Kennisgewing // Notice No. 181/2023
Kennisgewing // Notice No. 181/2023
Kennis geskied hiermee dat die Plaaslike Raad vir Beaufort-Xxx die onderstaande vakante residensiële erwe uit die hand uit te koop aanbied vir die doeleindes van Residensiële Sone I ontwikkeling, xxxx omskryf in die Beaufort-Xxx Munisipale Standaardsoneringskemaverordening, 2020:-
Notice is hereby given that the Local Council for Beaufort West hereby offer the below mentioned vacant residential xxxxx for sale out of hand for the purpose of Residential Zone I development as stipulated in the Beaufort West Municipal Standard Zoning Scheme Bylaw, 2020: -.
Erfnommer | Grootte m² | Liggingsadres | Minimum Prys BTW uitgesluit |
0000 | 000 | Xxxxxxxxx 00 | X00,000.00 |
0000 | 000 | Xxxxxxxxx 00 | X00,000.00 |
0000 | 000 | Xxxxxxxxx 00 | X00,000.00 |
5340 | 700 | Xxxxxxxxx 00 | X00,000.00 |
5341 | 719 | Xxxxxxxxx 00 | X00,000.00 |
0000 | 000 | Xxxxxxxxx 00 | X00,000.00 |
0000 | 000 | Xxxxxxxxx 00 | X00,000.00 |
0000 | 000 | Xxxxxxxxx 00 | X00,000.00 |
0000 | 000 | Xxxxxxxxx 00 | X00,000.00 |
0000 | 000 | Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx 00 | X000,000.00 |
5355 | 654 | Aalwyn Singel 14 | R25,000.00 |
5356 | 654 | Aalwyn Singel 12 | R25,000.00 |
5357 | 725 | Aalwyn Singel 10 | R30,000.00 |
5358 | 915 | Aalwyn Singel 8 | R30,000.00 |
5359 | 823 | Aalwyn Singel 6 | R30,000.00 |
5360 | 843 | Aalwyn Singel 4 | R30,000.00 |
5361 | 814 | Aalwyn Singel 2 | R30,000.00 |
5363 | 853 | h.v.Keeromstraat en Aalwyn Singel | R30,000.00 |
5366 | 863 | h.v. Xxxxxxxxxxx 00 | X00,000.00 |
5367 | 875 | Xxxxxxxxxxxx 0 | X00,000.00 |
3087 | 0000 | Xxxxxxxxxxx 00 | X00,000.00 |
3090 | 1550 | Xxxxxxxxxxx 00 | X00,000.00 |
3095 | 0000 | Xxxxxxxxxxx 00 | X00,000.00 |
3096 | 1052 | Xxxxxxxxxxx 00 | X00,000.00 |
3097 | 0000 | Xxxxxxxxxxx 00 | X00,000.00 |
3104 | 989 | Xxxxxxxxxxx 000 | X00,000.00 |
3105 | 1189 | Alfonsolaan 105 | R40,000.00 |
3106 | 1179 | Alfonsolaan 107 | R40,000.00 |
3109 | 1165 | Alfonsolaan 113 | R40,000.00 |
3560 | 771 | Alfonsolaan 88 | R20,000.00 |
3562 | 552 | Alfonsolaan 84 | R20,000.00 |
3563 | 543 | Xxxxxxxxxxx 00 | R20,000.00 |
3572 | 700 | Alfonsolaan 64 | R20,000.00 |
3580 | 653 | Gordonstraat 15 | R20,000.00 |
3581 | 635 | Xxxxxxxxxxxx 00 | R20,000.00 |
3582 | 618 | Gordonstraat 19 | R20,000.00 |
3583 | 600 | Xxxxxxxxxxxx 00 | R20,000.00 |
3584 | 583 | Gordonstraat 23 | R20,000.00 |
3592 | 450 | Gordonstraat 39 | R20,000.00 |
Die volgende voorwaardes is van toepassing:-
1. Die sluitingsdatum is Vrydag 24 November 2023 om 14:00.
2. Aanbiedinge moet op die voorgeskrewe bodvorm, wat vanaf die ondergetekende verkrygbaar is, gemaak word.
3. Aanbiedinge moet in ‘n geseëlde koevert en gemerk “Kennisgewing 181/2023: Verkoop van Vakante Residensiële Erwe: Essopville en Nieveld Park” ingedien word in die Tenderbus by die Kantoor van die Voorsieningskanaal Bestuur, Uniestraat, Beaufort-Xxx of gepos word aan die Munisipale Bestuurder, Privaatsak 582, BeaufortWes, 6970.
4. Die volgende xxx xxx tot onmiddellike diskwalifisering:-
4.1 Aanbiedinge wat deur middel van e-pos, faksimilee, telegram of enige xxxxx xxxxxx ingedien word behalwe op die wyse xxxx genoem in paragrawe 2 en 3 hierbo.
