Account Credentials and Security. 3.1. In the event that we accept you as our Client, we shall open a Trading Account in your name which will allow you to place Orders on our Trading Platform. It is agreed and understood that the Company offers different types of Trading Accounts, which have different margin Requirements and characteristics. 3.2. In order to access the Trading Account, you will be asked to enter your Account Credentials issued by us to you which are confidential and shall be used solely by you. 3.3. You: ● are responsible for ensuring that your Account Credentials remain confidential and for taking such other precautions as may be necessary to ensure they cannot be used by any person other than you or your authorised representative and making sure that a third party is not provided access to your computer for example via using team viewer to turn on or control your computer; ● must notify us immediately if you become aware that your Account Credentials have in any way become compromised or if any third party may be able to access the Trading Platform; and ● You agree we do not have to establish the authority of anyone quoting your Trading Account number or Account Credentials. The use of your Account Credentials by any third party is expressly prohibited. 3.4. If we believe that there is likely to be a breach of security, we may require you to change your Account Credentials or suspend your access to the Trading Platform. We reserve the right to edit, amend or issue you with new Account Credentials or require a change of your Account Credentials at any time by giving notice to you. 3.5. You are responsible for ensuring that you alone control access to your Account Credentials, and that no minor or other person is granted access to the Trading Platform using your Account Credentials. You acknowledge that you are ultimately and solely responsible for all actions on the Trading Platform through your Registration Data including any unauthorized disclosure of your Account Credentials. 3.6. You undertake to immediately notify us immediately first orally and then in writing if you become aware of any loss, theft or use by any other person or entity other than you, of any of your Registration Data, including your Account Credentials. We will then take steps to prevent any further use of such Account Credentials and will issue replacement Account Credentials. You will be unable to place any Orders until you receive your replacement Account Credentials. 3.7. If we are informed from a reliable source that your Account Credentials may have been received by unauthorized third parties, we may, at our discretion without having an obligation to you, deactivate the Client Account. 3.8. You acknowledge that we bear no responsibility if unauthorized third persons gain access to information, including electronic addresses, electronic communication, personal data and Account Credentials when the above are transmitted between the parties or any other party, using the internet or other network communication facilities, post, telephone, or any other electronic means. 3.9. You shall indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless from any claim, proceeding, loss or damages based upon any use, misuse, or unauthorized use of the Trading Platform through your Account Credentials.
Appears in 9 contracts
Samples: Client Agreement, Client Agreement, Client Agreement
Account Credentials and Security. 3.1. In the event that we accept you as our Client, Client we shall open a Trading Account in your name which will allow you to place Orders on our Trading Platform. It is agreed and understood that the Company offers different types of Trading Accounts, which have different margin Requirements and characteristics.
3.2. In order to access the Trading Account, you will be asked to enter your Account Credentials issued by us to you which are confidential and shall be used solely by you.
3.3. You: ● are responsible for ensuring that your Account Credentials remain confidential and for taking such other precautions as may be necessary to ensure they cannot be used by any person other than you or your authorised representative and making sure that a third party is not provided access to your computer for example via using team viewer to turn on or control on your computer; ● must notify us immediately if you become aware that your Account Credentials have in any way become compromised or if any third party may be able to access the Trading Platform; and ● You agree we do not have to establish the authority of anyone quoting your Trading Account number or Account Credentials. The use of your Account Credentials by any third party is expressly prohibited.
3.4. If we believe that there is likely to be a breach of security, security we may require you to change your Account Credentials or suspend your access to the Trading Platform. We reserve the right to edit, amend or issue you with new Account Credentials or require a change of your Account Credentials at any time by giving notice to you.
3.5. You are responsible for ensuring that you alone control access to your Account Credentials, and that no minor or other person is granted access to the Trading Platform using your Account Credentials. You acknowledge that you are ultimately and solely responsible for all actions on the Trading Platform through your Registration Data including any unauthorized disclosure of your Account Credentials.
3.6. You undertake to immediately notify us immediately first orally and then in writing if you become aware of any loss, theft or use by any other person or entity other than you, of any of your Registration Data, including your Account Credentials. We will then take steps to prevent any further use of such Account Credentials and will issue replacement Account Credentials. You will be unable to place any Orders until you receive your replacement Account Credentials.
3.7. If we are informed from a reliable source that your Account Credentials may have been received by unauthorized third parties, we may, at our discretion without having an obligation to you, deactivate the Client Account.
3.8. You acknowledge that we bear no responsibility if unauthorized third persons gain access to information, including electronic addresses, electronic communication, personal data and Account Credentials when the above are transmitted between the parties or any other party, using the internet or other network communication facilities, post, telephone, or any other electronic means.
3.9. You shall indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless from any claim, proceeding, loss or damages based upon any use, misuse, or unauthorized use of the Trading Platform through your Account Credentials.
Appears in 6 contracts
Samples: Client Agreement, Client Agreement, Client Agreement
Account Credentials and Security. 3.1. 4.1 In the event that we accept you as our Client, Client we shall open a Trading Account in your name which will allow you to place Orders on our Trading Platform. It is agreed and understood that the Company offers different types of Trading Accounts, which have different margin Requirements and characteristics.
3.2. 4.2 In order to access the Trading Account, you will be asked to enter your Account Credentials issued by us to you which are confidential and shall be used solely by you.
3.3. 4.3 You: ● :
a. are responsible for ensuring that your Account Credentials remain confidential and for taking such other precautions as may be necessary to ensure they cannot be used by any person other than you or your authorised authorized representative and making sure that a third party is not provided access to your computer for example via using team viewer to turn on or control on your computer; ● compute;
b. must notify us immediately if you become aware that your Account Credentials have in any way become compromised or if any third party may be able to access the Trading Platform; and ● and
c. You agree we do not have to establish the authority of anyone quoting your Trading Account number or Account Credentials. The use of your Account Credentials by any third party is expressly prohibited.
3.4. 4.4 If we believe that there is likely to be a breach of security, security we may require you to change your Account Credentials or suspend your access to the Trading Platform. We reserve the right to edit, amend or issue you with new Account Credentials or require a change of your Account Credentials at any time by giving notice to you.
3.5. 4.5 You are responsible for ensuring that you alone control access to your Account Credentials, and that no minor or other person is granted access to the Trading Platform using your Account Credentials. You acknowledge that you are ultimately and solely responsible for all actions on the Trading Platform through your Registration Data including any unauthorized disclosure of your Account Credentials.
3.6. 4.6 You undertake to immediately notify us immediately first orally and then in writing if you become aware of any loss, theft or use by any other person or entity other than you, of any of your Registration Data, including your Account Credentials. We will then take steps to prevent any further use of such Account Credentials and will issue replacement Account Credentials. You will be unable to place any Orders until you receive your replacement Account Credentials.
3.7. 4.7 If we are informed from a reliable source that your Account Credentials may have been received by unauthorized third parties, we may, at our discretion without having an obligation to you, deactivate the Client Account.
3.8. 4.8 You acknowledge that we bear no responsibility if unauthorized third persons gain access to information, including electronic addresses, electronic communication, personal data and Account Credentials when the above are transmitted between the parties or any other party, using the internet or other network communication facilities, post, telephone, or any other electronic means.
3.9. 4.9 You shall indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless from any claim, proceeding, loss or damages based upon any use, misuse, or unauthorized use of the Trading Platform through your Account Credentials.
Appears in 4 contracts
Samples: Client Agreement, Client Agreement, Client Agreement
Account Credentials and Security. 3.1. In the event that we accept you as our Client, Client we shall open a Trading Account in your name which will allow you to place Orders on our Trading Platform. It is agreed and understood that the Company offers different types of Trading Accounts, which have different margin Requirements and characteristics.
3.2. In order to access the Trading Account, you will be asked to enter your Account Credentials issued by us to you which are confidential and shall be used solely by you.
3.3. You: ● :
a. are responsible for ensuring that your Account Credentials remain confidential and for taking such other precautions as may be necessary to ensure they cannot be used by any person other than you or your authorised authorized representative and making sure that a third party is not provided access to your computer for example via using team viewer to turn on or control on your computer; ● compute;
b. must notify us immediately if you become aware that your Account Credentials have in any way become compromised or if any third party may be able to access the Trading Platform; and ● and
c. You agree we do not have to establish the authority of anyone quoting your Trading Account number or Account Credentials. The use of your Account Credentials by any third party is expressly prohibitedexpresslyprohibited.
3.4. If we believe that there is likely to be a breach of security, security we may require you to change your Account Credentials or suspend your access to the Trading Platform. We reserve the right to edit, amend or issue you with new Account Credentials or require a change of your Account Credentials at any time by giving notice to you.
3.5. You are responsible for ensuring that you alone control access to your Account Credentials, and that no minor or other person is granted access to the Trading Platform using your Account Credentials. You acknowledge that you are ultimately and solely responsible for all actions on the Trading Platform through your Registration Data including any unauthorized disclosure of your Account Credentials.
3.6. You undertake to immediately notify us immediately first orally and then in writing if you become aware of any loss, theft or use by any other person or entity other than you, of any of your Registration Data, including your Account Credentials. We will then take steps to prevent any further use of such Account Credentials and will issue replacement Account Credentials. You will be unable to place any Orders until you receive your replacement Account Credentials.
3.7. If we are informed from a reliable source that your Account Credentials may have been received by unauthorized third parties, we may, at our discretion without having an obligation to you, deactivate the Client Account.
3.8. You acknowledge that we bear no responsibility if unauthorized third persons gain access to information, including electronic addresses, electronic communication, personal data and Account Credentials when the above are transmitted between the parties or any other party, using the internet or other network communication facilities, post, telephone, or any other electronic means.
3.9. You shall indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless from any claim, proceeding, loss or damages based upon any use, misuse, or unauthorized use of the Trading Platform through your Account Credentials.
Appears in 4 contracts
Samples: Client Agreement, Client Agreement, Client Agreement
Account Credentials and Security. 3.1. 8.1 In the event that we accept you as our Client, Client we shall open a Trading Account in your name which will allow you to place Orders on our Trading Platform. It is agreed and understood that the Company offers different types of Trading Accounts, which have different margin Requirements and characteristics.
3.2. 8.2 In order to access the Trading Account, you will be asked to enter your Account Credentials issued by us to you which are confidential and shall be used solely by you. You shall not be entitled to download, save or copy the Trading Platform: Should we reasonably suspect that you have violated the terms and conditions of paragraph 7. Hereunder, we are entitled to take one or more of the counter measures Events of Default.
3.3. 8.3 You: ● :
(a) are responsible for ensuring that your Account Credentials remain confidential and for taking such other precautions as may be necessary to ensure they cannot be used by any person other than you or your authorised authorized representative and making sure that a third party is not provided access to your computer for example via using team viewer to turn on or control on your computer; ● compute;
(b) must notify us immediately if you become aware that your Account Credentials have in any way become compromised or if any third party may be able to access the Trading Platform; and ● and
(c) You agree we do not have to establish the authority of anyone quoting your Trading Account number or Account Credentials. The use of your Account Credentials by any third party is expressly prohibited.
3.4. 8.4 If we believe that there is likely to be a breach of security, we may require you to change your Account Credentials or suspend your access to the Trading Platform. We reserve the right to edit, amend or issue you with new Account Credentials or require a change of your Account Credentials at any time by giving notice to you.
3.5. 8.5 You are responsible for ensuring that you alone control access to your Account Credentials, and that no minor or other person is granted access to the Trading Platform using your Account Credentials. You acknowledge that you are ultimately and solely responsible for all actions on the Trading Platform through your Registration Data including any unauthorized disclosure of your Account Credentials.
3.6. 8.6 You undertake to immediately notify us immediately first orally and then in writing if you become aware of any loss, theft or use by any other person or entity other than you, of any of your Registration Data, including your Account Credentials. We will then take steps to prevent any further use of such Account Credentials and will issue replacement Account Credentials. You will be unable to place any Orders until you receive your replacement Account Credentials.
3.7. 8.7 If we are informed from a reliable source that your Account Credentials may have been received by unauthorized third parties, we may, at our discretion without having an obligation to you, deactivate the Client Trading Account.
3.8. 8.8 You acknowledge that we bear no responsibility if unauthorized third persons gain access to information, including electronic addresses, electronic communication, personal data and Account Credentials when the above are transmitted between the parties or any other party, using the internet or other network communication facilities, post, telephone, or any other electronic means.
3.9. 8.9 You shall indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless from any claim, proceeding, loss or damages based upon any use, misuse, or unauthorized use of the Trading Platform through your Account Credentials.
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Terms & Conditions of Use, Terms and Conditions of Use, Terms and Conditions of Use
Account Credentials and Security. 3.18.1. In the event that we accept you as our Client, Client we shall open a Trading Account in your name which will allow you to place Orders on our Trading Platform. It is agreed and understood that the Company offers different types of Trading Accounts, which have different margin Requirements and characteristics.
3.28.2. In order to access the Trading Account, you will be asked to enter your Account Credentials issued by us to you which are confidential and shall be used solely by you.
3.38.3. You: ● :
a) are responsible for ensuring that your Account Credentials remain confidential and for taking such other precautions as may be necessary to ensure they cannot be used by any person other than you or your authorised authorized representative and making sure that a third party is not provided access to your computer for example via using team viewer to turn on or control on your computer; ● compute;
b) must notify us immediately if you become aware that your Account Credentials have in any way become compromised or if any third party may be able to access the Trading Platform; and ● and
c) You agree we do not have to establish the authority of anyone quoting your Trading Account number or Account Credentials. The use of your Account Credentials by any third party is expressly prohibited.
3.48.4. If we believe that there is likely to be a breach of security, we may require you to change your Account Credentials or suspend your access to the Trading Platform. We reserve the right to edit, amend or issue you with new Account Credentials or require a change of your Account Credentials at any time by giving notice to you.
3.58.5. You are responsible for ensuring that you alone control access to your Account Credentials, and that no minor or other person is granted access to the Trading Platform using your Account Credentials. You acknowledge that you are ultimately and solely responsible for all actions on the Trading Platform through your Registration Data including any unauthorized disclosure of your Account Credentials.
3.68.6. You undertake to immediately notify us immediately first orally and then in writing if you become aware of any loss, theft or use by any other person or entity other than you, of any of your Registration Data, including your Account Credentials. We will then take steps to prevent any further use of such Account Credentials and will issue replacement Account Credentials. You will be unable to place any Orders until you receive your replacement Account Credentials.
3.78.7. If we are informed from a reliable source that your Account Credentials may have been received by unauthorized third parties, we may, at our discretion without having an obligation to you, deactivate the Client Trading Account.
3.88.8. You acknowledge that we bear no responsibility if unauthorized third persons gain access to information, including electronic addresses, electronic communication, personal data and Account Credentials when the above are transmitted between the parties or any other party, using the internet or other network communication facilities, post, telephone, or any other electronic means.
3.98.9. You shall indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless from any claim, proceeding, loss or damages based upon any use, misuse, or unauthorized use of the Trading Platform through your Account Credentials.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Terms and Conditions of Use, Terms and Conditions of Use
Account Credentials and Security. 3.1. 41.1 In the event that we accept you as our Client, Client we shall open a Trading Account in your name which will allow you to place Orders on our Trading Platform. It is agreed and understood that the Company offers different types of Trading Accounts, which have different margin Requirements and characteristics.
3.2. In order to access the Trading Account, you will be asked to enter your Account Credentials issued by us to you which are confidential and shall be used solely by you.
3.3. You: ● :
(a) are responsible for ensuring that your Account Credentials remain confidential and for taking such other precautions as may be necessary to ensure they cannot be used by any person other than you or your authorised authorized representative and making sure that a third party is not provided access to your computer for example via using team viewer to turn on or control on your computer; ● compute;
(b) must notify us immediately if you become aware that your Account Credentials have in any way become compromised or if any third party may be able to access the Trading Platform; and ● and
(c) You agree we do not have to establish the authority of anyone quoting your Trading Account number or Account Credentials. The use of your Account Credentials by any third party is expressly prohibited.
3.4. 41.2 If we believe that there is likely to be a breach of security, security we may require you to change your Account Credentials or suspend your access to the Trading Platform. We reserve the right to edit, amend or issue you with new Account Credentials or require a change of your Account Credentials at any time by giving notice to you.
3.5. 41.3 You are responsible for ensuring that you alone control access to your Account Credentials, and that no minor or other person is granted access to the Trading Platform using your Account Credentials. You acknowledge that you are ultimately and solely responsible for all actions on the Trading Platform through your Registration Data including any unauthorized disclosure of your Account Credentials.
3.6. 41.4 You undertake to immediately notify us immediately first orally and then in writing if you become aware of any loss, theft or use by any other person or entity other than you, of any of your Registration Data, including your Account Credentials. We will then take steps to prevent any further use of such Account Credentials and will issue replacement Account Credentials. You will be unable to place any Orders until you receive your replacement Account Credentials.
3.7. 41.5 If we are informed from a reliable source that your Account Credentials may have been received by unauthorized third parties, we may, at our discretion without having an obligation to you, deactivate the Client Trading Account.
3.8. 41.6 You acknowledge that we bear no responsibility if unauthorized third persons gain access to information, including electronic addresses, electronic communication, personal data and Account Credentials when the above are transmitted between the parties or any other party, using the internet or other network communication facilities, post, telephone, or any other electronic means.
3.9. 41.7 You shall indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless from any claim, proceeding, loss or damages based upon any use, misuse, or unauthorized use of the Trading Platform through your Account Credentials. 42.1 In providing the Services of Reception and Transmission and Execution of Client Orders, the Company is obliged under Applicable Regulations to seek information from a Client or potential Client regarding his knowledge, experience in the investment field relevant to the specific type of service or Financial Instrument offered or demanded, ability to bear losses and risk tolerance, so as to enable the Company to assess whether the service or Financial Instrument is appropriate for the Client. Where the Client or potential Client elects not to provide the information regarding his knowledge, experience, ability to bear losses and risk tolerance or where he provides insufficient information regarding his knowledge, experience, ability to bear losses and risk tolerance, the Company will not be able to determine whether the service or Financial Instrument is appropriate for him. The Company is entitled, at its sole discretion, to request additional information regarding the Client and/or to request an update of the data notified by the Client, whenever it deems necessary. The Company shall assume that information about his knowledge, experience, ability to bear losses and risk tolerance provided from the Client to the Company is accurate and complete and the Company shall have no responsibility to the Client if such information is incomplete or misleading or changes or becomes inaccurate and the Company will be deemed to have performed its obligations under Applicable Regulations, unless the Client has informed the Company of such changes.
43.1 We shall treat you as a Retail Client for the purposes of the CySEC Rules and the Applicable Regulations. You have the right to request a different method of categorization as is explained under the Client Categorization Policy found on the Company’s Website. However, if you request a different categorization and the Company agrees to such categorization, you accept that the level of protection that is afforded by CySEC Regulations and other Applicable Regulations may differ. The Company cannot enter into title transfer financial collateral arrangements with Retail Clients. Remuneration practices which could provide an incentive to the Company’s staff to recommend a particular financial instrument to a Retail Client when the Company could offer a different financial instrument which would better meet that Client’s needs are also prohibited. In the case of Professional Clients and Eligible Counterparties, the Company may agree to provide more limited information as provided by Applicable Regulations.
43.2 It is understood that we have the right to review the Client’s Categorization and change your Categorization if this is deemed necessary (subject to Applicable Regulations). You accept that when categorizing you and dealing with you, the Company will rely on the accuracy, completeness and correctness of the information provided by you in your Account Opening Application Form and the Financial Suitability Questionnaire. You have the responsibility to immediately notify us in writing if such information changes at any time thereafter.
Appears in 2 contracts
Account Credentials and Security. 3.14.1. In the event that we accept you as our Client, Client we shall open a Trading Account in your name which will allow you to place Orders on our Trading Platform. It is agreed and understood that the Company offers different types of Trading Accounts, which have different margin Requirements and characteristics.
3.24.2. In order to access the Trading Account, you will be asked to enter your Account Credentials issued by us to you which are confidential and shall be used solely by you.
3.34.3. You: ● :
a) are responsible for ensuring that your Account Credentials remain confidential and for taking such other precautions as may be necessary to ensure they cannot be used by any person other than you or your authorised authorized representative and making sure that a third party is not provided access to your computer for example via using team viewer to turn on or control on your computer; ● compute;
b) must notify us immediately if you become aware that your Account Credentials have in any way become compromised or if any third party may be able to access the Trading Platform; and ● and
c) You agree we do not have to establish the authority of anyone quoting your Trading Account number or Account Credentials. The use of your Account Credentials by any third party is expressly prohibited.
3.44.4. If we believe that there is likely to be a breach of security, security we may require you to change your Account Credentials or suspend your access to the Trading Platform. We reserve the right to edit, amend or issue you with new Account Credentials or require a change of your Account Credentials at any time by giving notice to you.
3.54.5. You are responsible for ensuring that you alone control access to your Account Credentials, and that no minor or other person is granted access to the Trading Platform using your Account Credentials. You acknowledge that you are ultimately and solely responsible for all actions on the Trading Platform through your Registration Data including any unauthorized disclosure of your Account Credentials.
3.64.6. You undertake to immediately notify us immediately first orally and then in writing if you become aware of any loss, theft or use by any other person or entity other than you, of any of your Registration Data, including your Account Credentials. We will then take steps to prevent any further use of such Account Credentials and will issue replacement Account Credentials. You will be unable to place any Orders until you receive your replacement Account Credentials.
3.74.7. If we are informed from a reliable source that your Account Credentials may have been received by unauthorized third parties, we may, at our discretion without having an obligation to you, deactivate the Client Account.
3.84.8. You acknowledge that we bear no responsibility if unauthorized third persons gain access to information, including electronic addresses, electronic communication, personal data and Account Credentials when the above are transmitted between the parties or any other party, using the internet or other network communication facilities, post, telephone, or any other electronic means.
3.94.9. You shall indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless from any claim, proceeding, loss or damages based upon any use, misuse, or unauthorized use of the Trading Platform through your Account Credentials.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Client Agreement, Client Agreement
Account Credentials and Security. 3.1. In the event that we accept you as our Client, Client we shall open a Trading Account in your name which will allow you to place Orders on our Trading Platform. It is agreed and understood that the Company offers different types of Trading Accounts, which have different margin Requirements and characteristics.
3.2. In order to access the Trading Account, you will be asked to enter your Account Credentials issued by us to you which are confidential and shall be used solely by you.
3.3. You: ● :
a. are responsible for ensuring that your Account Credentials remain confidential and for taking such other precautions as may be necessary to ensure they cannot be used by any person other than you or your authorised authorized representative and making sure that a third party is not provided access to your computer for example via using team viewer to turn on or control on your computer; ● compute;
b. must notify us immediately if you become aware that your Account Credentials have in any way become compromised or if any third party may be able to access the Trading Platform; and ● and
c. You agree we do not have to establish the authority of anyone quoting your Trading Account number or Account Credentials. The use of your Account Credentials by any third party is expressly prohibited.
3.4. If we believe that there is likely to be a breach of security, security we may require you to change your Account Credentials or suspend your access to the Trading Platform. We reserve the right to edit, amend or issue you with new Account Credentials or require a change of your Account Credentials at any time by giving notice to you.
3.5. You are responsible for ensuring that you alone control access to your Account Credentials, and that no minor or other person is granted access to the Trading Platform using your Account Credentials. You acknowledge that you are ultimately and solely responsible for all actions on the Trading Platform through your Registration Data including any unauthorized disclosure of your Account Credentials.
3.6. You undertake to immediately notify us immediately first orally and then in writing if you become aware of any loss, theft or use by any other person or entity other than you, of any of your Registration Data, including your Account Credentials. We will then take steps to prevent any further use of such Account Credentials and will issue replacement Account Credentials. You will be unable to place any Orders until you receive your replacement Account Credentials.
3.7. If we are informed from a reliable source that your Account Credentials may have been received by unauthorized third parties, we may, at our discretion without having an obligation to you, deactivate the Client Account.
3.8. You acknowledge that we bear no responsibility if unauthorized third persons gain access to information, including electronic addresses, electronic communication, personal data and Account Credentials when the above are transmitted between the parties or any other party, using the internet or other network communication facilities, post, telephone, or any other electronic means.
3.9. You shall indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless from any claim, proceeding, loss or damages based upon any use, misuse, or unauthorized use of the Trading Platform through your Account Credentials.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Client Agreement, Client Agreement
Account Credentials and Security. 3.10.0. In Xx the event that we accept you as our Client, Client we shall open a Trading Account in your name which will allow you to place Orders on our Trading Platform. It is agreed and understood that the Company offers different types of Trading Accounts, which have different margin Requirements and characteristics.
3.20.0. In Xx order to access the Trading Account, you will be asked to enter your Account Credentials issued by us to you which are confidential and shall be used solely by you.
3.3. You: ● :
a. are responsible for ensuring that your Account Credentials remain confidential and for taking such other precautions as may be necessary to ensure they cannot be used by any person other than you or your authorised authorized representative and making sure that a third party is not provided access to your computer for example via using team viewer to turn on or control on your computer; ● compute;
b. must notify us immediately if you become aware that your Account Credentials have in any way become compromised or if any third party may be able to access the Trading Platform; and ● and
c. You agree we do not have to establish the authority of anyone quoting your Trading Account number or Account Credentials. The use of your Account Credentials by any third party is expressly prohibited.
3.4. If we believe that there is likely to be a breach of security, security we may require you to change your Account Credentials or suspend your access to the Trading Platform. We reserve the right to edit, amend or issue you with new Account Credentials or require a change of your Account Credentials at any time by giving notice to you.
3.50.0. You Xxx are responsible for ensuring that you alone control access to your Account Credentials, and that no minor or other person is granted access to the Trading Platform using your Account Credentials. You acknowledge that you are ultimately and solely responsible for all actions on the Trading Platform through your Registration Data including any unauthorized disclosure of your Account Credentials.
3.60.0. You Xxx undertake to immediately notify us immediately first orally and then in writing if you become aware of any loss, theft or use by any other person or entity other than you, of any of your Registration Data, including your Account Credentials. We will then take steps to prevent any further use of such Account Credentials and will issue replacement Account Credentials. You will be unable to place any Orders until you receive your replacement Account Credentials.
3.7. If we are informed from a reliable source that your Account Credentials may have been received by unauthorized third parties, we may, at our discretion without having an obligation to you, deactivate the Client Account.
3.80.0. You Xxx acknowledge that we bear no responsibility if unauthorized third persons gain access to information, including electronic addresses, electronic communication, personal data and Account Credentials when the above are transmitted between the parties or any other party, using the internet or other network communication facilities, post, telephone, or any other electronic means.
3.90.0. You Xxx shall indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless from any claim, proceeding, loss or damages based upon any use, misuse, or unauthorized use of the Trading Platform through your Account Credentials.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Client Agreement
Account Credentials and Security. 3.1. In the event that we accept you as our Client, Client we shall open a Trading Account in your name which will allow you to place Orders on our Trading Platform. It is agreed and understood that the Company offers different types of Trading Accounts, which have different margin Requirements and characteristics.
3.2. In order to access the Trading Account, you will be asked to enter your Account Credentials issued by us to you which are confidential and shall be used solely by you.
3.3. You: ● :
a) are responsible for ensuring that your Account Credentials remain confidential and for taking such other precautions as may be necessary to ensure they cannot be used by any person other than you or your authorised authorized representative and making sure that a third party is not provided access to your computer for example via using team viewer to turn on or control on your computer; ● .
b) must notify us immediately if you become aware that your Account Credentials have in any way become compromised or if any third party may be able to access the Trading Platform; and ● and
c) You agree we do not have to establish the authority of anyone quoting your Trading Account number or Account Credentials. The use of your Account Credentials by any third party is expressly prohibited.
3.4. If we believe that there is likely to be a breach of security, we may require you to change your Account Credentials or suspend your access to the Trading Platform. We reserve the right to edit, amend or issue you with new Account Credentials or require a change of your Account Credentials at any time by giving notice to you.
3.5. You are responsible for ensuring that you alone control access to your Account Credentials, and that no minor or other person is granted access to the Trading Platform using your Account Credentials. You acknowledge that you are ultimately and solely responsible for all actions on the Trading Platform through your Registration Data including any unauthorized disclosure of your Account Credentials.
3.6. You undertake to immediately notify us immediately first orally and then in writing if you become aware of any loss, theft or use by any other person or entity other than you, of any of your Registration Data, including your Account Credentials. We will then take steps to prevent any further use of such Account Credentials and will issue replacement Account Credentials. You will be unable to place any Orders until you receive your replacement Account Credentials.
3.7. If we are informed from a reliable source that your Account Credentials may have been received by unauthorized third parties, we may, at our discretion without having an obligation to you, deactivate the Client Trading Account.
3.8. You acknowledge that we bear no responsibility if unauthorized third persons gain access to information, including electronic addresses, electronic communication, personal data and Account Credentials when the above are transmitted between the parties or any other party, using the internet or other network communication facilities, post, telephone, or any other electronic means.
3.9. You shall indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless from any claim, proceeding, loss or damages based upon any use, misuse, or unauthorized use of the Trading Platform through your Account Credentials.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Client Agreement
Account Credentials and Security. 3.1. 4.1 In the event that we accept you as our Client, Client we shall open a Trading Account in your name which will allow you to place Orders on our Trading Platform. It is agreed and understood that the Company offers different types of Trading Accounts, which have different margin Requirements and characteristics.
3.24.2 In the case where a Client has opened more than 1 Trading Account (Duplicate Account), the Client will be asked to terminate the duplicate account and withdraw any available funds left in the account. The Company will notify you (The Client) to do so within a 7-day period. If the Client does not proceed with closing their duplicate account within the 7-day notice period, the below scenarios will occur;
a. Closure of the account which does not have open positions.
b. If both accounts do not have open positions, the account with the least balance will be closed.
c. If both accounts have open positions, calculations will be made in order to deem which account has the least available funds after closing the open positions. The account with the least balance will have the open positions closed and the remaining funds in the account will then be sent back to the bank account associated with the Trading Account.
4.3 In order to access the Trading Account, you will be asked to enter your Account Credentials issued by us to you you, which are confidential and shall be used solely by you.
3.3. 4.4 You: ● :
a. are responsible for ensuring that your Account Credentials remain confidential and for taking such other precautions as may be necessary necessary, to ensure they cannot be used by any person other than you or your authorised authorized representative and making sure that a third party is not provided access to your computer computer, for example example, via using team viewer to turn on or control on your computer; ● ;
b. must notify us immediately if you become aware that your Account Credentials have in any way become compromised or if any third party may be able to access the Trading Platform; and ● and
c. You agree we do not have to establish the authority of anyone quoting your Trading Account number or Account Credentials. The use of your Account Credentials by any third party is expressly prohibited.
3.4. 4.5 If we believe that there is likely to be a breach of security, security we may require you to change your Account Credentials or suspend your access to the Trading Platform. We reserve the right to edit, amend or issue you with new Account Credentials or require a change of your Account Credentials at any time by giving notice to you.
3.5. 4.6 You are responsible for ensuring that you alone control access to your Account Credentials, Credentials and that no minor or other person is granted access to the Trading Platform using your Account Credentials. You acknowledge that you are ultimately and solely responsible for all actions on the Trading Platform through your Registration Data Data, including any unauthorized disclosure of your Account Credentials.
3.6. 4.7 You undertake to immediately notify us immediately us, first orally and then in writing writing, if you become aware of any loss, theft or use by any other person or entity other than you, of any of your Registration Data, including your Account Credentials. We will then take steps to prevent any further use of such Account Credentials and will issue replacement Account Credentials. You will be unable to place any Orders until you receive your replacement Account Credentials.
3.7. 4.8 If we are informed from a reliable source that your Account Credentials may have been received by unauthorized third parties, we may, at our discretion without having an obligation to you, deactivate the Client Account.
3.8. 4.9 You acknowledge that we bear no responsibility if unauthorized third persons gain access to information, including electronic addresses, electronic communication, personal data and Account Credentials when the above are transmitted between the parties or any other party, using the internet or other network communication facilities, post, telephone, or any other electronic means.
3.9. 4.10 You shall indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless from any claim, proceeding, loss or damages based upon any use, misuse, or unauthorized use of the Trading Platform through your Account Credentials.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Client Agreement
Account Credentials and Security. 3.1. In the event that we accept you as our Client, Client we shall open a Trading Account in your name which will allow you to place Orders on our Trading Platform. It is agreed and understood that the Company offers may offer different types of Trading Accounts, which may have different margin Requirements and characteristics. You may open up to five (5) Trading Accounts between all Trading Platforms owned by the Company and in all currencies.
3.2. In order to access the Trading Account, you will be asked to enter your Account Credentials issued by us to you which are confidential and shall be used solely by you.
3.3. You: ● :
a. are responsible for ensuring that your Account Credentials remain confidential and for taking such other precautions as may be necessary to ensure they cannot be used by any person other than you or your authorised authorized representative and making sure that a third party is not provided access to your computer for example via using team viewer Team Viewer to turn on or control on your computer; ● ;
b. must notify us immediately if you become aware that your Account Credentials have in any way become compromised or if any third party may be able to access the Trading Platform; and ● and
c. You agree we do not have to establish the authority of anyone quoting your Trading Account number or Account Credentials. The use of your Account Credentials by any third party is expressly prohibited.
3.4. If we believe that there is likely to be a breach of security, we may require you to change your Account Credentials or suspend your access to the Trading Platform. We reserve the right to edit, amend or issue you with new Account Credentials or require a change of your Account Credentials at any time by giving notice to you.
3.5. You are responsible for ensuring that you alone control access to your Account Credentials, and that no minor or other person is granted access to the Trading Platform using your Account Credentials. You acknowledge that you are ultimately and solely responsible for all actions on the Trading Platform through your Registration Data including any unauthorized disclosure of your Account Credentials.
3.6. You undertake to immediately notify us immediately first orally and then in writing if you become aware of any loss, theft or use by any other person or entity other than you, of any of your Registration Data, including your Account Credentials. We will then take steps to prevent any further use of such Account Credentials and will issue replacement Account Credentials. You will be unable to place any Orders until you receive your replacement Account Credentials.
3.7. If we are informed from a reliable source that your Account Credentials may have been received by unauthorized third parties, we may, at our discretion without having an obligation to you, deactivate the Client Trading Account.
3.8. You acknowledge that we bear no responsibility if unauthorized third persons gain access to information, including electronic addresses, electronic communication, personal data data, and Account Credentials when the above are transmitted between the parties or any other party, using the internet or other network communication facilities, post, telephone, or any other electronic means.
3.9. You shall indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless from any claim, proceeding, loss or damages based upon any use, misuse, or unauthorized use of the Trading Platform through your Account Credentials.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Client Agreement
Account Credentials and Security. 3.14.1. In the event that we accept you as our Client, we shall open a Trading Account in your name which will allow you to place Orders on our Trading Platform. It is agreed and understood that the Company offers different types of Trading Accounts, which have different margin Requirements and characteristics.. Account Types can be found on our xxxxx:// trading/trading-account-types#/.
3.24.2. In order to access the Trading Account, you will be asked to enter your Account Credentials issued by us to you you, which are confidential and shall be used solely by you.
3.34.3. You: ● :
(a) are responsible for ensuring that your Account Credentials remain confidential and for taking such other precautions as may be necessary to ensure they cannot be used by any person other than you or your authorised authorized representative and making sure that a third party is not provided access to your computer for example via using team viewer to turn on or control on your computer; ● ;
(b) must notify us immediately if you become aware that your Account Credentials have in any way become compromised or if any third party may be able to access the Trading Platform; and ● and
(c) You agree we do not have to establish the authority of anyone quoting your Trading Account number or Account Credentials. The use of your Account Credentials by any third party is expressly prohibited.
3.44.4. If we believe that there is likely to be a breach of security, we may require you to change your Account Credentials or suspend your access to the Trading Platform. We reserve the right to edit, amend or issue you with new Account Credentials or require a change of your Account Credentials at any time time, by giving notice to you.
3.54.5. You are responsible for ensuring that you alone control access to your Account Credentials, and that no minor or other person is granted access to the Trading Platform using your Account Credentials. You acknowledge that you are ultimately and solely responsible for all actions on the Trading Platform through your Registration Data Data, including any unauthorized disclosure of your Account Credentials.
3.64.6. You undertake to immediately notify us immediately first orally and then in writing if you become aware of any loss, theft or use by any other person or entity other than you, of any of your Registration Data, including your Account Credentials. We will then take steps to prevent any further use of such Account Credentials and will issue replacement Account Credentials. You will be unable to place any Orders until you receive your replacement Account Credentials.
3.74.7. If we are informed from a reliable source that your Account Credentials may have been received by unauthorized third parties, we may, at our discretion without having an obligation to younotify you in advance, deactivate the Client Trading Account.
3.84.8. You as the Client are permitted to access, store, display, analyze, modify, print the information that is available to you and relates to the operations of your trading accounts(s) via the trading platform and client’s portal. You are not permitted to publish, transmit or reproduce or otherwise provide access to third party, without prior disclosure and consent by the Company.
4.9. You acknowledge that we bear no responsibility if unauthorized third persons gain access to information, including electronic addresses, electronic communication, personal data and Account Credentials when the above are transmitted between the parties or any other party, using the internet or other network communication facilities, post, telephone, or any other electronic means.
3.94.10. You shall indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless from any claim, proceeding, loss or damages based upon any use, misuse, or unauthorized use of the Trading Platform through your Account Credentials.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Client Agreement
Account Credentials and Security. 3.1. In the event that we accept you as our Client, Client we shall open a Trading Account in your name which will allow you to place Orders on our Trading Platform. It is agreed and understood that the Company offers different types of Trading Accounts, which have different margin Requirements and characteristics.
3.2. In order to access the Trading Account, you will be asked to enter your Account Credentials issued by us to you which are confidential and shall be used solely by youbyyou.
3.3. You: ● • are responsible for ensuring that your Account Credentials remain confidential and for taking fortaking such other precautions as may be necessary to ensure they cannot be used by any person other than you or your authorised representative and making sure that a third party is not provided access to your computer for example via using team viewer to turn on or control on your computer; ● • must notify us immediately if you become aware that your Account Credentials have in any way become compromised or if any third party may be able to access the Trading Platform; and ● • You agree we do not have to establish the authority of anyone quoting your Trading Account number or Account Credentials. The use of your Account Credentials by any third party is expressly prohibited.
3.4. If we believe that there is likely to be a breach of security, we may require you to change your Account Credentials or suspend your access to the Trading Platform. We reserve the right to edit, amend or issue you with new Account Credentials or require a change of your Account Credentials at any time by giving notice to you.
3.5. You are responsible for ensuring that you alone control access to your Account Credentials, and that no minor or other person is granted access to the Trading Platform using your Account Credentials. You acknowledge that you are ultimately and solely responsible for all actions on the Trading Platform through your Registration Data including any unauthorized disclosure of your Account Credentials.
3.6. You undertake to immediately notify us immediately first orally and then in writing if you become aware of any loss, theft or use by any other person or entity other than you, of any of your Registration Data, including your Account Credentials. We will then take steps to prevent any further use of such Account Credentials and will issue replacement Account Credentials. You will be unable to place any Orders until you receive your replacement Account Credentials.
3.7. If we are informed from a reliable source that your Account Credentials may have been received by unauthorized third parties, we may, at our discretion without having an obligation to you, deactivate the Client Account.
3.8. You acknowledge that we bear no responsibility if unauthorized third persons gain access to information, including electronic addresses, electronic communication, personal data and Account Credentials when the above are transmitted between the parties or any other party, using the internet or other network communication facilities, post, telephone, or any other electronic means.
3.9. You shall indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless from any claim, proceeding, loss or damages based upon any use, misuse, or unauthorized use of the Trading Platform through your Account Credentials.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Client Agreement
Account Credentials and Security. 3.1. In the event that we accept you as our Client, Client we shall open a Trading Account in your name which will allow you to place Orders on our Trading Platform. It is agreed and understood that the Company offers different types of Trading Accounts, which have different margin Requirements and characteristics.
3.2. In order to access the Trading Account, you will be asked to enter your Account Credentials issued by us to you which are confidential and shall be used solely by you.
3.3. You: ● • are responsible for ensuring that your Account Credentials remain confidential and for taking such other precautions as may be necessary to ensure they cannot be used by any person other than you or your authorised representative and making sure that a third party is not provided access to your computer for example via using team viewer to turn on or control on your computer; ● • must notify us immediately if you become aware that your Account Credentials have in any way become compromised or if any third party may be able to access the Trading Platform; and ● • You agree we do not have to establish the authority of anyone quoting your Trading Account number or Account Credentials. The use of your Account Credentials by any third party is expressly prohibited.
3.4. If we believe that there is likely to be a breach of security, security we may require you to change your Account Credentials or suspend your access to the Trading Platform. We reserve the right to edit, amend or issue you with new Account Credentials or require a change of your Account Credentials at any time by giving notice to you.
3.5. You are responsible for ensuring that you alone control access to your Account Credentials, and that no minor or other person is granted access to the Trading Platform using your Account Credentials. You acknowledge that you are ultimately and solely responsible for all actions on the Trading Platform through your Registration Data including any unauthorized disclosure of your Account Credentials.
3.6. You undertake to immediately notify us immediately first orally and then in writing if you become aware of any loss, theft or use by any other person or entity other than you, of any of your Registration Data, including your Account Credentials. We will then take steps to prevent any further use of such Account Credentials and will issue replacement Account Credentials. You will be unable to place any Orders until you receive your replacement Account Credentials.
3.7. If we are informed from a reliable source that your Account Credentials may have been received by unauthorized third parties, we may, at our discretion without having an obligation to you, deactivate the Client Account.
3.8. You acknowledge that we bear no responsibility if unauthorized third persons gain access to information, including electronic addresses, electronic communication, personal data and Account Credentials when the above are transmitted between the parties or any other party, using the internet or other network communication facilities, post, telephone, or any other electronic means.
3.9. You shall indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless from any claim, proceeding, loss or damages based upon any use, misuse, or unauthorized use of the Trading Platform through your Account Credentials.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Client Agreement
Account Credentials and Security. 3.1. In the event that we accept you as our Client, we shall open a Trading Account in your name which will allow you to place Orders on our Trading Platform. It is agreed and understood that the Company offers different types of Trading Accounts, which have different margin Requirements and characteristics.
3.2. In order to access the Trading Account, you will be asked to enter your Account Credentials issued by us to you which are confidential and shall be used solely by you.
3.3. You: ● • are responsible for ensuring that your Account Credentials remain confidential and for taking such other precautions as may be necessary to ensure they cannot be used by any person other than you or your authorised authorized representative and making sure that a third party is not • provided access to your computer for example via using team viewer to turn on or control your computer; ● • must notify us immediately if you become aware that your Account Credentials have in any way become compromised or if any third party may be able to access the Trading Platform; and ● • You agree we do not have to establish the authority of anyone quoting your Trading Account number or Account Credentials. The use of your Account Credentials by any third party is expressly prohibited.
3.4. If we believe that there is likely to be a breach of security, we may require you to change your Account Credentials or suspend your access to the Trading Platform. We reserve the right to edit, amend or issue you with new Account Credentials or require a change of your Account Credentials at any time by giving notice to you.
3.5. You are responsible for ensuring that you alone control access to your Account Credentials, and that no minor or other person is granted access to the Trading Platform using your Account Credentials. You acknowledge that you are ultimately and solely responsible for all actions on the Trading Platform through your Registration Data including any unauthorized disclosure of your Account Credentials.
3.6. You undertake to immediately notify us immediately first orally and then in writing if you become aware of any loss, theft or use by any other person or entity other than you, of any of your Registration Data, including your Account Credentials. We will then take steps to prevent any further use of such Account Credentials and will issue replacement Account Credentials. You will be unable to place any Orders until you receive your replacement Account Credentials.
3.7. If we are informed from a reliable source that your Account Credentials may have been received by unauthorized third parties, we may, at our discretion without having an obligation to you, deactivate the Client Account.
3.8. You acknowledge that we bear no responsibility if unauthorized third persons gain access to information, including electronic addresses, electronic communication, personal data and Account Credentials when the above are transmitted between the parties or any other party, using the internet or other network communication facilities, post, telephone, or any other electronic means.
3.9. You shall indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless from any claim, proceeding, loss or damages based upon any use, misuse, or unauthorized use of the Trading Platform through your Account Credentials.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Client Agreement
Account Credentials and Security. 3.1. In the event that we accept you as our Client, Client we shall open a Trading Account in your name which will allow you to place Orders on our Trading Platform. It is agreed and understood that the Company offers different types of Trading Accounts, which have different margin Requirements and characteristics.
3.2. In order to access the Trading Account, you will be asked to enter your Account Credentials issued by us to you which are confidential and shall be used solely by you.
3.3. You: ● :
(a) are responsible for ensuring that your Account Credentials remain confidential and for taking such other precautions as may be necessary to ensure they cannot be used by any person other than you or your authorised authorized representative and making sure that a third party is not provided access to your computer for example via using team viewer to turn on or control on your computer; ● compute;
(b) must notify us immediately if you become aware that your Account Credentials have in any way become compromised or if any third party may be able to access the Trading Platform; and ● and
(c) You agree we do not have to establish the authority of anyone quoting your Trading Account number or Account Credentials. The use of your Account Credentials by any third party is expressly prohibited.
3.4. If we believe that there is likely to be a breach of security, we may require you to change your Account Credentials or suspend your access to the Trading Platform. We reserve the right to edit, amend or issue you with new Account Credentials or require a change of your Account Credentials at any time by giving notice to you.
3.5. You are responsible for ensuring that you alone control access to your Account Credentials, and that no minor or other person is granted access to the Trading Platform using your Account Credentials. You acknowledge that you are ultimately and solely responsible for all actions on the Trading Platform through your Registration Data including any unauthorized disclosure of your Account Credentials.
3.6. You undertake to immediately notify us immediately first orally and then in writing if you become aware of any loss, theft or use by any other person or entity other than you, of any of your Registration Data, including your Account Credentials. We will then take steps to prevent any further use of such Account Credentials and will issue replacement Account Credentials. You will be unable to place any Orders until you receive your replacement Account Credentials.
3.7. If we are informed from a reliable source that your Account Credentials may have been received by unauthorized third parties, we may, at our discretion without having an obligation to you, deactivate the Client Trading Account.
3.8. You acknowledge that we bear no responsibility if unauthorized third persons gain access to information, including electronic addresses, electronic communication, personal data and Account Credentials when the above are transmitted between the parties or any other party, using the internet or other network communication facilities, post, telephone, or any other electronic means.
3.9. You shall indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless from any claim, proceeding, loss or damages based upon any use, misuse, or unauthorized use of the Trading Platform through your Account Credentials.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Clients’ Agreement
Account Credentials and Security. 3.1. In the event that we accept you as our Client, Client we shall open a Trading Account in your name which will allow you to place Orders on our Trading Platform. It is agreed and understood that the Company offers different types of Trading Accounts, which have different margin Requirements and characteristics.
3.2. In order to access the Trading Account, you will be asked to enter your Account Credentials issued by us to you which are confidential and shall be used solely by you.
3.3. You: ● :
a. are responsible for ensuring that your Account Credentials remain confidential and for taking such other precautions as may be necessary to ensure they cannot be used by any person other than you or your authorised authorized representative and making sure that a third party is not provided access to your computer for example via using team viewer to turn on or control on your computer; ● compute;
b. must notify us immediately if you become aware that your Account Credentials have in any way become compromised or if any third party may be able to access the Trading Platform; and ● and
c. You agree we do not have to establish the authority of anyone quoting your Trading Account number or Account Credentials. The use of your Account Credentials by any third party is expressly prohibited.
3.4. If we believe that there is likely to be a breach of security, security we may require you to change your Account Credentials or suspend your access to the Trading Platform. We reserve the right to edit, amend or issue you with new Account Credentials or require a change of your Account Credentials at any time by giving notice to you.
3.5. You are responsible for ensuring that you alone control access to your Account Credentials, and that no minor or other person is granted access to the Trading Platform using your Account Credentials. You acknowledge that you are ultimately and solely responsible for all actions on the Trading Platform through your Registration Data including any unauthorized disclosure of your Account Credentials.
3.6. You undertake to immediately notify us immediately first orally and then in writing if you become aware of any loss, theft or use by any other person or entity other than you, of any of your Registration Data, including your Account Credentials. We will then take steps to prevent any further use of such Account Credentials and will issue replacement Account Credentials. You will be unable to place any Orders until you receive your replacement Account Credentials.
3.7. If we are informed from a reliable source that your Account Credentials may have been received by unauthorized third parties, we may, at our discretion without having an obligation to you, deactivate the Client Trading Account.
3.8. You acknowledge that we bear no responsibility if unauthorized third persons gain access to information, including electronic addresses, electronic communication, personal data and Account Credentials when the above are transmitted between the parties or any other party, using the internet or other network communication facilities, post, telephone, or any other electronic means.
3.9. You shall indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless from any claim, proceeding, loss or damages based upon any use, misuse, or unauthorized use of the Trading Platform through your Account Credentials.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Client Agreement
Account Credentials and Security. 3.1. 4.1 In the event that we accept you as our Client, we shall open a Trading Account in your name which will allow you to place Orders on our Trading Platform. It is agreed and understood that the Company offers different types of Trading Accounts, which have different margin Requirements and characteristics. Account Types can be found on our website.
3.2. 4.2 In order to access the Trading Account, you will be asked to enter your Account Credentials issued by us to you you, which are confidential and shall be used solely by you.
3.3. 4.3 You: ● :
(a) are responsible for ensuring that your Account Credentials remain confidential and for taking such other precautions as may be necessary to ensure they cannot be used by any person other than you or your authorised authorized representative and making sure that a third party is not provided access to your computer for example via using team viewer to turn on or control on your computer; ● compute;
(b) must notify us immediately if you become aware that your Account Credentials have in any way become compromised or if any third party may be able to access the Trading Platform; and ● and
(c) You agree we do not have to establish the authority of anyone quoting your Trading Account number or Account Credentials. The use of your Account Credentials by any third party is expressly prohibited.
3.4. 4.4 If we believe that there is likely to be a breach of security, we may require you to change your Account Credentials or suspend your access to the Trading Platform. We reserve the right to edit, amend or issue you with new Account Credentials or require a change of your Account Credentials at any time time, by giving notice to you.
3.5. 4.5 You are responsible for ensuring that you alone control access to your Account Credentials, and that no minor or other person is granted access to the Trading Platform using your Account Credentials. You acknowledge that you are ultimately and solely responsible for all actions on the Trading Platform through your Registration Data Data, including any unauthorized disclosure of your Account Credentials.
3.6. 4.6 You undertake to immediately notify us immediately first orally and then in writing if you become aware of any loss, theft or use by any other person or entity other than you, of any of your Registration Data, including your Account Credentials. We will then take steps to prevent any further use of such Account Credentials and will issue replacement Account Credentials. You will be unable to place any Orders until you receive your replacement Account Credentials.
3.7. 4.7 If we are informed from a reliable source that your Account Credentials may have been received by unauthorized third parties, we may, at our discretion without having an obligation to younotify you in advance, deactivate the Client Trading Account.
3.84.8 You as the Client are permitted to access, store, display, analyze, modify, print the information that is available to you and relates to the operations of your trading accounts(s) via the trading platform and clients’ portal. You are not permitted to publish, transmit or reproduce or otherwise provide access to third party, without prior disclosure and consent by the Company.
4.9 You acknowledge that we bear no responsibility if unauthorized third persons gain access to information, including electronic addresses, electronic communication, personal data and Account Credentials when the above are transmitted between the parties or any other party, using the internet or other network communication facilities, post, telephone, or any other electronic means.
3.9. 4.10 You shall indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless from any claim, proceeding, loss or damages based upon any use, misuse, or unauthorized use of the Trading Platform through your Account Credentials.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Terms and Conditions
Account Credentials and Security. 3.14.1. In the event that we accept you as our Client, we shall open a Trading Account in your name which will allow you to place Orders on our Trading Platform. It is agreed and understood that the Company offers different types of Trading Accounts, which have different margin Requirements and characteristics. Account Types can be found on our trading account types .
3.24.2. In order to access the Trading Account, you will be asked to enter your Account Credentials issued by us to you you, which are confidential and shall be used solely by you.
3.34.3. You: ● :
(a) are responsible for ensuring that your Account Credentials remain confidential and for taking such other precautions as may be necessary to ensure they cannot be used by any person other than you or your authorised authorized representative and making sure that a third party is not provided access to your computer for example via using team viewer to turn on or control on your computer; ● ;
(b) must notify us immediately if you become aware that your Account Credentials have in any way become compromised or if any third party may be able to access the Trading Platform; and ● and
(c) You agree we do not have to establish the authority of anyone quoting your Trading Account number or Account Credentials. The use of your Account Credentials by any third party is expressly prohibited.
3.44.4. If we believe that there is likely to be a breach of security, we may require you to change your Account Credentials or suspend your access to the Trading Platform. We reserve the right to edit, amend or issue you with new Account Credentials or require a change of your Account Credentials at any time time, by giving notice to you.
3.54.5. You are responsible for ensuring that you alone control access to your Account Credentials, and that no minor or other person is granted access to the Trading Platform using your Account Credentials. You acknowledge that you are ultimately and solely responsible for all actions on the Trading Platform through your Registration Data Data, including any unauthorized disclosure of your Account Credentials.
3.64.6. You undertake to immediately notify us immediately first orally and then in writing if you become aware of any loss, theft or use by any other person or entity other than you, of any of your Registration Data, including your Account Credentials. We will then take steps to prevent any further use of such Account Credentials and will issue replacement Account Credentials. You will be unable to place any Orders until you receive your replacement Account Credentials.
3.74.7. If we are informed from a reliable source that your Account Credentials may have been received by unauthorized third parties, we may, at our discretion without having an obligation to younotify you in advance, deactivate the Client Trading Account.
3.84.8. You as the Client are permitted to access, store, display, analyze, modify, print the information that is available to you and relates to the operations of your trading accounts(s) via the trading platform and clients portal. You are not permitted to publish, transmit or reproduce or otherwise provide access to third party, without prior disclosure and consent by the Company.
4.9. You acknowledge that we bear no responsibility if unauthorized third persons gain access to information, including electronic addresses, electronic communication, personal data and Account Credentials when the above are transmitted between the parties or any other party, using the internet or other network communication facilities, post, telephone, or any other electronic means.
3.94.10. You shall indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless from any claim, proceeding, loss or damages based upon any use, misuse, or unauthorized use of the Trading Platform through your Account Credentials.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Client Agreement
Account Credentials and Security.
3.1. In the event that we accept you as our Client, Client we shall open a Trading Account in your name which will allow you to place Orders on our Trading Platform. It is agreed and understood that the Company offers different types of Trading Accounts, which have different margin Requirements and characteristics.
3.2. In order to access the Trading Account, you will be asked to enter your Account Credentials issued by us to you which are confidential and shall be used solely by you.
3.3. You: ● :
a) are responsible for ensuring that your Account Credentials remain confidential and for taking such other precautions as may be necessary to ensure they cannot be used by any person other than you or your authorised authorized representative and making sure that a third party is not provided access to your computer for example via using team viewer to turn on or control on your computer; ● compute;
b) must notify us immediately if you become aware that your Account Credentials have in any way become compromised or if any third party may be able to access the Trading Platform; and ● and
c) You agree we do not have to establish the authority of anyone quoting your Trading Account number or Account Credentials. The use of your Account Credentials by any third party is expressly prohibited.
3.4. If we believe that there is likely to be a breach of security, security we may require you to change your Account Credentials or suspend your access to the Trading Platform. We reserve the right to edit, amend or issue you with new Account Credentials or require a change of your Account Credentials at any time by giving notice to you.
3.5. You are responsible for ensuring that you alone control access to your Account Credentials, and that no minor or other person is granted access to the Trading Platform using your Account Credentials. You acknowledge that you are ultimately and solely responsible for all actions on the Trading Platform through your Registration Data including any unauthorized disclosure of your Account Credentials.
3.6. You undertake to immediately notify us immediately first orally and then in writing if you become aware of any loss, theft or use by any other person or entity other than you, of any of your Registration Data, including your Account Credentials. We will then take steps to prevent any further use of such Account Credentials and will issue replacement Account Credentials. You will be unable to place any Orders until you receive your replacement Account Credentials.
3.7. If we are informed from a reliable source that your Account Credentials may have been received by unauthorized third parties, we may, at our discretion without having an obligation to you, deactivate the Client Account.
3.8. You acknowledge that we bear no responsibility if unauthorized third persons gain access to information, including electronic addresses, electronic communication, personal data and Account Credentials when the above are transmitted between the parties or any other party, using the internet or other network communication facilities, post, telephone, or any other electronic means.
3.9. You shall indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless from any claim, proceeding, loss or damages based upon any use, misuse, or unauthorized use of the Trading Platform through your Account Credentials.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Client Agreement
Account Credentials and Security. 3.14.1. In the event that we accept you as our Client, we shall open a Trading Account in your name which will allow you to place Orders on our Trading Platform. It is agreed and understood that the Company offers different types of Trading Accounts, which have different margin Requirements and characteristics. Account Types can be found on our website .
3.24.2. In order to access the Trading Account, you will be asked to enter your Account Credentials issued by us to you you, which are confidential and shall be used solely by you.
3.34.3. You: ● :
(a) are responsible for ensuring that your Account Credentials remain confidential and for taking such other precautions as may be necessary to ensure they cannot be used by any person other than you or your authorised authorized representative and making sure that a third party is not provided access to your computer for example via using team viewer to turn on or control on your computer; ● ;
(b) must notify us immediately if you become aware that your Account Credentials have in any way become compromised or if any third party may be able to access the Trading Platform; and ● and
(c) You agree we do not have to establish the authority of anyone quoting your Trading Account number or Account Credentials. The use of your Account Credentials by any third party is expressly prohibited.
3.44.4. If we believe that there is likely to be a breach of security, we may require you to change your Account Credentials or suspend your access to the Trading Platform. We reserve the right to edit, amend or issue you with new Account Credentials or require a change of your Account Credentials at any time time, by giving notice to you.
3.54.5. You are responsible for ensuring that you alone control access to your Account Credentials, and that no minor or other person is granted access to the Trading Platform using your Account Credentials. You acknowledge that you are ultimately and solely responsible for all actions on the Trading Platform through your Registration Data Data, including any unauthorized disclosure of your Account Credentials.
3.64.6. You undertake to immediately notify us immediately first orally and then in writing if you become aware of any loss, theft or use by any other person or entity other than you, of any of your Registration Data, including your Account Credentials. We will then take steps to prevent any further use of such Account Credentials and will issue replacement Account Credentials. You will be unable to place any Orders until you receive your replacement Account Credentials.
3.74.7. If we are informed from a reliable source that your Account Credentials may have been received by unauthorized third parties, we may, at our discretion without having an obligation to younotify you in advance, deactivate the Client Trading Account.
3.84.8. You as the Client are permitted to access, store, display, analyze, modify, print the information that is available to you and relates to the operations of your trading accounts(s) via the trading platform and clients portal. You are not permitted to publish, transmit or reproduce or otherwise provide access to third party, without prior disclosure and consent by the Company.
4.9. You acknowledge that we bear no responsibility if unauthorized third persons gain access to information, including electronic addresses, electronic communication, personal data and Account Credentials when the above are transmitted between the parties or any other party, using the internet or other network communication facilities, post, telephone, or any other electronic means.
3.94.10. You shall indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless from any claim, proceeding, loss or damages based upon any use, misuse, or unauthorized use of the Trading Platform through your Account Credentials.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Client Agreement
Account Credentials and Security. 3.14.1. In the event that we accept you as our Client, we shall open a Trading Account in your name which will allow you to place Orders on our Trading Platform. It is agreed and understood that the Company offers different types of Trading Accounts, which have different margin Requirements and characteristics. Account Types can be found on our website
3.24.2. In order to access the Trading Account, you will be asked to enter your Account Credentials issued by us to you you, which are confidential and shall be used solely by you.
3.34.3. You: ● :
(a) are responsible for ensuring that your Account Credentials remain confidential and for taking such other precautions as may be necessary to ensure they cannot be used by any person other than you or your authorised authorized representative and making sure that a third party is not provided access to your computer for example via using team viewer to turn on or control on your computer; ● compute;
(b) must notify us immediately if you become aware that your Account Credentials have in any way become compromised or if any third party may be able to access the Trading Platform; and ● and
(c) You agree we do not have to establish the authority of anyone quoting your Trading Account number or Account Credentials. The use of your Account Credentials by any third party is expressly prohibited.
3.44.4. If we believe that there is likely to be a breach of security, we may require you to change your Account Credentials or suspend your access to the Trading Platform. We reserve the right to edit, amend or issue you with new Account Credentials or require a change of your Account Credentials at any time time, by giving notice to you.
3.54.5. You are responsible for ensuring that you alone control access to your Account Credentials, and that no minor or other person is granted access to the Trading Platform using your Account Credentials. You acknowledge that you are ultimately and solely responsible for all actions on the Trading Platform through your Registration Data Data, including any unauthorized disclosure of your Account Credentials.
3.64.6. You undertake to immediately notify us immediately first orally and then in writing if you become aware of any loss, theft or use by any other person or entity other than you, of any of your Registration Data, including your Account Credentials. We will then take steps Authorised and regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission under License number 343/17 to prevent any further use of such Account Credentials and will issue replacement Account Credentials. You will be unable to place any Orders until you receive your replacement Account Credentials.
3.74.7. If we are informed from a reliable source that your Account Credentials may have been received by unauthorized third parties, we may, at our discretion without having an obligation to younotify you in advance, deactivate the Client Trading Account.
3.84.8. You as the Client are permitted to access, store, display, analyze, modify, print the information that is available to you and relates to the operations of your trading accounts(s) via the trading platform and clients portal. You are nit permitted to publish, transmit or reproduce or otherwise provide access to third party, without prior disclosure and consent by the Company.
4.9. You acknowledge that we bear no responsibility if unauthorized third persons gain access to information, including electronic addresses, electronic communication, personal data and Account Credentials when the above are transmitted between the parties or any other party, using the internet or other network communication facilities, post, telephone, or any other electronic means.
3.94.10. You shall indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless from any claim, proceeding, loss or damages based upon any use, misuse, or unauthorized use of the Trading Platform through your Account Credentials.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Client Agreement
Account Credentials and Security. 3.1. In the event that we accept you as our Client, Client we shall open a Trading Account in your name which will allow you to place Orders on our Trading Platform. It is agreed and understood that the Company offers different types of Trading Accounts, which have different margin Requirements and characteristics.
3.2. In order to access the Trading Account, you will be asked to enter your Account Credentials issued by us to you which are confidential and shall be used solely by you.
3.3. You: ● :
1. are responsible for ensuring that your Account Credentials remain confidential and for taking such other precautions as may be necessary to ensure they cannot be used by any person other than you or your authorised authorized representative and making sure that a third party is not provided access to your computer for example via using team viewer to turn on or control on your computer; ● ;
2. must notify us immediately if you become aware that your Account Credentials have in any way become compromised or if any third party may be able to access the Trading Platform; and ● and
3. You agree we do not have to establish the authority of anyone quoting your Trading Account number or Account Credentials. The use of your Account Credentials by any third party is expressly prohibited.
3.4. If we believe that there is likely to be a breach of security, security we may require you to change your Account Credentials or suspend your access to the Trading Platform. We reserve the right to edit, amend or issue you with new Account Credentials or require a change of your Account Credentials at any time by giving notice to you.
3.5. You are responsible for ensuring that you alone control access to your Account Credentials, and that no minor or other person is granted access to the Trading Platform using your Account Credentials. You acknowledge that you are ultimately and solely responsible for all actions on the Trading Platform through your Registration Data including any unauthorized disclosure of your Account Credentials.
3.6. You undertake to immediately notify us immediately first orally and then in writing if you become aware of any loss, theft or use by any other person or entity other than you, of any of your Registration Data, including your Account Credentials. We will then take steps to prevent any further use of such Account Credentials and will issue replacement Account Credentials. You will be unable to place any Orders until you receive your replacement Account Credentials.
3.7. If we are informed from a reliable source that your Account Credentials may have been received by unauthorized third parties, we may, at our discretion without having an obligation to you, deactivate the Client Account.
3.8. You acknowledge that we bear no responsibility if unauthorized third persons gain access to information, including electronic addresses, electronic communication, personal data and Account Credentials when the above are transmitted between the parties or any other party, using the internet or other network communication facilities, post, telephone, or any other electronic means.
3.9. You shall indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless from any claim, proceeding, loss or damages based upon any use, misuse, or unauthorized use of the Trading Platform through your Account Credentials.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Client Agreement
Account Credentials and Security. 3.10.0. In Xx the event that we accept you as our Client, Client we shall open a Trading Account in your name which will allow you to place Orders on our Trading Platform. It is agreed and understood that the Company offers different types of Trading Accounts, which have different margin Requirements and characteristics.
3.20.0. In Xx order to access the Trading Account, you will be asked to enter your Account Credentials issued by us to you which are confidential and shall be used solely by you.
3.30.0. You: ● are Xxx:
x. xxx responsible for ensuring that your Account Credentials remain confidential and for taking such other precautions as may be necessary to ensure they cannot be used by any person other than you or your authorised authorized representative and making sure that a third party is not provided access to your computer for example via using team viewer to turn on or control on your computer; ● compute;
b. must notify us immediately if you become aware that your Account Credentials have in any way become compromised or if any third party may be able to access the Trading Platform; and ● and
c. You agree we do not have to establish the authority of anyone quoting your Trading Account number or Account Credentials. The use of your Account Credentials by any third party is expressly prohibited.
3.4. If we believe that there is likely to be a breach of security, security we may require you to change your Account Credentials or suspend your access to the Trading Platform. We reserve the right to edit, amend or issue you with new Account Credentials or require a change of your Account Credentials at any time by giving notice to you.
3.50.0. You Xxx are responsible for ensuring that you alone control access to your Account Credentials, and that no minor or other person is granted access to the Trading Platform using your Account Credentials. You acknowledge that you are ultimately and solely responsible for all actions on the Trading Platform through your Registration Data including any unauthorized disclosure of your Account Credentials.
3.60.0. You Xxx undertake to immediately notify us immediately first orally and then in writing if you become aware of any loss, theft or use by any other person or entity other than you, of any of your Registration Data, including your Account Credentials. We will then take steps to prevent any further use of such Account Credentials and will issue replacement Account Credentials. You will be unable to place any Orders until you receive your replacement Account Credentials.
3.7. If we are informed from a reliable source that your Account Credentials may have been received by unauthorized third parties, we may, at our discretion without having an obligation to you, deactivate the Client Account.
3.80.0. You Xxx acknowledge that we bear no responsibility if unauthorized third persons gain access to information, including electronic addresses, electronic communication, personal data and Account Credentials when the above are transmitted between the parties or any other party, using the internet or other network communication facilities, post, telephone, or any other electronic means.
3.90.0. You Xxx shall indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless from any claim, proceeding, loss or damages based upon any use, misuse, or unauthorized use of the Trading Platform through your Account Credentials.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Client Agreement
Account Credentials and Security. 3.14.1. In the event that we accept you as our Client, we shall open a Trading Account in your name which will allow you to place Orders on our Trading Platform. It is agreed and understood that the Company offers different types of Trading Accounts, which have different margin Requirements and characteristics.. Account Types can be found on our xxxxx://
3.24.2. In order to access the Trading Account, you will be asked to enter your Account Credentials issued by us to you you, which are confidential and shall be used solely by you.
3.34.3. You: ● :
(a) are responsible for ensuring that your Account Credentials remain confidential and for taking such other precautions as may be necessary to ensure they cannot be used by any person other than you or your authorised authorized representative and making sure that a third party is not provided access to your computer for example via using team viewer to turn on or control on your computer; ● ;
(b) must notify us immediately if you become aware that your Account Credentials have in any way become compromised or if any third party may be able to access the Trading Platform; and ● and
(c) You agree we do not have to establish the authority of anyone quoting your Trading Account number or Account Credentials. The use of your Account Credentials by any third party is expressly prohibited.
