TO WHOM DOES IT HAVE TO BE COMMUNICATED. Information needs to be circulated and communicated to the following stakeholders: Councillors and municipal officials; provincial government, specifically to the Department of Economic Development and Tourism (since the DEDT is the pioneer of the provincial economic development including co‐operative development); eThekwini line departments including Expanded Public Work Programme, Supply Chain Management, Park Department, City Hall, Regional Centre, Roads and Stormwater, City Health Department, Real Estates, Vector Control, Durban Solid Waste, Area Based Management (ABMs), IMS Agriculture, and Skills Development. The upcoming Co‐operative development agency, The upcoming co‐operative tribunal, other private co‐operative stakeholders including Seda eThekwini, Ithala Bank, Community Participation and Action Support, co‐operative members and their representatives (since they are the beneficiaries).