Nationality Sample Contracts

Personal DataConsent Form
Nationality • October 16th, 2018

當您勾選「我同意」並簽署本同意書時,表示您已閱讀、瞭解並同意接受本同意書之所有內容及其後修改變更規定。若您未滿二十歲,應於您的法定代理人閱讀、瞭解並同意本同意書之所有內容及其後修改變更規定後,方得進行職位申請面談,但若您已接受職位申請面談,視為您已取得法定代理人之同意,並遵守以下本同意書的所有規範。This Consent Form stipulates how Silks Place Tainan (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) handles all personal data collected through the Company’s Employment Application Form. By signing this Consent Form and placing a check next to “I agree”, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this Consent Form and you agree to accept the terms and conditions set out below. If you are under the age of 20, you should not participate in an interview until your parent or legal guardian has read and understood this Consent Form and agreed to accept the terms and conditions set forth herein. If you agree to participate in an interview, the Company will assume you have obtained the consent of your parent or legal guardian to the terms and conditions contained in this Consent Form as follows: