Health, Safety and Security Sample Clauses

Health, Safety and Security. 14.1 The Employer recognizes a responsibility to provide an environment intended to protect the health, safety and security of Members as they carry out their responsibilities. To that end, the Employer agrees: (a) to maintain a Joint Health and Safety Committee (the JHSC) with broad representation drawn from all sectors of the University, including at least one (1) person appointed by the Association; (b) to cooperate with the Association in making every reasonable provision for the safety, health and security of Members; (c) to take reasonable measures to maintain the security of the buildings and grounds while at the same time maintaining reasonable access for Members who have a need for such access at times other than during regular working hours; (d) to ensure that the Association has the right to appoint at least one (1) person to any representative committee whose terms of reference specifically include the health, safety or security of Members as they carry out their responsibilities; (e) to comply with the Occupational Health and Safety Act, R.S.O. 1990, and relevant regulations thereto, as amended from time to time (the “Act”); (f) that Members may refuse unsafe work pursuant to and in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Act for so doing; (g) that Members report any known or potential dangers to their Xxxx; (h) In addition, the Employer agrees: i) to provide Members with health and safety training, personal protective equipment, and access to health and safety programs, policies and procedures; ii) to provide resources for the JHSC; iii) to compensate a CASBU Member who is eligible to be, and serves as, the person appointed by the Association to the JHSC when that service is outside the period of the Member’s contract; iv) to provide training for the person appointed by the Association to the JHSC directly related to their duties and responsibilities in connection with the JHSC; v) to recognize a JHSC Member’s right to be present during workplace safety testing and audits and receive written copies of any reports and recommendations from the testing/audits and a copy of a draft report if one is provided to the Employer; vi) to recognize a JHSC Member’s right to have advance notice when advance notice is given by the Ministry of Labour of any Ministry of Labour inspection and to accompany a Ministry of Labour Inspector during an inspection and receive a copy of any report produced by the inspector. 14.2 The parties agree that all person...
Health, Safety and Security. 22.2.1 The University and the Association agree to promote safe, secure and healthy working conditions and procedures, and to encourage Members to adopt and follow sound health, safety and security procedures in the performance of their work. 22.2.2 The University recognizes a responsibility to take every precaution reasonable in the circumstances to protect the health, safety and security of Members as they carry out their responsibilities. To that end, the University agrees (a) to maintain the joint health and safety committees required by the Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.0.1, as amended from time to time and ensure that the Association has the right to appoint at least one (1) representative to each joint health and safety committee that covers areas where Members are employed; (b) to cooperate with the Association in making reasonable provisions for the safety, health and security of Members; (c) to take reasonable measures to protect the health, safety and security of Members; (d) to take those measures that are reasonable to maintain the security of the buildings, offices and grounds while at the same time maintaining reasonable access for Members who have a need for such access at times other than during regular working hours; (e) to ensure that the Association has the right to appoint at least one (1) person to any representative committee whose terms of reference specifically include the health, safety and security of Members as they carry out their responsibilities; and (f) to comply with the Occupational Health and Safety Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.0.1, as amended from time to time.
Health, Safety and Security. 12.1. We have regulations on security, fire and health and safety, details of which are in the Guide to Living In Halls or may be notified to You and/or which are posted on the notice boards in the Residence and You must comply with these. 12.2. You must complete an electrical item registration form for ALL electrical items that You bring into the Room (or the Residence) as part of the online inventory. 12.3. You must never block a fire escape route. 12.4. You must not alter or otherwise interfere with any electrical installation in the Residence. You must not overload any electrical sockets with extension sockets, adaptors or appliances. You must plug any extension lead directly into the wall socket and you must not plug any extension lead into another extension lead. You must not misuse, or attempt to repair or adapt any electrical Contents. 12.5. You must not alter or otherwise interfere with the internet installation in the Room. 12.6. You are responsible for any item which You leave in the Shared Areas. We will not compensate You if it is lost, damaged or stolen. 12.7. We will not normally give You access to a room occupied by someone else. We may refuse access even where the occupier has given their signed authority.
Health, Safety and Security. 15.1 The parties agree to comply with Nova Scotia Occupational Health and Safety legislation, and with the University Policy on Occupational Health and Safety, in the performance of their duties. 15.2 The Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee shall follow the mandate and procedures outlined by Nova Scotia Occupational Health and Safety legislation. 15.2.1 The Association shall have two representatives on this Committee, at least one of whom shall be appointed from among members of departments with designated laboratory courses, as referenced in Attachment 1. 15.2.2 The members of this committee shall elect a chair or co-chairs from amongst themselves. 15.2.3 The Employer shall provide support services to this Committee.
