ADDITIONAL CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITIES. 13 5.1 In addition to providing the services described in Paragraph 2.3 14 of this Exhibit A, CONTRACTOR agrees to: 15 5.1.1 Provide ADMINISTRATOR a detailed marketing plan for each 16 contracted service, and revise, if necessary, as requested by ADMINISTRATOR; 17 5.1.2 Actively engage the community including local residents, 18 faith-based groups, businesses, public and private organizations, civic 19 groups, and others in the planning and implementation of services that promote 20 the well-being, safety, and permanency of children, families and communities. 21 5.1.3 Demonstrate the ability, now and in the future, to 22 integrate multiple public, private, and collaborative partner funding sources. 23 5.2 CONTRACTOR shall develop and maintain a fiovernance Structure 24 document outlining resource sharing, accountability, decision-making 25 strategies, and a conflict resolution plan. The fiovernance Structure shall 26 include, but not be limited to, the addition and/or deletion of any partner 27 agency, change of designated fiscal agent, ongoing community input and 28 involvement, principles of collaboration, and voting quorum (including what 1 constitutes a quorum). 2 5.3 CONTRACTOR's FRC Coordinator shall participate in meetings, to be 3 held not more than once per month, of all FaCT FRC Program Coordinators for 4 the purpose of information sharing, joint problem solving, identification of 5 Best Practices, development of common approaches to case management and 6 intake, training, and other related matters. ADMINISTRATOR will provide 7 CONTRACTOR with detailed information regarding meeting date(s) and 8 location(s). 9 5.4 CONTRACTOR shall develop a Community Engagement Advisory Committee 10 (CEAC) that shall meet a minimum of quarterly during the term of this 11 Agreement. CEAC shall develop and advance a community agenda to affect 12 community level change. The FRC will maintain a roster and a copy of minutes 13 for all CEAC meetings. The composition of CONTRACTOR's CEAC shall vary, 14 depending on the specific goals of, and the services to be provided by the 15 FRC. CEAC shall consist of community members such as parents, youths, 16 teachers, school community liaisons, businesses professionals, religious 17 community leaders, law enforcement, human and health service professionals, 18 and city representatives. CEAC shall assess, survey, and identify community 19 strengths and needs to advocate for FRC services to meet community need on an 20 annual basis; develop parent and youth leadership; and engage business 21 community to provide tangible support and leadership. The FRC shall provide 22 staff and volunteer coordination to develop and support CEAC. 23 5.5 Appropriate CONTRACTOR staff shall participate in all required 24 training identified by ADMINISTRATOR, including, but not limited to, 25 management information system, FRC Program Coordinator's role in the FRC, and 26 other FRC responsibilities and activities. ADMINISTRATOR will provide 27 CONTRACTOR with detailed information regarding meeting date(s) and 28 location(s). 1 5.6 CONTRACTOR shall follow ADMINISTRATOR’s established procedures for 2 reporting any special incidents that occur during CONTRACTOR’s performance of 3 duties under this Agreement, involving CONTRACTOR’s staff, participants, 4 and/or property.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Services Agreement

AutoNDA by SimpleDocs

ADDITIONAL CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITIES. 13 7 5.1 In addition to providing the services described in Paragraph 2.3 14 4 of 8 this Exhibit A, CONTRACTOR agrees to: 15 9 5.1.1 Provide ADMINISTRATOR a detailed marketing plan for each 16 10 contracted service, and revise, if necessary, as requested by ADMINISTRATOR; 17 11 5.1.2 Actively engage the community including local residents, 18 12 faith-based groups, businesses, public and private organizations, civic 19 13 groups, and others in the planning and implementation of services that promote 20 14 the well-being, safety, and permanency of children, families and communities. 21 15 5.1.3 Demonstrate the ability, now and in the future, to 22 16 integrate multiple public, private, and collaborative partner funding sources. 23 17 5.2 CONTRACTOR shall develop and maintain a fiovernance Structure 24 18 document outlining resource sharing, accountability, decision-making 25 19 strategies, and a conflict resolution plan. The fiovernance Structure shall 26 20 include, but not be limited to, the addition and/or deletion of any partner 27 21 agency, change of designated fiscal agent, ongoing community input and 28 22 involvement, principles of collaboration, and voting quorum (including what 1 23 constitutes a quorum). 2 24 5.3 CONTRACTOR's FRC Coordinator shall participate in meetings, to be 3 25 held not more than once per month, of all FaCT FRC Program Coordinators for 4 26 the purpose of information sharing, joint problem solving, identification of 5 27 Best Practices, development of common approaches to case management and 6 28 intake, training, and other related matters. ADMINISTRATOR will provide 7 1 CONTRACTOR with detailed information regarding meeting date(s) and 8 location(s).and 9 3 5.4 CONTRACTOR shall develop a Community Engagement Advisory Committee 10 4 (CEAC) that shall meet minimally on a minimum of quarterly basis during the term of this 11 5 Agreement. CEAC shall develop and advance a community agenda to affect 12 6 community level change. The FRC will maintain a roster and a copy of minutes 13 7 for all CEAC meetings. The composition of CONTRACTOR's CEAC shall vary, 14 8 depending on the specific goals of, and the services to be provided by the 15 FRC. CEAC shall consist of community members such as parentsby, youths, 16 teachers, school community liaisons, businesses professionals, religious 17 community leaders, law enforcement, human and health service professionals, 18 and city representatives. CEAC shall assess, survey, and identify community 19 strengths and needs to advocate for FRC services to meet community need on an 20 annual basis; develop parent and youth leadership; and engage business 21 community to provide tangible support and leadership. The FRC shall provide 22 staff and volunteer coordination to develop and support CEAC. 23 5.5 Appropriate CONTRACTOR staff shall participate in all required 24 training identified by ADMINISTRATOR, including, but not limited to, 25 management information system, FRC Program Coordinator's role in the FRC, and 26 other FRC responsibilities and activities. ADMINISTRATOR will provide 27 CONTRACTOR with detailed information regarding meeting date(s) and 28 location(s). 1 5.6 CONTRACTOR shall follow ADMINISTRATOR’s established procedures for 2 reporting any special incidents that occur during CONTRACTOR’s performance of 3 duties under this Agreement, involving CONTRACTOR’s staff, participants, 4 and/or property.the

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Services Agreement

ADDITIONAL CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITIES. 13 5.1 2 In addition to providing the services described in Paragraph 2.3 14 5 of this Exhibit AExhibit, 3 CONTRACTOR agrees to: 15 5.1.1 : 4 Provide a minimum of three (3) non-FaCT funded onsite services throughout the 5 term of this Agreement. 6 Provide ADMINISTRATOR a bi-annual detailed marketing plan for each 16 7 contracted service, and revise, if necessary, as requested by ADMINISTRATOR; 17 5.1.2 . 8 Actively engage the community community, including local residents, 18 faith-based groups, 9 businesses, public and private organizations, civic 19 groups, and others in the planning and 10 implementation of services that promote 20 the well-being, safety, and permanency of children, families 11 families, and communities. 21 5.1.3 Demonstrate . 12 CONTRACTOR shall use EA funds to meet the abilitybasic needs of PARTICIPANTS‌ 13 in support of services as described herein. Allowable costs include emergency food, now emergency 14 clothing, diapers, medicine, bus tickets to access services, safety items, one-time rent payment 15 assistance, and one-time utility payment assistance. Other allowable costs are to be approved in 16 advance and in the future, to 22 integrate multiple public, private, writing by ADMINISTRATOR. All purchases from EA funds in excess of one 17 hundred ($100) dollars per PARTICIPANT must be requested in advance and collaborative partner funding sources. 23 5.2 in writing for 18 approval by ADMINISTRATOR. CONTRACTOR shall develop and maintain research available community resource 19 options prior to approving expenditures. 20 Develop a fiovernance Structure 24 document outlining resource sharing, accountability, decision-making 25 strategies, and a conflict resolution plan. The fiovernance Structure shall 26 include, but not be limited to, the addition and/or deletion of any partner 27 agency, change of designated fiscal agent, ongoing community input and 28 involvement, principles of collaboration, and voting quorum (including what 1 constitutes a quorum). 2 5.3 CONTRACTOR's FRC Coordinator shall participate in meetings, to be 3 held not more than once per month, of all FaCT FRC Program Coordinators for 4 the purpose of information sharing, joint problem solving, identification of 5 Best Practices, development of common approaches to case management and 6 intake, training, and other related matters. ADMINISTRATOR will provide 7 CONTRACTOR with detailed information regarding meeting date(s) and 8 location(s). 9 5.4 CONTRACTOR shall develop a Community Engagement Advisory Committee 10 (CEAC) CEAC that shall meet a minimum of quarterly during the term of this 11 21 Agreement. CEAC shall develop and advance a community agenda to affect 12 community level 22 change. The FRC will maintain a roster and a copy of minutes 13 for all CEAC meetings. The 23 composition of CONTRACTOR's CEAC shall vary, 14 depending on the specific goals of, and the 24 services to be provided by the 15 FRC. CEAC shall consist of community members members, such as parents, 25 youths, 16 teachers, school community liaisons, businesses professionals, religious 17 community 26 leaders, law enforcement, human and health service professionals, 18 and city representatives. On an 27 annual basis, CEAC shall assess, survey, and identify community 19 strengths and needs to advocate 28 for FRC services to meet community need on an 20 annual basisneed; develop parent and youth leadership; and engage business 21 community to provide tangible support and leadership. The FRC shall provide 22 staff and volunteer coordination to develop and support CEAC. 23 5.5 Appropriate CONTRACTOR staff shall participate in all required 24 training identified by ADMINISTRATOR, including, but not limited to, 25 management information system, FRC Program Coordinator's role in the FRC, and 26 other FRC responsibilities and activities. ADMINISTRATOR will provide 27 CONTRACTOR with detailed information regarding meeting date(s) and 28 location(s). 1 5.6 CONTRACTOR shall follow ADMINISTRATOR’s established procedures for 2 reporting any special incidents that occur during CONTRACTOR’s performance of 3 duties under this Agreement, involving CONTRACTOR’s staff, participants, 4 and/or property.engage

