PERSONAL DATA (PRIVACY) ORDINANCE (CAP.486). 20.1. The Client may from time to time be requested by the GTJAS to supply personal data (as defined under the PDPO) relating to the Client. For the purposes of this Clause 20, personal data means all information recorded electronically or by other means, that is related to identified or identifiable natural persons, (i) in the case of individual account holders, joint account holders or sole proprietors, means personal data relating to the relevant individual concerned; (ii) in the case of a partnership, means personal data relating to each partner of the partnership; and (iii) in the case of a corporate entity, means personal data relating to any individual director, shareholder, officer or manager which has been provided to GTJAS. 20.2. The Client shall provide all such personal data as shall be reasonably requested by GTJAS in the Account Opening Form or otherwise, and any failure to do so may result in GTJAS being unable to open or continue the Account, or to effect transactions under the Account. The Client shall provide all such personal data as shall be reasonably requested by GTJAS in the Account Opening Form, the GTJAS's mobile application programme ("APP") or otherwise, and any failure to do so may result in GTJAS being unable to open or continue the Account, or to effect transactions under the Account. 20.3. The Client understands and accepts that GTJAS may provide personal data received from the Client to the following persons (whether within or outside of Hong Kong) for the purposes set out in The Client understands and accepts that GTJAS may provide personal data received from the Client to the following persons for the purposes set out in Clause 20.4:- (a) any nominees in whose name securities or other assets may be registered any nominees in whose name securities or other assets may be registered; (b) any member or affiliated or related company in the GTJA Group including but not limited to GTJAS’s parent and/or subsidiary companies any member or affiliated or related company in the GTJA Group including but not limited to GTJAS’s parent and/or subsidiary companies; (c) any contractor, adviser, agent or third party service provider which provides administrative, background checking, data processing, financial, computer, telecommunication, payment or clearing, professional or other services to GTJAS in connection with the operation of its business or provision of financial services or products to the Clientany contractor, adviser, agent or t...


  • URL xxxx://xxx.xxxxxx-xxxxx.xx.xx/

  • 信用记录 供应商未被列入“信用中国”网站(“记录失信被执行人或重大税收违法案件当事人名单”记录名单; 不处于中国政府采购网(www.ccgp.go x.xx)“政府采购严重违法失信行为信息记录 中的禁止参加政府采购活动期间。 (以采购代理机构于投标(响应) 截止时间当天在“信用中国”网站(www.creditchi 及中国政府采购网(xxxx:// 查询结果为准, 如相关失信记录已失效, 供应商需提供相关证明资料) 。 7 供应商必须符合法律、行政法规规定的其他条件 单位负责人为同一人或者存在直接控股、 管理关系的不同供应商,不得同时参加本采购项目(或采购包) 投标(响应)。 为本项目提供整体设计、 规范编制或者项目管理、 监理、 检测等服务的供应商, 不得再参与本项目投标(响应)。 投标( 报价) 函相关承诺要求内容。

  • 响应文件的签署及规定 组成响应文件的各项资料均应遵守本条规定。

  • JICA はい、そうです。

  • 风险识别 是指对现实以及潜在的各种风险加以判断、归类和鉴定风险性质的过程。

  • Ⅷ その他 使用場所への立ち入り

  • 服务项目、价格 金额单位:元 序号 采购计划文号 商品名称 品牌 型号 配置要求 采购数量 单位 成交单价 小计 1 [2022]1908号 车辆维修 - - - 1 项 3835.0 0 3835.00 合同总价(元) 3835.00 合同总价(大写) 叁仟捌佰叁拾伍元整

  • 联合协议 以联合体形式投标的,提供联合协议;本项目不接受联合体投标或者投标人不以联合体形式投标的,则不需要提供)

  • V2 V = V1 × ――― V :月次繰越ガス量 V1:過不足ガス量 V2:過不足ガス量が月別受入ガス量の5パーセントを超える託送供給依頼者の月次繰越ガス量の合計