CLOUD SERVICE The Cloud Service offering, is described below and is specified in an Order Document for the selected entitled offerings. The Order Document will consist of the Quotation that is provided and the Proof of Entitlement (XxX) you will receive confirming the start date and term of the Cloud Services and when invoicing will commence.
Product and Service Offerings The Products and services available under this Contract are set forth herein and specified in Appendices C and D which may be amended during the contract term to incorporate new Product or service offerings, price revisions or deleted items. This Contract is limited to sale, installation and maintenance of Product (see also 4.2 Service Offerings). Leasing is not permitted at this time. The Commissioner reserves the right to amend the Contract at any time to incorporate lease offerings. Offering updates should be submitted under the Contract as soon as possible after they are announced by Contractor in accordance with the terms of Appendix H. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS A. No drug use of any type, nor consumption of alcoholic beverages by the Contractor or its personnel shall be permitted on the premises. B. The Authorized User will not be liable for any expense incurred by the Contractor as a consequence of any traffic infraction or parking violations attributable to employees of the Contractor. C. It is the Contractor's responsibility to maintain the equipment and materials provided for the work consistent with applicable safety and health codes. D. The Office of General Services' interpretation of specifications shall be final and binding upon the Contractor. E. The Office of General Services will make no allowance or concession to the Contractor for any alleged misunderstanding or deception because of quantity, quality, character, location, or other conditions.
Software Updates XXXXX agrees to keep current with software licensed from Skyward and will install new versions on a timeline approved by XXXXX governance. This timeline will be communicated by NWRDC to the Districts.
Software Warranty We warrant that the Tyler Software will perform without Defects during the term of this Agreement. If the Tyler Software does not perform as warranted, we will use all reasonable efforts, consistent with industry standards, to cure the Defect in accordance with the maintenance and support process set forth in Section C(9), below, the SLA and our then current Support Call Process.