Health, Safety and Security. 22.2.1 The University and the Association agree to promote safe, secure and healthy working conditions and procedures, and to encourage Members to adopt and follow sound health, safety and security procedures in the performance of their work. 22.2.2 The University recognizes a responsibility to take every precaution reasonable in the circumstances to protect the health, safety and security of Members as they carry out their responsibilities. To that end, the University agrees to time and ensure that the Association has the right to appoint at least one (1) representative to each joint health and safety committee that covers areas where Members are employed;
Health, Safety and Security. 1. The Board recognizes its responsibility under the Occupational Health and Safety Act to provide an environment that protects the health, safety and security of Members as they carry out their responsibilities. To that end, the Board agrees: a) to establish and maintain a committee on each campus on health and safety with broad representation drawn from all sectors of the School, including one person on each campus appointed by the Union; b) to act promptly on the recommendations of the committees referred to in (a) to maintain a safe and healthy work environment; c) to ensure that the Union has the right to appoint at least one (1) person to any representative committee whose terms of reference specifically include the health, safety and security of Members as they carry out their responsibilities; and d) to recognize the right of Members to refuse to work in an unsafe work environment. 2. The Board agrees to provide: a) facilities, supplies, procedures, training and services required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act to protect the health, safety and security of Members as they carry out their responsibilities of employment on the Board's premises; and b) protective equipment whenever such equipment is required by the Act or the regulations pertaining to the Act for the safe performance of the Members' responsibilities of employment.
Health, Safety and Security. The Resident agrees to take primary responsibility for their own health, safety and security, and to support the health, safety and security of fellow residents, the buildings, and dining areas. UHDS will work cooperatively with Residents to promote a safe and secure environment, although absolute safety cannot be guaranteed. The Resident agrees to read and abide by security policies and precautions stated in the UHDS publication Student Policy and Information Guide, and other applicable OSU health, safety and security publications. UHDS may require residents to periodically test for COVID-19 if prevalence deems it appropriate.
Health, Safety and Security. 3.1 You must report any accident, incident or near-miss you are involved in via our ‘Online Accident & Incident Reporting Tool’ (xxx.xxxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx/xxxxxxx/xxxxxxxx-xxxxxx). 3.2 You must comply with any instructions given by BU about health and safety and fire safety (for more information see xxx.xxxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx/xxxxxxx/xxxxxxxx-xxxxxx). In particular, you must: • follow the Fire Evacuation procedures including evacuating a building promptly on hearing the fire alarm, and obeying instructions given by staff; • not tamper with, move or cover any fire equipment including: extinguishers, smoke sensors and alarms. Tampering with, or removing, fire and health & safety equipment is breaking the law, and will attract a financial penalty and under certain circumstances can lead to criminal prosecution. This includes unlawfully setting off alarms and extinguishers, and or the covering or tampering with smoke detectors; • wear suitable overalls or protective clothing as directed by staff; and • ensure that a risk assessment is carried out where it is relevant to your activities and ensure that you comply with all control measures required under the assessment. 3.3 You must tell your Faculty as soon as possible if you suffer any illness or other circumstance that means that you are unable to attend scheduled academic events, or that may affect your academic performance. If you have a serious contagious disease you should tell us as soon as possible and not attend until you have been told that it is safe to return. For more information, see xxx.xxxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx/xxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx. 3.4 You must not smoke or use electronic cigarettes in BU’s buildings, at entrances to our buildings or within 5 metres of our buildings. You must not smoke in any vehicles owned or operated by or on behalf of BU. You also must not smoke or use electronic cigarettes in any public area that is substantially enclosed (including any areas covered by canopies and the bus shelters). 3.5 Please be aware of security at all times. If you become aware of an intruder at BU, or someone acting in a suspicious manner, at BU you should report the matter immediately either directly to our Estates Security staff, or via our emergency number (+00 (0)0000 00000 if calling from your mobile/external phone, 222 if calling from an internal BU phone). Security incidents (including theft etc.), should also be reported via our ‘Online Accident & Incident Reporting Tool (xxx.xxxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx/xxxxxxx/x...
Health, Safety and Security. 14.1 The Occupier shall; 14.1.1 abide by any fire regulations and/or safety regulations displayed in the Premises and shall not interfere with any fire equipment, misuse or tamper with fire alarms and shall not cover or deface any fire or safety notices; 14.1. evacuate the Premises immediately in the event of an alarm sounding and to co- operate at all times with University staff and emergency services;
Health, Safety and Security. 21.1. The Grant Recipient is responsible for all security arrangements in relation to this Agreement including the health, safety and security of any person employed or otherwise engaged as part of this Agreement, including those employed or engaged by any Downstream Partners. 21.2. The Grant cannot be used to fund any insurance premiums intended to cover medical expenses, injury or disablement, and death unless, by exception, explicitly agreed in writing with the Authority in advance.