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Family Resource Center and Family Stabilization Services Agreement

ADDITIONAL CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITIES. FDA1420-A1 Page 15 of 28 03/20/202013 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 5.1 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 In addition to providing the services described in Paragraph 2.3 14 5 of this Exhibit AExhibit, CONTRACTOR agrees to: 15 5.1.1 : Provide a minimum of three (3) non-FaCT funded onsite services throughout the term of this Agreement. Provide ADMINISTRATOR a bi-annual detailed marketing plan for each 16 contracted service, and revise, if necessary, as requested by ADMINISTRATOR; 17 5.1.2 . Actively engage the community community, including local residents, 18 faith-based groups, businesses, public and private organizations, civic 19 groups, and others in the planning and implementation of services that promote 20 the well-being, safety, and permanency of children, families families, and communities. 21 5.1.3 Demonstrate the ability, now and in the future, to 22 integrate multiple public, private, and collaborative partner funding sources. 23 5.2 CONTRACTOR shall develop . Develop and maintain a fiovernance Governance Structure 24 document outlining resource sharing, accountability, decision-making 25 strategies, and a conflict resolution plan. The fiovernance Governance Structure shall 26 include, but not be limited to, the addition and/or deletion of any partner 27 agency, change of designated fiscal agentContractor Partner Agency and/or subcontractor(s), ongoing community input and 28 involvement, principles of collaboration, and voting quorum (including what 1 constitutes a quorum). 2 5.3 CONTRACTOR's . FRC Coordinator shall participate in meetings, review and submit governance structure to be 3 held not more than once per month, ADMINISTRATOR by August 1st of all FaCT FRC Program Coordinators for 4 the purpose of information sharing, joint problem solving, identification of 5 Best Practices, development of common approaches to case management and 6 intake, training, and other related matterseach subsequent COUNTY fiscal year. ADMINISTRATOR will provide 7 CONTRACTOR with detailed information regarding meeting date(s) and 8 location(s). 9 5.4 CONTRACTOR shall develop Develop a Community Engagement Advisory Committee 10 (CEAC) CEAC that shall meet a minimum of quarterly during the term of this 11 Agreement. CEAC shall develop and advance a community agenda to affect 12 community level change. The FRC will maintain a roster and a copy of minutes 13 for all CEAC meetings. The composition of CONTRACTOR's CEAC shall vary, 14 depending on the specific goals of, and the services to be provided by the 15 FRC. CEAC shall consist of community members such as parents, youths, 16 teachers, school community liaisons, businesses professionals, religious 17 community leaders, law enforcement, human and health service professionals, 18 and city representatives. On an annual basis, CEAC shall assess, survey, and identify community 19 strengths and needs to advocate for FRC services to meet community need on an 20 annual basisneed; develop parent and youth leadership; and engage business 21 community to provide tangible support and leadership. The CEAC shall enlist broad FDA1420-A1 Page 16 of 28 03/20/202013 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 community support and advocacy for the FRC by fundraising for the FRC and hosting events. A minimum of five hundred dollars ($500) shall be allocated to the CEAC within the FRC budget for the purposes of its members to use for planning events, and other activities as deemed necessary by the CEAC committee. FC shall provide 22 a qualified Community Engagement Coordinator staff and volunteer coordination to develop and support CEAC. 23 5.5 Appropriate CONTRACTOR staff shall participate as specified in all required 24 training identified Subparagraph 15.3 of this Exhibit. Follow procedures provided by ADMINISTRATOR, including, but not limited to, 25 management information system, FRC Program Coordinator's role in the FRC, and 26 other FRC responsibilities and activities. ADMINISTRATOR will provide 27 CONTRACTOR with detailed information regarding meeting date(s) and 28 location(s). 1 5.6 CONTRACTOR shall follow ADMINISTRATOR’s established procedures for 2 reporting any special incidents that occur during CONTRACTOR’s performance of 3 duties under this Agreement, involving CONTRACTOR’s staff, participantsPARTICIPANTS, 4 and/or property. 6.6.1 FC shall provide child care services at the FRC to children of parents attending FRC programs during FRC operating hours, continuously throughout the term of this Agreement, at dates and times convenient for PARTICIPANTS. Allowable costs include direct child care services and purchases of cleaning supplies, snacks directly related to child care services, activities, age appropriate toys, crafts, and games. Child care services shall be reimbursed based on actual hours worked. FC shall provide child care staff that are at least eighteen (18) years of age; possess a high school diploma or equivalent; have one (1) year of child care experience; possession of, or ability to obtain a valid Pediatric CPR and First Aid Certification prior to providing child care duties; and ability to deal with stressful situations.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement for the Provision of Family Resource Center Services

