Number; Inclusion references to the plural include the singular, the plural, the part and the whole; “or” has the inclusive meaning represented by the phrase “and/or,” and “including” has the meaning represented by the phrase “including without limitation”;
Owner Inclusion It is understood and agreed by all parties that “Owner/s” shall include the City of Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska and Xxxxxxx-Xxxxxxxxx County Public Building Commission. Whenever in the Contract documents, including the instructions to bidders, specifications, insurance requirements, bonds, and terms and conditions or any other documents which are a part of the Contract, a singular entity is referenced (i.e., “the City” or “the County” or “Building Commission”) it shall mean the “Owners” encompassing the City of Lincoln, Lancaster County and Xxxxxxx-Xxxxxxxxx County Building Commission. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the duties and obligations of the City, the County, and the Building Commission pursuant to the Contract shall be treated as divisible and severable duties and obligations, and default by any one of the City, the County, or the Building Commission shall not be attributed to any other of the Owners, but shall remain the sole obligation of the defaulting entity.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion The Supplier shall ensure that it does not, whether as an employer or provider of services and/or goods, discriminate within the meaning of the Equality Legislation. The Supplier shall comply with any equality or diversity policies or guidelines included in the British Council Requirements.
Overtime Definition Overtime shall be defined as being all hours worked in excess of the normal or standard work day, or in excess of the normal or standard work week. The overtime rate shall be one and one-half (1½) times the regular straight time hourly rate of pay. NOTE: Article 16.04 is applicable to full-time employees only.
Mutual Fund Entity Name Reference ID Entity Type Virginia Tax-Free Bond Fund VAB Mutual Fund - Series X. Xxxx Price Summit Funds, Inc. SIF Mutual Fund - Parent X. Xxxx Price Summit Cash Reserves Fund SCR Mutual Fund - Series X. Xxxx Price Summit Municipal Funds, Inc. SMF Mutual Fund - Parent X. Xxxx Price Summit Municipal Income Fund SMI Mutual Fund - Series X. Xxxx Price Summit Municipal Intermediate Fund SMT Mutual Fund - Series X. Xxxx Price Summit Municipal Money Market Fund SMM Mutual Fund - Series X. Xxxx Price Tax-Efficient Funds, Inc. TEF Mutual Fund - Parent X. Xxxx Price Tax-Efficient Equity Fund TMC Mutual Fund - Series X. Xxxx Price Tax-Exempt Money Fund, Inc. TEM Mutual Fund X. Xxxx Price Tax-Free High Yield Fund, Inc. TFH Mutual Fund - Parent X. Xxxx Price Tax-Free Income Fund, Inc. TFI Mutual Fund - Parent X. Xxxx Price Tax-Free Short-Intermediate Fund, Inc. TFS Mutual Fund - Parent X. Xxxx Price Tax-Free Ultra Short-Term Bond Fund TUS Mutual Fund - Series X. Xxxx Price U.S. Bond Enhanced Index Fund, Inc. UBX Mutual Fund X. Xxxx Price U.S. Large-Cap Core Fund, Inc. LCF Mutual Fund - Parent X. Xxxx Price U.S. Treasury Funds, Inc. USTF Mutual Fund - Parent U.S. Treasury Intermediate Fund USI Mutual Fund - Series U.S. Treasury Long-Term Fund USL Mutual Fund - Series U.S. Treasury Money Fund UST Mutual Fund - Series X. Xxxx Price Value Fund, Inc. VAL Mutual Fund - Parent X. Xxxx Price Retirement Funds, Inc. RDF Mutual Fund - Parent X. Xxxx Price Retirement 2005 Fund RPJ Mutual Fund - Series X. Xxxx Price Retirement 2010 Fund RPA Mutual Fund - Series
Listing Inclusion and Distribution Verizon shall include each CBB Customer’s primary listing in the appropriate alphabetical directory and, for business Customers, in the appropriate classified (Yellow Pages) directory in accordance with the directory configuration, scope and schedules determined by Verizon in its sole discretion, and shall provide initial distribution of such directories to such CBB Customers in the same manner it provides initial distribution of such directories to its own Customers. “
Singular Includes the Plural; Gender; Title Reference Whenever the singular number is used in this Contract and when required by the context, the same shall include the plural, and the use of any gender, be it masculine, feminine or neuter, shall include all of the genders, and the word “person” or “entity” shall include corporation, firm, partnership, or any other combination or association. The use of the title “Bidder”, “Vendor”, “Contractor” or “Consultant” within this contract or associated bid documents shall be deemed interchangeable and shall refer to the person or entity with whom the City of Sparks is contracting for the service or product referenced within this contract.
Bilingual Pay Where the Employer currently pays bilingual pay or bonuses, it shall continue to do so. The Employer retains discretion to initiate bilingual pay or bonuses. The minimum bilingual bonus or hourly equivalent is $25 per pay period. The Employer may not require an employee to use bilingual skills without paying the appropriate bonus or pay. This does not apply to employees where such skills are in the classification specification.
Services Not Included It is not the intent of any Provider to render, nor of any Recipient to receive from any Provider, professional advice or opinions, whether with regard to Tax, legal, treasury, finance, employment or other business or financial matters, technical advice, whether with regard to information technology or other matters, or the handling of or addressing of environmental matters; no Recipient shall rely on, or construe, any Service rendered by or on behalf of a Provider as such professional advice or opinions or technical advice; and all Recipients shall seek all third-party professional advice or opinions or technical advice as it may desire or need.
No Exhibit E without unaltered DPA including Texas Addendum Any alterations are only allowed in Exhibit “H”. Any terms under Exhibit “H” do not apply to Exhibit “E” and render Exhibit “E” null and void.