ASSET GROWTH Sample Clauses

ASSET GROWTH. Up to 20% of the Payment Amount may be reduced based on the gross book value of the Company's equity investments in real estate, investments in limited partnerships, and mortgages (the "ASSETS") as follows: At the Maturity Date, the Payment Amount shall be reduced by 20% if the Assets as of December 31, 2000 have a gross book value of $1 billion or more. If the Assets on such date have a gross book value of $800 million or less, there will be no reduction of Payment Amount under this Subsection 6.1. If the Assets on such date have a gross book value of between $800 million and $1 billion, the reduction shall be prorated on a scale between 0% and 20%. For example, if the Assets are $900 million at the Maturity Date, the reduction shall be 10% of the Payment Amount.
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  • Net Operating Income For any Real Estate and for a given period, an amount equal to the sum of (a) the rents, common area reimbursements, and service and other income for such Real Estate for such period received in the ordinary course of business from tenants or licensees in occupancy paying rent (excluding pre-paid rents and revenues and security deposits except to the extent applied in satisfaction of tenants’ or licensees’ obligations for rent and any non-recurring fees, charges or amounts including, without limitation, set-up fees and termination fees) minus (b) all expenses paid or accrued and related to the ownership, operation or maintenance of such Real Estate for such period, including, but not limited to, taxes, assessments and the like, insurance, utilities, payroll costs, maintenance, repair and landscaping expenses, marketing expenses, and general and administrative expenses (including an appropriate allocation for legal, accounting, advertising, marketing and other expenses incurred in connection with such Real Estate, but specifically excluding general overhead expenses of REIT and its Subsidiaries, any property management fees and non recurring charges), minus (c) the greater of (i) actual property management expenses of such Real Estate, or (ii) an amount equal to three percent (3.0%) of the gross revenues from such Real Estate excluding straight line leveling adjustments required under GAAP and amortization of intangibles pursuant to FAS 141R, minus (d) all rents, common area reimbursements and other income for such Real Estate received from tenants or licensees in default of payment or other material obligations under their lease, or with respect to leases as to which the tenant or licensee or any guarantor thereunder is subject to any bankruptcy, reorganization, arrangement, insolvency, readjustment of debt, dissolution, liquidation or similar debtor relief proceeding.

  • Operating Cash Flow As used in this Agreement, “Operating Cash Flow” shall mean and be defined, for any fiscal period, as all cash receipts of the Partnership from whatever source (but excluding Capital Cash Flow and excluding the proceeds of any Capital Contributions to the Partnership) during such period in question in excess of all items of Partnership expense (other than non-cash expenses such as depreciation) and other cash needs of the Partnership, including, without limitation, amounts paid by the Partnership as principal on debts and advances, during such period, capital expenditures and any reserves (as determined by the Managing General Partner) established or increased during such period. Operating Cash Flow shall be distributed to or for the benefit of the Partners of record as of the applicable record date not less frequently than quarterly, and shall be allocated among the Partners as follows:

  • EBITDA With respect to REIT and its Subsidiaries for any period (without duplication): (a) Net Income (or Loss) on a Consolidated basis, in accordance with GAAP, exclusive of the following (but only to the extent included in determination of such Net Income (Loss)): (i) depreciation and amortization expense; (ii) Interest Expense; (iii) income tax expense; (iv) Acquisition Closing Costs and extraordinary or non-recurring gains and losses (including, without limitation, gains and losses on the sale of assets) and income and expense allocated to minority owners; and (v) other non-cash items to the extent not actually paid as a cash expense; plus (b) such Person’s pro rata share of EBITDA of its Unconsolidated Affiliates as provided below. With respect to Unconsolidated Affiliates and Subsidiaries of Borrower that are not Wholly Owned Subsidiaries, EBITDA attributable to such entities shall be excluded but EBITDA shall include a Person’s Equity Percentage of Net Income (or Loss) from such Unconsolidated Affiliates or such Subsidiary of Borrower that is not a Wholly Owned Subsidiary plus its Equity Percentage of (i) depreciation and amortization expense; (ii) Interest Expense; (iii) income tax expense; (iv) Acquisition Closing Costs and extraordinary or non-recurring gains and losses (including, without limitation, gains and losses on the sale of assets) and income and expense allocated to minority owners; and (v) other non-cash items to the extent not actually paid as a cash expense.

  • Target Net Assets The Company agrees that the Target Business that it acquires must have a fair market value equal to at least 80% of the balance in the Trust Account at the time of signing the definitive agreement for the Business Combination with such Target Business (excluding taxes payable and the Deferred Underwriting Commissions). The fair market value of such business must be determined by the Board of Directors of the Company based upon standards generally accepted by the financial community, such as actual and potential sales, earnings, cash flow and book value. If the Board of Directors of the Company is not able to independently determine that the target business meets such fair market value requirement, the Company will obtain an opinion from an independent investment banking firm or another independent entity that commonly renders valuation opinions with respect to the satisfaction of such criteria. The Company is not required to obtain an opinion as to the fair market value if the Company’s Board of Directors independently determines that the Target Business does have sufficient fair market value.

