THE NATIONAL CO‐OPERATIVE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY (2004‐2014. The Co‐operative Development Strategy recognises the potential of co‐operative enterprises in creating and developing income‐generating activities and sustainable decent employment; developing human resources capacities and knowledge, strengthening competitiveness, increasing savings and investment; improving social and economic well‐being, contributing to sustainable human development; establishing and expanding a viable and dynamic distinctive sector of the economy and in contributing to broad‐based economic empowerment. In the period from 2004 – 2014, the Co‐operative Development Strategy will pursue the following objectives: Ensure the establishment of co‐operatives of all types in all sectors of the South Africa economy. Ensure the implementation of effective support structures & programmes across all government institutions, departments & private sector Ensure that co‐operatives are making a meaningful contribution to economic growth, employment creation, social & cultural development & income generation. Ensure the existence of strong, viable, self‐reliant, autonomous & self‐sustaining co‐ operative enterprises. Ensure a situation where co‐operatives are serving as effective vehicles for broad‐based empowerment e.g. ESOPS, TRUSTS, and Work Co‐operatives. Create an enabling legislative environment exists that fosters the promotion & development of co‐operatives. Ensure that emerging Black co‐operative enterprises are competing successfully on a national and global scale.