Nondisclosure 样本条款

Nondisclosure. 16.1. The Parties shall maintain the confidentiality of both the existence and content of their contractual relationships as well as all know-how, data and other information of which they become aware in whatsoever form (collectively hereinafter referred to as “know-how etc.”) and shall only make use thereof for the purpose of the related Individual Orders. 16.2. The Parties shall deal with the know-how etc. belonging to the other Party with the same care with which they deal with their own confidential information and restrict publication of the know-how etc. to employees or other auxiliary persons who are required to be aware of such know-how etc. The Parties shall not provide know-how etc. to others and/or make it public in another way, unless they have obtained prior written consent to do so. However, B&R is allowed to provide such know-how etc. to B&R Industrial Automation GmbH, its parent company. 16.3. The Parties shall ensure that employees and third parties, including group companies, are subject to and comply with similar confidentiality obligations that are no less stringent than the obligations that apply to the Parties in accordance with these GTC. This confidentiality obligation survives the termination of the respective Individual Order with a period of five (5) years. Know-how etc. that is publicly accessible or that becomes publicly accessible without being attributable to the receiving party, is not considered confidential information. The Parties shall identify the know-how etc. that shall be confidential information as such as much as possible. 17 Code of Conduct Purchaser must comply with the Code of Conduct of ABB, which is retrievable at .

Related to Nondisclosure

  • T+n 日 指自 T 日起第 n 个工作日(不包含 T 日)

  • 主营业务情况 ‌ 公司是由南通华达微电子集团有限公司和富士通(中国)有限公司共同投资、 由中方控股的中外合资股份制企业。公司专业从事集成电路的封装和测试,是中国国内目前规模最大、产品品种最多的集成电路封装测试企业之一。公司主要封装产品包括 SOP/SOT/TSSOP、QFP/LQFP、MCM(MCP)、QFN/PDFN、BGA、 SiP、BUMP、WLCSP、Cu pillar、FC(Flip Chip)等系列产品,并提供微处理器、数字电路、模拟电路、数模混合电路、射频电路的 FT 测试及 PT 圆片测试服务。 最近三年公司营业收入构成如下: 单位:万元 项目 2016年1-6月 2015年 2014年 集成电路 封装测试 173,718.64 99.70% 231,012.41 99.49% 208,052.21 99.51% 其他 525.69 0.30% 1,177.90 0.51% 1,016.37 0.49%

  • T 日 指销售机构在规定时间受理投资人申购、赎回或其他业务申请的工作日

  • 用語の定義 この約款においては、次の用語はそれぞれ次の意味で使用します。

  • 估值对象 基金所拥有的股票、权证、债券和银行存款本息、应收款项、其它投资等资产及负债。

  • 電話番号 業種 勤続年数 年 年収 万円

  • km/h 0.075 ℓ/kw-h

  • 料金等 節 料金及び工事に関する費用 (料金及び工事に関する費用)

  • 利用契約 本約款に基づき当社と契約者との間に締結される本サービスの提供・利用に関する契約。

  • 協議等) 前各条に定めるもののほか、この契約の履行に関し必要な事項は、宮崎県財務規則(昭和39年宮崎県規則第2号)第6章の定めるところによるものとし、この契約に定める事項について疑義が生じた場合又はこの契約若しくは同章に定めのない事項については、甲乙協議の上、定めるものとする。