ADDITIONAL CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITIES. 13 24 5.1 In addition to providing the services described in Paragraph 2.3 14 25 of this Exhibit A, CONTRACTOR agrees to: 15 26 5.1.1 Provide ADMINISTRATOR a detailed marketing plan for each 16 27 contracted service, and revise, if necessary, as requested by ADMINISTRATOR; 17 28 5.1.2 Actively engage the community including local residents, 18 1 faith-based groups, businesses, public and private organizations, civic 19 2 groups, and others in the planning and implementation of services that promote 20 3 the well-being, safety, and permanency of children, families and communities. 21 4 5.1.3 Be community-based and maximize opportunities to provide 5 integrated, coordinated and easily accessible resources for families that 6 assure the successful linkage of program participants with needed services. 7 5.1.4 Affirm families’ cultural, ethnic, and linguistic 8 identities and enhance their ability to function in a multicultural society. 9 5.1.5 Be outcome driven and identify indicators that accurately 10 reflect progress towards stated goal(s). 11 5.1.6 Employ program strategies based on principles that have 12 been demonstrated to be effective with the target population to be served. 13 5.1.7 Identify and address family and child abuse issues in the 14 community with an emphasis on prevention, early intervention, and permanency. 15 5.1.8 Identify and address substance abuse problems, including 16 prevention and access to intervention strategies. 17 5.1.9 Demonstrate the ability, now and in the future, to 22 18 integrate multiple public, private, and collaborative partner funding sources. 23 19 5.2 CONTRACTOR shall develop and maintain a fiovernance Structure 24 20 document outlining resource sharing, accountability, decision-making 25 21 strategies, and a conflict resolution plan. The fiovernance Structure shall 26 22 include, but not be limited to, the addition and/or deletion of any partner 27 23 agency, change of designated fiscal agent, ongoing community input and 28 24 involvement, principles of collaboration, and voting quorum (including what 1 25 constitutes a quorum). 2 26 5.3 CONTRACTOR's FRC Coordinator shall participate in meetings, to be 3 27 held not more than once per month, of all FaCT FRC Program Coordinators for 4 28 the purpose of information sharing, joint problem solving, identification of 5 1 Best Practices, development of common approaches to case management and 6 2 intake, training, and other related matters. ADMINISTRATOR will provide 7 3 CONTRACTOR with detailed information regarding meeting date(s) and 8 location(s).and 9 5 5.4 CONTRACTOR shall develop a Community Engagement Advisory Committee 10 6 (CEAC) that shall meet a minimum of quarterly during the term of this 11 7 Agreement. CEAC shall develop and advance a community agenda to affect 12 8 community level change. The FRC will maintain a roster and a copy of minutes 13 9 for all CEAC meetings. The composition of CONTRACTOR's CEAC shall vary, 14 10 depending on the specific goals of, and the services to be provided by the 15 11 FRC. CEAC shall consist of community members such as parents, youths, 16 12 teachers, school community liaisons, businesses professionals, religious 17 13 community leaders, law enforcement, human and health service professionals, 18 14 and city representatives. CEAC shall assess, survey, and identify community 19 15 strengths and needs to advocate for FRC services to meet community need on an 20 16 annual basis; develop parent and youth leadership; and engage business 21 community to provide tangible support and leadership. The FRC shall provide 22 staff and volunteer coordination to develop and support CEAC. 23 5.5 Appropriate CONTRACTOR staff shall participate in all required 24 training identified by ADMINISTRATOR, including, but not limited to, 25 management information system, FRC Program Coordinator's role in the FRC, and 26 other FRC responsibilities and activities. ADMINISTRATOR will provide 27 CONTRACTOR with detailed information regarding meeting date(s) and 28 location(s). 1 5.6 CONTRACTOR shall follow ADMINISTRATOR’s established procedures for 2 reporting any special incidents that occur during CONTRACTOR’s performance of 3 duties under this Agreement, involving CONTRACTOR’s staff, participants, 4 and/or

