Страхувальник (Застрахована особа) має право. 2.2.1. на своєчасне отримання необхідної, повної, доступної та достовірної інформації про страхову послугу та про Страховика у визначеному законодавством обсязі, достатньої для прийняття свідомого рішення про отримання такої послуги або про відмову від її отримання; 2.2.2. на належну якість отримуваної страхової послуги; 2.2.3. на конфіденційність отримання страхової послуги та інформації про надання страхової послуги, крім випадків, встановлених законом; 2.1. The Insurer has the right: 2.1.1. to check the information provided by the Insured for the conclusion of the Contract as well as as the information provided in case of an event recognisable as insurance event, 2.1.2. to submit requests to state authorities, local self-government bodies, health care institutions, legal entities that have information about the circumstances of an event recognisable as insurance even, and also independently or with the involvement of other persons to investigate the reasons, consequences, and circumstances of an event recognisable as insurance event in accordance with the procedure established by law, 2.1.3. in case of violation of the Insurance Contract term by the Insured (Insured Person), to demand early termination of the Contract, 2.1.4. to declare the Insurance Contract invalid in accordance with the procedure provided by the current legislation, 2.1.5. if necessary, to request a medical commission for the Insured (Insured Person) examination as well as other expertise regarding the event recognisable as insurance event, 2.1.6. to record telephone conversations regarding insurance cases by technical means, 2.1.7. in the cases stipulated by the insurance terms under a separate insurance product and in case of organising the early return of the Insured (Insured Person) to Ukraine, to use their unused return ticket, 2.1.8. to refuse to make an insurance payment in the cases stipulated by the Insurance Contract and the current legislation of Ukraine; 2.1.9. to refuse to compensate any indirect losses of the Insured (Insured Person) as well as moral damage caused by an event recognisable as insurance event, 2.1.10. to refuse to conclude the Insurance Contract without explaining the reason for such refusal, 2.1.11. other rights are provided by the current legislation.
Appears in 4 contracts
Samples: Оферта На Укладання Електронного Договору Комплексного Страхування, Оферта На Укладання Електронного Договору Комплексного Страхування, Open (Public) Offer for Insurance Services