管辖法律及司法管辖权 Governing Law. Jurisdiction 本协议及其所有权利、义务和责任受香港法律管辖,须依照香港法律解释,并须依照香港法律执行。本协议项下的各方不可撤回地同意香港法庭就本协议的主题事项及本协 议产生的争议具有专属司法管辖权。 This Agreement and all rights, obligations and liabilities hereunder shall be governed by and construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong. The parties hereto agree irrevocably that the Courts of Hong Kong shall have exclusive jurisdiction over the subject matters of this Agreement as well as disputes arising therefrom.
管辖法律及司法管辖权 Governing Law. Jurisdiction