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Service Agreement

ADDITIONAL CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITIES. 13 21 5.1 In addition to providing the services described in Paragraph 2.3 14 4 of 22 this Exhibit A, CONTRACTOR agrees to: 15 23 5.1.1 Provide ADMINISTRATOR a detailed marketing plan for each 16 24 contracted service, and revise, if necessary, as requested by ADMINISTRATOR; 17 25 5.1.2 Actively engage the community including local residents, 18 26 faith-based groups, businesses, public and private organizations, civic 19 27 groups, and others in the planning and implementation of services that promote 20 28 the well-being, safety, and permanency of children, families and communities. 21 1 5.1.3 Be community-based and maximize opportunities to provide 2 integrated, coordinated and easily accessible resources for families that 3 assure the successful linkage of program participants with needed services. 4 5.1.4 Affirm families’ cultural, ethnic, and linguistic 5 identities and enhance their ability to function in a multicultural society. 6 5.1.5 Be outcome driven and identify indicators that accurately 7 reflect progress towards stated goal(s). 8 5.1.6 Employ program strategies based on principles that have 9 been demonstrated to be effective with the target population to be served. 10 5.1.7 Identify and address family and child abuse issues in the 11 community with an emphasis on prevention, early intervention, and permanency. 12 5.1.8 Identify and address substance abuse problems, including 13 prevention and access to intervention strategies. 14 5.1.9 Demonstrate the ability, now and in the future, to 22 15 integrate multiple public, private, and collaborative partner funding sources. 23 16 5.2 CONTRACTOR shall develop and maintain a fiovernance Structure 24 17 document outlining resource sharing, accountability, decision-making 25 18 strategies, and a conflict resolution plan. The fiovernance Structure shall 26 19 include, but not be limited to, the addition and/or deletion of any partner 27 20 agency, change of designated fiscal agent, ongoing community input and 28 21 involvement, principles of collaboration, and voting quorum (including what 1 22 constitutes a quorum). 2 23 5.3 CONTRACTOR's FRC Coordinator shall participate in meetings, to be 3 24 held not more than once per month, of all FaCT FRC Program Coordinators for 4 25 the purpose of information sharing, joint problem solving, identification of 5 26 Best Practices, development of common approaches to case management and 6 27 intake, training, and other related matters. ADMINISTRATOR will provide 7 28 CONTRACTOR with detailed information regarding meeting date(s) and 8 1 location(s). 9 2 5.4 CONTRACTOR shall develop a Community Engagement Advisory Committee 10 (CEAC) that shall meet a minimum of quarterly during the term of this 11 Agreement. CEAC shall develop and advance a community agenda to affect 12 community level change. The FRC will maintain a roster and a copy of minutes 13 for all CEAC meetings. The composition of CONTRACTOR's CEAC shall vary, 14 depending on the specific goals of, and the services to be provided by the 15 FRC. CEAC shall consist of community members such as parents, youths, 16 teachers, school community liaisons, businesses professionals, religious 17 community leaders, law enforcement, human and health service professionals, 18 and city representatives. CEAC shall assess, survey, and identify community 19 strengths and needs to advocate for FRC services to meet community need on an 20 annual basis; develop parent and youth leadership; and engage business 21 community to provide tangible support and leadership. The FRC shall provide 22 staff and volunteer coordination to develop and support CEAC. 23 5.5 Appropriate CONTRACTOR staff shall participate in all required 24 training identified by ADMINISTRATOR, including, but not limited to, 25 management information system, FRC Program Coordinator's role in the FRC, and 26 other FRC responsibilities and activities. ADMINISTRATOR will provide 27 CONTRACTOR with detailed information regarding meeting date(s) and 28 location(s). 1 5.6 CONTRACTOR shall follow ADMINISTRATOR’s established procedures for 2 reporting any special incidents that occur during CONTRACTOR’s performance of 3 duties under this Agreement, involving CONTRACTOR’s staff, participants, 4 and/or property.Committee

