Terminat ion and Liability for Breach 样本条款

Terminat ion and Liability for Breach. You shall understand that the grant of a license by Xxxxxx is subject to your use of the Licensed Software within the scope of authorization, your respect for the intellectual property rights of the Licensed Software and anything contained therein, your use of the Licensed Software according to the above rules and regulations, and your performance of obligations pursuant to this Agreement . In case of your mat erial breach hereof, Danqoo will terminat e such license. Your use of the Licensed Software relies on the associated services to be provided by Danqoo’s affiliates. If you breach any provision of Danqoo or its affiliates' terms, agreement s, rules and regulations, and announcement s, resulting in terminat ion of services by any of the above websites, it may make you unable to use the Licensed Software normally, and Danqoo shall be entitled to terminat e your license. You understand that for the purpose of maint aining the order of the platform and protecting the rights and interests of consumers, if you make commit ment of any form to Danqoo and/or its affiliates, and a relevant company has confirmed that you have violated such commit ment and notified Danqoo to handle such violation in accordance with the agreement between you and such company, then Danqoo may take restrictive measures against your license and other rights and interests under Xxxxxx’x control in the manner as agreed in your commit ment or the agreement , including suspension or terminat ion of your license. Once you breach this Agreement or other agreement s concluded between you and Danqoo, Danqoo may notify its affiliates and require them to take restrictive measures against your rights and interests, including suspension or terminat ion of providing services, in whole or in part, to you, and announcement of your breach in any websites they operate or actually control according to laws. You may download the Licensed Software from any downloading platform, and you shall comply with the provisions of the downloading platform, system platform and terminal manuf acturer regarding the manners and restrictions in respect of your use of the Licensed Software. If any of the above third parties confirms that you have breached such provisions and needs Danqoo to deal with such breach, Danqoo may terminat e your license due to the request of such third parties. Upon terminat ion of this license, you shall cease to use the Licensed Software and destroy all copies of the Licensed Software. In ...

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  • 费用的种类 本产品的费用包括销售手续费、固定管理费、托管费、超额业绩报酬以及产品运作和清算中产生的其他资金汇划费、结算费、交易手续费、注册登记费、信息披露费、账户服务费、审计费、律师费、投后管理费、项目推荐费、财务顾问费及本理财产品合同另行约定应由产品承担的费用等。

  • 定期契約 工作地點 桃園龍潭 教育程度 學士

  • 协议主要内容 甲方:上海优卡迪生物医药科技有限公司乙方:海南海药投资有限公司

  • 規定の準用 この規定の定めのない事項についてカード規定に定めがある場合には、カード規定により取扱います。