4.2 Onverseëlde en of ongemerkte aanbiedinge.
4.3 Aanbiedinge ontvang/ingedien na die sluitingstyd en datum xxxx vermeld in paragraaf 1 hierbo.
4.4 Aanbiedinge wat nie op die voorgeskrewe bodvorm ingedien is nie.
5. Elke voornemende koper en of sy/haar direkte familie en of enige ander regspersoon waarvan die voornemende koper die eienaar of meerderheidsaandeelhouer is, xxx toegelaat word om ‘n maksimum van 3 erwe te koop. Voornemende kopers kan wel ‘n aanbod maak vir meer as een erf in prioriteitsvolgorde xxxx aangetoon op die voorgeskrewe bodvorm.
6. Indien voornemende kopers nie die prioriteitsvolgorde uitdruklik op die bodvorm aandui xxx xxx die volgorde van die erfnommers aanvaar word as prioriteitsvolgorde.
7. Vanaf die datum xxx xxxx, xxx kopers verplig wees xx xxxxx 12 maande ‘n woning met
ʼn minimum waarde van R200,000.00 op die eiendom op te rig.
8. Aanvaarding van aanbiedinge xxx geskied op die grondslag van hoogste aanbod met inagneming van sekere kortings wat toegestaan kan word aan voorheen benadeelde
individue, xxxxx kortings onderworpe is aan sekere voorwaardes. In die geval van gelyke aanbiedinge vir dieselfde erf, xxx die toekenning beslis word deur die opskiet van ‘n muntstuk.
9. Bodvorms moet op elke bladsy, deur die prinsipaal (koper) en twee getuies parafeer wees en op die laaste bladsy volledig onderteken word.
10. Bodvorms wat nie aan die voormelde vereistes voldoen nie, en of nie vergesel gaan met die vereiste stawende dokumente nie, xxx xxx oorweeg word nie.
11. Enige navrae in verband met hierdie kennisgewing xxx xxxxx word aan die Snr. Bestuurder: Korporatiewe Dienste, Mnr. P. Strümpher by telefoonnommer 023- 4148100 gedurende kantoorure op Maandae tot Vrydae vanaf 07:30 tot 13:00 en 13:45
tot 16:15.
Volledige besonderhede met betrekking tot die bogemelde aansoek lê ter insae by die Kantoor van die Direkteur: Korporatiewe Dienste, Xxxxxxxxxxxx 000, Xxxxxxxx-Xxx vanaf Maandae tot Vrydae vanaf 07:30 tot 13:00 en 13:45 tot 16:15.
Besware en of kommentaar teen die voorgestelde vervreemding en of alternatiewe aanbiedinge moet skriftelik en met vermelding van volledige redes vir sodanige besware by die ondergetekende ingedien word voor of op 24 November 2023 om 14:00.
The following conditions apply: -
1. The closing date is Friday 24 November 2023 at 14:00.
2. Bids must be submitted on the prescribed bid document which is available from the undersigned.
3. Bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked “Notice No. 181/2023: Sale of Vacant Residential Xxxxx: Essopville and Nieuveld Park” in the Tender box at the Office of the Supply Chain Management, Union Street, Beaufort West or mailed to the Municipal Manager, Private Bag 582, Beaufort West.
4. The following will lead to immediate disqualification: -
4.1 Bids submitted by e-mail, fax, telegraph or any other way than stated in paragraphs 2 and 3 above.
4.2 Unsealed and or unmarked bids.
4.3 Bids received/submitted after the closing time and date stipulated in paragraph 1 above.
4.4 Bids not submitted on the prescribed bid document.
5. Each prospective buyer together with his/her direct family or any other legal entity of which the prospective buyer is the owner or majority shareholder will only be entitled to buy a maximum of (3) three ervens in the respective residential areas. However prospective buyers will be allowed to submit a bid on more than one erf according to priority as stipulated on the prescribed bid document.
6. If prospective buyers neglect to indicate their choice of priority on the bid document the sequence of the erf numbers will be regarded as the choice of priority.
7. Within one year from the date of sale, buyers are compelled to erect a dwelling with a minimum value of R200, 000.00 on the purchased property.
8. Acceptance of bids will be done on the basis of the highest bid taking in to consideration certain discount to historically disadvantage individuals, which discounts are subject to certain conditions. In the event of an equal bid for the same property, the bid will be awarded by the tossing of a coin.
9. Bid forms must be signed on each page, initialled by the principal (purchaser) and two witnesses and signed in full on the last page.
10. Bid forms which does not comply with the aforementioned requirement and or which are not accompanied by the required documentary proof, will not be considered.
11. Enquiries regarding this notice can be directed to the Snr. Manager: Corporative Services Xx.X. Xxxxxxxxx at telephone no. 000-000-0000 during office hours on Mondays to Fridays from 07:30 - 13:00 and 13:45 to 16:15.
Further details regarding the abovementioned application are available for inspection at the Office of the Director: Corporative Services, 000 Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxxx Xxxx from Mondays to Fridays between 07:30 till 13:00 and 13:45 till 16:15.
Objections and or comments, if any, against the proposed alienation and or alternative bids, stating full reasons for such objections, must be lodged in writing with the undersigned on or before 24 November 2023 at 14:00.
