Akbank Internet tanımı

Akbank Internet. The Client is allowed for giving instruction on internet, making any transactions and inquiries on his accounts that are permitted by the Bank and other transactions which may be offered for use by the Bank later on by connecting to the Bank online through any equipment having technical conditions by using client/user name, password delivered o him and password exclusively delivered to him or sent to him by the Bank on one-time password producing devices, applications or other technologies which may be used under the international security standards and other security elements. For corporate clients, the cipher/ciphers and/or password/passwords shall be delivered/given to such user/users stated by the Client in the Internet Banking and Corporate Telephone Branch Application Form and these persons shall use them in the name and on account of the Client. Since protection of the cipher/ciphers and/ or password/passwords is under the responsibility of the Client and/or users authorized by the Client, the Bank shall not be responsible in case of use of them by any persons other than the Client or users. Any transactions made by using the cipher/ciphers and/or password/passwords shall be considered as a written instruction of the Client. Password/passwords agreed between the parties shall be considered as confirmation/acceptance of the transaction concluded between the parties to this Contract.

Examples of Akbank Internet in a sentence

  • Notification related to the use of right of renunciation should have been submitted to the Bank in written(Akbank Branches) or through permanent data register (000 00 00 Customer Contact Center, Communication Form found in the website xxx.xxxxxx.xxx, Communication Form in the section “contact us” on the Akbank Internet) within the time of use of the right of renunciation.

  • The Customer may acquire all kinds of information about use of credit cards through channels designated by the Bank (Branches, Customer Contact Center, Akbank Internet, Internet Site and other channels to be designated by the Bank in the future).

  • Sale Information Note: The screen display received after transaction made for product and/or service sale by Axess Business from Akbank Mobile and Akbank Internet.

  • The Member hereby declares, acknowledges and accepts that in order to be entitled to use Akbank Mobile and Akbank Internet and other digital channels, Supplemantary Card Holder may get a password in accordance with the rules imposed by the Bank, and may display only data and information relating to the Supplemantary Card via Akbank Mobile, Akbank Internet and other digital channels, and may make use of the cash advance and mobile payment facilities as well.

  • Notification related to the use of right of renunciation should have been submitted to the Bank in written(Akbank Branches) or through permanent data register (444 25 25 Customer Contact Center, Communication Form found in the website www.akbank.com, Communication Form in the section “contact us” on the Akbank Internet) within the time of use of the right of renunciation.

  • These provisions shall apply if the service is provided through Akbank Internet (Internet Banking), PC, WAP, SMS, MMS, GPRS, Wi-Fi, mobile, Telephone Banking, Java client party or mobile browser party applications, applications special to device, ATM, BTM, palmtop by using the user code and password/passwords to be used separately or jointly as provided him and Free Banking User/Users by the Bank.

  • In all his payments effected through Axess Mobile, Akbank Mobile and Akbank Internet, the Customer will comply with all provisions of the section titled “Provisions Regarding Digital Banking” of this Personal (retail) Banking Services Agreement pertaining to safe keeping of payment instruments, and will act in accordance with the articles and provisions of said sections in the case of loss, theft or unfair use of the payment instruments.

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