3.44.4. If we believe that there is likely to be a breach of security, we may require you to change your Account Credentials or suspend your access to the Trading Platform. We reserve the right to edit, amend or issue you with new Account Credentials or require a change of your Account Credentials at any time time, by giving notice to you.
3.54.5. You are responsible for ensuring that you alone control access to your Account Credentials, and that no minor or other person is granted access to the Trading Platform using your Account Credentials. You acknowledge that you are ultimately and solely responsible for all actions on the Trading Platform through your Registration Data Data, including any unauthorized disclosure of your Account Credentials. We reserve the right to not permit access to your account or to any person that you have authorized unless they have obtained full compliance verification by the Company.
3.64.6. You undertake to immediately notify us immediately first orally and then in writing if you become aware of any loss, theft or use by any other person or entity other than you, of any of your Registration Data, including your Account Credentials. We will then take steps to prevent any further use of such Account Credentials and will issue replacement Account Credentials. You will be unable to place any Orders until you receive your replacement Account Credentials.
3.74.7. If we are informed from a reliable source that your Account Credentials may have been received by unauthorized third parties, we may, at our discretion without having an obligation to younotify you in advance, deactivate the Client Trading Account.
3.84.8. You as the Client are permitted to access, store, display, analyze, modify, print the information that is available to you and relates to the operations of your trading accounts(s) via the trading platform and client’s portal. You are not permitted to publish, transmit or reproduce or otherwise provide access to third party, without prior disclosure and consent by the Company.
4.9. You acknowledge that we bear no responsibility if unauthorized third persons gain access to information, including electronic addresses, electronic communication, personal data and Account Credentials when the above are transmitted between the parties or any other party, using the internet or other network communication facilities, post, telephone, or any other electronic means.
3.94.10. You shall indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless from any claim, proceeding, loss or damages based upon any use, misuse, or unauthorized use of the Trading Platform through your Account Credentials.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Client Agreement
Account Credentials and Security. 3.14.1. In the event that we accept you as our Client, we shall open a Trading Account in your name which will allow you to place Orders on our Trading Platform. It is agreed and understood that the Company offers different types of Trading Accounts, which have different margin Requirements and characteristics. Account Types can be found on our website.
3.24.2. In order to access the Trading Account, you will be asked to enter your Account Credentials issued by us to you you, which are confidential and shall be used solely by you.
3.34.3. You: ● :
(a) are responsible for ensuring that your Account Credentials remain confidential and for taking such other precautions as may be necessary to ensure they cannot be used by any person other than you or your authorised authorized representative and making sure that a third party is not provided access to your computer for example via using team viewer to turn on or control on your computer; ● compute;
(b) must notify us immediately if you become aware that your Account Credentials have in any way become compromised or if any third party may be able to access the Trading Platform; and ● and
(c) You agree we do not have to establish the authority of anyone quoting your Trading Account number or Account Credentials. The use of your Account Credentials by any third party is expressly prohibited.
3.44.4. If we believe that there is likely to be a breach of security, we may require you to change your Account Credentials or suspend your access to the Trading Platform. We reserve the right to edit, amend or issue you with new Account Credentials or require a change of your Account Credentials at any time time, by giving notice to you.
3.54.5. You are responsible for ensuring that you alone control access to your Account Credentials, and that no minor or other person is granted access to the Trading Platform using your Account Credentials. You acknowledge that you are ultimately and solely responsible for all actions on the Trading Platform through your Registration Data Data, including any unauthorized disclosure of your Account Credentials.
3.64.6. You undertake to immediately notify us immediately first orally and then in writing if you become aware of any loss, theft or use by any other person or entity other than you, of any of your Registration Data, including your Account Credentials. We will then take steps to prevent any further use of such Account Credentials and will issue replacement Account Credentials. You will be unable to place any Orders until you receive your replacement Account Credentials.
3.74.7. If we are informed from a reliable source that your Account Credentials may have been received by unauthorized third parties, we may, at our discretion without having an obligation to younotify you in advance, deactivate the Client Trading Account.
3.84.8. You as the Client are permitted to access, store, display, analyze, modify, print the information that is available to you and relates to the operations of your trading accounts(s) via the trading platform and clients portal. You are nit permitted to publish, transmit or reproduce or otherwise provide access to third party, without prior disclosure and consent by the Company.
4.9. You acknowledge that we bear no responsibility if unauthorized third persons gain access to information, including electronic addresses, electronic communication, personal data and Account Credentials when the above are transmitted between the parties or any other party, using the internet or other network communication facilities, post, telephone, or any other electronic means.
3.94.10. You shall indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless from any claim, proceeding, loss or damages based upon any use, misuse, or unauthorized use of the Trading Platform through your Account Credentials.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Client Agreement
Account Credentials and Security. 3.1
4.1. In the event that we accept you as our Client, we shall open a Trading Account in your name which will allow you to place Orders on our Trading Platform. It is agreed and understood that the Company offers different types of Trading Accounts, which have different margin Requirements and characteristics. Account Types can be found on our website.
3.24.2. In order to access the Trading Account, you will be asked to enter your Account Credentials issued by us to you you, which are confidential and shall be used solely by you.
3.34.3. You: ● :
(a) are responsible for ensuring that your Account Credentials remain confidential and for taking such other precautions as may be necessary to ensure they cannot be used by any person other than you or your authorised authorized representative and making sure that a third party is not provided access to your computer for example via using team viewer to turn on or control on your computer; ● compute;
(b) must notify us immediately if you become aware that your Account Credentials have in any way become compromised or if any third party may be able to access the Trading Platform; and ● and
(c) You agree we do not have to establish the authority of anyone quoting your Trading Account number or Account Credentials. The use of your Account Credentials by any third party is expressly prohibited.
3.44.4. If we believe that there is likely to be a breach of security, we may require you to change your Account Credentials or suspend your access to the Trading Platform. We reserve the right to edit, amend or issue you with new Account Credentials or require a change of your Account Credentials at any time time, by giving notice to you.
3.54.5. You are responsible for ensuring that you alone control access to your Account Credentials, and that no minor or other person is granted access to the Trading Platform using your Account Credentials. You acknowledge that you are ultimately and solely responsible for all actions on the Trading Platform through your Registration Data Data, including any unauthorized disclosure of your Account Credentials.
3.64.6. You undertake to immediately notify us immediately first orally and then in writing if you become aware of any loss, theft or use by any other person or entity other than you, of any of your Registration Data, including your Account Credentials. We will then take steps to prevent any further use of such Account Credentials and will issue replacement Account Credentials. You will be unable to place any Orders until you receive your replacement Account Credentials.
3.74.7. If we are informed from a reliable source that your Account Credentials may have been received by unauthorized third parties, we may, at our discretion without having an obligation to younotify you in advance, deactivate the Client Trading Account.
3.84.8. You as the Client are permitted to access, store, display, analyze, modify, print the information that is available to you and relates to the operations of your trading accounts(s) via the trading platform and clients portal. You are nit permitted to publish, transmit or reproduce or otherwise provide access to third party, without prior disclosure and consent by the Company.
4.9. You acknowledge that we bear no responsibility if unauthorized third persons gain access to information, including electronic addresses, electronic communication, personal data and Account Credentials when the above are transmitted between the parties or any other party, using the internet or other network communication facilities, post, telephone, or any other electronic means.
3.94.10. You shall indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless from any claim, proceeding, loss or damages based upon any use, misuse, or unauthorized use of the Trading Platform through your Account Credentials.Credentials.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Client Agreement
Account Credentials and Security. 3.1. 3.1 In the event that we accept you as our Client, Client we shall open a Trading Account in your name which will allow you to place Orders on our Trading Platform. It is agreed and understood that the Company offers different types of Trading Accounts, which have different margin Requirements and characteristics.
3.2. 3.2 In order to access the Trading Account, you will be asked to enter your Account Credentials issued by us to you which are confidential and shall be used solely by you.
3.3. 3.3 You: ● :
a) are responsible for ensuring that your Account Credentials remain confidential and for taking such other precautions as may be necessary to ensure they cannot be used by any person other than you or your authorised authorized representative and making sure that a third party is not provided access to your computer for example via using team viewer to turn on or control on your computer; ● compute;
b) must notify us immediately if you become aware that your Account Credentials have in any way become compromised or if any third party may be able to access the Trading Platform; and ● and
c) You agree we do not have to establish the authority of anyone quoting your Trading Account number or Account Credentials. The use of your Account Credentials by any third party is expressly prohibited.
3.4. 3.4 If we believe that there is likely to be a breach of security, security we may require you to change your Account Credentials or suspend your access to the Trading Platform. We reserve the right to edit, amend or issue you with new Account Credentials or require a change of your Account Credentials at any time by giving notice to you.
3.5. 3.5 You are responsible for ensuring that you alone control access to your Account Credentials, and that no minor or other person is granted access to the Trading Platform using your Account Ac- count Credentials. You acknowledge that you are ultimately and solely responsible for all actions ac- tions on the Trading Platform through your Registration Data including any unauthorized disclosure of your Account Credentials.
3.6. 3.6 You undertake to immediately notify us immediately first orally and then in writing if you become be-come aware of any loss, theft or use by any other person or entity other than you, of any of your Registration Data, including your Account Credentials. We will then take steps to prevent pre- vent any further use of such Account Credentials and will issue replacement Account CredentialsCreden- tials. You will be unable to place any Orders until you receive your replacement Account CredentialsCre- dentials.
3.7. 3.7 If we are informed from a reliable source that your Account Credentials may have been received re- ceived by unauthorized third parties, we may, at our discretion without having an obligation to you, deactivate the Client Trading Account.
3.8. 3.8 You acknowledge that we bear no responsibility if unauthorized third persons gain access to information, including electronic addresses, electronic communication, personal data and Account Credentials when the above are transmitted between the parties or any other party, using the internet or other network communication facilities, post, telephone, or any other electronic means.
3.9. 3.9 You shall indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless from any claim, proceeding, loss or damages based upon any use, misuse, or unauthorized use of the Trading Platform through your Account Credentials.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Client Agreement
Account Credentials and Security. 3.1. 4.1 In the event that we accept you as our Client, Client we shall open a Trading Account in your name which will allow you to place Orders on our Trading Platform. It is agreed and understood that the Company offers different types of Trading Accounts, which have different margin Requirements and characteristics.
3.2. 4.2 In order to access the Trading Account, you will be asked to enter your Account Credentials Creden tials issued by us to you which are confidential and shall be used solely by you.
3.3. 4.3 You: ● :
a. are responsible for ensuring that your Account Credentials remain confidential and for taking such other precautions as may be necessary to ensure they cannot be used by any person other than you or your authorised authorized representative and making sure that a third party is not provided access to your computer for example via using team viewer to turn on or control on your computer; ● compute;
b. must notify us immediately if you become aware that your Account Credentials have in any way become compromised or if any third party may be able to access the Trading Platform; and ● and
c. You agree we do not have to establish the authority of anyone quoting your Trading Account number or Account Credentials. The use of your Account Credentials by any third party is expressly prohibited.
3.4. 4.4 If we believe that there is likely to be a breach of security, security we may require you to change your Account Credentials or suspend your access to the Trading Platform. We reserve the right to edit, amend or issue you with new Account Credentials or require a change of your Account Credentials at any time by giving notice to you.
3.5. 4.5 You are responsible for ensuring that you alone control access to your Account Credentials, and that no minor or other person is granted access to the Trading Platform using your Account Credentials. You acknowledge that you are ultimately and solely responsible for all actions on the Trading Platform through your Registration Data including any unauthorized disclosure of your Account Credentials.
3.6. 4.6 You undertake to immediately notify us immediately first orally and then in writing if you become aware of any loss, theft or use by any other person or entity other than you, of any of your Registration Data, including your Account Credentials. We will then take steps to prevent any further use of such Account Credentials and will issue replacement Account Credentials. You will be unable to place any Orders until you receive your replacement Account CredentialsCredentia ls.
3.7. 4.7 If we are informed from a reliable source that your Account Credentials may have been received by unauthorized third parties, we may, at our discretion without having an obligation to you, deactivate the Client Account.
3.8. 4.8 You acknowledge that we bear no responsibility if unauthorized third persons gain access to information, including electronic addresses, electronic communication, personal data and Account Credentials when the above are transmitted between the parties or any other party, using the internet or other network communication facilities, post, telephone, or any other electronic means.
3.9. 4.9 You shall indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless from any claim, proceeding, loss or damages based upon any use, misuse, or unauthorized use of the Trading Platform through your Account Credentials.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Client Agreement
Account Credentials and Security. 3.1. In the event that we accept you as our Client, Client we shall open a Trading Account in your name which will allow you to place Orders on our Trading Platform. It is agreed and understood that the Company offers different types of Trading Accounts, which have different margin Requirements and characteristics.
3.2. In order to access the Trading Account, you will be asked to enter your Account Credentials issued by us to you which are confidential and shall be used solely by you.
3.3. You: ● :
a) are responsible for ensuring that your Account Credentials remain confidential and for taking such other precautions as may be necessary to ensure they cannot be used by any person other than you or your authorised authorized representative and making sure that a third party is not provided access to your computer for example via using team viewer to turn on or control on your computer; ● compute;
b) must notify us immediately if you become aware that your Account Credentials have in any way become compromised or if any third party may be able to access the Trading Platform; and ● and
c) You agree we do not have to establish the authority of anyone quoting your Trading Account number or Account Credentials. The use of your Account Credentials by any third party is expressly prohibited.
3.4. If we believe that there is likely to be a breach of security, security we may require you to change your Account Credentials or suspend your access to the Trading Platform. We reserve the right to edit, amend or issue you with new Account Credentials or require a change of your Account Credentials at any time by giving notice to you.
