RISK DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS. 21.1. The following statements are furnished to the Client in accordance with the Code of Conduct for Persons Licensed By or Registered With the Securities and Futures Commission. The risk of loss in trading futures contracts or Options is substantial. In some circumstances, the Client may sustain losses in excess of the Client’s initial margin funds. Placing contingent orders, such as “stop-loss” or “stop-limit” orders, will not necessarily avoid loss. Market conditions may make it impossible to execute such orders. The Client may be called upon at short notice to deposit additional margin funds. If the required funds are not provided within the prescribed time, the Client’s position may be liquidated. The Client will remain liable for any resulting deficit in the Client’s account. The Client should therefore study and understand futures contracts and Options before the Client trades and carefully consider whether such trading is suitable in the light of the Client’s own financial position and investment objectives. If the Client trades Options, GTJAS should inform the Client of exercise and expiration procedures and the Client’s rights and obligations upon exercise or expiry. There is a risk if the Client provides GTJAS with an authority that allows it to lend the Client’s securities or securities collateral pursuant to a securities borrowing and lending agreement, repledge the Client’s securities collateral for financial accommodation or deposit the Client’s securities collateral as collateral for the discharge and satisfaction of its settlement obligations and liabilities. If the Client’s securities or securities collateral are received or held by GTJAS in Hong Kong, the above arrangement is allowed only if the Client consent in writing. Moreover, unless the Client is a professional investor, the Client’s authority must specify the period for which it is current and be limited to not more than 12 months. If the Client is a professional investor, these restrictions do not apply.
RISK DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS. 24.1 The following statements are furnished to the Client in accordance with the Code of Conduct for Persons Licensed By or Registered With the Securities and Derivatives Commission. The risk of loss in trading futures contracts or options is substantial. In some circumstances, the Client may sustain losses in excess of the Client’s initial margin funds. Placing contingent orders, such as "stop-loss" or "stop-limit" orders, will not necessarily avoid loss. Market conditions may make it impossible to execute such orders. The Client may be called upon at short notice to deposit additional margin funds. If the required funds are not provided within the prescribed time, the Client’s position may be liquidated. The Client will remain liable for any resulting deficit in the Client’s account. The Client should therefore study and understand futures contracts and options before the Client trades and carefully consider whether such trading is suitable in the light of the Client’s own financial position and investment objectives. If the Client trades options, GTJAF should inform the Client of exercise and expiration procedures and the Client’s rights and obligations upon exercise or expiry. Client assets received or held by the licensed or registered person outside Hong Kong are subject to the applicable laws and regulations of the relevant overseas jurisdiction which may be different from the SFO and the rules made thereunder. Consequently, such client assets may not enjoy the same protection as that conferred on client assets received or held in Hong Kong. If the Client provides GTJAF with an authority to hold mail or to direct mail to third parties, it is important for the Client to promptly collect in person all contract notes and statements of my/our Account and review them in detail to ensure that any anomalies or mistakes can be detected in a timely fashion.


  • 关联方关系介绍 本次交易对手方为易伟华先生,截至本公告披露日,易伟华先生直接持股比例为 27.45%,加上其一致行动人新余市沃德投资合伙企业(有限合伙)持有公司 4.71%的股份,公司控股股东、实际控制人易伟华先生拥有的控制权比例为 32.16%。易伟华先生为公司控股股东、实际控制人,属于公司关联方。

  • T 日 指销售机构在规定时间受理投资人申购、赎回或其他业务申请的开放日

  • 正常情况下当日交易结算报告的发送时间应在交易日当日的 17:00 之前 因交易所原因而造成数据延迟发送的,基金管理人应及时通知基金托管人,并在恢复后告知期货公司立即发送至基金托管人,并电话确认数据接收状况。若期货公司发送的期货数据有误,重新向基金管理人、基金托管人发送的,基金管理人应责成期货公司在发送新的期货数据后立即通知基金托管人,并电话确认数据接收状况。

  • 契約条項を示す場所 神奈川県横浜市中区海岸通1-1 横浜税関総務部会計課用度係

  • URL xxxx://xxx.xxxx-xxxxxxxx.xx.xx/

  • 无有效行驶证 指下列情形之一 (1)机动车被依法注销登记的; (2)未依法按时进行或通过机动车安全技术检验。

  • 个券选择策略 在个券选择上,理财产品综合运用利率预期、收益率曲线估值、信用风险分析、隐含期权价值评估、流动性分析等方法来评估个券的投资价值。具有以下一项或多项特征的债券,将是理财产品重点关注的对象: 利率预期策略下符合久期设定范围的债券;具有较高信用等级、较好流动性的债券; 资信状况良好、未来信用评级趋于稳定或有较大改善的企业发行的债券; 在剩余期限和信用等级等因素基本一致的前提下,运用收益率曲线模型或其他相关估值模型进行估值后,市场交易价格被低估的债券;

  • 問い合わせ先 新潟市財務部契約課物品契約係 951-8550(郵便番号) 新潟市中央区学校町通1番町602番地1 電 話 025-226-2213(直通) FAX 025-225-3500 電子メール xxxxxxx@xxxx.xxxxxxx.xx.xx

  • 基金管理人应在基金季度报告中披露其持有的资产支持证券总额、资产支持证券市值占基金净资产的比例和报告期末按市值占基金净资产比例大小排序的前 10 名资产支持证券明细 (十二)基金参与融资、转融通证券出借业务的信息披露 本基金参与融资、转融通证券出借业务,基金管理人应当在季度报告、中期报告、年度报告等定期报告和招募说明书(更新)等文件中披露参与融资、转融通证券出借业务交易情况,包括投资策略、业务开展情况、损益情况、风险及其管理情况等,并就报告期内本基金参与转融通证券出借业务发生的重大关联交易事项作详细说明。

  • mail 公司簡介 年營業額 員工人數