OBJECTIVES Izibonelo Zemigomo

OBJECTIVES. The objective of co‐operative strategy is to provide an enabling environment for the development of viable and self‐sustaining co‐operatives which participate meaningfully in both the first and second economy. This is done in alignment with the NDP, the National Growth Path, the Blue Print Strategies from the International Co‐operative Alliance, National Cooperative Development Strategy 2012‐2022, National Industrial Policy Framework, the Cooperative Amendment Act 2013, etc. Specific objectives are to:  To promote equality of co‐operatives within the Municipality;  To assist co‐operatives to participate in programmes aimed at improving their productivity;  To contribute to sustainability of co‐operatives;  To contribute to sustainable development of co‐operative members’ communities;  To enable the Municipality to develop the co‐operatives working within Durban Metropolitan Area (DMA). The overall outcome will enable the Municipality to implement developmental programmes intended to promote economic empowerment and entrepreneurship to the indigent people.