Accidents. 26.3.1 All work covered by this agreement will be done in a factory, shop or place duly registered under the laws of the State but this will not prevent the employer bound by this agreement sending an employee from the factory, shop or place to any building or shop for the purposes of repairing, completing, fitting or fixing any work covered by this agreement.
Appears in 16 contracts
Samples: Enterprise Bargaining Agreement, Enterprise Bargaining Agreement, Enterprise Bargaining Agreement
Accidents. 26.3.1 All work covered by this agreement Agreement will be done in a factory, shop or place duly registered under the laws of the State but this will not prevent the employer bound by this agreement Agreement sending an employee from the factory, shop or place to any building or shop for the purposes of repairing, completing, fitting or fixing any work covered by this agreementAgreement.
Appears in 6 contracts
Samples: Enterprise Agreement, Enterprise Agreement, Enterprise Agreement
Accidents. 26.3.1 31.3.1 All work covered by this agreement Agreement will be done in a factory, shop or place duly registered under the laws of the State but this will not prevent the employer bound by this agreement Agreement sending an employee from the factory, shop or place to any building or shop for the purposes of repairing, completing, fitting or fixing any work covered by this agreementAgreement.
Appears in 6 contracts
Samples: Union Collective Agreement, Enterprise Bargaining Agreement, Enterprise Bargaining Agreement
Accidents. 26.3.1 34.3.1 All work covered by this agreement Agreement will be done in a factory, shop or place duly registered under the laws of the State but this will not prevent the employer bound by this agreement Agreement sending an employee from the factory, shop or place to any building or shop for the purposes of repairing, completing, fitting or fixing any work covered by this agreementAgreement.
Appears in 5 contracts
Samples: Enterprise Bargaining Agreement, Enterprise Bargaining Agreement, Enterprise Bargaining Agreement
Accidents. 26.3.1 30.3.1 All work covered by this agreement Agreement will be done in a factory, shop or place duly registered under the laws of the State but this will not prevent the employer bound by this agreement Agreement sending an employee from the factory, shop or place to any building or shop for the purposes of repairing, completing, fitting or fixing any work covered by this agreementAgreement.
Appears in 5 contracts
Samples: Union Collective Agreement, Union Collective Agreement, Enterprise Bargaining Agreement
Accidents. 26.3.1 32.3.1 All work covered by this agreement Agreement will be done in a factory, shop or place duly registered under the laws of the State but this will not prevent the employer bound by this agreement Agreement sending an employee from the factory, shop or place to any building or shop for the purposes of repairing, completing, fitting or fixing any work covered by this agreementAgreement.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Union Collective Agreement, Enterprise Bargaining Agreement
Accidents. 26.3.1 33.3.1 All work covered by this agreement Agreement will be done in a factory, shop or place duly registered under the laws of the State but this will not prevent the employer bound by this agreement Agreement sending an employee from the factory, shop or place to any building or shop for the purposes of repairing, completing, fitting or fixing any work covered by this agreementAgreement.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Union Collective Agreement
Accidents. 26.3.1 29.3.1 All work covered by this agreement Agreement will be done in a factory, shop or place duly registered under the laws of the State but this will not prevent the employer bound by this agreement Agreement sending an employee from the factory, shop or place to any building or shop for the purposes of repairing, completing, fitting or fixing any work covered by this agreementAgreement.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Enterprise Bargaining Agreement
Accidents. 26.3.1 28.3.1 All work covered by this agreement Agreement will be done in a factory, shop or place duly registered under the laws of the State but this will not prevent the employer bound by this agreement Agreement sending an employee from the factory, shop or place to any building or shop for the purposes of repairing, completing, fitting or fixing any work covered by this agreementAgreement.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Union Collective Agreement