3.5. You are responsible for ensuring that you alone control access to your Account Credentials, and that no minor or other person is granted access to the Trading Platform using your Account Credentials. You acknowledge that you are ultimately and solely responsible for all actions on the Trading Platform through your Registration Data including any unauthorized disclosure of your Account Credentials.
3.6. You undertake to immediately notify us immediately first orally and then in writing if you become aware of any loss, theft or use by any other person or entity other than you, of any of your Registration Data, including your Account Credentials. We will then take steps to prevent any further use of such Account Credentials and will issue replacement Account Credentials. You will be unable to place any Orders until you receive your replacement Account Credentials.
3.7. If we are informed from a reliable source that your Account Credentials may have been received by unauthorized third parties, we may, at our discretion without having an obligation to you, deactivate the Client Account.
3.8. You acknowledge that we bear no responsibility if unauthorized third persons gain access to information, including electronic addresses, electronic communication, personal data and Account Credentials when the above are transmitted between the parties or any other party, using the internet or other network communication facilities, post, telephone, or any other electronic means.
3.9. You shall indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless from any claim, proceeding, loss or damages based upon any use, misuse, or unauthorized use of the Trading Platform through your Account Credentials.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Client Agreement
Account Credentials and Security. 3.1. 4.1 In the event that we accept you as our Client, Client we shall open a Trading Account in your name which will allow you to place Orders on our Trading Platform. It is agreed and understood that the Company offers different types of Trading Accounts, which have different margin Requirements and characteristics.
3.2. 4.2 In order to access the Trading Account, you will be asked to enter your Account Credentials issued by us to you which are confidential and shall be used solely by you.
3.3. 4.3 You: ● :
a. are responsible for ensuring that your Account Credentials remain confidential and for taking such other precautions as may be necessary to ensure they cannot be used by any person other than you or your authorised authorized representative and making sure that a third party is not provided access to your computer for example via using team viewer to turn on or control on your computer; ● ;
b. must notify us immediately if you become aware that your Account Credentials have in any way become compromised or if any third party may be able to access the Trading Platform; and ● ;
c. You agree we do not have to establish the authority of anyone quoting your Trading Account number or Account Credentials. The use of your Account Credentials by any third party is expressly prohibited.
3.4. 4.4 If we believe that there is likely to be a breach of security, security we may require you to change your Account Credentials or suspend your access to the Trading Platform. We reserve the right to edit, amend or issue you with new Account Credentials or require a change of your Account Credentials at any time by giving notice to you.
3.5. 4.5 You are responsible for ensuring that you alone control access to your Account Credentials, and that no minor or other person is granted access to the Trading Platform using your Account Credentials. You acknowledge that you are ultimately and solely responsible for all actions on the Trading Platform through your Registration Data including any unauthorized disclosure of your Account Credentials.
3.6. 4.6 You undertake to immediately notify us immediately first orally and then in writing if you become aware of any loss, theft or use by any other person or entity other than you, of any of your Registration Data, including your Account Credentials. We will then take steps to prevent any further use of such Account Credentials and will issue replacement Account Credentials. You will be unable to place any Orders until you receive your replacement Account Credentials.
3.7. 4.7 If we are informed from a reliable source that your Account Credentials may have been received by unauthorized third parties, we may, at our discretion without having an obligation to you, deactivate the Client Account.
3.8. 4.8 You acknowledge that we bear no responsibility if unauthorized third persons gain access to information, including electronic addresses, electronic communication, personal data and Account Credentials when the above are transmitted between the parties or any other party, using the internet or other network communication facilities, post, telephone, or any other electronic means.
3.9. 4.9 You shall indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless from any claim, proceeding, loss or damages based upon any use, misuse, or unauthorized use of the Trading Platform through your Account Credentials.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Client Agreement
Account Credentials and Security. 3.1. In the event that we accept you as our Client, Client we shall open a Trading Account in your name which will allow you to place Orders on our Trading Platform. It is agreed and understood that the Company offers different types of Trading Accounts, which have different margin Requirements and characteristics.
3.2. In order to access the Trading Account, you will be asked to enter your Account Credentials issued by us to you which are confidential and shall be used solely by you.
3.3. You: ● • are responsible for ensuring that your Account Credentials remain confidential and for taking such other precautions as may be necessary to ensure they cannot be used by any person other than you or your authorised representative and making sure that a third party is not provided access to your computer for example via using team viewer to turn on or control on your computer; ● • must notify us immediately if you become aware that your Account Credentials have in any way become compromised or if any third party may be able to access the Trading Platform; and ● • You agree we do not have to establish the authority of anyone quoting your Trading Account number or Account Credentials. The use of your Account Credentials by any third party is expressly prohibited.
3.4. If we believe that there is likely to be a breach of security, we may require you to change your Account Credentials or suspend your access to the Trading Platform. We reserve the right to edit, amend or issue you with new Account Credentials or require a change of your Account Credentials at any time by giving notice to you.right
3.5. You are responsible for ensuring that you alone control access to your Account Credentials, and that no minor or other person is granted access to the Trading Platform using your Account Credentials. You acknowledge that you are ultimately and solely responsible for all actions on the Trading Platform through your Registration Data including any unauthorized disclosure of your Account Credentials.
3.6. You undertake to immediately notify us immediately first orally and then in writing if you become aware of any loss, theft or use by any other person or entity other than you, of any of your Registration Data, including your Account Credentials. We will then take steps to prevent any further use of such Account Credentials and will issue replacement Account Credentials. You will be unable to place any Orders until you receive your replacement Account Credentials.
3.7. If we are informed from a reliable source that your Account Credentials may have been received by unauthorized third parties, we may, at our discretion without having an obligation to you, deactivate the Client Account.
3.8. You acknowledge that we bear no responsibility if unauthorized third persons gain access to information, including electronic addresses, electronic communication, personal data and Account Credentials when the above are transmitted between the parties or any other party, using the internet or other network communication facilities, post, telephone, or any other electronic means.
3.9. You shall indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless from any claim, proceeding, loss or damages based upon any use, misuse, or unauthorized use of the Trading Platform through your Account Credentials.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Client Agreement
Account Credentials and Security. 3.14.1. In the event that we accept you as our Client, Client we shall open a Trading Account in your name which will allow you to place Orders on our Trading Platform. It is agreed and understood that the Company offers different types of Trading Accounts, which have different margin Requirements and characteristics.
3.24.2. In order to access the Trading Account, you will be asked to enter your Account Credentials issued by us to you which are confidential and shall be used solely by you.
3.34.3. You: ● :
(a) are responsible for ensuring that your Account Credentials remain confidential and for taking such other precautions as may be necessary to ensure they cannot be used by any person other than you or your authorised authorized representative and making sure that a third party is not provided access to your computer for example via using team viewer to turn on or control on your computer; ● compute;
(b) must notify us immediately if you become aware that your Account Credentials have in any way become compromised or if any third party may be able to access the Trading Platform; and ● and
(c) You agree we do not have to establish the authority of anyone quoting your Trading Account number or Account Credentials. The use of your Account Credentials by any third party is expressly prohibited.
3.44.4. If we believe that there is likely to be a breach of security, we may require you to change your Account Credentials or suspend your access to the Trading Platform. We reserve the right to edit, amend or issue you with new Account Credentials or require a change of your Account Credentials at any time by giving notice to you.
3.54.5. You are responsible for ensuring that you alone control access to your Account Credentials, and that no minor or other person is granted access to the Trading Platform using your Account Credentials. You acknowledge that you are ultimately and solely responsible for all actions on the Trading Platform through your Registration Data including any unauthorized disclosure of your Account Credentials. You should not give away your credentials to any third party.
3.64.6. You undertake to immediately notify us immediately first orally and then in writing if you become aware of any loss, theft or use by any other person or entity other than you, of any of your Registration Data, including your Account Credentials. We will then take steps to prevent any further use of such Account Credentials and will issue replacement Account Credentials. You will be unable to place any Orders until you receive your replacement Account Credentials. In case you do not inform the Company immediately, the Company bears no responsibility on any actions any unauthorized third party performed using your credentials. Additionally, the Company shall bear no responsibility over any possible losses you may have occurred by any third-party interaction that occurred prior you inform the Company of such instance.
3.74.7. If we are informed from a reliable source that your Account Credentials may have been received by unauthorized third parties, we may, at our discretion without having an obligation to you, deactivate the Client Trading Account.
3.84.8. You acknowledge that we bear no responsibility if unauthorized third persons gain access to information, including electronic addresses, electronic communication, personal data and Account Credentials when the above are transmitted between the parties or any other party, using the internet or other network communication facilities, post, telephone, or any other electronic means.
3.94.9. You shall indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless from any claim, proceeding, loss or damages based upon any use, misuse, or unauthorized use of the Trading Platform through your Account Credentials.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Client Agreement
Account Credentials and Security. 3.1
4.1. In the event that we accept you as our Client, we shall open a Trading Account in your name which will allow you to place Orders on our Trading Platform. It is agreed and understood that the Company offers different types of Trading Accounts, which have different margin Requirements and characteristics. Account Types can be found on our website.
3.24.2. In order to access the Trading Account, you will be asked to enter your Account Credentials issued by us to you you, which are confidential and shall be used solely by you.
3.34.3. You: ● :
(a) are responsible for ensuring that your Account Credentials remain confidential and for taking such other precautions as may be necessary to ensure they cannot be used by any person other than you or your authorised authorized representative and making sure that a third party is not provided access to your computer for example via using team viewer to turn on or control on your computer; ● compute;
(b) must notify us immediately if you become aware that your Account Credentials have in any way become compromised or if any third party may be able to access the Trading Platform; and ● and
(c) You agree we do not have to establish the authority of anyone quoting your Trading Account number or Account Credentials. The use of your Account Credentials by any third party is expressly prohibited.
3.44.4. If we believe that there is likely to be a breach of security, we may require you to change your Account Credentials or suspend your access to the Trading Platform. We reserve the right to edit, amend or issue you with new Account Credentials or require a change of your Account Credentials at any time time, by giving notice to you.
3.54.5. You are responsible for ensuring that you alone control access to your Account Credentials, and that no minor or other person is granted access to the Trading Platform using your Account Credentials. You acknowledge that you are ultimately and solely responsible for all actions on the Trading Platform through your Registration Data Data, including any unauthorized disclosure of your Account Credentials.
3.64.6. You undertake to immediately notify us immediately first orally and then in writing if you become aware of any loss, theft or use by any other person or entity other than you, of any of your Registration Data, including your Account Credentials. We will then take steps to prevent any further use of such Account Credentials and will issue replacement Account Credentials. You will be unable to place any Orders until you receive your replacement Account Credentials.
3.74.7. If we are informed from a reliable source that your Account Credentials may have been received by unauthorized third parties, we may, at our discretion without having an obligation to younotify you in advance, deactivate the Client Trading Account.
3.84.8. You as the Client are permitted to access, store, display, analyze, modify, print the information that is available to you and relates to the operations of your trading accounts(s) via the trading platform and clients portal. You are nit permitted to publish, transmit or reproduce or otherwise provide access to third party, without prior disclosure and consent by the Company.
4.9. You acknowledge that we bear no responsibility if unauthorized third persons gain access to information, including electronic addresses, electronic communication, personal data and Account Credentials when the above are transmitted between the parties or any other party, using the internet or other network communication facilities, post, telephone, or any other electronic means.
3.94.10. You shall indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless from any claim, proceeding, loss or damages based upon any use, misuse, or unauthorized use of the Trading Platform through your Account Credentials.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Client Agreement
Account Credentials and Security. 3.1. In the event that we accept you as our Client, Client we shall open a Trading Account in your name which will allow you to place Orders on our Trading Platform. It is agreed and understood that the Company offers different types of Trading Accounts, which have different margin Requirements and characteristics.
3.2. In order to access the Trading Account, you will be asked to enter your Account Credentials issued by us to you which are confidential and shall be used solely by you.
3.3. You: ● :
3.3.1. are responsible for ensuring that your Account Credentials remain confidential and for taking such other precautions as may be necessary to ensure they cannot be used by any person other than you or your authorised authorized representative and making sure that a third party is not provided access to your computer for example via using team viewer to turn on or control on your computer; ● ;
3.3.2. must notify us immediately if you become aware that your Account Credentials have in any way become compromised or if any third party may be able to access the Trading Platform; and ● and
3.3.3. You agree we do not have to establish the authority of anyone quoting your Trading Account number or Account Credentials. The use of your Account Credentials by any third party is expressly prohibited.
3.4. If we believe that there is likely to be a breach of security, we may require you to change your Account Credentials or suspend your access to the Trading Platform. We reserve the right to edit, amend or issue you with new Account Credentials or require a change of your Account Credentials at any time by giving notice to you.
3.5. You are responsible for ensuring that you alone control access to your Account Credentials, and that no minor or other person is granted access to the Trading Platform using your Account Credentials. You acknowledge that you are ultimately and solely responsible for all actions on the Trading Platform through your Registration Data including any unauthorized disclosure of your Account Credentials.
3.6. You undertake to immediately notify us immediately first orally and then in writing if you become aware of any loss, theft or use by any other person or entity other than you, of any of your Registration Data, including your Account Credentials. We will then take steps to prevent any further use of such Account Credentials and will issue replacement Account Credentials. You will be unable to place any Orders until you receive your replacement Account Credentials.
3.7. If we are informed from a reliable source that your Account Credentials may have been received by unauthorized third parties, we may, at our discretion without having an obligation to you, deactivate the Client Account.
3.8. You acknowledge that we bear no responsibility if unauthorized third persons gain access to information, including electronic addresses, electronic communication, personal data and Account Credentials when the above are transmitted between the parties or any other party, using the internet or other network communication facilities, post, telephone, or any other electronic means.
3.9. You shall indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless from any claim, proceeding, loss or damages based upon any use, misuse, or unauthorized use of the Trading Platform through your Account Credentials.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Client Agreement
Account Credentials and Security. 3.1. In the event that we accept you as our Client, Client we shall open a Trading Account in your name which will allow you to place Orders on our Trading Platform. It is agreed and understood that the Company offers different types of Trading Accounts, which have different margin Requirements and characteristics.
