KZN CO‐OPERATIVE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY (2010. The Draft KZN Co‐op Strategy has been developed to assist in the provision of support for co‐ operative development in the province. The KZN government through Co‐op Strategy seeks to address the unequal development of the province by reducing unemployment and poverty. The overall aim of the strategy is to adopt a regulatory approach in the KZN Province, wherein all stakeholders can add value and can support the development of social enterprises in the form of co‐ operatives. However, the key objectives of this strategy include:  To promote co‐operatives that create decent work and wealth  To promote a culture of saving  To provide skills development  To provide financial and non‐financial support  To ensure the coordination of activities directed at the promotion of co‐operatives  To promote the establishment of co‐operatives as a means to transform the economy of the Province Worth noting is that the draft strategy attributes the coordination of all co‐oparative activities and value chain in the province to DEDT while the implementation of all programmes is devolved to the local governments through the formulation of their own strategies and implementation mechanisms. SYNOPSIS The policies presented above are all relevant to co‐operatives economic development as they all promote job creation, poverty reduction, economic development and growth. Co‐operatives economic development in eThekwini needs to be developed with these above principles in mind, i.e: ensuring that the municipality creates a conducive environment to ensure effective promotion and growth of co‐operatives. eThekwini’s aim will be to work toward the achievement of the national long term vision of growing the economy and creating employment as well as skills development and innovation through many economic elements including co‐operative development, infrastructure provision, good governance, investment attraction, promotion and facilitation.