The Customer’s obligations and responsibilities Voorbeeld Klousules

The Customer’s obligations and responsibilities. For every reservation, BCD Travel will send out electronically-gen- erated information (an e-mail confirmation) which will describe the individual elements included in the reservation (flight seg- ment, car rental, hotel reservations etc.), the cost of the trip and information in relation to changes to or cancellation of the reservation. The e-mail will also include any information relating to passport, visa and vaccination requirements for the traveler (based on profile information/given information of Citizenship etc.). Since changes may occur between the time of the reservation of the journey and the actual trip, we recommend that customers keep themselves up to date on travel conditions by contacting the embassy or consulate of the country they are traveling to or, if necessary, by checking the internet site of the Foreign Office for your country, which gives up-to-date travel information and also the addresses of the relevant embassies/consulates. If any doubt travelers should always contact their own embassy or consulate regarding visa and other entry requirements for the destination/s in question. It is the customer’s own responsibility to inform us immediately if the contents of the confirmation are inconsistent with the reservation wanted/as agreed. Similarly, it the customer’s own responsibility to ensure that all passport, visa and vaccination requirements are in order before commencement of the trip. If medicines containing strong euphoriant substances are being carried into a Schengen country, the passenger must produce a medical certificate upon entry into the country. This can be obtained from a pharmacy upon production of a prescription and passport. Specific rules also apply for bringing medicines containing strong eurphoriant substances into most other countries in the world. For this reason it is strongly advisable, under all circumstances, to obtain a medical certificate before departure so that any unpleas- ant experiences can be avoided when entering or staying in the country. The customer must ensure that the correct forename/surname of the person/s traveling have been given to BCD Travel at the time of reservation and that these names exactly match the names contained in the person in question’s passport/valid ID card. Incorrect names on tickets may result in the passenger being refused permission to check in or board an aircraft. Therefore, always check the confirmation/tickets and travel documents immediately upon receipt in order...
The Customer’s obligations and responsibilities. In connection with all NordicBusinessOnline reservations, BCD Travel can provide the customer with information about passport, visa and vaccination requirements valid for transit points and the point of destination. The information will appear by clicking the »visa-button« on the result page. A warning/remark will also be shown in the confirma- tion/itinerary. This information may change in the time between making the reservation and the departure date. In the case of doubt, the con- sulate/embassy of the destination country, or BCD Travel should be contacted. It is the traveler’s own responsibility to ensure that a valid pass- port, visa, and any vaccination certificates required are in order before the departure date. For journeys outside Europe, it is a further requirement that passports are valid for at least 6 months after the return date. If medicines containing strong euphoriant substances are being carried into a »Schengen country«, the passenger must produce a medical certificate upon entry into the country. This can be obtained from a pharmacy upon production of a prescription and passport. Similar rules also apply to taking medicines containing strong eurphoriant substances into most other countries in the world so for this reason it is strongly advisable, under all circumstances, to obtain a medical certificate before departure so that any unpleas- ant experiences can be avoided when entering or staying in the country in question or any other country. The customer must ensure that the correct forename/surname of the traveler have been given to BCD Travel at the time of reserva- tion and that these names exactly match the names contained in the traveler’s passport/valid ID card. Incorrect names on tickets may result in the traveler being refused permission to check in or board an aircraft. Therefore, always check tickets immediately upon receipt in order to avoid problems later. BCD Travel accepts no responsibility for the consequences of incorrect name informa- tion. »The Schengen Agreement« allows travelers of »Schengen countries« to travel within EU without having to show a pass- port, when crossing internal frontiers. However, the traveler must – despite of this agreement – always be ready to identify themselves by presenting a valid passport or an ID issued by the »The Schengen country« of citizenship. Please note that among EU countries; the United Kingdom, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Ireland and Romania have not signed up to the »Schengen Agreement...