3.2. In order to access the Trading Account, you will be asked to enter your Account Credentials issued by us to you which are confidential and shall be used solely by you.
3.3. You: ● B are responsible for ensuring that your Account Credentials remain confidential and for taking such other precautions as may be necessary to ensure they cannot be used by any person other than you or your authorised representative and making sure that a third party is not provided access to your computer for example via using team viewer to turn on or control on your computer; ● B must notify us immediately if you become aware that your Account Credentials have in any way become compromised or if any third party may be able to access the Trading Platform; and ● B You agree we do not have to establish the authority of anyone quoting your Trading Account number or Account Credentials. The use of your Account Credentials by any third party is expressly prohibited.
3.4. If we believe that there is likely to be a breach of security, we may require you to change your Account Credentials or suspend your access to the Trading Platform. We reserve the right to edit, amend or issue you with new Account Credentials or require a change of your Account Credentials at any time by giving notice to you.
3.5. You are responsible for ensuring that you alone control access to your Account Credentials, and that no minor or other person is granted access to the Trading Platform using your Account Credentials. You acknowledge that you are ultimately and solely responsible for all actions on the Trading Platform through your Registration Data including any unauthorized disclosure of your Account Credentials.
3.6. You undertake to immediately notify us immediately first orally and then in writing if you become aware of any loss, theft or use by any other person or entity other than you, of any of your Registration Data, including your Account Credentials. We will then take steps to prevent any further use of such Account Credentials and will issue replacement Account Credentials. You will be unable to place any Orders until you receive your replacement yourreplacement Account Credentials.
3.7. If we are informed from a reliable source that your Account Credentials may have been received by unauthorized third parties, we may, at our discretion without having an obligation to you, deactivate the Client Account.
3.8. You acknowledge that we bear no responsibility if unauthorized third persons gain access to information, including electronic addresses, electronic communication, personal data and Account Credentials when the above are transmitted between the parties or any other party, using the internet or other network communication facilities, post, telephone, or any other electronic means.
3.9. You shall indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless from any claim, proceeding, loss or damages based upon any use, misuse, or unauthorized use of the Trading Platform through your Account Credentials.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Client Agreement
Account Credentials and Security. 3.1. In the event that we accept you as our Client, we shall open a Trading Account in your name which will allow you to place Orders on our Trading Platform. It is agreed and understood that the Company offers different types of Trading Accounts, which have different margin Requirements and characteristics.
3.2. In order to access the Trading Account, you will be asked to enter your Account Credentials issued by us to you which are confidential and shall be used solely by you.
3.3. You: ● are responsible for ensuring that your Account Credentials remain confidential and for taking such other precautions as may be necessary to ensure they cannot be used by any person other than you or your authorised authorized representative and making sure that a third party is not provided access to your computer for example via using team viewer to turn on or control your computer; . ● must notify us immediately if you become aware that your Account Credentials have in any way become compromised or if any third party may be able to access the Trading Platform; and . ● You agree we do not have to establish the authority of anyone quoting your Trading Account number or Account Credentials. The use of your Account Credentials by any third party is expressly prohibited.
3.4. If we believe that there is likely to be a breach of security, we may require you to change your Account Credentials or suspend your access to the Trading Platform. We reserve the right to edit, amend or issue you with new Account Credentials or require a change of your Account Credentials at any time by giving notice to you.
3.5. You are responsible for ensuring that you alone control access to your Account Credentials, and that no minor or other person is granted access to the Trading Platform using your Account Credentials. You acknowledge that you are ultimately and solely responsible for all actions on the Trading Platform through your Registration Data including any unauthorized disclosure of your Account Credentials.
3.6. You undertake to immediately notify us immediately first orally and then in writing if you become aware of any loss, theft or use by any other person or entity other than you, of any of your Registration Data, including your Account Credentials. We will then take steps to prevent any further use of such Account Credentials and will issue replacement Account Credentials. You will be unable to place any Orders until you receive your replacement Account Credentials.
3.7. If we are informed from a reliable source that your Account Credentials may have been received by unauthorized third parties, we may, at our discretion without having an obligation to you, deactivate the Client Account.
3.8. You acknowledge that we bear no responsibility if unauthorized third persons gain access to information, including electronic addresses, electronic communication, personal data and Account Credentials when the above are transmitted between the parties or any other party, using the internet or other network communication facilities, post, telephone, or any other electronic means.
3.9. You shall indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless from any claim, proceeding, loss or damages based upon any use, misuse, or unauthorized use of the Trading Platform through your Account Credentials.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Client Agreement
Account Credentials and Security. 3.1. In the event that we accept you as our Client, Client we shall open a Trading Account in your name which will allow you to place Orders on our Trading Platform. It is agreed and understood that the Company offers different types of Trading Accounts, which have different margin Requirements and characteristics.
3.2. In order to access the Trading Account, you will be asked to enter your Account Credentials issued by us to you which are confidential and shall be used solely by you.
3.3. You: ● :
a. are responsible for ensuring that your Account Credentials remain confidential and for taking such other precautions as may be necessary to ensure they cannot be used by any person other than you or your authorised authorized representative and making sure that a third party is not provided access to your computer for example via using team viewer to turn on or control on your computer; ● compute;
b. must notify us immediately if you become aware that your Account Credentials have in any way become compromised or if any third party may be able to access the Trading Platform; and ● and
c. You agree we do not have to establish the authority of anyone quoting your Trading Account number or Account Credentials. The use of your Account Credentials by any third party is expressly prohibited.
3.4. If we believe that there is likely to be a breach of security, security we may require you to change your Account Credentials or suspend your access to the Trading Platform. We reserve the right to edit, amend or issue you with new Account Credentials or require a change of your Account Credentials at any time by giving notice to you.
3.50.0. You Xxx are responsible for ensuring that you alone control access to your Account Credentials, and that no minor or other person is granted access to the Trading Platform using your Account Credentials. You acknowledge that you are ultimately and solely responsible for all actions on the Trading Platform through your Registration Data including any unauthorized disclosure of your Account Credentials.
3.60.0. You Xxx undertake to immediately notify us immediately first orally and then in writing if you become aware of any loss, theft or use by any other person or entity other than you, of any of your Registration Data, including your Account Credentials. We will then take steps to prevent any further use of such Account Credentials and will issue replacement Account Credentials. You will be unable to place any Orders until you receive your replacement Account Credentials.
3.7. If we are informed from a reliable source that your Account Credentials may have been received by unauthorized third parties, we may, at our discretion without having an obligation to you, deactivate the Client Account.
3.80.0. You Xxx acknowledge that we bear no responsibility if unauthorized third persons gain access to information, including electronic addresses, electronic communication, personal data and Account Credentials when the above are transmitted between the parties or any other party, using the internet or other network communication facilities, post, telephone, or any other electronic means.
3.90.0. You Xxx shall indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless from any claim, proceeding, loss or damages based upon any use, misuse, or unauthorized use of the Trading Platform through your Account Credentials.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Client Agreement
Account Credentials and Security. 3.14.1. In the event that we accept you as our Client, we shall open a Trading Account in your name which will allow you to place Orders on our Trading Platform. It is agreed and understood that the Company offers different types of Trading Accounts, which have different margin Requirements and characteristics.. Account Types can be found on our xxxxx://
3.24.2. In order to access the Trading Account, you will be asked to enter your Account Credentials issued by us to you you, which are confidential and shall be used solely by you.
3.34.3. You: ● :
(a) are responsible for ensuring that your Account Credentials remain confidential and for taking such other precautions as may be necessary to ensure they cannot be used by any person other than you or your authorised authorized representative and making sure that a third party is not provided access to your computer for example via using team viewer to turn on or control on your computer; ● ;
(b) must notify us immediately if you become aware that your Account Credentials have in any way become compromised or if any third party may be able to access the Trading Platform; and ● and
(c) You agree we do not have to establish the authority of anyone quoting your Trading Account number or Account Credentials. The use of your Account Credentials by any third party is expressly prohibited.
3.4(d) You are responsible for providing sufficient funds into your account.
(e) You agree to inform us immediately in any changes in your personal information that may affect the operation of your account and provide us with documentation as and when requested by the Company.
4.4. If we believe that there is likely to be a breach of security, we may require you to change your Account Credentials or suspend your access to the Trading Platform. We reserve the right to edit, amend or issue you with new Account Credentials or require a change of your Account Credentials at any time time, by giving notice to you.
3.54.5. You are responsible for ensuring that you alone control access to your Account Credentials, and that no minor or other person is granted access to the Trading Platform using your Account Credentials. You acknowledge that you are ultimately and solely responsible for all actions on the Trading Platform through your Registration Data Data, including any unauthorized disclosure of your Account Credentials. We reserve the right to not permit access to your account to any person that you have authorized unless they have obtain full compliance verification by the Company.
3.64.6. You undertake to immediately notify us immediately first orally and then in writing if you become aware of any loss, theft or use by any other person or entity other than you, of any of your Registration Data, including your Account Credentials. We will then take steps to prevent any further use of such Account Credentials and will issue replacement Account Credentials. You will be unable to place any Orders until you receive your replacement Account Credentials.
3.74.7. If we are informed from a reliable source that your Account Credentials may have been received by unauthorized third parties, we may, at our discretion without having an obligation to younotify you in advance, deactivate the Client Trading Account.
3.84.8. You as the Client are permitted to access, store, display, analyze, modify, print the information that is available to you and relates to the operations of your trading accounts(s) via the trading platform and client’s portal. You are not permitted to publish, transmit or reproduce or otherwise provide access to third party, without prior disclosure and consent by the Company.
4.9. You acknowledge that we bear no responsibility if unauthorized third persons gain access to information, including electronic addresses, electronic communication, personal data and Account Credentials when the above are transmitted between the parties or any other party, using the internet or other network communication facilities, post, telephone, or any other electronic means.
3.94.10. You shall indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless from any claim, proceeding, loss or damages based upon any use, misuse, or unauthorized use of the Trading Platform through your Account Credentials.
4.11. In regards to your account registration and administration you accept and agree to provide the Company with any and all personal information and supporting documents that the Company needs in order to maintain our compliance obligations about you both in accordance with our internal policies and that of the regulatory body’s guidance.
4.12. Should the regulatory authority either investigate, report or take any actions against any transactions conducted by you, then we will be obligated to take all and any relevant action within our own discretion that corresponds with the actions of the regulatory authority. Furthermore, you agree to co-operate with us and the regulatory authority and promptly provide any and all information that will be requested in connection with the investigation, report or action.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Client Agreement
Account Credentials and Security. 3.1. 4.1 In the event that we accept you as our Client, Client we shall open a Trading Account in your name which will allow you to place Orders on our Trading Platform. It is agreed and understood that the Company offers different types of Trading Accounts, which have different margin Requirements and characteristics.
3.24.2 In the case where a client has opened more than 1 Trading Account (Duplicate Account), the Client will be asked to terminate the duplicate account and withdraw any available funds left in the account. The Company will notify you (The Client) to do so within a 7-day period. If the Client does not proceed with closing their duplicate account within the 7-day notice period, the below scenarios will occur.
a. Closure of the account which does not have open positions.
b. If both accounts do not have open positions, the account with the least balance will be closed.
c. If both accounts have open positions, calculations will be made in order to deem which account has the least available funds after closing the open positions. The account with the least balance will have the open positions closed and the remaining funds in the account will then be sent back to the bank account associated with the Trading Account.
4.3 In order to access the Trading Account, you will be asked to enter your Account Credentials issued by us to you you, which are confidential and shall be used solely by you.
3.3. 4.4 You: ● are :
a. Are responsible for ensuring that your Account Credentials remain confidential and for taking such other precautions as may be necessary necessary, to ensure they cannot be used by any person other than you or your authorised authorized representative and making sure that a third party is not provided access to your computer computer, for example example, via using team viewer to turn on or control on your computer; ● .
b. must notify us immediately if you become aware that your Account Credentials have in any way become compromised or if any third party may be able to access the Trading Platform; and ● and
c. You agree we do not have to establish the authority of anyone quoting your Trading Account number or Account Credentials. The use of your Account Credentials by any third party is expressly prohibited.
3.4. 4.5 If we believe that there is likely to be a breach of security, we may require you to change your Account Credentials or suspend your access to the Trading Platform. We reserve the right to edit, amend or issue you with new Account Credentials or require a change of your Account Credentials at any time by giving notice to you.
3.5. 4.6 You are responsible for ensuring that you alone control access to your Account Credentials, Credentials and that no minor or other person is granted access to the Trading Platform using your Account Credentials. You acknowledge that you are ultimately and solely responsible for all actions on the Trading Platform through your Registration Data Data, including any unauthorized disclosure of your Account Credentials.
3.6. 4.7 You undertake to immediately notify us immediately us, first orally and then in writing writing, if you become aware of any loss, theft or use by any other person or entity other than you, of any of your Registration Data, including your Account Credentials. We will then take steps to prevent any further use of such Account Credentials and will issue replacement Account Credentials. You will be unable to place any Orders until you receive your replacement Account Credentials.
3.7. 4.8 If we are informed from a reliable source that your Account Credentials may have been received by unauthorized third parties, we may, at our discretion without having an obligation to you, deactivate the Client Account.
3.8. 4.9 You acknowledge that we bear no responsibility if unauthorized third persons gain access to information, including electronic addresses, electronic communication, personal data and Account Credentials when the above are transmitted between the parties or any other party, using the internet or other network communication facilities, post, telephone, or any other electronic means.
3.9. 4.10 You shall indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless from any claim, proceeding, loss or damages based upon any use, misuse, or unauthorized use of the Trading Platform through your Account Credentials.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Client Agreement