ACE Limit. The Members agree that they will not harvest more Groundfish than their 21 Individual ACE and that they will not collectively harvest more Groundfish than the Sector ACE 22 for allocated species. Once a Member’s Individual ACE allocation is reached for any species, or 23 if the Sector ACE for any species is reached, such Member or Members shall not fish commercially 24 in that stock area with any fishing gear capable of catching Groundfish unless additional ACE for 25 that species is acquired. Consistent with Amendment 16 and Section 4.09, ACE transfers are 26 allowed within the MCCS and between the MCCS and other sectors, and carryover of up to 10 27 percent of the Sector ACE is permitted.
ACE Limit. The Members agree that they will not harvest more Groundfish than their Individual ACE and that they will not collectively harvest more Groundfish than the Sector ACE for allocated species. Once a Member’s Individual ACE allocation is reached for any species, or if the Sector ACE for any species is reached, such Member or Members shall not fish commercially in that stock area with any fishing gear capable of catching Groundfish unless additional ACE for that species is acquired. Consistent with Amendment 16 and Section 4.09, ACE transfers are allowed within the PCS and between the PCS and other sectors, and carryover of up to 10 percent of the Sector ACE is permitted.