Sample Contracts

国际计划(中国) 学校卫生健康教育(SSHE)项目终期评估招标书 • August 23rd, 2020

The School Sanitation and Health Education Project (SSHE), which aims to explore a model of SSHE and mainstream it in the government education system, started in January 2006 and funded by Plan’s UK and Netherlands National Office. We spent nearly two years to negotiate with relevant top level partners and ended up with giving up the original proposal and developing a new one. The finalized project plan was actually start in December 2007 and consists of two phases, Phase I piloted the SSHE contents and capacity building to local community in two selected Plan Project counties; based on learning from Phase I, Phase II expanded SSHE to other four project counties to see the effectiveness of scale up. The following is the finalized project strategy and framework.