Account Credentials and Security. 3.1. In the event that we accept you as our Client we shall open a Trading Account in your name which will allow you to place Orders on our Trading Platform. It is agreed and understood that the Company offers different types of Trading Accounts, which have different margin Requirements and characteristics. 3.2. In order to access the Trading Account, you will be asked to enter your Account Credentials issued by us to you which are confidential and shall be used solely by you.
Appears in 23 contracts
Samples: Client Agreement, Client Agreement, Client Agreement
Account Credentials and Security. 3.1. In the event that we accept you as our Client we shall open a Trading Account in your name which will allow you to place Orders on our Trading Platform. It is agreed and understood that the Company offers may offer different types of Trading Accounts, which may have different margin Requirements and characteristics. You may open up to five (5) Trading Accounts between all Trading Platforms owned by the Company and in all currencies.
3.2. In order to access the Trading Account, you will be asked to enter your Account Credentials issued by us to you which are confidential and shall be used solely by you.
Appears in 7 contracts
Samples: Client Agreement, Client Agreement, Client Agreement
Account Credentials and Security. 3.1. In the event that we accept you as our Client we shall open a Trading Account in your name which will allow you to place Orders on our Trading Platform. It is agreed and understood that the Company offers might, from time to time, offer different types of Trading Accounts, which have different margin Requirements and characteristics.
3.2. In order to access the Trading Account, you will be asked to enter your Account Credentials issued by us to you which are confidential and shall be used solely by you.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Client Agreement, Client Agreement
Account Credentials and Security. 3.1. In the event that we accept you as our Client we shall open a Trading Account in your name which will allow you to place Orders on our Trading Platform. It is agreed and understood that the Company offers different types of Trading Accounts, which have different margin Requirements and characteristics. Account Types can be found on our website at
3.2. In order to access the Trading Account, you will be asked to enter your Account Credentials issued by us to you which are confidential and shall be used solely by you.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Client Agreement, Client Agreement
Account Credentials and Security.
3.1. In the event that we accept you as our Client we shall open a Trading Account in your name which will allow you to place Orders on our Trading Platform. It is agreed and understood that the Company offers different types of Trading Accounts, which have different margin Requirements and characteristics.
3.2. In order to access the Trading Account, you will be asked to enter your Account Credentials issued by us to you which are confidential and shall be used solely by you.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Client Agreement