Sale 样本条款

Sale. Before the occurrence of an Event of Default, and subject to our consent, you may instruct us to sell the securities in your margin account.
Sale and distribution of articles hereinafter described, Now, Therefore, in consideration of the mutual promises herein contained, it is hereby agreed: 1 Grant of License
Sale and distribution of the following articles. (insert description) (b) Territory The license hereby granted extends only to ________________. Licensee agrees that it will not make, or authorize, any use, direct or indirect, of the Name in any other area, and
Sale of the articles described in paragraph 1. (b) It is agreed that if Licensor should convey an offer to Licensee to purchase any of the articles listed in paragraph 1, in connection with a premium, giveaway or other promotional arrangement, Licensee shall have _______ days within which to accept or reject such an offer. In the event that Licensee fails to accept such offer within the specified _______ days, Licensor shall have the right to enter into the proposed premium, giveaway or promotional arrangement using the services of another manufacturer, provided, however, that in such event Licensee shall have a three (3) day period within which
Sale or distribution of Licensee's products, except as provided in paragraph 15. 17 Licensor's Remedies

Related to Sale

  • 合同对上市公司的影响 1、本公司具备履行合同的能力、资金、人员、技术和产能均能够保证合同的顺利履行;

  • 对上市公司的影响 (一)对上市公司业绩的影响

  • 关联方介绍 (一)公司名称:达濠市政建设有限公司

  • 本次交易对上市公司的影响 (一)本次交易对上市公司主营业务的影响

  • 交易目的和对上市公司的影响 财务公司作为一家经中国银行业监督管理委员会批准设立的非银行金融机构,具有为企业集团成员单位提供金融服务的各项资质,各项指标均达到《企业集团财务公司管理办法》的规定。财务公司为公司办理存款、信贷、票据、结算及其他金融服务时,双方遵循平等自愿、优势互补、互利互惠、合作共赢的原则进行,有利于提高公司资金使用效率、降低公司融资成本和融资风险,为公司长远发展提供资金支持和畅通的融资渠道,不会损害公司及中小股东利益。

  • 协议对上市公司的影响 公司与东莞汇裕公司签署的《专利实施许可协议书》,将对公司的本期及期后经营业绩产生积极影响,公司主要业务不会对因履行该协议形成重大依赖。

  • 关联方的基本情况 1. 山东黄金集团有限公司

  • 关联方关系介绍 本次交易对手方为易伟华先生,截至本公告披露日,易伟华先生直接持股比例为 27.45%,加上其一致行动人新余市沃德投资合伙企业(有限合伙)持有公司 4.71%的股份,公司控股股东、实际控制人易伟华先生拥有的控制权比例为 32.16%。易伟华先生为公司控股股东、实际控制人,属于公司关联方。

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  • 关于投诉与建议 (一)您对本产品有任何意见或异议,可向产品管理人或销售机构反馈,产品管理人或销售机构将由专人接听、记录您的意见或建议,并由各方协商共同解决。