Authorized Users的定义

Authorized Users means employees and Contract Employees (or Service Providers) of Your Institution, and if You are a hospital, the term “Authorized Users” also includes credentialed physicians, referring physicians and clinicians). For clarity, You may request, and Apple may approve, in its sole discretion, other similar users to be included as “Authorized Users”; however, no other parties shall be included in this definition without Apple’s prior written consent.

Examples of Authorized Users in a sentence

  • If you are a third-party service provider, you need to have the Institution with whom you are working enter into this Agreement and add you as an Administrator since the entity that owns the Authorized Devices and plans to distribute such Devices to its Authorized Users must enroll in the Service.

  • Institution agrees to use the Server Token only for purposes of enrolling Institution’s MDM Server into the Service and uploading Device Enrollment Settings that will be sent to Authorized Devices when they are initially activated by Authorized Users and Permitted Users.

  • As part of the Service, Institution may elect to have its Authorized Users and Permitted Users accept the terms and conditions for the Apple Software outside of the normal initial activation process on a device.

  • Institution agrees to use the Server Token only for purposes of enrolling Institution’s MDM Server into the Service and uploading Device Enrollment Settings that will be sent to Authorized Devices when they are initially activated by Authorized Users.

  • Unless Clause 10(b) applies, the Customer shall be fully liable and responsible for all consequences arising from or in connection with use of the Business e-Banking and/or access to any Information or Report or any other information as a result of such use by the Customer, the Authorized Users or any other person (whether or not authorized).

  • As part of the Service, Institution may elect to have Authorized Users accept the terms and conditions for the Apple Software outside of the normal initial activation process on a device.

  • Subject to the applicable laws and regulations, the Bank may, at any time, suspend or terminate all or any of the Business e-Banking or their use by the Customer or the Authorized Users.

  • Without prejudice to Clause 3(c) and if, in the reasonable opinion of the Bank, there is not negligence, fraud or fault on the part of the Customer and the Authorized Users, the Customer shall not be liable for loss or misplacement of funds caused by unauthorized transaction conducted through the use of the Business e-Banking as a result of: i.

  • In no event shall the Bank, any member of the HSBC Group or any Information Provider be liable to the Customer, the Authorized Users or any other person for any incidental, indirect, special, consequential or exemplary damages (including, without limitation, any loss of use, revenue, profits savings or loss of data), whether or not the Bank has been advised of the possibility of such loss or damage.

Related to Authorized Users

  • 港元 指 港元,香港法定貨幣

  • 未知价 原则,即申购、赎回价格以申请当日收市后计算的基金份额净值为基准进行计算;

  • 个人投资者 指依据有关法律法规规定可投资于证券投资基金的自然人

  • 企业类型 有限责任公司(法人独资) 统一社会信用代码:91120116103719114R住所:天津市滨海新区小王庄镇 成立日期:0000 年 07 月 07 日营业期限:长期 法定代表人:王会战 注册资本:5,231.20 万元人民币 经营范围:农作物种植;牲畜饲养;食用农产品、饲料批发兼零售;土地经营权流转服务;自有房屋、机器设备租赁;农业休闲旅游项目开发;劳务服务;普通货物运输。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动) 公司最近三年未与天津津港有过类似业务合作。 关联关系说明:公司与天津津港不存在关联关系。 经在中国执行信息公开网查询,天津津港不是失信被执行人,其信用状况良好,生产经营正常,履约能力有保证。

  • 合同 系指甲乙双方签署的、合格格式中载明的甲乙双方所达成的协议,包括所有的附件、附录和上述文件所提到构成合同的所有文件。