  • Adjusted EBITDA The 2019 adjusted EBITDA for the Affiliated Club Sellers shall total an aggregate of not less than $10,700,000.

  • Net Working Capital At least three (3) business days prior to the Closing Date, Sellers shall deliver to Buyer a certificate (the “Estimated NWC Certificate”), including a consolidated balance sheet of the Company as of the Closing Date, prepared in accordance with the accounting principles, methods, practices, estimates, judgments and assumptions applied in the preparation of the Company’s financial statements, consistently applied (the “Accounting Principles”), which shall include (a) the Sellers’ good faith estimate (such estimate is referred to as the “Estimated Net Working Capital Amount”) of the “Net Working Capital Amount.” As used herein, “Net Working Capital Amount” means the Net Working Capital of the Company as of 11:59 p.m. EST on the day immediately preceding the Closing Date. “Net Working Capital” means the result of (i) all cash of the Company minus (ii) all current liabilities (excluding the Existing Indebtedness) of the Company, in each case determined in accordance with the Accounting Principles. The Purchase Price at Closing shall be increased by the Estimated Net Working Capital Amount. No later than ninety (90) days following the Closing Date, Buyer shall prepare and deliver to Sellers (i) a consolidated balance sheet of the Company dated at the Closing Date, which shall be prepared in accordance with the Accounting Principles and (ii) a reasonably detailed statement (the “Final NWC Certificate”) setting forth Buyer’s calculations of the Net Working Capital Amount. If Sellers have any objections to the Final NWC Certificate, Sellers shall deliver to Buyer a statement setting forth its objections thereto (an “Objections Statement”), provided that the only bases for objections shall be (i) non-compliance with the standards set forth above for preparation of the Final NWC Certificate, or as set forth in the definition of Net Working Capital, and (ii) mathematical errors. If an Objections Statement is not delivered to Buyer within thirty (30) days after delivery of the Final NWC Certificate, the Final NWC Certificate shall be final, binding and non-appealable by the parties hereto. Sellers and Buyer shall negotiate in good faith to resolve any objections set forth in the Objections Statement (and all such discussions related thereto shall, unless otherwise agreed by Buyer and Sellers, be governed by Rule 408 of the Federal Rules of Evidence (and any applicable similar state rule)), but if they do not reach a final resolution within thirty (30) days after the delivery of the Objections Statement, Sellers and Buyer may submit such dispute to one of the “Big Four” accounting firms other than Ernst & Young LLP or PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, or, in the event that any such auditor is unable to accept such appointment, to any other nationally recognized independent accounting firm mutually acceptable to Buyer and Sellers (the “Independent Auditor”). Each party shall be afforded an opportunity to present to the Independent Auditor material relating to the disputed issues and to discuss the determination with the Independent Auditor. The Independent Auditor shall act as an auditor and not as an arbitrator and shall resolve matters in dispute and adjust and establish any disputed adjustment of the Net Working Capital Amount to reflect such resolution, provided that the Independent Auditor shall not assign a value to any item or amount in dispute greater than the greatest value for such item or amount assigned by Sellers, on the one hand, or Buyer, on the other hand, or less than the smallest value for such item or amount assigned by Sellers, on the one hand, or Buyer, on the other hand. It is the intent of Buyer and Sellers that the process set forth in this Section 11(F) and the activities of the Independent Auditor in connection herewith are not intended to be and, in fact, are not arbitration and that no formal arbitration rules shall be followed (including rules with respect to procedures and discovery). Sellers and Buyer shall use their commercially reasonable efforts to cause the Independent Auditor to resolve all such disagreements as promptly as practicable. The resolution of the dispute by the Independent Auditor shall be final, binding and non-appealable on the parties hereto. The Final NWC Certificate shall be modified if necessary to reflect such determination. The fees and expenses of the Independent Auditor shall be allocated for payment by Buyer, on the one hand, and/or Sellers, on the other hand, based upon the percentage which the portion of the contested amount not awarded to each party bears to the amount actually contested by such party, as determined by the Independent Auditor. If the Net Working Capital Amount as finally determined pursuant to the dispute resolution procedures described above is greater than the Estimated Net Working Capital Amount shown on the Estimated NWC Certificate, then Buyer shall pay to Sellers cash equal to the amount by which the Net Working Capital Amount exceeds the Estimated Net Working Capital Amount. If the Net Working Capital Amount as finally determined pursuant to the dispute resolution procedures described above is less than the Estimated Net Working Capital Amount shown on the Estimated NWC Certificate, then Sellers shall pay to Buyer cash equal to the amount by which the Estimated Net Working Capital Amount exceeds the Net Working Capital Amount.