Munisipale Kantore // Municipal Office Mnr / Mr X.X. Xxxxxxxxx
Donkinstraat 000 Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Bestuurder //
Xxxxxxxx-Xxx (t) Acting Municipal Manager
Verw. // Ref. No. 7/3/4/1/3/2
Datum // Date: 03 November 2023
Kennisgewing // Notice No. 181/2023
I, the undersigned, hereby offer to purchase the following vacant erf located in Beaufort West Municpality for the amount of R.....................................................
words VAT included and provide the following details:-
Choice (Mark with X) | Erf Number | Extent m² | Location Address | Minimum Price VAT Excluded |
5337 | 971 | Xxxxxxxxx 00 | X00,000.00 | |
5338 | 770 | Smithlaan 14 | R30,000.00 | |
5339 | 770 | Smithlaan 16 | R30,000.00 | |
5340 | 700 | Smithlaan 18 | R30,000.00 | |
5341 | 719 | Smithlaan 20 | R30,000.00 | |
5342 | 735 | Smithlaan 22 | R30,000.00 | |
5343 | 735 | Smithlaan 24 | R30,000.00 | |
5348 | 770 | Smithlaan 34 | R30,000.00 | |
5349 | 770 | Smithlaan 36 | R30,000.00 | |
5351 | 868 | Smithlaan Essopville Uitbreiding 14 | R120,000.00 | |
5355 | 654 | Aalwyn Singel 14 | R25,000.00 | |
5356 | 654 | Aalwyn Singel 12 | R25,000.00 | |
5357 | 725 | Aalwyn Singel 10 | R30,000.00 | |
5358 | 915 | Aalwyn Singel 8 | R30,000.00 | |
5359 | 823 | Aalwyn Singel 6 | R30,000.00 | |
5360 | 843 | Aalwyn Singel 4 | R30,000.00 | |
5361 | 814 | Aalwyn Singel 2 | R30,000.00 | |
5363 | 853 | h.v.Keeromstraat en Xxxxxx Xxxxxx | R30,000.00 | |
5366 | 863 | h.v. Xxxxxxxxxxx 21 | R30,000.00 | |
5367 | 875 | Keeromstraat 4 | R30,000.00 | |
3087 | 1641 | Xxxxxxxxxxx 71 | R40,000.00 | |
3090 | 1550 | Alfonsolaan 77 | R40,000.00 | |
3095 | 1092 | Alfonsolaan 87 | R40,000.00 |
3096 | 1052 | Alfonsolaan 89 | R40,000.00 | |
3097 | 1010 | Alfonsolaan 91 | R40,000.00 | |
3104 | 989 | Alfonsolaan 103 | R40,000.00 | |
3105 | 1189 | Alfonsolaan 105 | R40,000.00 | |
3106 | 1179 | Alfonsolaan 107 | R40,000.00 | |
3109 | 1165 | Alfonsolaan 113 | R40,000.00 | |
3560 | 771 | Alfonsolaan 88 | R20,000.00 | |
3562 | 552 | Alfonsolaan 84 | R20,000.00 | |
3563 | 543 | Alfonsolaan 82 | R20,000.00 | |
3572 | 700 | Alfonsolaan 64 | R20,000.00 | |
3580 | 653 | Gordonstraat 15 | R20,000.00 | |
3581 | 635 | Gordonstraat 17 | R20,000.00 | |
3582 | 618 | Gordonstraat 19 | R20,000.00 | |
3583 | 600 | Gordonstraat 21 | R20,000.00 | |
3584 | 583 | Gordonstraat 23 | R20,000.00 | |
3592 | 450 | Gordonstraat 39 | R20,000.00 |
Please note that if the application is for an organization, proof of the registration of the organization, the authorization from the organization to act on behalf of the organization as well as the financial statement of the organization must be attached.
2. Full Name
3. Residential address
4. Contact Details
5. E-mail Address
6. Date of Birth
7. Period of Residence in Beaufort-Xxx Municipal Area year
(a) Do you intend to buy the above premises in cash?
(b) Applying for a grant from the Department of Housing to purchase the property and erection of home?
(c) Apply for loan from any other institution.
If so state name of institution
Identity number
Identity number (Spouse)
8. Marital Status
Not Married | Married [In Community of property] | Married [In terms of Marriage Contract] |
9. Dependants
Daughters | Others | |
Number / Ages | Number / Ages | Number / Ages |
10.1 Gross Monthly income
Salary : R
Other : R
[Specify source of income]
Note:- Proof of income must be attached.
10.2 Gross monthly income of spouse
Salary : R
Other : R
[Specify source of income]
Note:- Proof of income must be attached.
11. Employer
Name | Address |
12. Have you been declared insolvent
If yes, date of rehabilitation
13. Do you have a fixed property
If yes, give description, address and evaluation of property
_ Size of property _ m² and cost include R
Value of moveable property
[Investments, cash, vehicles, etc]
Do you have any outstanding debt?
[Example Hire purchase]
If yes, total debt
I the undersigned declare that:-