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Services Agreement

ADDITIONAL CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITIES. 13 24 5.1 In addition to providing the services described in Paragraph 2.3 14 4 of 25 this Exhibit A, CONTRACTOR agrees to: 15 26 5.1.1 Provide ADMINISTRATOR a detailed marketing plan for each 16 27 contracted service, and revise, if necessary, as requested by ADMINISTRATOR; 17 28 5.1.2 Actively engage the community including local residents, 18 1 faith-based groups, businesses, public and private organizations, civic 19 2 groups, and others in the planning and implementation of services that promote 20 3 the well-being, safety, and permanency of children, families and communities. 21 4 5.1.3 Demonstrate the ability, now and in the future, to 22 5 integrate multiple public, private, and collaborative partner funding sources. 23 6 5.2 CONTRACTOR shall develop and maintain a fiovernance Structure 24 7 document outlining resource sharing, accountability, decision-making 25 8 strategies, and a conflict resolution plan. The fiovernance Structure shall 26 9 include, but not be limited to, the addition and/or deletion of any partner 27 10 agency, change of designated fiscal agent, ongoing community input and 28 11 involvement, principles of collaboration, and voting quorum (including what 1 12 constitutes a quorum). 2 13 5.3 CONTRACTOR's FRC Coordinator shall participate in meetings, to be 3 14 held not more than once per month, of all FaCT FRC Program Coordinators for 4 15 the purpose of information sharing, joint problem solving, identification of 5 16 Best Practices, development of common approaches to case management and 6 17 intake, training, and other related matters. ADMINISTRATOR will provide 7 18 CONTRACTOR with detailed information regarding meeting date(s) and 8 19 location(s). 9 20 5.4 CONTRACTOR shall develop a Community Engagement Advisory Committee 10 21 (CEAC) that shall meet a minimum of quarterly during the term of this 11 22 Agreement. CEAC shall develop and advance a community agenda to affect 12 23 community level change. The FRC will maintain a roster and a copy of minutes 13 24 for all CEAC meetings. The composition of CONTRACTOR's CEAC shall vary, 14 25 depending on the specific goals of, and the services to be provided by the 15 26 FRC. The CEAC shall consist of community members such as parents, youths, 16 27 teachers, school community liaisons, businesses professionals, religious 17 28 community leaders, law enforcement, human and health service professionals, 18 1 and city representatives. CEAC shall assess, survey, and identify community 19 2 strengths and needs to advocate for FRC services to meet community need on an 20 3 annual basis; develop parent and youth leadership; and engage business 21 community to provide tangible support and leadership. The FRC shall provide 22 staff and volunteer coordination to develop and support CEAC. 23 5.5 Appropriate CONTRACTOR staff shall participate in all required 24 training identified by ADMINISTRATOR, including, but not limited to, 25 management information system, FRC Program Coordinator's role in the FRC, and 26 other FRC responsibilities and activities. ADMINISTRATOR will provide 27 CONTRACTOR with detailed information regarding meeting date(s) and 28 location(s). 1 5.6 CONTRACTOR shall follow ADMINISTRATOR’s established procedures for 2 reporting any special incidents that occur during CONTRACTOR’s performance of 3 duties under this Agreement, involving CONTRACTOR’s staff, participants, 4 and/or

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement for the Provision of Services

AutoNDA by SimpleDocs

ADDITIONAL CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITIES. 13 26 5.1 In addition to providing the services described in Paragraph 2.3 14 27 of this Exhibit A, CONTRACTOR agrees to: 15 1 5.1.1 Provide ADMINISTRATOR a detailed marketing plan for each 16 2 contracted service, and revise, if necessary, as requested by ADMINISTRATOR; 17 3 5.1.2 Actively engage the community including local residents, 18 4 faith-based groups, businesses, public and private organizations, civic 19 5 groups, and others in the planning and implementation of services that promote 20 6 the well-being, safety, and permanency of children, families and communities. 21 7 5.1.3 Demonstrate the ability, now and in the future, to 22 8 integrate multiple public, private, and collaborative partner funding sources. 23 9 5.2 CONTRACTOR shall develop and maintain a fiovernance Structure 24 10 document outlining resource sharing, accountability, decision-making 25 11 strategies, and a conflict resolution plan. The fiovernance Structure shall 26 12 include, but not be limited to, the addition and/or deletion of any partner 27 13 agency, change of designated fiscal agent, ongoing community input and 28 14 involvement, principles of collaboration, and voting quorum (including what 1 15 constitutes a quorum). 2 16 5.3 CONTRACTOR's FRC Coordinator shall participate in meetings, to be 3 17 held not more than once per month, of all FaCT FRC Program Coordinators for 4 18 the purpose of information sharing, joint problem solving, identification of 5 19 Best Practices, development of common approaches to case management and 6 20 intake, training, and other related matters. ADMINISTRATOR will provide 7 21 CONTRACTOR with detailed information regarding meeting date(s) and 8 22 location(s). 9 23 5.4 CONTRACTOR shall develop a Community Engagement Advisory Committee 10 24 (CEAC) that shall meet a minimum of quarterly during the term of this 11 25 Agreement. CEAC shall develop and advance a community agenda to affect 12 26 community level change. The FRC will maintain a roster and a copy of minutes 13 27 for all CEAC meetings. The composition of CONTRACTOR's CEAC shall vary, 14 28 depending on the specific goals of, and the services to be provided by the 15 1 FRC. The CEAC shall consist of community members such as parents, youths, 16 2 teachers, school community liaisons, businesses professionals, religious 17 3 community leaders, law enforcement, human and health service professionals, 18 4 and city representatives. CEAC shall assess, survey, and identify community 19 5 strengths and needs to advocate for FRC services to meet community need on an 20 6 annual basis; develop parent and youth leadership; and engage business 21 community to provide tangible support and leadership. The FRC shall provide 22 staff and volunteer coordination to develop and support CEAC. 23 5.5 Appropriate CONTRACTOR staff shall participate in all required 24 training identified by ADMINISTRATOR, including, but not limited to, 25 management information system, FRC Program Coordinator's role in the FRC, and 26 other FRC responsibilities and activities. ADMINISTRATOR will provide 27 CONTRACTOR with detailed information regarding meeting date(s) and 28 location(s). 1 5.6 CONTRACTOR shall follow ADMINISTRATOR’s established procedures for 2 reporting any special incidents that occur during CONTRACTOR’s performance of 3 duties under this Agreement, involving CONTRACTOR’s staff, participants, 4 and/or

