ACCOUNT RESTRICTIONS. In order to receive and maintain a Platinum Secure Mastercard Credit Card, You agree to give Us a specific pledge of shares which will equal Your credit limit. In the event that You default on Your Platinum Secure Mastercard Credit Card, We may apply these shares toward the repayment of any amount owed on Your Account. You may cancel Your Platinum Secure Mastercard Credit Card at any time by paying any amounts owed on Your Account. To be certain that Your entire balance and all advances on Your Account are paid, any shares pledged may not be available to You for 30 days after You have cancelled and any outstanding balance is paid in full. LINE OF CREDIT LIMITS. You will be notified of each specific Credit Limit for each Feature Category for which You are approved. Unless You are in default, any Credit Limits established for You will generally be self-replenishing as You make payments.
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Credit Line Account Agreement, Credit Line Account Agreement, Credit Line Account Agreement
ACCOUNT RESTRICTIONS. In order to receive and maintain a Share Secured VISA Platinum Secure Mastercard Credit Card, You agree to give Us a specific pledge of shares which will equal Your credit limitCredit Limit. In the event that You default on Your Platinum Secure Mastercard Credit CardAccount, We may apply these shares toward the repayment of any amount owed on Your AccountShare Secured VISA Platinum Credit Card. You may cancel Your Share Secured VISA Platinum Secure Mastercard Credit Card at any time by paying any amounts owed on Your Accountsuch Card. To be certain that Your entire balance and all advances on Your Account are paid, any shares pledged may not be available to You for 30 days after You have cancelled and any outstanding balance is paid in full. LINE OF CREDIT LIMITS. You will be notified of each specific Credit Limit for each Feature Category for which You are approved. Unless You are in default, any the Credit Limits established for You will generally be self-replenishing as You make payments.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Credit Card Account Agreement, Credit Card Account Agreement