雙聯學位計畫推廣補助申請 Sample Contracts

雙聯學位計畫推廣補助申請 • May 16th, 2022

【聯合國永續發展目標SDGs(複選)】 □ 1 No Poverty 終結貧窮 □ 2 Zero Hunger 終結飢餓 □ 3 Good Health and Well-Being 健全生活品質 □ 4 Quality Education 優質教育 □ 5 Gender Equality 性別平權 □ 6 Clean Water and Sanitation 潔淨水資源 □ 7 Affordable and Clean Energy 人人可負擔的永續能源 □ 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth 良好工作及經濟成長 □ 9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 工業化、創新及基礎建設 □ 10 Reduced Inequalities 消弭不平等 □ 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities 永續城鄉 □ 12 Responsible Consumption and Production 負責任的生產消費循環 □ 13 Climate Action 氣候變遷對策 □ 14 Life Below Water 海洋生態 □ 15 Life on Land 陸域生態 □ 16 Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions 公平、正義與和平 □ 17 Partnerships for the Goals 全球夥伴關係