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Services Agreement

ADDITIONAL CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITIES. 13 23 5.1 In addition to providing the services described in Paragraph 2.3 14 3 of 24 this Exhibit A, CONTRACTOR agrees to: 15 25 5.1.1 Provide ADMINISTRATOR a detailed marketing plan for each 16 26 contracted service, and revise, if necessary, as requested by ADMINISTRATOR; 17 27 5.1.2 Actively engage the community including local residents, 18 28 faith-based groups, businesses, public and private organizations, civic 19 1 groups, and others in the planning and implementation of services that promote 20 2 the well-being, safety, and permanency of children, families and communities. 21 3 5.1.3 Be community-based and maximize opportunities to provide 4 integrated, coordinated and easily accessible resources for families that 5 assure the successful linkage of program participants with needed services. 6 5.1.4 Affirm families’ cultural, ethnic, and linguistic 7 identities and enhance their ability to function in a multicultural society. 8 5.1.5 Be outcome driven and identify indicators that accurately 9 reflect progress towards stated goal(s). 10 5.1.6 Employ program strategies based on principles that have 11 been demonstrated to be effective with the target population to be served. 12 5.1.7 Identify and address family and child abuse issues in the 13 community with an emphasis on prevention, early intervention, and permanency. 14 5.1.8 Identify and address substance abuse problems, including 15 prevention and access to intervention strategies. 16 5.1.9 Demonstrate the ability, now and in the future, to 22 17 integrate multiple public, private, and collaborative partner funding sources. 23 18 5.2 CONTRACTOR shall develop and maintain a fiovernance Structure 24 19 document outlining resource sharing, accountability, decision-making 25 20 strategies, and a conflict resolution plan. The fiovernance Structure shall 26 21 include, but not be limited to, the addition and/or deletion of any partner 27 22 agency, change of designated fiscal agent, ongoing community input and 28 23 involvement, principles of collaboration, and voting quorum (including what 1 24 constitutes a quorum). 2 25 5.3 CONTRACTOR's FRC Coordinator shall participate in meetings, to be 3 26 held not more than once per month, of all FaCT FRC Program Coordinators for 4 27 the purpose of information sharing, joint problem solving, identification of 5 28 Best Practices, development of common approaches to case management and 6 1 intake, training, and other related matters. ADMINISTRATOR will provide 7 2 CONTRACTOR with detailed information regarding meeting date(s) and 8 location(s).and 9 4 5.4 CONTRACTOR shall develop a Community Engagement Advisory Committee 10 5 (CEAC) that shall meet a minimum of quarterly during the term of this 11 6 Agreement. CEAC shall develop and advance a community agenda to affect 12 7 community level change. The FRC will maintain a roster and a copy of minutes 13 8 for all CEAC meetings. The composition of CONTRACTOR's CEAC shall vary, 14 9 depending on the specific goals of, and the services to be provided by the 15 10 FRC. The CEAC shall consist of community members such as parents, youths, 16 11 teachers, school community liaisons, businesses professionals, religious 17 12 community leaders, law enforcement, human and health service professionals, 18 13 and city representatives. CEAC shall assess, survey, and identify community 19 14 strengths and needs to advocate for FRC services to meet community need on an 20 15 annual basis; develop parent and youth leadership; and engage business 21 16 community to provide tangible support and leadership. The FRC shall provide 22 17 staff and volunteer coordination to develop and support CEAC. 23 18 5.5 Appropriate CONTRACTOR staff shall participate in all required 24 19 training identified by ADMINISTRATOR, including, but not limited to, 25 20 management information system, FRC Program Coordinator's role in the FRC, and 26 21 other FRC responsibilities and activities. ADMINISTRATOR will provide 27 22 CONTRACTOR with detailed information regarding meeting date(s) and 28 location(s).and 1 24 5.6 CONTRACTOR shall follow ADMINISTRATOR’s established procedures for 2 25 reporting any special incidents that occur during CONTRACTOR’s performance of 3 26 duties under this Agreement, involving CONTRACTOR’s staff, participants, 4 27 and/or property. 28 5.7 HO shall provide a minimum of four hundred sixteen (405) hours of 1 child care annually. City shall provide child care services at the FRC to 2 children of parents attending FRC programs Monday through Friday during FRC 3 operating hours, and on evenings and weekends as required by PARTICIPANTS, 4 continuously throughout the term of this Agreement. City shall provide a 5 qualified Child Care Activity Leader as specified in Subparagraph 11.3 of this

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement for the Provision of Services

ADDITIONAL CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITIES. 13 25 5.1 In addition to providing the services described in Paragraph 2.3 14 4 of 26 this Exhibit A, CONTRACTOR agrees to: 15 27 5.1.1 Provide ADMINISTRATOR a detailed marketing plan for each 16 28 contracted service, and revise, if necessary, as requested by ADMINISTRATOR; 17 1 5.1.2 Actively engage the community including local residents, 18 2 faith-based groups, businesses, public and private organizations, civic 19 3 groups, and others in the planning and implementation of services that promote 20 4 the well-being, safety, and permanency of children, families and communities. 21 5 5.1.3 Demonstrate the ability, now and in the future, to 22 6 integrate multiple public, private, and collaborative partner funding sources. 23 7 5.2 CONTRACTOR shall develop and maintain a fiovernance Structure 24 8 document outlining resource sharing, accountability, decision-making 25 9 strategies, and a conflict resolution plan. The fiovernance Structure shall 26 10 include, but not be limited to, the addition and/or deletion of any partner 27 11 agency, change of designated fiscal agent, ongoing community input and 28 12 involvement, principles of collaboration, and voting quorum (including what 1 13 constitutes a quorum). 2 14 5.3 CONTRACTOR's FRC Coordinator shall participate in meetings, to be 3 15 held not more than once per month, of all FaCT FRC Program Coordinators for 4 16 the purpose of information sharing, joint problem solving, identification of 5 17 Best Practices, development of common approaches to case management and 6 18 intake, training, and other related matters. ADMINISTRATOR will provide 7 19 CONTRACTOR with detailed information regarding meeting date(s) and 8 20 location(s). 9 21 5.4 CONTRACTOR shall develop a Community Engagement Advisory Committee 10 22 (CEAC) that shall meet a minimum of quarterly during the term of this 11 23 Agreement. CEAC shall develop and advance a community agenda to affect 12 24 community level change. The FRC will maintain a roster and a copy of minutes 13 25 for all CEAC meetings. The composition of CONTRACTOR's CEAC shall vary, 14 26 depending on the specific goals of, and the services to be provided by the 15 27 FRC. The CEAC shall consist of community members such as parents, youths, 16 28 teachers, school community liaisons, businesses professionals, religious 17 1 community leaders, law enforcement, human and health service professionals, 18 2 and city representatives. CEAC shall assess, survey, and identify community 19 3 strengths and needs to advocate for FRC services to meet community need on an 20 4 annual basis; develop parent and youth leadership; and engage business 21 5 community to provide tangible support and leadership. The FRC shall provide 22 6 staff and volunteer coordination to develop and support CEAC. 23 7 5.5 Appropriate CONTRACTOR staff shall participate in all required 24 8 training identified by ADMINISTRATOR, including, but not limited to, 25 9 management information system, FRC Program Coordinator's role in the FRC, and 26 10 other FRC responsibilities and activities. ADMINISTRATOR will provide 27 11 CONTRACTOR with detailed information regarding meeting date(s) and 28 12 location(s). 1 13 5.6 CONTRACTOR shall follow ADMINISTRATOR’s established procedures for 2 14 reporting any special incidents that occur during CONTRACTOR’s performance of 3 15 duties under this Agreement, involving CONTRACTOR’s staff, participants, 4 16 and/or property. 17 5.7 RF shall provide a minimum of three hundred (300) hours annually to 18 child care services at FRC location(s) to children of parents attending FRC 19 programs Monday through Friday during FRC operating hours, and on evenings and 20 weekends as required by participants, throughout the term of this Agreement. 21 RF shall provide qualified Child Care Activity Leader staff as specified in 22 Subparagraph 11.4 of this Exhibit.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement for the Provision of Services

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