  • Targets On or before the date that is nine (9) months after the Amendment Date to Amendment No. 2 to this Agreement, LOXO shall designate six (6) Targets from Exhibit B for which research activities will be discontinued. Upon such designation, such discontinued Targets shall cease to be Targets under this Agreement, and Exhibit B shall be deemed to be updated accordingly. On or before the date that is eighteen (18) months after the Amendment Date to Amendment No. 2 to this Agreement, LOXO shall designate two (2) additional Targets from Exhibit B for which research activities will be discontinued; provided, however, that if on or before the date that is eighteen (18) months after the Amendment Date to Amendment No. 2 to this Agreement Loxo provides to Array written notice and a payment of [***] (the “Extension Payment”), Loxo will only be required to designate one (1) additional Target from Exhibit B for which research activities will be discontinued at the end of such eighteen (18) months. Upon such designation, such additional discontinued Target(s) shall cease to be Target(s) under this Agreement, and Exhibit B shall be deemed to be updated accordingly. If Loxo made the Extension Payment, then on or before the date that is [***] after the Amendment Date to Amendment No. 2 to this Agreement, Loxo shall designate one (1) additional Target from Exhibit B for which research activities will be discontinued unless Loxo provides to Array written notice and a payment of [***] (“Additive Payment”) in which case Loxo will not need to designate any more Targets from Exhibit B for discontinuation of research activities. Until such time as the eight (8) Targets (or seven (7) Targets if Loxo has made the Extension Payment and Additive Payment) have been designated for discontinuation, and notwithstanding Section 8.2.1 to the contrary, Loxo shall only have the right, at its discretion, to file provisional patent applications covering the applicable Active Compounds to the Targets from Exhibit B and will not convert such provisional patent applications to a non-provisional patent application or otherwise prosecute any non-provisional patent application covering such Active Compounds. During the Discovery Program Term, Loxo may determine in its sole discretion that research activities with respect to one (1) particular Target on Exhibit B should be discontinued [***] Certain confidential information contained in this document, marked by brackets, has been omitted and filed separately with the Securities and Exchange Commission pursuant to Rule 406 of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. (for example, and without limitation, such Target has not yielded sufficient progress, or scientific literature suggests the Target is intractable or is not therapeutically relevant or for safety issues) and replaced with a different target. Upon any such determination, Loxo shall provide written notice to Array of the one (1) Target that Loxo desires to remove from Exhibit B and will include in such notification a suggested substitute for such discontinued Target. After receipt of such notice, Array will promptly inform Loxo whether, as of the date of such written notice, the addition of such suggested substitute target would not (i) violate any agreement that Array has with a Third Party; (ii) add a target that is the subject of Array’s own active and ongoing research (with existing commitment and expenditure of resources for such target), was the subject of previous significant research at Array, or is the subject of drugs in Array’s clinical development pipeline or marketed product portfolio; or (iii) add a target with respect to which Array is engaged in active, ongoing substantial negotiations (i.e., has agreed a term sheet containing material business terms) with a Third Party. If neither (i), (ii) or (iii) apply to such suggested substitute target, then the discontinued Target shall cease to be a Target, the suggested substitute target shall be deemed a Target for the purposes of this Agreement, and Exhibit B shall be deemed to be updated accordingly. If a proposed target is not available for inclusion, then the fact that Loxo proposed such target or is otherwise interested in such target (or molecules directed to such target) shall be Loxo’s Confidential Information.

  • Target The Participant shall be paid the Target Award if the Ending Average Stock Price equals the Target Price.

  • Minimum Consolidated Adjusted EBITDA The Borrowers will maintain, as of the last day of each Fiscal Quarter commencing with the Fiscal Quarter ending December 31, 2009, Consolidated Adjusted EBITDA for the four Fiscal Quarters then ended of not less than $22,500,000.

  • Net Cash Flow The term “Net Cash Flow” shall mean all cash and cash equivalents from all sources on hand as of the last day of the measurement period prior to any distributions to the Partners, and after the payment of all then due expenses of operating and managing the Restaurants, and after payment of all debts and liabilities and after any prepayments of any debts and liabilities that the General Partner, in its reasonable and good faith discretion, elects to cause to be made, and after the establishment of any reserves reasonably deemed necessary by the General Partner for (i) the repayment of any due debts or liabilities, including debts owed to the General Partner; (ii) the working capital requirements; (iii) capital improvements and replacement of furniture, fixtures or equipment; and (iv) any contingent or unforeseen liabilities. In determining Net Cash Flow of each Restaurant there shall be deducted the Supervision Fee and the Accounting Fee as provided in Section 4.7, the Advertising Payment and the Insurance Payment as provided in Section 4.8, and the OSRS Charges as provided in Section 4.2.

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