Service Regulations 样本条款

Service Regulations. You shall use the Licensed Software according to the rules and regulations. You shall not: - do any act that violates laws, regulations and policies, damages public order and good custom and harms public interest. - lease, lend, reproduce, change, link, repost, compile, issue, publish, set up a mirror site of the Licensed Software and relevant information therein, or utilize the Licensed Software to develop derivative products, works, services, plug-ins, compatibles and interconnections in relation thereto without our approval. - log in or use the Licensed Software through any third-party compatible software and system that are not developed, authorized or approved by Danqoo and its affiliates, or use plug-ins in connection with the Licensed Software that are not developed, authorized or approved by Danqoo and its affiliates. - delete any information and content relating to copyright on the Licensed Software and the copies thereof, or alter, delete or evade any technical measures Danqoo has taken in the application products for the purpose of intellectual property protection. - lease, lend or sub-license the Licensed Software to a third party without Danqoo’ s written consent, or use multiple versions of the Licensed Software or separately transfer them after being licensed to use the upgraded version of the Licensed Software. - reproduce, disassemble or alter the Licensed Software or any portion thereof or produce derivative works thereof; reproduce, alter, hook, or create any derivative works with, any data released in terminals by the Licensed Software or in the process of operation of the Licensed Software, as well as any data exchanged between terminals and servers in the process of operation of the Licensed Software, including by using plug-ins or unauthorized third-party tools/services to access the Licensed Software and relevant systems. - do any act that endangers the information network security, including damaging or destroying the Licensed Software, making it unable to run, or disrupting a third party’s use of the Licensed Software in any manner in the use of the Licensed Software; logging in any other person's computer system and deleting, modifying or adding storage information without permission; spreading on purpose malicious program or virus, and any other acts that undermine or disrupt the normal network information service. - utilize the Licensed Software to publish, transmit, communicate, save any content that infringes any other person's i...

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  • URL xxxx://xxx.xxxx-xxxxxxxx.xx.xx/

  • 附件 3 投诉书范本及制作说明

  • 估值错误处理原则 (1)估值错误已发生,但尚未给当事人造成损失时,估值错误责任方应及时协调各方,及时进行更正,因更正估值错误发生的费用由估值错误责任方承担;由于估值错误责任方未及时更正已产生的估值错误,给当事人造成损失的,由估值错误责任方对直接损失承担赔偿责任;若估值错误责任方已经积极协调,并且有协助义务的当事人有足够的时间进行更正而未更正,则其应当承担相应赔偿责任。估值错误责任方应对更正的情况向有关当事人进行确认,确保估值错误已得到更正。

  • 〇八条 董事会行使下列职权:

  • 受益人 機關(不包含責任保險)。

  • 违约责任条款 除不可抗力因素外,任何一方如未能履行其在该协议项下之义务或承诺或所作出的陈述或保证失实或严重有误,则该方应被视作违反该协议。 违约方应依该协议约定和法律规定向守约方承担违约责任,赔偿守约方因其违约行为而遭受的所有损失(包括为避免损失而支出的合理费用)。

  • 转出总金额(C=A B) 1,200.00 转出基金赎回费率(D) 0.5% 转出基金费用(E=C*D) 6.00 转换金额(F=C-E) 1,194.00

  • 开工准备 关于承包人提交工程开工报审表的期限:接到开工通知(或确定开工日期)后7 天内。 关于发包人应完成的其他开工准备工作及期限:开工前14天。关于承包人应完成的其他开工准备工作及期限:开工前14天。

  • 编制说明 1、签订合同应遵守政府采购法、民法典。

  • 理财产品费用 (一)理财产品固定管理费;【0.10%】(年化)。 在通常情况下,产品固定管理费按前一估值日资产净值的【0.10%】年费率计提。计算方法如下: