rights related to the subject in advance and irrevocably.
3.3. The Seller is responsible for carrying out the transactions in accordance with the legislation, taking and performing all kinds of measures and guarantees, such as transportation, storage and preservation of the goods, insurance of goods, etc., as required and on time at every stage, including the delivery of the Goods to the Buyer and keeping it available for use in a way that meets all the terms and conditions in the purchase agreement between the Buyer and the Seller. The Seller shall be responsible for any damages, losses and penal sanctions that may arise due to these reasons. For this reason, the Bank is authorized to debit and collect all payments to the Seller ex officio.
3.4. All responsibility belongs to the Seller regarding the type, nature, value and quantity of t...
GENERAL PROVISIONS. 5.1 The fact that risks are assumed only by the Customer: The Customer, during the execution of the Agreement, accepts that he performs such transactions upon understanding that he might not only gain profit, but also incur losses due to fluctuations in relevant markets; that he accepts rates and totals in the Trading Order attached hereto by signing with his free will; that he does not perform transactions relying on written or verbal statements of the Bank in respect of the agreement and transactions; that statements of the Bank made for the purpose of information do not have the nature of investment advice; as well as the risks and possible outcomes of any and all transaction to be conducted upon this Agreement and the Trading Order.
GENERAL PROVISIONS. 1.1. The contract between Bystronic Laser AG (“Bystronic”) and Xxxxxxxxx’x client (“customer”) shall be concluded upon receipt of the written confirmation by Bystronic, stating that it accepts the order (order confirmation).
1.2. These General Terms and Conditions of Delivery shall be binding if they are declared applicable in the offer or in the order confirmation.
1.3. Contrary terms and conditions of the customer shall only be valid insofar as they have been accepted expressly and in writing by Bystronic.
GENERAL PROVISIONS. A. When purchasing shares, the Customer is required to maintain a collateral net asset amount of the value of theirs’ open positions in accordance with the regulations of CMB or Borsa İstanbul A.Ş. Within the scope of Borsa İstanbul A.Ş.'s current practices, it is obligatory to have a net asset at least 20% of the open positions. The Intermediary Institution reserves the right to determine a higher collateral ratio.
GENERAL PROVISIONS. 9.1. This Contract shall be interpreted as per the laws of Republic of Turkey. In cases of any conflicts which may arise relating to this contract, Turkish/İstanbul Anatolian courts and debt enforcement offices shall have jurisdiction.
9.2. Any amendments, changes or releases to be made on this Contract, unless executed in written form and signed by the authorized signatories/representatives of the other shall be deemed as valid and binding.
9.3. The addresses of the Parties which they indicated at the beginning of this Contract are their addresses for service of notifications and unless any changes were notified to the other party in written form, any notifications to be served to these addresses shall be legally valid whether duly served or not.
9.4. This Contract was issued as (2) two copies. Tarih: Xxxx Xxxx
9.5. This Contract comprises of 9 (nine) articles and it was signed by the authorized representatives of the parties on …/…/……and took effect.
GENERAL PROVISIONS. 1- The parties agree, declare and undertake that in any dispute between them due to this agreement, only the Bank's books; accounting, computer and other records and documents will be based on, these constitute a conclusive evidence, and that they will not object to the records in them for any reason and they accept their content and accuracy; they waive their rights to counter-evidence in advance.
2- In case of damages in which the parties do not fulfill their obligations to each other or do not pay their debts on time; the party that did not pay the debt on time has committed to pay any affirmative and negative loss of the other party.
3- Disputes resolution authority of disputes arising from interpretation and implementation of this Agreement is Istanbul (Caglayan or Anatolian Courthouse) Courts and Enforcement Offices.
4- All taxes, duties, charges, funds and other expenses related to this agreement belong to the Seller. 5- The Parties declare that their addresses and contact information written in the Agreement are established as their legal correspondence addresses and/or notification addresses unless the change is communicated to the other party through notary public and agree that notices and/or notifications to be made to these addresses will be considered to have been made themselves in person.
GENERAL PROVISIONS. The Supplier accepts that HCE will suffer from irreparable and legally irrevocable damages in case of breach of this agreement. Therefore, it hereby accepts that HCE reserves right to take a decree for provisional and/or permanent injunction and to enforce the provisions of this agreement without being obliged to display the existence of an actual uyarınca, mevcut diğer haklarına ilaveten, gerçekleşmiş bir zarar veya zarar tehlikesinin varlığını göstermek zorunda olmaksızın geçici ve/veya daimi ihtiyati tedbir kararı ve işbu sözleşmenin hükümlerini aynen ifası kararı almaya hakkı olduğunu kabul etmekte olup, HCE’nin uğrayacağı doğmuş- doğacak her türlü maddi-manevi, müspet- menfi zarar, ihlal nedeniyle üçüncü kişilerin HCE’dan talep ettiği tazminatlar dahil olmak fakat bunlarla sınırlı olmamak üzere her türlü doğrudan ve dolaylı zarar, ziyan ve kaybını, herhangi bir mahkeme kararı olmaksızın ve ilk talep halinde derhal ve nakden tazmin etmeyi ve buna ek olarak ifaya ekli 250.000€ (İkiyüzellibin EUR) bedelinde bir cezai şart bedelini HCE’ye herhangi bir yargı merci kararı gerekmeksizin ilk talepte nakden ve defaten ödemeyi taahhüt eder. HCE taahhüdün ihlalinden ötürü doğmuş-doğacak her türlü doğrudan ve dolaylı zararlarının tazminini talep hakkının yanı sıra, taahhüdün ifasını talep ve tedbir haklarına ek olarak ayrıca aşağıdaki haklara da sahiptir.
a- Firma'nın işbu sözleşmenin hükümleri dışında hareket etmesi durumunda; HCE, Firma ile işbu sözleşmede dahil olmak üzere tüm sözleşmelerini tek taraflı olarak iptal etme hakkını saklı tutar.
b- Firma'nın işbu sözleşmenin hükümleri dışında hareket etmesi durumunda; HCE uğrayacağı tüm maddi ve manevi zararlar nedeniyle tazminat davası açma hakkını saklı tutarak, kanuni işlemlere başvurabilir.
c- HCE; ayrıca Firma’ya temin edeceği bilgiler kapsamında, tüm ürünlerine ve üretim bilgilerine (know-how) yönelik, yurtiçi ve yurtdışı pazarlarda patent ve kullanım ( belgelenmiş ve/veya belgelenmemiş ) haklarını saklı tutar.
GENERAL PROVISIONS. 1- The parties agree, declare and undertake that in any dispute between them due to this agreement, only the Bank's books; accounting, computer and other records and documents will be based on, these constitute a conclusive evidence, and that they will not object to the records in them for any reason and they accept their content and accuracy; they waive their rights to counter-evidence in advance.
2- In case of damages in which the parties do not fulfill their obligations to each other or do not pay their debts on time; the party that did not pay the debt on time has committed to pay actual loss of the other party. Other rights of the parties resulting from the delay are reserved.
3- Disputes resolution authority of disputes arising from interpretation and implementation of this Agreement is Istanbul (Caglayan or Anatolian Courthouse) Courts and Enforcement Offices.
4- All taxes, duties, charges, funds and other expenses related to this agreement belong to the Seller. 5- The Parties declare that their addresses and contact information written in the Agreement are established as a legal correspondence addresses and/or notification addresses unless the change is communicated to the other party through notary public and agree that notices and/or notifications to be made to these addresses will be considered to have been made themselves in person.